93 resultados para acidentes domésticos


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A dirofilariose é ainda hoje uma doença pouco conhecida da população em geral, mas com grande importância Médico-Veterinária e para os proprietários de canídeos domésticos de zonas endémicas. Doença que apresenta um carácter vectorial e zoonótico é causada pelos nemátodes do gênero Dirofilaria spp., e que têm como hospedeiros definitivos preferenciais os canídeos domésticos. A nível europeu a incidência desta doença tem vindo a aumentar, em especial os casos de doença provocados por Dirofilaria repens. Em Portugal, os conhecimentos epidemiológicos que temos desta parasitose resultam de um conjunto de estudos que esporadicamente têm sido realizados. Contudo, ainda existem algumas lacunas na informação existente sobre a situação actual da dirofilariose animal e humana no nosso país. O presente trabalho procurou actualizar a prevalência da doença canina na região centro de Portugal, tendo para isso sido efectuado um estudo epidemiológico, tendo-se recolhido amostras sanguíneas de 308 canideos domésticos que se encontravam alojados em canis municipais e privados. Após a análise das amostras, recorrendo a testes parasitológicos e imunológicos, foi possível detectar uma prevalência global 15,3% para Dirofilaria immitis. Apesar do crescente aumento europeu dos casos de dirofilariose por D. repens na Europa, este estudo tal como os que o antecederam aindam não conseguiu detectar este agente etiológico em Portugal. No presente trabalho, foi também usada uma abordagem molecular, o que permitiu detectar, pela primeira em Portugal, e em cães por D. immitis, a bactéria endossimbionte Wolbachia pipientis, importante na patologia de certas filárias.


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The present report has the goal of enunciating and exposing some of the main judicial subjects that were developed during the period of internship, coming forth in the form of answers to questions properly reformulated as not to injure the confidentiality of data available while in the process of making said report, they deal with different branches of the law, although with a special focus on the field of Insurance Law. It being an academic piece, it was of the utmost importance to focus more sharply on a specific theme, in casu, medical-civil responsibility, causing the interest in this matter due to the curricular internship and a case law research on the subject. The last chapter of this paper focuses mainly on the problematic of seizure by insurance intermediary’s commissions, credits from occupational accidents and illnesses and Retirement and Education Savings Plans (PPR/Es), this being one problematic with which I dealt directly in the early stages of the internship.


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In the mid-twentieth century, Portugal took the first big step towards social awareness of the Safety and Health at Work. Still later, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization were responsible for setting global guidelines that clarified the States for the way forward in inguito of safeguarding the common interests of workers, businesses and the state. All workers should be covered by the rules governing matters relating to Safety, imperative requirements established in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. These also include those soldiers from National Guard who, in contemporary social conjecture face in their everyday life situations worthy of heightened risk aquidade. Ensure the identification of risk factors to which they are exposed, is, first, a big boost in the way of preserving the safety of these employees, who daily selflessly and under the most adverse working conditions fulfill the mission of the Guarda Nacional Republicana. Adverse weather conditions, and violence at work are two examples of risk factors to which the military Guard are daily exposed, and hence arise many days of absence from the workplace. The purpose of this study is to identify the main risk factors to which the military from GNR are exposed during dismounted patrols, and also provide solutions on ways to mitigate and manage the risks presented. The cognitive distance traveled, throughout this study led us to demonstrate that it has been done by the GNR chain of Command, a huge effort to ensure through various forms (including emphasize the new Regulation of Uniforms), the resolution of the main factors that may jeopardize the integrity of the patrolmen, betting this Institution in the protection of the military that compose it, and the prevention of accidents at work through training and systematic monitoring that superiors expend with its employees.