69 resultados para FTIR-spektrometria
Calcium carbonate biomineralization is a self-assembly process that has been studied to be applied in the biomedical field to encapsulate biomolecules. Advantages of engineering mineral capsules include improved drug loading efficiencies and protection against external environment. However, common production methods result in heterogeneous capsules and subject biomolecules to heat and vibration which cause irreversible damage. To overcome these issues, a microfluidic device was designed, manufactured and tested in terms of selectivity for water and oil to produce a W/O/W emulsion. During the development of this work there was one critical challenge: the selective functionalization in closed microfluidic channels. Wet chemical oxidation of PDMS with 1M NaOH, confirmed by FTIR, followed by adsorption of polyelectrolytes - PDADMAC/PSS - confirmed by UV-Vis and AFM results, render the surface of PDMS hydrophilic. UV-Vis spectroscopy also confirmed that this modification did not affect PDMS optical properties, making possible to monitor fluids and droplets. More important, with this approach PDMS remains hydrophilic over time. However, due to equipment constrains selectivity in microchannels was not achieved. Therefore, emulsion studies took place with conventional methods. Several systems were tried, with promising results achieved with CaCO3 in-situ precipitation, without the use of polymers or magnesium. This mineral stabilizes oil droplets in water, but not in air due to incomplete capsule formation.
O presente trabalho, desenvolvido nas instalações da FISIPE, teve como objectivo a caracterização de fibra oxidada (FOX),actualmente em desenvolvimento, com vista ao controlo de processo e de qualidade, e centrou-se em quatro parâmetros: i. Densidade; ii. Índice de Aromaticidade; iii. Índice de Oxigénio Limitante; iv. Grupos funcionais. No estudo da densidade realizou-se: a. Consolidação do método actualmente usado na empresa, observando-se uma redução da incerteza para metade (±0,005 gcm-3). b. Análise de diferentes amostras de FOX que apresentaram valores entre 1,348-1,387 gcm-3, que atendendo à incerteza do método, se encontram dentro dos valores de referência (1,35-1,39 gcm-3). c. Previsão de densidades ao longo da etapa de estabilização oxidativa. Confirmou-se ser apenas possível pela expressão apresentada numa das fontes consultada. Para o Índice de Aromaticidade (AI) efectuou-se: a. Estudo de quatro métodos de integração de curvas de DSC para determinação do calor de combustão que permite determinar o AI. Verificou-se que o mais indicado seria o uso da temperatura de on-set como limite inferior à linha de base de integração. b. Análise de diferentes amostras de FOX, observando-se valores de AI entre os 66% e 81%. Na determinação do Índice de Oxigénio Limitante, parâmetro exclusivo de qualidade, analisaram-se amostras de cabo pela adaptação da norma ASTM D 2863-06a. Obtiveram-se valores acima dos 40%O2 para a fibra oxidada. Para a verificação dos grupos funcionais realizou-se: a. Análise de FTIR, confirmando-se o desaparecimento de grupos nitrilo em função do tempo de oxidação, e a formação de bandas conjugadas e sobrepostas, indicando a presença de estruturas ciclizadas e aromatizadas. b. Proposta de um mecanismo reaccional para a reacção de oxidação de uma determinada fibra precursora. Com o intuito de minimizar o tempo de caracterização das FOX, procurou-se ainda encontrar uma correlação entre a densidade e o Índice de Aromaticidade, tanto ao longo da etapa de oxidação, como da fibra oxidada final. Conclui-se que não é possível estabelecer uma relação matemática para as amostras analisadas.
Do presente trabalho resultou a submissão de um artigo, com o título UV Curing Adhesives for Conservation of Glass- Chemical and Mechanical Stability, para comunicação oral em conferência internacional intitulada Recent Advances in Glass and Ceramics Conservation, a ocorrer em Wroclaw, Polónia, de 25 a 29 de Maio de 2016, no âmbito do ICOM-CC Glass and Ceramics Working Group Interim Meeting.
This work reports the development of field-effect transistors (FETs), whose channel is based on zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles (NPs). Using screen-printing as the primary deposition technique, different inks were developed, where the semiconducting ink is based on a ZnO NPs dispersion in ethyl cellulose (EC). These inks were used to print electrolyte-gated transistors (EGTs) in a staggered-top gate structure on glass substrates, using a lithium-based polymeric electrolyte. In another approach, FETs with a staggered-bottom gate structure on paper were developed using a sol-gel method to functionalize the paper’s surface with ZnO NPs, using zinc acetate dihydrate (ZnC4H6O4·2H2O) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as precursors. In this case, the paper itself was used as dielectric. The various layers of the two devices were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetric analyses (TG-DSC). Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used in order to evaluate the electric double-layer (EDL) formation, in the case of the EGTs. The ZnO NPs EGTs present electrical modulation for annealing temperatures equal or superior to 300 ºC and in terms of electrical properties they showed On/Off ratios in the order of 103, saturation mobilities (μSat) of 1.49x10-1 cm2(Vs)-1 and transconductance (gm) of 10-5 S. On the other hand, the ZnO NPs FETs on paper exhibited On/Off ratios in the order of 102, μSat of 4.83x10- 3 cm2(Vs)-1and gm around 10-8 S.
Based on samples cross-sections from the Main Altarpiece of the Coimbra Old Cathedral, where a blue coating performed in 1685 is observed (that was partly covered with a Prussian blue-containing overpaint), the raw materials present in this coating were reproduced and studied. Blue areas were painted with smalt in oil, according to the contract signed by Manoel da Costa Pereira in 1684 and the analysis by Le Gac in 2009. Based on these, three batches of cobalt-based glasses (S1, S2 and S3) were heated and melted in alumina crucibles in the kiln. S1 contained 6.03 % of cobalt oxide, S2 contained 2.10 %, with the addition of 1.49 % of magnesium oxide, and S3 contained 6.82 % of cobalt oxide, with the addition of 4.63% of antimony trioxide. These batches were ground mechanically with water and manually with different vehicles stated in recipes. The results were studied by means of OM, SEM-EDS, X-Ray CT, Colorimetry and Vickers HT. Different binders were also produced and analyzed by means of μ-FTIR, in order to perform their characterization and obtain Standard Spectra. Since anhydrite was identified in the ground layers, gypsum from Óbidos was also characterized by XRD. The main goal of this thesis was to study all the raw materials present in the 1685-blue coating, in order to allow the historically accurate reconstruction of the layers build-up in the next future.
This work will discuss the use of different paper membranes as both the substrate and dielectric for field-effect memory transistors. Three different nanofibrillated cellulose membranes (NFC) were used as the dielectric layer of the memory transistors (NFC), one with no additives, one with an added polymer PAE and one with added HCl. Gallium indium zinc oxide (GIZO) was used as the device’s semiconductor and gallium aluminium zinc oxide (GAZO) was used as the gate electrode. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to access the water content of the paper membranes before and after vacuum. It was found that the devices recovered their water too quickly for a difference to be noticeable in FTIR. The transistor’s electrical performance tests yielded a maximum ION/IOFF ratio of around 3,52x105 and a maximum subthreshold swing of 0,804 V/decade. The retention time of the dielectric charge that grants the transistor its memory capabilities was accessed by the measurement of the drain current periodically during 144 days. During this period the mean drain current did not lower, leaving the retention time of the device indeterminate. These results were compared with similar devices revealing these devices to be at the top tier of the state-of-the-art.
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro. Especialização em documentos gráficos
The work presented in this thesis explores novel routes for the processing of bio-based polymers, developing a sustainable approach based on the use of alternative solvents such as supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2), ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DES). The feasibility to produce polymeric foams via supercritical fluid (SCF) foaming, combined with these solvents was assessed, in order to replace conventional foaming techniques that use toxic and harmful solvents. A polymer processing methodology is presented, based on SCF foaming and using scCO2 as a foaming agent. The SCF foaming of different starch based polymeric blends was performed, namely starch/poly(lactic acid) (SPLA) and starch/poly(ε-caprolactone) (SPCL). The foaming process is based on the fact that CO2 molecules can dissolve in the polymer, changing their mechanical properties and after suitable depressurization, are able to create a foamed (porous) material. In these polymer blends, CO2 presents limited solubility and in order to enhance the foaming effect, two different imidazolium based ILs (IBILs) were combined with this process, by doping the blends with IL. The use of ILs proved useful and improved the foaming effect in these starch-based polymer blends. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) proved the existence of interactions between the polymer blend SPLA and ILs, which in turn diminish the forces that hold the polymeric structure. This is directly related with the ability of ILs to dissolve more CO2. This is also clear from the sorption experiments results, where the obtained apparent sorption coefficients in presence of IL are higher compared to the ones of the blend SPLA without IL. The doping of SPCL with ILs was also performed. The foaming of the blend was achieved and resulted in porous materials with conductivity values close to the ones of pure ILs. This can open doors to applications as self-supported conductive materials. A different type of solvents were also used in the previously presented processing method. If different applications of the bio-based polymers are envisaged, replacing ILs must be considered, especially due to the poor sustainability of some ILs and the fact that there is not a well-established toxicity profile. In this work natural DES – NADES – were the solvents of choice. They present some advantages relatively to ILs since they are easy to produce, cheaper, biodegradable and often biocompatible, mainly due to the fact that they are composed of primary metabolites such as sugars, carboxylic acids and amino-acids. NADES were prepared and their physicochemical properties were assessed, namely the thermal behavior, conductivity, density, viscosity and polarity. With this study, it became clear that these properties can vary with the composition of NADES, as well as with their initial water content. The use of NADES in the SCF foaming of SPCL, acting as foaming agent, was also performed and proved successful. The SPCL structure obtained after SCF foaming presented enhanced characteristics (such as porosity) when compared with the ones obtained using ILs as foaming enhancers. DES constituted by therapeutic compounds (THEDES) were also prepared. The combination of choline chloride-mandelic acid, and menthol-ibuprofen, resulted in THEDES with thermal behavior very distinct from the one of their components. The foaming of SPCL with THEDES was successful, and the impregnation of THEDES in SPCL matrices via SCF foaming was successful, and a controlled release system was obtained in the case of menthol-ibuprofen THEDES.
Nos últimos anos, têm sido efectuados muitos estudos acerca do impacto ambiental dos Líquidos Iónicos (LIs). Estes estudos provaram que apesar das suas características únicas e vantagens claras sobre os solventes orgânicos comuns, numa vasta gama de aplicações e processos, que os LIs por vezes não são totalmente verdes. Com o objectivo de superar algumas das limitações dos LIs em termos de sustentabilidade e estado físico, surgem recentemente os Solventes Eutécticos Profundos (SEs) que têm sido alvo de grande pesquisa científica. O objectivo deste trabalho é estudar os SEs e as suas propriedades termofísicas em soluções aquosas, como condutividade, densidade e viscosidade, com diferentes teores de água. Para esse efeito foi utilizado o cloreto de colina que é um líquido iónico benigno, que será utilizado como aceitador de pontes de hidrogénio, combinado com os vários dadores de pontes de hidrogénio, como o ácido glicólico, o ácido glutárico, o ácido levulínico, o ácido malónico e o ácido oxálico. O principal objectivo deste trabalho baseia-se no estudo do efeito da água na estabilidade dos SEs, quando estes estão presentes em soluções aquosas. No final, foi ainda realizada uma caracterização destes SEs por espectroscopia FTIR, de forma a garantir que ocorreram as pontes de hidrogénio entre o aceitador de pontes de hidrogénio, cloreto de colina e os dadores de pontes de hidrogénio, diversos ácidos carboxílicos.