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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Marketing Directed Research
The presented dissertation was developed within a partnership between Nova School of Business and Economics and the Portuguese retailer Sonae MC. The main objective of the study was to develop an analysis for the confectionary category to identify potential development opportunities for new Private Label products. In order to do so, the starting point was to understand how the confectionery market was behaving, followed by and understanding of Continente’s performance in that market. Aiming to point out development opportunities, the analysis was split between the subcategories – Chocolate, Chewing Gums and Sweets. The Subcategory performance was assessed in terms of sales, number of SKU’s, Private Label weight and it market position in terms of share. For the potential development opportunities a comparison between the top selling Branded Product and the competitors’ position was developed, in order to establish a reasonable size and retail price for such products. Key Word: Private Label, Branded Products, Continente, Sonae MC, Retail, SKU’s, Sales, Price, Market Share,
Purpose: This work project should be inevitably deemed as a practical approach to a marketing problem; “How to engage low category users through the social media – the case of the make-up sector in Portugal”. Design/methodology/approach: Online structured questionnaires and in-depth interviews were used. The questionnaire was answered by 110 women aged from 15 to 45 years old and the interviews were conducted with 14 women of the same age. The interviews provided key insights for the questionnaire formulation. Findings: Women are poorly informed on make-up properties and characteristics, feeling a genuine concern in regard to this subject. Lack of time, occasional usage and skin damage are the main barriers for make-up usage by low category users. Overcoming these aspects pass by demystifying the association of make-up with skin damage and emphasise the functional and emotional benefits of make-up. Further, brands need to create contents more consumer-oriented and ask directly to fans/followers suggestions and other insights. Resort to Portuguese “common” women for greater empathy in campaigns, promote online meetings between followers and make-up professionals on social media; and finally take advantage of the hybrid condition of Facebook, which incorporates multiple forms of content presentation, including videos, the most appealing format of make-up presentation for women. Research limitations/implications: Further studies addressing this topic, by using larger samples and study of specific make-up brands and campaign programs, over social media to reach a solid growth potential of make-up market evidences in Portugal. Originality/ value: Make-up brands are emphasising their interest in linking social media and marketing their promotional mix around social marketing.
Having registered negative retail value growth of 4% in Portugal in 2014, the juice category is set to decline further by 5,5% until 2019. Manufacturers of juices and nectars are therefore increasingly looking for new categories in order to balance this negative forecast in their home territory. One apparent growth opportunity for Compal, the leading producer of juices and nectars, is to expand its commercial reach to new occasions of consumption. This report carefully analyzes the opportunities related to an expansion to the main meal occasion and introduces a complete marketing and communications plan for a possible new main meal juice, Compal à Mesa. The product concept represents a rather premium positioning for the main meal occasion, including new flavor mixes that are targeted at different occasions of meals. The justification of the introduced concept includes a discussion of the primary and secondary research that was performed
Tese de doutoramento em Filosofia
In the past years, Software Architecture has attracted increased attention by academia and industry as the unifying concept to structure the design of complex systems. One particular research area deals with the possibility of reconfiguring architectures to adapt the systems they describe to new requirements. Reconfiguration amounts to adding and removing components and connections, and may have to occur without stopping the execution of the system being reconfigured. This work contributes to the formal description of such a process. Taking as a premise that a single formalism hardly ever satisfies all requirements in every situation, we present three approaches, each one with its own assumptions about the systems it can be applied to and with different advantages and disadvantages. Each approach is based on work of other researchers and has the aesthetic concern of changing as little as possible the original formalism, keeping its spirit. The first approach shows how a given reconfiguration can be specified in the same manner as the system it is applied to and in a way to be efficiently executed. The second approach explores the Chemical Abstract Machine, a formalism for rewriting multisets of terms, to describe architectures, computations, and reconfigurations in a uniform way. The last approach uses a UNITY-like parallel programming design language to describe computations, represents architectures by diagrams in the sense of Category Theory, and specifies reconfigurations by graph transformation rules.
Dissertation presented for the PhD Degree in Education Science – Curricular Theory and Science Teaching, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
The visual image is a fundamental component of epiphany, stressing its immediacy and vividness, corresponding to the enargeia of the traditional ekphrasis and also playing with cultural and social meanings. Morris Beja in his seminal book Epiphany in the Modern Novel, draws our attention to the distinction made by Joyce between the epiphany originated in a common object, in a discourse or gesture and the one arising in “a memorable phase of the mind itself”. This type materializes in the “dream-epiphany” and in the epiphany based in memory. On the other hand, Robert Langbaum in his study of the epiphanic mode, suggests that the category of “visionary epiphany” could account for the modern effect of an internally glowing vision like Blake’s “The Tyger”, which projects the vitality of a real tyger. The short story, whose length renders it a fitting genre for the use of different types of epiphany, has dealt with the impact of the visual image in this technique, to convey different effects and different aesthetic aims. This paper will present some examples of this occurrence in short stories of authors in whose work epiphany is a fundamental concept and literary technique: Walter Pater, Joseph Conrad, K. Mansfield, Clarice Lispector. Pater’s “imaginary portraits” concentrate on “priviledged moments” of the lives of the characters depicting their impressions through pictorial language; Conrad tries to show “moments of awakening” that can be remembered by the eye; Mansfield suggests that epiphany, the “glimpse”, should replace plot as an internal ordering principle of her impressionist short-stories; in C. Lispector the visualization of some situations is so aggressive that it causes nausea and a radical revelation on the protagonist’s.
RESUMO - O presente projecto enquadra-se no paradigma salutogénico e visa apurar alguns dos factores que determinam que algumas pessoas se apresentem mais saudáveis que a população em geral. Foi seleccionado um estudo, quantitativo, analítico tipo caso-controlo (1 caso para 3 controlos), em que os casos são constituídos por indivíduos integrando a Função Pública que se encontram acima do percentil 95 de assiduidade ao trabalho nos últimos dois anos e com uma auto-percepção de Saúde classificada como muito boa, os controlos são indivíduos que não obedecem à definição de caso. Os indivíduos serão emparelhados por idade, género, estado civil, carreira, categoria profissional e unidade funcional que integram. A assiduidade será calculada com recurso aos certificados de incapacidade temporária entregues nos respectivos serviços. Os factores a estudar são os mais citados na literatura como factores salutogénicos ou factores de protecção, são eles: - Sentido de Coerência de Antonowsky - Locus de controlo - Auto conceito -Auto Eficácia - Aptidão física nas três vertentes clássicas: Capacidade aeróbia, Composição corporal, Aptidão muscular. Todos estes factores serão estudados com recurso a questionários auto preenchidos devidamente testados e validados para o português de Portugal sendo a aptidão física apurada com recurso á bateria de testes "Fitness Gram" adoptada para Portugal pelo Instituto do Desporto de Portugal e pelo Ministério da Educação. Os resultados serão apurados com recurso ao software de análise epidemiológica EPIDAT. 3.1. ---------------- ABSTRACT - The present project follows the salutogénic paradigm and intends to identify some of the factors that determine why some people are healthier than the general population. It was selected a quantitative, analytic, case-control study type (1 case to 3 controls), in which the cases are constituted by individuals who are integrated in Public Services and find themselves above 95 percentile of assiduity in work in the last two years, and with a self-perception of Health classified as very good, the controls are individuals who don’t obey to the case definition. The individuals will be matched by age, gender, civil state, career, professional category and Functional Unity in the Health services. The assiduity will be calculated with the help of temporary incapacity certificates delivered in the respective services. The currently studying factors are the most cited in literature, like salutogenic factors or protection factors, are those: - Antonowsky’s Sense of Coherence - Locus Control - Self-concept - Self-Efficacy - The three classic strands of Physical Fitness: Aerobic Capacity, Corporal Composition, Muscular Fitness. All these factors will be studied with the resource of properly tested and validated self-filled questionnaires for Portugal Portuguese (language), with the Physical Fitness being determined with the resource of “Fitness Gram” test battery, adopted for Portugal by the Portuguese Sports Institute and the Education Ministry. The results will be determined with the resource of the epidemiologic analysis software EPIDAT. 3.1.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Estatística e Gestão de Informação pelo Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.