41 resultados para bridge topologies


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In this thesis a piezoelectric energy harvesting system, responsible for regulating the power output of a piezoelectric transducer subjected to ambient vibration, is designed to power an RF receiver with a 6 mW power consump-tion. The electrical characterisation of the chosen piezoelectric transducer is the starting point of the design, which subsequently presents a full-bridge cross-coupled rectifier that rectifies the AC output of the transducer and a low-dropout regulator responsible for delivering a constant voltage system output of 0.6 V, with low voltage ripple, which represents the receiver’s required sup-ply voltage. The circuit is designed using CMOS 130 nm UMC technology, and the system presents an inductorless architecture, with reduced area and cost. The electrical simulations run for the complete circuit lead to the conclusion that the proposed piezoelectric energy harvesting system is a plausible solution to power the RF receiver, provided that the chosen transducer is subjected to moderate levels of vibration.


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Nowadays, authentication studies for paintings require a multidisciplinary approach, based on the contribution of visual features analysis but also on characterizations of materials and techniques. Moreover, it is important that the assessment of the authorship of a painting is supported by technical studies of a selected number of original artworks that cover the entire career of an artist. This dissertation is concerned about the work of modernist painter Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso. It is divided in three parts. In the first part, we propose a tool based on image processing that combines information obtained by brushstroke and materials analysis. The resulting tool provides qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the authorship of the paintings; the quantitative element is particularly relevant, as it could be crucial in solving authorship controversies, such as judicial disputes. The brushstroke analysis was performed by combining two algorithms for feature detection, namely Gabor filter and Scale Invariant Feature Transform. Thanks to this combination (and to the use of the Bag-of-Features model), the proposed method shows an accuracy higher than 90% in distinguishing between images of Amadeo’s paintings and images of artworks by other contemporary artists. For the molecular analysis, we implemented a semi-automatic system that uses hyperspectral imaging and elemental analysis. The system provides as output an image that depicts the mapping of the pigments present, together with the areas made using materials not coherent with Amadeo’s palette, if any. This visual output is a simple and effective way of assessing the results of the system. The tool proposed based on the combination of brushstroke and molecular information was tested in twelve paintings obtaining promising results. The second part of the thesis presents a systematic study of four selected paintings made by Amadeo in 1917. Although untitled, three of these paintings are commonly known as BRUT, Entrada and Coty; they are considered as his most successful and genuine works. The materials and techniques of these artworks have never been studied before. The paintings were studied with a multi-analytical approach using micro-Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy, micro-Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, micro-Spectrofluorimetry and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The characterization of Amadeo’s materials and techniques used on his last paintings, as well as the investigation of some of the conservation problems that affect these paintings, is essential to enrich the knowledge on this artist. Moreover, the study of the materials in the four paintings reveals commonalities between the paintings BRUT and Entrada. This observation is supported also by the analysis of the elements present in a photograph of a collage (conserved at the Art Library of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), the only remaining evidence of a supposed maquete of these paintings. The final part of the thesis describes the application of the image processing tools developed in the first part of the thesis on a set of case studies; this experience demonstrates the potential of the tool to support painting analysis and authentication studies. The brushstroke analysis was used as additional analysis on the evaluation process of four paintings attributed to Amadeo, and the system based on hyperspectral analysis was applied on the painting dated 1917. The case studies therefore serve as a bridge between the first two parts of the dissertation.


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A proteção dos recursos hídricos tem uma enorme importância ecológica, sendo a água um recurso indispensável à Vida e fundamental para o bem-estar de uma sociedade. Para isso, muitos dos poluentes que afetam a qualidade deste recurso natural são detetados e eliminados nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais. Porém, o impacto dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e de Cuidado Pessoal (PPCPs), usados à escala global, carece ainda da atenção necessária, dado que os meios técnicos atualmente disponíveis para detetar estes produtos são dispendiosos ou insuficientes. Dentro daquela classe de produtos, destaca-se o Ibuprofeno, uma vez que este composto, sendo lipossolúvel, tem a capacidade para se acumular nas gorduras dos seres vivos e, por conseguinte, persistir no meio-ambiente com efeitos nocivos. Para além desse facto, por diferentes vias de reação, o Ibuprofeno tem potencial para gerar produtos de carácter semelhante. No entanto, pouco esforços têm sido feitos no sentido de o detetar. Assim, pretendeu-se com este projeto desenvolver metodologias com vista à deteção de muito baixas concentrações (entre o nano e o picoMolar) daquele composto em meio aquoso. Foi utilizada a tecnologia de Língua Eletrónica por Espectroscopia de Impedância e, para tentar melhorar a sensibilidade do sensor à molécula-alvo, foram utilizados filmes finos à base de nanotubos de carbono e de diferentes polieletrólitos, preparados pela técnica de Camada-sobre-Camada (LbL, do inglês Layer-by-Layer). A caracterização destes filmes foi feita pela técnica Espectrofotometria na faixa dos Ultravioleta e Visível. Para além da análise de diferentes concentrações de Ibuprofeno, foram ainda analisadas soluções de Cloreto de Sódio, com o intuito de perceber se o sensor é versátil na deteção de outro tipo de compostos, sendo, então, o sal um composto barato e relevante neste âmbito, uma vez que a água na Natureza apresenta sempre alguma salinidade. O trabalho compreendeu ainda o desenvolvimento de um programa informático para automatizar o processo de aquisição dos dados espectrais de impedância, recolhidos pelo analisador HAMEG Programmable LCR Bridge HM8118, o que foi feito com sucesso. Posteriormente, os dados foram tratados pelo procedimento estatístico de Análise de Componentes Principais, que permitiu discriminar espacialmente e sequencialmente as diferentes concentrações dos compostos analisados.


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The experience of an internship is always considered an experience that should be enriching, a first contact with the employment world. The intention is to build a bridge between the theory and practice - applying what has been learnt throughout the course. Therefore, it was started a new learning phase that seeks to take advantage and obtain experiences useful for a professional life based in efficiency and efficacy. The curricular internship was carried out within the Masters in Public Law and held by Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FDUNL)(Law School Of University New Of Lisbon) in the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) (Lisbon's Town Hall), in the Departamento de Política de Solos e Valorização Patrimonial (DPSVP) (Soil Politics and Patrimonial Valuation Department) of the Direção Municipal de Planeamento, Reabilitação e Gestão Urbanística (Municipal Direction of Planning, Rehabilitation and Urban Management) between September and December 2013. Throughout this internship, several activities within the DPSVP were developed. In an early stage, there was a presentation of the organic structure of Lisbon's Town Hall, and the Department where I was going to do the internship, and its competencies. Therefore I acquired key concepts and researched jurisprudence and legislation needed to the analysis and understanding of the activities done in the internship. In a second stage, it was done the analysis and understanding of the division into lots administrative procedures, as well as the solving of the problems occurred throughout that analysis. Besides that, there was the need to help preparing some procedural acts to be applied regarding the Department competencies, namely within the alienation, procurement, encumbrance and rental of immovable assets owned by the Municipality of Lisbon.


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This paper develops the model of Bicego, Grosso, and Otranto (2008) and applies Hidden Markov Models to predict market direction. The paper draws an analogy between financial markets and speech recognition, seeking inspiration from the latter to solve common issues in quantitative investing. Whereas previous works focus mostly on very complex modifications of the original hidden markov model algorithm, the current paper provides an innovative methodology by drawing inspiration from thoroughly tested, yet simple, speech recognition methodologies. By grouping returns into sequences, Hidden Markov Models can then predict market direction the same way they are used to identify phonemes in speech recognition. The model proves highly successful in identifying market direction but fails to consistently identify whether a trend is in place. All in all, the current paper seeks to bridge the gap between speech recognition and quantitative finance and, even though the model is not fully successful, several refinements are suggested and the room for improvement is significant.


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An energy harvesting system requires an energy storing device to store the energy retrieved from the surrounding environment. This can either be a rechargeable battery or a supercapcitor. Due to the limited lifetime of rechargeable batteries, they need to be periodically replaced. Therefore, a supercapacitor, which has ideally a limitless number of charge/discharge cycles can be used to store the energy; however, a voltage regulator is required to obtain a constant output voltage as the supercapacitor discharges. This can be implemented by a Switched-Capacitor DC-DC converter which allows a complete integration in CMOS technology, although it requires several topologies in order to obtain a high efficiency. This thesis presents the complete analysis of four different topologies in order to determine expressions that allow to design and determine the optimum input voltage ranges for each topology. To better understand the parasitic effects, the implementation of the capacitors and the non-ideal effect of the switches, in 130 nm technology, were carefully studied. With these two analysis a multi-ratio SC DC-DC converter was designed with an output power of 2 mW, maximum efficiency of 77%, and a maximum output ripple, in the steady state, of 23 mV; for an input voltage swing of 2.3 V to 0.85 V. This proposed converter has four operation states that perform the conversion ratios of 1/2, 2/3, 1/1 and 3/2 and its clock frequency is automatically adjusted to produce a stable output voltage of 1 V. These features are implemented through two distinct controller circuits that use asynchronous time machines (ASM) to dynamically adjust the clock frequency and to select the active state of the converter. All the theoretical expressions as well as the behaviour of the whole system was verified using electrical simulations.


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Currently the world swiftly adapts to visual communication. Online services like YouTube and Vine show that video is no longer the domain of broadcast television only. Video is used for different purposes like entertainment, information, education or communication. The rapid growth of today’s video archives with sparsely available editorial data creates a big problem of its retrieval. The humans see a video like a complex interplay of cognitive concepts. As a result there is a need to build a bridge between numeric values and semantic concepts. This establishes a connection that will facilitate videos’ retrieval by humans. The critical aspect of this bridge is video annotation. The process could be done manually or automatically. Manual annotation is very tedious, subjective and expensive. Therefore automatic annotation is being actively studied. In this thesis we focus on the multimedia content automatic annotation. Namely the use of analysis techniques for information retrieval allowing to automatically extract metadata from video in a videomail system. Furthermore the identification of text, people, actions, spaces, objects, including animals and plants. Hence it will be possible to align multimedia content with the text presented in the email message and the creation of applications for semantic video database indexing and retrieving.


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DNA may fold into a diversity of structures and topologies such as duplexes and triplexes. Some specific guanine-rich DNA sequences may even fold into a higher order structures denominated guanine G-quadruplexes (G4). These G-quadruplex forming sequences have shown biological interest since were found in telomeres and in promoter region of oncogenes. Thus, these G4 forming sequences have been explored as therapeutic targets for cancer therapy, since G4 formation was demonstrated to inhibit RNA-polymerase and telomerase activity. However, the G4 structures are transient and are only formed under specific conditions. Hence the main objective of this work is to develop new G4-specific ligands which may potentially find applications in the therapeutic area. Several potential G4-binding ligands were synthesized and characterized. The synthesis of these compounds consisted on a procedure based on van Leusen chemistry and a cross-coupling reaction through C-H activation, affording phenanthroline compounds (Phen-1, 50%; Phen-2, 20%), phenyl (Iso-1, 61%; Iso-2, 21%; Ter-1, 85%; Ter-2, 35%), and quinolyl (Quin-1, 85%; Quin-2, 45%) compounds. Screening assays for selecting the potential G4 compounds were performed by FRET-melting, G4-FID, CD-melting and DSF. Qualitative biophysical studies were performed by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. Two high-specific G-quadruplex ligands, Phen-1 and Phen-2, were found to effectively bind telomeric and c-myc G4 structures. Phen-1 was found to stabilize parallel telomeric 22AG and c-myc sequence by 4.1 and 4.3 ˚C, respectively. Phen-2 also displayed high affinity towards 22AG (


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The design of anchorage blisters of internal continuity post-tensioning tendons of bridges built by the cantilever method, presents some peculiarities, not only because they are intermediate anchorages but also because these anchorages are located in blisters, so the prestressing force has to be transferred from the blister the bottom slab and web of the girder. The high density of steel reinforcement in anchorage blisters is the most common reason for problems with concrete cast in situ, resulting in zones with low concrete compacity, leading to concrete crushing failures under the anchor plates. A solution may involve improving the concrete compression and tensile strength. To meet these requirements a high-performance fibre reinforced self-compacting mix- ture (HPFRC) was used in anchorage corner blisters of post-tensioning tendons, reducing the concrete cross-section and decreasing the reinforcement needed. To assess the ultimate capacity and the adequate serviceability of the local anchorage zone after reducing the minimum concrete cross-section and the confining reinforcement, specified by the anchorage device supplier for the particular tendon, load transfer tests were performed. To investigate the behaviour of anchorage blisters regarding the transmission of stresses to the web and the bottom slab of the girder, and the feasibility of using high performance concrete only in the blister, two half scale models of the inferior corner of a box girder existing bridge were studied: a reference specimen of ordinary reinforced concrete and a HPFRC blister specimen. The design of the reinforcement was based in the tensile forces obtained on strut-and-tie models. An experimental program was carried out to assess the models used in design and to study the feasibility of using high performance concrete only in the blister, either with casting in situ, or with precast solutions. A non-linear finite element analysis of the tested specimens was also performed and the results compared.


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Based on the report for the unit “Foresight Analysis Methods” of the PhD program on Technology Assessment in 2013. This unit was supervised by Prof. António Moniz. The paper had meanwhile contributions from the supervisor and Dr. Douglas Robinson.


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The experience of an internship is always considered an experience that should be enriching, a first contact with the employment world. The intention is to build a bridge between the theory and practice - applying what has been learnt throughout the course. Therefore, it was started a new learning phase that seeks to take advantage and obtain experiences useful for a professional life based in efficiency and efficacy. The curricular internship was carried out within the Masters in Public Law and held by Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FDUNL)(Law School Of University New Of Lisbon) in the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) (Lisbon's Town Hall), in the Departamento de Política de Solos e Valorização Patrimonial (DPSVP) (Soil Politics and Patrimonial Valuation Department) of the Direção Municipal de Planeamento, Reabilitação e Gestão Urbanística (Municipal Direction of Planning, Rehabilitation and Urban Management) between September and December 2013. Throughout this internship, several activities within the DPSVP were developed. In an early stage, there was a presentation of the organic structure of Lisbon's Town Hall, and the Department where I was going to do the internship, and its competencies. Therefore I acquired key concepts and researched jurisprudence and legislation needed to the analysis and understanding of the activities done in the internship. In a second stage, it was done the analysis and understanding of the division into lots administrative procedures, as well as the solving of the problems occurred throughout that analysis. Besides that, there was the need to help preparing some procedural acts to be applied regarding the Department competencies, namely within the alienation, procurement, encumbrance and rental of immovable assets owned by the Municipality of Lisbon.