20 resultados para Anesthesia recovery period


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) is one of most agro-economically important fruit crops worldwide, with a special relevance in Portugal where over 300 varieties are used for wine production. Due to global warming, temperature stress is currently a serious issue affecting crop production especially in temperate climates. Mobile genetic elements such as retrotransposons have been shown to be involved in environmental stress induced genetic and epigenetic modifications. In this study, sequences related to Grapevine Retrotransposon 1 (Gret1) were utilized to determine heat induced genomic and transcriptomic modifications in Touriga Nacional, a traditional Portuguese grapevine variety. For this purpose, growing canes were treated to 42 oC for four hours and leaf genomic DNA and RNA was utilized for various techniques to observe possible genomic alterations and variation in transcription levels of coding and non-coding sequences between non-treated plants and treated plants immediately after heat stress (HS-0 h) or after a 24 hour recovery period (HS-24 h). Heat stress was found to induce a significant decrease in Gret1 related sequences in HS-24 h leaves, indicating an effect of heat stress on genomic structure. In order to identify putative heat induced DNA modifications, genome wide approaches such as Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism were utilized. This resulted in the identification of a polymorphic DNA fragment in HS-0 h and HS-24 h leaves whose sequence mapped to a genomic region flanking a house keeping gene (NADH) that is represented in multiple copies in the Vitis vinifera genome. Heat stress was also found to affect the transcript levels of various non-coding and gene coding sequences. Accordingly, quantitative real time PCR results established that Gret1 related sequences are up regulated immediately after heat stress whereas the level of transcript of genes involved in identification and repair of double strand breaks are significantly down regulated in HS-0 h plants. Taken together, the results of this work demonstrated heat stress affects both genomic integrity and transcription levels.


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Phosphorus (P) is becoming a scarce element due to the decreasing availability of primary sources. Therefore, recover P from secondary sources, e.g. waste streams, have become extremely important. Sewage sludge ash (SSA) is a reliable secondary source of P. The use of SSAs as a direct fertilizer has very restricted legislation due to the presence of inorganic contaminants. Furthermore, the P present in SSAs is not in a plant-available form. The electrodialytic (ED) process is one of the methods under development to recover P and simultaneously remove heavy metals. The present work aimed to optimize the P recovery through a 2 compartment electrodialytic cell. The research was divided in three independent phases. In the first phase, ED experiments were carried out for two SSAs from different seasons, varying the duration of the ED process (2, 4, 6 and 9 days). During the ED treatment the SSA was suspended in distilled water in the anolyte, which was separated from the catholyte by a cation exchange membrane. From both ashes 90% of P was successfully extracted after 6 days of treatment. Regarding the heavy metals removal, one of the SSAs had a better removal than the other. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that SSAs from different seasons can be submitted to ED process under the same parameters. In the second phase, the two SSAs were exposed to humidity and air prior to ED, in order to carbonate them. Although this procedure was not successful, ED experiments were carried out varying the duration of the treatment (2 and 6 days) and the period of air exposure that SSAs were submitted to (7, 14 and 30 days). After 6 days of treatment and 30 days of air exposure, 90% of phosphorus was successfully extracted from both ashes. No differences were identified between carbonated and non-carbonated SSAs. Thus, SSAs that were exposed to the air and humidity, e.g. SSAs stored for 30 days in an open deposit, can be treated under the same parameters as the SSAs directly collected from the incineration process. In the third phase, ED experiments were carried out during 6 days varying the stirring time (0, 1, 2 and 4 h/day) in order to investigate if energy can be saved on the stirring process. After 6 days of treatment and 4 h/day stirring, 80% and 90% of P was successfully extracted from SSA-A and SSA-B, respectively. This value is very similar to the one obtained for 6 days of treatment stirring 24 h/day.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química Pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecn


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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of Social and Human Science of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology


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RESUMO: O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a exposição crónica neonatal à hiperóxia mo-derada induz alterações funcionais e estruturais persistentes nas vias aéreas. Desenvolveu-se um modelo animal, no rato, a partir do qual se retiraram implicações para a compreensão das repercussões crónicas da hiperóxia neonatal sobre as vias aéreas de displasia broncopulmonar (DBP), em duas fases distintas: imediatamente após a exposi-ção neonatal a 50%O2 (grupo 50%O2) e após três semanas de recuperação em ar ambiente (grupo 50%O2+Ar).Compararam-se os resultados da resposta do músculo liso de traqueia (MLT) à esti-mulação in vitro com metacolina e salbutamol e avaliaram-se as alterações quantitativas da área de MLT, bem como as alterações qualitativas da estrutura da traqueia. Demonstrou-se que a exposição a 50% de oxigénio não tinha repercussões imediatas sobre a resposta in vitro do MLT à estimulação colinérgica, mas que induzia um aumento do relaxamento em resposta ao salbutamol. A contractilidade do MLT em resposta à estimula-ção com metacolina no grupo 50%O2+Ar foi significativamente superior à do grupo de con-trolo da mesma idade e também superior à observada no grupo 50%O2, enquanto que a resposta ao salbutamol se voltou a aproximar dos valores de controlo após a recuperação em normóxia. Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na área de MLT entre os grupos experimental e de controlo, o que se deve provavelmente ao número reduzido de amostras avaliadas e à variabilidade deste parâmetro no grupo de controlo; contudo, verifi-cou-se um aumento médio de 15% imediatamente após a exposição à hiperóxia que persis-tiu após o período de recuperação.As alterações qualitativas sobre a arquitectura da traqueia, avaliadas por microscopia óptica, revelaram no grupo 50%O2 aumentos da espessura da matriz extracelular e da den-sidade de mastócitos desgranulados na submucosa e adventícia vizinhas do MLT, sem outras alterações relativamente ao grupo de controlo com 15 dias. As alterações da matriz extrace-lular foram reversíveis após a recuperação em ar ambiente. A densidade de mastócitos per-maneceu superior à do grupo de controlo de 36 dias de idade, apresentando-se em maior contiguidade com o MLT relativamente ao grupo 50%O2. Em síntese, demonstrou-se que a hiperóxia neonatal crónica em níveis moderados in-duz alterações da resposta contráctil do MLT e da estrutura da traqueia que podem ter ex-pressão funcional após a exposição ter cessado. Assim, o contributo original do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um modelo animal que permite avaliar os mecanismos pelos quais a hiperóxia é capaz de induzir, isoladamente, alterações crónicas da contracti-lidade, do relaxamento do ML e da estrutura das vias aéreas que podem ser responsáveis pela HRB persistente em doentes sujeitos a oxigenioterapia neonatal.-------------ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to evaluate whether chronic neonatal exposure to hyperoxia in-duces persistent structural and functional airway changes. An animal model was developed, using neonatal rats, in order to understand the chronic effects of neonatal hyperoxia on the airways, in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in two distinct phases: immediately after neonatal exposure to 50%O2 (50%O2 group) and after three weeks of recovery at ambient air (50%O2+Ar group).The results from the tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) response to in vitro stimulation with metacholine and salbutamol were compared and quantitative changes in TSM area, as well as qualitative changes in tracheal structure were evaluated. It was demonstrated that while exposure to 50% oxygen had no immediate effects on in vitro TSM response to cholinergic stimulation, it induced an increase in relaxation as a result of salbutamol administration. TSM contractility as a result of methacholine administration in the 50%O2 + Ar group was significantly higher than that of the same-age control group, and also higher than the one observed in the 50%O2 group, whereas the response to salbutamol admini-stration was once again closer to the control values after recovery in normoxia. There were no statistically significant differences in the TSM area between the experi-mental and control groups, which is most likely due to the reduced number of samples evalu-ated and to the variability of this parameter in the control group. However, there was an aver-age increase of 15% immediately after exposure to hyperoxia, which persisted after the recov-ery period. Qualitative changes in tracheal architecture, evaluated by optic microscopy, revealed that the 50%O2 group suffered an increase in the thickness of the extracellular matrix and degranu-lated mast cell density in the submucosa and adventitia adjacent to the TSM, without further changes when compared with the control group at 15 days of age. The changes in extracellular matrix were reversible after recovery in ambient air. Mast cell density remained higher than that of the control group at 36 days of age, and more contiguous to TSM than the 50%O2 group. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that moderate levels of chronic neonatal hyperoxia in-duce changes in TSM contractile response and tracheal structure, which may be functionally ex-pressed after discontinuation of exposure. Therefore, the original contribution of the present work was the development of an animal model which allows the evaluation of the mechanisms through which hyperoxia alone can induce chronic changes in contractility and relaxation of SM and also in airway structure that can be responsible for the persistent airway hyperrespon-siveness found in patients who were submited to neonatal oxygen therapy.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, perfil Engenharia Sanitária


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RESUMO: Enquadramento teórico - Os estudos epidemiológicos demonstram que apesar de todo o progresso científico, muitas pessoas continuam sem acesso aos Serviços de Saúde Mental (SSM) e que, em muitos casos, os cuidados não têm a qualidade suficiente. A experiência de vários países mostra que os processos de implementação de modelos de intervenção terapêutica, como é o da Gestão de Cuidados, são lentos e complexos, não dependendo somente do grau de efectividade ou da complexidade das práticas a implementar. O Modelo de Gestão de Cuidados (MGC), é definido como uma prática baseada na evidência, utilizada para ajudar os doentes nos seus processos de recuperação. As estratégias para implementar práticas baseadas na evidência são críticas para a melhoria dos serviços. Existem, apesar de toda a evidência, muitas barreiras à implementação. Ao constatarmos que as práticas validadas pela ciência estão longe de estar claramente disseminadas nos serviços de saúde mental, fundamentamos a necessidade de utilizar metodologia de implementação que, além da efectividade das práticas, permita uma efectividade da implementação. Para responder às necessidades de formação e no âmbito da implementação do Plano Nacional de Saúde Mental, foram formados, em Portugal, 170 profissionais de saúde mental provenientes de serviços públicos e do sector social, de todas as regiões de Portugal Continental. Considerando que estes profissionais adquiriram competências específicas no MGC, através de um programa de formação nacional idêntico para todos os serviços de saúde mental, investigámos o grau de implementação deste modelo, bem como os facilitadores e as barreiras à sua correcta implementação. Existem vários estudos internacionais sobre as barreiras e os facilitadores à implementação de práticas baseadas na evidência, embora a maior parte desses estudos seja baseado em entrevistas semi-estruturadas a profissionais. Por outro lado, não existem, em Portugal, estudos sobre as barreiras e os facilitadores à implementação de práticas de saúde mental. Objectivos 1. Estimar o grau da implementação do MGC nos serviços de saúde mental portugueses 2. Caracterizar as regiões onde a implementação do MGC tenha ocorrido em maior grau. 3. Identificar os factores facilitadores e as barreiras à implementação do MGC, entre as regiõesde saúde do país. 4. Explorar as relações entre a fidelidade da implementação, as barreiras e os facilitadores da implementação, a cultura organizacional e as características dos serviços de saúde mental. Metodologia Estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo, com características exploratórias. População: profissionais dos serviços de saúde mental públicos e do sector social que frequentaram o Programa Nacional de Formação em Saúde Mental Comunitária no curso “Cuidados Integrados e Recuperação”, da Coordenação Nacional para a Saúde Mental / Ministério da Saúde, entre Outubro de 2008 e Dezembro de 2009, (n=71). Avaliação Fidelidade de implementação do Modelo de Gestão de Cuidados - IMR-S (Illness Management and Recovery Scale); Qualidade das guidelines utilizadas na implementação do Modelo de Gestão de Cuidados - AGREE II-PT (Appraisal of Guidelines, for Research and Evaluation); Avaliação das Barreiras e Facilitadores à implementação do MGC - BaFAI (Barriers and Facilitators Assessment Instrument); Avaliação da Cultura Organizacional dos serviços de saúde mental - CVF-I (Competing Values Framework Instrument). Análise Estatística Para a descrição dos dados foram aplicados métodos de estatística descritiva. Para a comparação de subgrupos foram utilizados os testes de Mann Whitney e Kruskall-Wallis. Para a investigação de associações foram utilizados os métodos de correlação de Spearman e a Regressão Múltipla. O tratamento e análise dos dados foram realizados utilizando o programa estatístico IBM SPSS Statistics® para Mac/Apple® nas versões 19 e 20. Resultados Serviços: A articulação com os cuidados de saúde primários existe na maioria dos serviços (56.34%) e 77.46% dos serviços têm autonomia para definir os cuidados a prestar. A maioria dos serviços (63.38%) realiza duas ou mais reuniões clínicas por mês e a quase totalidade (95.77%) recebe estagiários e/ou internos. A área da investigação tem níveis considerados baixos, quando comparados com outros países da Europa, tanto para a globalidade das áreas de investigação (25.35%), como para as áreas psicossociais (22.54%). Considerando componentes fundamentais para a implementação de modelos de gestão de cuidados, os resultados nacionais indicam que 66.20% dos serviços fazem registos em processo clínico único. As percentagens de utilização de planos individuais de cuidados são globalmente baixas (46.48%). Por seu turno, a utilização de guidelines, nos serviços do país, tem uma percentagem média nacional de 57.75%. Profissionais: São, na sua maioria, do sexo feminino (69.01%), com idades entre os 25 e os 56 anos (média 38.9, ± 7.41). Pertencem, maioritariamente, aos grupos profissionais da enfermagem (23.94%) e da psicologia (49.30%). A formação dos profissionais é de nível superior em todos os grupos, com uma percentagem total de licenciados de 80.3%, tendo os restantes uma formação ao nível do mestrado. Apesar dos valores baixos (17%) de formação prévia em modelos de gestão de cuidados, 39% dos profissionais indicou utilizar algumas vertentes destes modelos na sua prática. Apesar de 97,18% dos profissionais ter participado em dois ou mais encontros científicos, num período de dois anos, apenas 38.03% apresentou alguma comunicação científica no mesmo intervalo. Guideline: Os resultados da avaliação da guideline do MGC indicaram percentagens mais altas, quanto à qualidade do seu desenvolvimento, nos Domínios 1 (Objectivo e finalidade, com 72.2%) e 4 (Clareza de Apresentação, 77.7%). O Domínio 5 (Aplicabilidade) foi pontuado no limite inferior do desenvolvimento com qualidade suficiente (54.1%), ao passo que a guideline obteve uma pontuação negativa nos Domínios 2 (Envolvimento das partes interessadas, com 41.6%) e 3 (Rigor do Desenvolvimento, com 28.1%). Adicionalmente não foi possível às avaliadoras cotar o Domínio 6 (Independência editorial), por ausência de referências neste contexto. A guideline teve uma avaliação global positiva (66%), com recomendação de aceitação com modificações. Cultura Organizacional: O perfil de liderança com maior frequência nos serviços de saúde mental portugueses foi o de Mentor (45.61%). As percentagens mais baixas pertenceram aos perfis Monitor e Inovador (3.51%). Na perspectiva da cultura organizacional dos serviços, apontuação mais alta foi a da Cultura das Relações Humanas (74.07%). A estratégia de liderança, com predomínio em todas as regiões, foi a estratégia de Flexibilidade (66.10%). Os resultados mostram que a única associação positivamente significativa com o grau da implementação do MGC é a do perfil Produtor, com um peso específico de 14.55% na prevalência dos perfis de liderança nos serviços de saúde mental portugueses. Barreiras: As barreiras à implementação da prática do MGC, identificadas pelos profissionais dos serviços de saúde mental, com percentagens mais altas nos totais do país, foram: o tempo (57.7%), o conhecimento sobre o modelo e a motivação (40.8%), a colaboração dos outros profissionais (33.7%), o número de contactos reduzidos com os doentes (35.2%), as insuficiências do ponto de vista dos espaços (70.4%) e dos instrumentos disponíveis (69%) para implementar o MGC. Existiu uma variação entre as regiões de saúde do país. Os resultados mostram que houve uma correlação negativa, de forma significativa, entre a implementação do MGC e as barreiras: da resistência à utilização de protocolos, do formato da prática, da necessidade de mais treino e da não cooperação dos profissionais. Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as barreiras à implementação e as características dos serviços, dos profissionais e da cultura organizacional. Implementação: A média nacional da fidelidade de implementação do MGC (41.48) teve valores aproximados aos de estudos similares. Na pontuação por regiões, a implementação com maior fidelidade ocorreu no Alentejo. Se considerarmos a implementação com fidelidade esta ocorreu em 57.75% dos serviços e uma boa implementação em 15.49%. Os métodos de regressão permitiram confirmar a capacidade preditiva das barreiras e da cultura organizacional quanto à fidelidade da implementação do MGC. Discussão: No universo das hipóteses inicialmente colocadas foi possível verificar a variação da implementação do MGC entre as regiões do país. O estudo permitiu, adicionalmente, concluir pela existência de denominadores comuns de maior sucesso da implementação do MGC. Foi ainda possível verificar uma relação significativa, existente entre o grau de implementação e as dimensões das barreiras, a cultura organizacional e os recursos dos SSM (aqui definidos pelas características dos serviços e dos profissionais). De uma forma mais conclusiva podemos afirmar que existem outros factores, que não estão relacionados com a avaliação restrita dos recursos financeiros ou humanos, associados à qualidade da implementação de práticas baseadas na evidência, como o MGC. Exemplo disso são os achados referentes à região de saúde do Alentejo, onde a distância dos grandes centros urbanos e as conhecidas dificuldades de acessibilidade, combinadas com os problemas conhecidos da falta de recursos, não impediram que fosse a região com os valores mais altos da fidelidade de implementação. Conclusões: Foram encontradas inúmeras barreiras à implementação do MGC. Existem barreiras diferentes entre regiões, que resultam das características dos serviços, dos profissionais e da cultura organizacional. Para existir implementação é necessária a consideração de metodologias próprias que vão para além dos tradicionais programas de formação. As práticas baseadas na evidência, amplamente defendidas, exigem implementações baseadas na evidência.-------------ABSTRACT: Introduction - Several epidemiological studies show that, despite all scientific progress, many people still continue to have no access to mental health services and in many situations the quality of care is poor. The experiences of several countries show that progress towards case management implementation is slow and complex, depending not only from the degree of effectiveness or the complexity of the practice. Case management is defined as an evidence-based practice used to help patients in the recovery process. Strategies to implement evidence-based practices are critical to services improvement. There are many barriers to their implementation, despite all available evidence. Realising that practices of proved scientific value are far from being clearly implemented, justifies the need to use implementation methodologies that, beyond practice effectiveness, allow implementation effectiveness. To answer training needs and in the framework of the National Mental Health Plan implementation, 170 mental health (MH) professionals from portuguese public and private sectors were trained. Considering that case management skills were acquired, as a result of this training programme, we decided to study the degree of implementation in the services.Barriers and facilitators to the implementation were studied as well. There are several studies related with barriers and facilitators to the implementation of evidence-based practices, but most of them use semi-structured interviews with professionals. Additionally, there are no studies in Portugal related with barriers and facilitators to the implementation of mental health practices. Objectives1. Estimate the degree of case management implementation in Portuguese MH Services. 2.Describe regions where implementation occurred with higher fidelity degree. 3. Identify barriers and facilitators to case management implementation across country regions. 4. Explore the relationships between implementation, barriers and facilitators, organisational culture and services characteristics. Methodology - Cross sectional, descriptive study. Assessments - Implementation fidelity - IMR-S (Illness Management and Recovery Scale); Guideline quality - AGREE II-PT (Appraisal of Guidelines, for Research and Evaluation); Barriers and facilitators assessment - BaFAI (Barriers and Facilitators Assessment Instrument); Organisational culture assessment - CVF-I (Competing Values Framework Instrument). Statistical analysis - Descriptives and cross-tabs. Subgroups comparison: Mann-Witney and Kruskall-Wallis. Associations between variables were calculated using Spearman correlation's and Multiple Regression. Results - Services: Liaison with primary care is done in most services (56.34%) and 77.46% have autonomy to determine care. Most services have regular clinical meetings and almost all give internship training (95.77%). Research activity is low compared with other European countries, for both general and psychosocial research. Considering key components for the case management implementation, 66.20% of all services use single clinical records. The use of individual care plans is globally low (46.48%) and there is a use of guidelines in 57.75% of services. Human Resources: most are women (69.01%), with age ranging from 25-56 (average 39.9, SD 7.41). The majority are psychologists (49.30%) and nurses (23.94%). All have a university degree, 19.7% have a masters degree and 83% didn’t have any case management training before the above mentioned national training. Despite the low levels of preceding case management training, 39% have used model components in day-to-day practice and although 97.18% of the workforce have attended scientific meetings in the last 2 years, only 38.03% presented communications in the same period. Guideline: Results show that higher scores were obtained in Domain 1. Scope and Purpose (72.2.%),and Domain 4. Clarity of presentation (77.7%). Domain 5. pplicability scored near low boundary (54.1%) and negative scores were found in Domain 2. Stakeholder Involvement (41.6%) and Domain 3. Rigour of Development (28.1%). Global score was 66% and the guideline was recommended with modifications. Organisational Culture: The most frequent leadership profile was the Mentor profile (45.61%). Lower scores belonged to Innovator and Monitor profiles (3.51%). On the organisational culture overall, higher scores were found in the Human Relations culture (74.07%). The higher leadership strategy was the strategy of flexibility (66.10%). The results additionally showed that the only leadership profile associated with case management implementation was the Producer profile, representing 14.55% of all leadership profiles in the country.Barriers: The barriers identified by MH professionals, with high percentages, were: lack of time (57.7%), knowledge and motivation (40.8%), other colleagues cooperation (33.7%), low number of contacts with patients (35.2%), lack of facilities (70.4%) and lack of instruments (69%) to implement case management, varying across regions. Results show that there was a negative correlation between implementation and the following barriers: using protocols, practice format, need for more training and lack of cooperation from colleagues. Additionally, statistical differences were found between barriers to implementation and: services characteristics, workforce characteristics, organisational culture. Implementation: The national average results of case management implementation fidelity was (41.48), close to values found in similar studies. In the regional scores South Region Alentejo had the highest implementation score. If we look at minimum scores to assume implementation fidelity, these occurred in 57.75% of services and a good implementation occurred in 15.49% of these. Regression methods allowed to confirm that implementation score prediction was possible using the combination of barriers and organisational culture scores. Discussion - Considering the initial study hypotheses, it was possible to confirm the variation of case management implementation across country regions. Additionally, we could conclude that common denominators exist when successful implementation occurred. It was possible to observe a significant relationship between implementation degree and the dimensions of barriers, organisational culture and services resources (defined as professionals and services characteristics). In a more conclusive way, we can say that there are factors, other than financial and human resources, that are associated with evidence based practices implementation like case management. An example is the Alentejo region, were the distance from urban centres, and the known difficulties associated with accessibility, plus the lack of financial and human resources, have not impeded the regional higher score on implementation. Conclusions: Case management implementation had several barriers to implementation. There are different barriers across country regions, resulting from organisational culture, services and professionals characteristics. To reach implementation it is necessary to consider specific methodologies that go beyond traditional training programs and evident practices, widely promoted. Evidence-based practices require evidence-based implementations.


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This project aims to delineate recovery strategies for a Portuguese Bank, as a way to increase its preparedness towards unexpected disruptive events, thus avoiding an operational crisis escalation. For this purpose, Business Continuity material was studied, a risk assessment performed, a business impact analysis executed and new strategic framework for selecting strategies adopted. In the end, a set of recovery strategies were chosen that better represented the Bank’s appetite for risk, and recommendations given for future improvements.


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This paper uses the framework developed by Vrugt (2010) to extract the recovery rate and term-structure of risk-neutral default probabilities implied in the cross-section of Portuguese sovereign bonds outstanding between March and August 2011. During this period the expectations on the recovery rate remain firmly anchored around 50 percent while the instantaneous default probability increases steadily from 6 to above 30 percent. These parameters are then used to calculate the fair-value of a 5-year and 10- year CDS contract. A credit-risk-neutral strategy is developed from the difference between the market price of a CDS of the same tenors and the fair-value calculated, yielding a sharpe ratio of 3.2


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Natural disasters are events that cause general and widespread destruction of the built environment and are becoming increasingly recurrent. They are a product of vulnerability and community exposure to natural hazards, generating a multitude of social, economic and cultural issues of which the loss of housing and the subsequent need for shelter is one of its major consequences. Nowadays, numerous factors contribute to increased vulnerability and exposure to natural disasters such as climate change with its impacts felt across the globe and which is currently seen as a worldwide threat to the built environment. The abandonment of disaster-affected areas can also push populations to regions where natural hazards are felt more severely. Although several actors in the post-disaster scenario provide for shelter needs and recovery programs, housing is often inadequate and unable to resist the effects of future natural hazards. Resilient housing is commonly not addressed due to the urgency in sheltering affected populations. However, by neglecting risks of exposure in construction, houses become vulnerable and are likely to be damaged or destroyed in future natural hazard events. That being said it becomes fundamental to include resilience criteria, when it comes to housing, which in turn will allow new houses to better withstand the passage of time and natural disasters, in the safest way possible. This master thesis is intended to provide guiding principles to take towards housing recovery after natural disasters, particularly in the form of flood resilient construction, considering floods are responsible for the largest number of natural disasters. To this purpose, the main structures that house affected populations were identified and analyzed in depth. After assessing the risks and damages that flood events can cause in housing, a methodology was proposed for flood resilient housing models, in which there were identified key criteria that housing should meet. The same methodology is based in the US Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements and recommendations in accordance to specific flood zones. Finally, a case study in Maldives – one of the most vulnerable countries to sea level rise resulting from climate change – has been analyzed in light of housing recovery in a post-disaster induced scenario. This analysis was carried out by using the proposed methodology with the intent of assessing the resilience of the newly built housing to floods in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.


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Strong consolidation is one of the most evident developments of banking markets around the world in recent decades. This change is raising questions on how and to what an extent competition is affected by the expansion of the largest banks. The aim of the present study is to measure the degree of competition in the Portuguese commercial banking market in the long-run, during the period ranging from1960 to 2013, by using the non-structural model developed by Panzar and Rosse. The main findings are that the Portuguese banking system, despite the legal restrictions in place, operated mostly in a market with some degree of competition and, at some points in time, presented some interesting competitive features. More recently, it has evolved into functioning as a cartel.


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The 2001-2012 period has been one of very low growth for Portugal. This work project tries to find reasons for this slowdown. Growth in real GDP will be explained by several variables ranging from education, capital, government and world markets. Compensation of employees, capital per worker and the exports of competitors seem to explain a significant part of the slowdown. The ratio of non-tradables to tradables is also included but not significant, maybe due to a poor sample size. Stagnation then seems to be caused both by low growth in input accumulation and productivity as predicted by Amador and Coimbra in 2007.


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In order to address and resolve the wastewater contamination problem of the Sines refinery with the main objective of optimizing the quality of this stream and reducing the costs charged to the refinery, a dynamic mass balance was developed nd implemented for ammonia and polar oil and grease (O&G) contamination in the wastewater circuit. The inadequate routing of sour gas from the sour water stripping unit and the kerosene caustic washing unit, were identified respectively as the major source of ammonia and polar substances present in the industrial wastewater effluent. For the O&G content, a predictive model was developed for the kerosene caustic washing unit, following the Projection to Latent Structures (PLS) approach. Comparison between analytical data for ammonia and polar O&G concentrations in refinery wastewater originating from the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) effluent and the model predictions of the dynamic mass balance calculations are in a very good agreement and highlights the dominant impact of the identified streams for the wastewater contamination levels. The ammonia contamination problem was solved by rerouting the sour gas through an existing clogged line with ammonia salts due to a non-insulated line section, while for the O&G a dynamic mass balance was implemented as an online tool, which allows for prevision of possible contamination situations and taking the required preventive actions, and can also serve as a basis for establishing relationships between the O&G contamination in the refinery wastewater with the properties of the refined crude oils and the process operating conditions. The PLS model developed could be of great asset in both optimizing the existing and designing new refinery wastewater treatment units or reuse schemes. In order to find a possible treatment solution for the spent caustic problem, an on-site pilot plant experiments for NaOH recovery from the refinery kerosene caustic washing unit effluent using an alkaline-resistant nanofiltration (NF) polymeric membrane were performed in order to evaluate its applicability for treating these highly alkaline and contaminated streams. For a constant operating pressure and temperature and adequate operating conditions, 99.9% of oil and grease rejection and 97.7% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) rejection were observed. No noticeable membrane fouling or flux decrease were registered until a volume concentration factor of 3. These results allow for NF permeate reuse instead of fresh caustic and for significant reduction of the wastewater contamination, which can result in savings of 1.5 M€ per year at the current prices for the largest Portuguese oil refinery. The capital investments needed for implementation of the required NF membrane system are less than 10% of those associated with the traditional wet air oxidation solution of the spent caustic problem. The operating costs are very similar, but can be less than half if reusing the NF concentrate in refinery pH control applications. The payback period was estimated to be 1.1 years. Overall, the pilot plant experimental results obtained and the process economic evaluation data indicate a very competitive solution through the proposed NF treatment process, which represents a highly promising alternative to conventional and existing spent caustic treatment units.