83 resultados para consumer learning
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology, Neuroscience
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Estatística e Gestão do Risco
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Sistemas de e-‐Learning
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Sistemas de E‐learning
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Sistema de E-learning
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar
Esta investigação tem como tema de estudo os ambientes pessoais de aprendizagem que se podem desenvolver em e-learning. Estes ambientes com características singulares, face ao atual estado de desenvolvimento tecnológico e social, têm sido designados na doutrina científica pela expressão anglo-saxónica Personal Learning Environments, da qual derivam os acrónimos PLE ou PLEs. Este estudo tem, como objetivo, compreender o papel dos PLEs na aprendizagem dos alunos da parte letiva do Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de e-Learning, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, nos biénios que decorreram de 2010-2011 a 2012-2013. Estes alunos, ao longo da sua aprendizagem, utilizaram várias ferramentas e/ou serviços associados com as TIC e Web 2.0. Esta utilização permitiu aos alunos criarem um ecossistema de aprendizagem próprio. A metodologia de investigação utilizada teve em consideração sobretudo aspetos qualitativos. A estratégia utilizada para a recolha de informações foi o inquérito por questionário. As informações recolhidas foram sujeitas a tratamento estatístico descritivo, e posterior triangulação dos resultados de algumas das variáveis.Dos resultados obtidos, é possível concluir que os alunos do Mestrado criaram os seus próprios PLEs e que estes facilitaram as suas aprendizagens. Que a sua utilização conferiu vantagens aos alunos. Que os PLEs foram fundamentais para poderem desenvolver atividades colaborativas, e que criaram um ecossistema próprio, uma rede de troca de conhecimentos.
This study investigates the way of learning the English language in Portugal. First-year students of the faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of New University of Lisbon were selected as participants in the case study. As data collection tools a questionnaire and focus-groups were used. 115 students completed the designed questionnaire and after that 12 students were selected for the more detailed focus-group discussions. Results of the research show that most part of the students´ English knowledge is received from outside the classroom by means of movies, songs, computer games, the Internet, communication with friends and other sources. Also, the results show that motivation is very important in language learning process and motivated students acquire the language faster and easier.
The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in diverse professional and personal contexts calls for new knowledge, and a set of abilities, competences and attitudes, for an active and participative citizenship. In this context it is acknowledged that universities have an important role innovating in the educational use of digital media to promote an inclusive digital literacy. The educational potential of digital technologies and resources has been recognized by both researchers and practitioners. Multiple pedagogical models and research approaches have already contributed to put in evidence the importance of adapting instructional and learning practices and processes to concrete contexts and educational goals. Still, academic and scientific communities believe further investments in ICT research is needed in higher education. This study focuses on educational models that may contribute to support digital technology uses, where these can have cognitive and educational relevance when compared to analogical technologies. A teaching and learning model, centered in the active role of the students in the exploration, production, presentation and discussion of interactive multimedia materials, was developed and applied using the internet and exploring emergent semantic hypermedia formats. The research approach focused on the definition of design principles for developing class activities that were applied in three different iterations in undergraduate courses from two institutions, namely the University of Texas at Austin, USA and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. The analysis of this study made possible to evaluate the potential and efficacy of the model proposed and the authoring tool chosen in the support of metacognitive skills and attitudes related to information structuring and management, storytelling and communication, using computers and the internet.
The computational power is increasing day by day. Despite that, there are some tasks that are still difficult or even impossible for a computer to perform. For example, while identifying a facial expression is easy for a human, for a computer it is an area in development. To tackle this and similar issues, crowdsourcing has grown as a way to use human computation in a large scale. Crowdsourcing is a novel approach to collect labels in a fast and cheap manner, by sourcing the labels from the crowds. However, these labels lack reliability since annotators are not guaranteed to have any expertise in the field. This fact has led to a new research area where we must create or adapt annotation models to handle these weaklylabeled data. Current techniques explore the annotators’ expertise and the task difficulty as variables that influences labels’ correction. Other specific aspects are also considered by noisy-labels analysis techniques. The main contribution of this thesis is the process to collect reliable crowdsourcing labels for a facial expressions dataset. This process consists in two steps: first, we design our crowdsourcing tasks to collect annotators labels; next, we infer the true label from the collected labels by applying state-of-art crowdsourcing algorithms. At the same time, a facial expression dataset is created, containing 40.000 images and respective labels. At the end, we publish the resulting dataset.
Currently, it is widely perceived among the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching professionals, that motivation is a central factor for success in language learning. This work aims to examine and raise teachers’ awareness about the role of assessment and feedback in the process of language teaching and learning at polytechnic school in Benguela to develop and/or enhance their students’ motivation for learning. Hence the paper defines and discusses the key terms and, the techniques and strategies for an effective feedback provision in the context under study. It also collects data through the use of interview and questionnaire methods, and suggests the assessment and feedback types to be implemented at polytechnic school in Benguela
Special issue of Anthropology in Action originated from the Working Images Conference, a joint meeting of TAN and VAN EASA networks