45 resultados para Zones semiàrides


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The existence of satellite images ofthe West Iberian Margin allowed comparative study of images as a tool applied to structural geology. Interpretation of LANDSAT images of the Lusitanian Basin domain showed the existence of a not previously described WNW-ESE trending set oflineaments. These lineaments are persistent and only observable on small scale images (e.g. approx. 11200000 and 11500 000) with various radiometric characteristics. They are approximately 20 km long, trend l200±15° and cross cut any other families oflineaments. The fact that these lineaments are perpendicular to the Quaternary thrusts of the Lower Tagus Valley and also because they show no off-set across them, suggests that they resulted from intersection oflarge tensile fractures on the earth's surface. It is proposed in this work that these lineaments formed on a crustal flexure of tens ofkm long, associated with the Quaternary WNW-ESE oriented maximum compressive stress on the West Iberian Margin. The maximum compressive stress rotated anticlockwise from a NW -SE orientation to approximately WNW-ESE, from Late Miocene to Quaternary times (RIBEIRO et aI., 1996). Field inspection of the lineaments revealed zones of norm~1.J. faulting and cataclasis, which are coincident with the lineaments and affect sediments of upper Miocene up to Quaternary age. These deformation structures show localized extension perpendicular to the lineaments, i.e. perpendicular to the maximum compressive direction, after recent stress data along the West Portuguese Margin (CABRAL & RIBEIRO, 1989; RIBEIRO et at., 1996). Also, on a first approach, the geographical distribution of these lineaments correlates well with earthquake epicenters and areas of largest Quaternary Vertical Movements within the inverted Lusitanian Basin (CABRAL, 1995).


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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RESUMO: A saúde pública deve estar atenta aos contextos e às mudanças sociais, políticas, económicas, científicas e tecnológicas com que se confrontam constantemente as comunidades, particularmente em situações de grandes transformações como o momento que a União Europeia atravessa. A urbanização é provavelmente a mudança demográfica mais importante das últimas décadas. Tendo importantes repercussões sobre a saúde mental, é importante desenvolver a investigação neste domínio, de forma multidisciplinar e integrando a compreensão dos diferentes determinantes sociais, psicológicos e físicos. As políticas de saúde mental tornaram-se uma parte importante da política social e da sociedade de bem-estar, em particular se considerarmos a urbanização das nossas comunidades. Considerar a saúde mental em espaço urbano é fundamentalmente estudar como um espaço particular pode influenciar a saúde. Baseado nesta reflexão, desenvolveu-se uma investigação participada de base comunitária, com recurso a uma metodologia de estudo de caso. Recorreu-se a dezenas de documentos de referência local, registos em arquivo, à observação direta, à observação participante e à observação in loco do espaço urbano. Foi utilizada uma amostragem em bola de neve, estratificada, para selecionar 697 habitantes de uma cidade da área metropolitana de Lisboa. Estes habitantes foram entrevistados por 42 entrevistadores, previamente formados, assim como foram enviados questionários online dirigidos aos professores (196) e aos Técnicos Superiores de Serviço Social (12) em exercício no espaço urbano em estudo, para a caraterização sociodemográfica e para avaliação de indicadores de saúde, de indicadores relacionados com a saúde e de indicadores estruturais de saúde mental. Os resultados mostraram um espaço urbano promotor de saúde estrutura-se para capacitar os seus cidadãos a se integrarem ativamente no funcionamento da sua comunidade. Foram identificadas algumas caraterísticas como 1) o início do processo de promoção da saúde mental ser o mais precoce possível; 2) a participação comunitária ativa, num sentimento de segurança individual e comunitária, envolvendo estruturas governamentais e não-governamentais; 3) a solidariedade e a inclusão, promovendo o voluntariado e a promoção do suporte social e desenvolvendo a coesão social; 4) o reconhecimento das necessidades expressas pelos habitantes; 5) a identificação de respostas para a conciliação entre vida pessoal, familiar e profissional; 6) as estruturas de acompanhamento dos grupos sociais mais desfavorecidos; 7) as estratégias de combate ao isolamento envolvendo a população sénior e outros grupos minoritários ativamente no processo de reorganização do seu funcionamento social; 8) uma efetiva governança e gestão relacional por parte dos poderes locais, centrando a vida quotidiana da comunidade nas pessoas. A investigação participada de base comunitária constitui um instrumento útil e eficaz no desenho de planos locais de promoção da saúde mental para encontrar respostas ao desafio em saúde pública: a saúde mental e a urbanização.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil


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Le XXe siècle fut marqué, à l’échelle européenne, par deux grandes guerres mondiales (1914-18 et 1939-45), par les guerres civiles, les gouvernements de dictature de gauche et de droite, l’indépendance d’anciennes colonies, les déplacements de populations, les extrémismes et les processus d’extermination. Il fut également marqué par de grands mouvements de liberté et de démocratie, par la valorisation de l’individu et de ses compétences, celle du bonheur, de la beauté, du bien-être, de la protection de l’environnement, ainsi que par les progrès techniques et scientifiques propres à l’époque. On peut même affirmer, nous semble-t-il, que la première moitié du XXe siècle fut marquée par les dictatures pour que l’apologie et la défense des minorités trouvent enfin leur concrétisation, comme s’il s’agissait d’expier certains événements passés. Toutefois, en période de crise économique, où les répercussions se font sentir à divers niveaux, ce sont les groupes minoritaires, dépourvus de pouvoir, qui se voient toujours contraints d’assumer le rôle de bouc émissaire, car ce sont les groupes les plus fragiles, les plus dépendants et les moins intégrés à la société. En outre, leurs différences les rendent plus visibles. En dépit des recommandations émises par le Conseil de l’Europe, datant des années 1960 et portant en premier lieu sur la scolarisation des enfants d’immigrants portugais et espagnols dans les pays d’accueil européens, il semble que le long chemin parcouru jusqu’à ce jour n’ait pas encore été suffisant pour modifier les opinions, les conceptions, les points de vue concernant ceux qui sont différents de nous et qui nous inspirent la crainte, voire la peur. Les enquêtes que nous avons menées dans les années 1990 dans des établissements scolaires publics au Portugal, situés dans des zones d’accueil de populations originaires des anciennes colonies portugaises et d’enfants portugais appartenant à l’unique groupe ethnique portugais – celui des Tsiganes –, ont pour la première fois, et de manière explicite, attiré l’attention sur l’existence d’une discrimination au sein même de l’école primaire, impliquant des enseignants, élèves, parents/personnels chargés d’éducation, personnels administratifs, jusqu’à la société civile elle-même. Les résultats de ces études, loin d’appartenir à une époque, semblent au contraire être confirmés par d’autres enquêtes entreprises par des étudiants de doctorat ou de master, sous notre direction. En d’autres termes, le problème demeure d’actualité, est bien réel, voire inquiétant, et mérite qu’on l’examine de manière adéquate, en prenant les mesures qui s’imposent, au sein d’une Europe caractérisée par la richesse de sa diversité et des valeurs qu’elle diffuse et met en avant, en faveur de l’égalité des chances des individus.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry, Microbial Biochemistry


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Pendant le Moyen Âge, le Portugal est apparu comme un espace périphérique indissociable de la Chrétienté européenne, dont la diversité naturelle avait établi un contraste entre le nord, ouvert aux influences atlantiques, et le sud, proche de la Méditerranée. Ce clivage valait aussi pour la réeeptivité aux influenees culturelles léguées par le passé, en particulier romaine et islamique, dont I'héritage était plus sensible dans les zones situées au sud du Tage, ce dont témoignait notamment une plus forte densité urbaine. Cependant, le territoire portugais s'insérait encore dans une Péninsule Ibérique marquée par des siècles deprésenee musulmane et par une longue période de conflits militaires liés au mouvement de eonquête territoriale ehrétienne. On peut dire que I'émergenee politique du royaume portugais, presque à la fin de la premiére moitié du XIIe siècle (1143), résulte en grande partie de cette situation, sans aueun doute déterrninante pour la constitution de cette mosaique d'entités politiques, earactéristique de la Péninsule Ibérique au Moyen Âge. Mais on peut dire que I'autonomie portugaise et surtout son affirmation territoriale doit être assoeiée a un proeessus d'affirmation en faisant face aux unités politiques voisines ça veut dire les royaumes de León et Castille.


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The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is one of the big global challenges for the next decades due to its severe impact on the atmosphere that leads to a change in the climate and other environmental factors. One of the main sources of greenhouse gas is energy consumption, therefore a number of initiatives and calls for awareness and sustainability in energy use are issued among different types of institutional and organizations. The European Council adopted in 2007 energy and climate change objectives for 20% improvement until 2020. All European countries are required to use energy with more efficiency. Several steps could be conducted for energy reduction: understanding the buildings behavior through time, revealing the factors that influence the consumption, applying the right measurement for reduction and sustainability, visualizing the hidden connection between our daily habits impacts on the natural world and promoting to more sustainable life. Researchers have suggested that feedback visualization can effectively encourage conservation with energy reduction rate of 18%. Furthermore, researchers have contributed to the identification process of a set of factors which are very likely to influence consumption. Such as occupancy level, occupants behavior, environmental conditions, building thermal envelope, climate zones, etc. Nowadays, the amount of energy consumption at the university campuses are huge and it needs great effort to meet the reduction requested by European Council as well as the cost reduction. Thus, the present study was performed on the university buildings as a use case to: a. Investigate the most dynamic influence factors on energy consumption in campus; b. Implement prediction model for electricity consumption using different techniques, such as the traditional regression way and the alternative machine learning techniques; and c. Assist energy management by providing a real time energy feedback and visualization in campus for more awareness and better decision making. This methodology is implemented to the use case of University Jaume I (UJI), located in Castellon, Spain.


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Natural disasters are events that cause general and widespread destruction of the built environment and are becoming increasingly recurrent. They are a product of vulnerability and community exposure to natural hazards, generating a multitude of social, economic and cultural issues of which the loss of housing and the subsequent need for shelter is one of its major consequences. Nowadays, numerous factors contribute to increased vulnerability and exposure to natural disasters such as climate change with its impacts felt across the globe and which is currently seen as a worldwide threat to the built environment. The abandonment of disaster-affected areas can also push populations to regions where natural hazards are felt more severely. Although several actors in the post-disaster scenario provide for shelter needs and recovery programs, housing is often inadequate and unable to resist the effects of future natural hazards. Resilient housing is commonly not addressed due to the urgency in sheltering affected populations. However, by neglecting risks of exposure in construction, houses become vulnerable and are likely to be damaged or destroyed in future natural hazard events. That being said it becomes fundamental to include resilience criteria, when it comes to housing, which in turn will allow new houses to better withstand the passage of time and natural disasters, in the safest way possible. This master thesis is intended to provide guiding principles to take towards housing recovery after natural disasters, particularly in the form of flood resilient construction, considering floods are responsible for the largest number of natural disasters. To this purpose, the main structures that house affected populations were identified and analyzed in depth. After assessing the risks and damages that flood events can cause in housing, a methodology was proposed for flood resilient housing models, in which there were identified key criteria that housing should meet. The same methodology is based in the US Federal Emergency Management Agency requirements and recommendations in accordance to specific flood zones. Finally, a case study in Maldives – one of the most vulnerable countries to sea level rise resulting from climate change – has been analyzed in light of housing recovery in a post-disaster induced scenario. This analysis was carried out by using the proposed methodology with the intent of assessing the resilience of the newly built housing to floods in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.


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The design of anchorage blisters of internal continuity post-tensioning tendons of bridges built by the cantilever method, presents some peculiarities, not only because they are intermediate anchorages but also because these anchorages are located in blisters, so the prestressing force has to be transferred from the blister the bottom slab and web of the girder. The high density of steel reinforcement in anchorage blisters is the most common reason for problems with concrete cast in situ, resulting in zones with low concrete compacity, leading to concrete crushing failures under the anchor plates. A solution may involve improving the concrete compression and tensile strength. To meet these requirements a high-performance fibre reinforced self-compacting mix- ture (HPFRC) was used in anchorage corner blisters of post-tensioning tendons, reducing the concrete cross-section and decreasing the reinforcement needed. To assess the ultimate capacity and the adequate serviceability of the local anchorage zone after reducing the minimum concrete cross-section and the confining reinforcement, specified by the anchorage device supplier for the particular tendon, load transfer tests were performed. To investigate the behaviour of anchorage blisters regarding the transmission of stresses to the web and the bottom slab of the girder, and the feasibility of using high performance concrete only in the blister, two half scale models of the inferior corner of a box girder existing bridge were studied: a reference specimen of ordinary reinforced concrete and a HPFRC blister specimen. The design of the reinforcement was based in the tensile forces obtained on strut-and-tie models. An experimental program was carried out to assess the models used in design and to study the feasibility of using high performance concrete only in the blister, either with casting in situ, or with precast solutions. A non-linear finite element analysis of the tested specimens was also performed and the results compared.


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This paper examines the impact of historic amenities on residential housing prices in the city of Lisbon, Portugal. Our study is directed towards identifying the spatial variation of amenity values for churches, palaces, lithic (stone) architecture and other historic amenities via the housing market, making use of both global and local spatial hedonic models. Our empirical evidence reveals that different types of historic and landmark amenities provide different housing premiums. While having a local non-landmark church within 100 meters increases housing prices by approximately 4.2%, higher concentrations of non-landmark churches within 1000 meters yield negative effects in the order of 0.1% of prices with landmark churches having a greater negative impact around 3.4%. In contrast, higher concentration of both landmark and non-landmark lithic structures positively influence housing prices in the order of 2.9% and 0.7% respectively. Global estimates indicate a negative effect of protected zones, however this significance is lost when accounting for heterogeneity within these areas. We see that the designation of historic zones may counteract negative effects on property values of nearby neglected buildings in historic neighborhoods by setting additional regulations ensuring that dilapidated buildings do not damage the city’s beauty or erode its historic heritage. Further, our results from a geographically weighted regression specification indicate the presence of spatial non-stationarity in the effects of different historic amenities across the city of Lisbon with variation between historic and more modern areas.


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The present study investigates peer to peer oral interaction in two task based language teaching classrooms, one of which was a self-declared cohesive group, and the other a self- declared less cohesive group, both at B1 level. It studies how learners talk cohesion into being and considers how this talk leads to learning opportunities in these groups. The study was classroom-based and was carried out over the period of an academic year. Research was conducted in the classrooms and the tasks were part of regular class work. The research was framed within a sociocognitive perspective of second language learning and data came from a number of sources, namely questionnaires, interviews and audio recorded talk of dyads, triads and groups of four students completing a total of eight oral tasks. These audio recordings were transcribed and analysed qualitatively for interactions which encouraged a positive social dimension and behaviours which led to learning opportunities, using conversation analysis. In addition, recordings were analysed quantitatively for learning opportunities and quantity and quality of language produced. Results show that learners in both classes exhibited multiple behaviours in interaction which could promote a positive social dimension, although behaviours which could discourage positive affect amongst group members were also found. Analysis of interactions also revealed the many ways in which learners in both the cohesive and less cohesive class created learning opportunities. Further qualitative analysis of these interactions showed that a number of factors including how learners approach a task, the decisions they make at zones of interactional transition and the affective relationship between participants influence the amount of learning opportunities created, as well as the quality and quantity of language produced. The main conclusion of the study is that it is not the cohesive nature of the group as a whole but the nature of the relationship between the individual members of the small group completing the task which influences the effectiveness of oral interaction for learning.This study contributes to our understanding of the way in which learners individualise the learning space and highlights the situated nature of language learning. It shows how individuals interact with each other and the task, and how talk in interaction changes moment-by-moment as learners react to the ‘here and now’ of the classroom environment.