27 resultados para request for qualification


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RESUMO: As Análises Clínicas são um precioso elemento entre os meios complementares de diagnóstico e terapêutica permitindo uma enorme panóplia de informações sobre o estado de saúde de determinado utente. O objetivo do laboratório é fornecer informação analítica sobre as amostras biológicas, sendo esta caracterizada pela sua fiabilidade, relevância e facultada em tempo útil. Assim, tratando-se de saúde, e mediante o propósito do laboratório, é notória a sua importância, bem como, a dos fatores associados para o cumprimento do mesmo. O bom desenrolar do ciclo laboratorial, compreendido pelas fases pré-analítica, analítica e pós-analítica é crucial para que o objetivo do laboratório seja cumprido com rigor e rapidez. O presente trabalho “O Erro na Fase Pré-Analítica: Amostras Não Conformes versus Procedimentos”, enquadrado no mestrado de Qualidade e Organização no Laboratório de Análises Clínicas, pretendeu enfatizar a importância da fase pré- analítica, sendo ela apontada como a primordial em erros que acabam por atrasar a saída de resultados ou por permitir que os mesmos não sejam fidedignos como se deseja, podendo acarretar falsos diagnósticos e decisões clínicas erradas. Esta fase, iniciada no pedido médico e finalizada com a chegada das amostras biológicas ao laboratório está entregue a uma diversidade de procedimentos que acarretam, por si só, uma grande diversidade de intervenientes, para além de uma variabilidade de factores que influenciam a amostra e seus resultados. Estes fatores, que podem alterar de algum modo a “veracidade” dos resultados analíticos, devem ser identificados e tidos em consideração para que estejamos convitos que os resultados auxiliam diagnósticos precisos e uma avaliação correta do estado do utente. As colheitas que por quaisquer divergências não originam amostras que cumpram o objectivo da sua recolha, não estando por isso em conformidade com o pretendido, constituem uma importante fonte de erro para esta fase pré-analítica. Neste estudo foram consultados os dados relativos a amostras de sangue e urina não conformes detetadas no laboratório, em estudo, durante o 1º trimestre de 2012, para permitir conhecer o tipo de falhas que acontecem e a sua frequência. Aos Técnicos de Análises Clínicas, colaboradores do laboratório, foi-lhes pedido que respondessem a um questionário sobre os seus procedimentos quotidianos e constituíssem, assim, a população desta 2ª parte do projeto. Preenchido e devolvido de forma anónima, este questionário pretendeu conhecer os procedimentos na tarefa de executar colheitas e, hipoteticamente, confrontá-los com as amostras não conformes verificadas. No 1ºsemestre de 2012 e num total de 25319 utentes registaram-se 146 colheitas que necessitaram de repetição por se verificarem não conformes. A “amostra não colhida” foi a não conformidade mais frequente (50%) versus a “má identificação” que registou somente 1 acontecimento. Houve ainda não conformidades que não se registaram como “preparação inadequada” e “amostra mal acondicionada”. Os técnicos revelaram-se profissionais competentes, conhecedores das tarefas a desempenhar e preocupados em executá-las com qualidade. Eliminar o erro não estará, seguramente, ao nosso alcance porém admitir a sua presença, detetá-lo e avaliar a sua frequência fará com que possamos diminuir a sua existência e melhorar a qualidade na fase pré-analítica, atribuindo-lhe a relevância que desempenha no processo laboratorial.-----------ABSTRACT:Clinical analyses are a precious element among diagnostic and therapeutic tests as they allow an enormous variety of information on the state of health of a user. The aim of the laboratory is to supply reliable, relevant and timely analytical information on biological samples. In health-related matters, in accordance with the objective of the laboratory, their importance is vital, as is the assurance that all the tools are in place for the fulfillment of its purpose. A good laboratory cycle, which includes the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases, is crucial in fulfilling the laboratory’s mission rapidly and efficiently. The present work - "Error in the pre-analytical phase: non-compliant samples versus procedures”, as part of the Master’s in Quality and Organization in the Clinical Analyses Laboratory, wishes to emphasize the importance of the pre-analytical phase, as the phase containing most errors which eventually lead to delays in the issue of results, or the one which enables those results not to be as reliable as desired, which can lead to false diagnosis and wrong clinical decisions. This phase, which starts with the medical request and ends with the arrival of the biological samples to the laboratory, entails a variety of procedures, which require the intervention of different players, not to mention a great number of factors, which influence the sample and the results. These factors, capable of somehow altering the “truth” of the analytical results, must be identified and taken into consideration so that we may ensure that the results help to make precise diagnoses and a correct evaluation of the user’s condition. Those collections which, due to any type of differences, do not originate samples capable of fulfilling their purpose, and are therefore not compliant with the objective, constitute an important source of error in this pre-analytical phase. In the present study, we consulted data from non-compliant blood and urine samples, detected at the laboratory during the 1st quarter of 2012, to find out the type of faults that happen and their frequency. The clinical analysis technicians working at the laboratory were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their daily procedures, forming in this way the population for this second part of the project. Completed and returned anonymously, this questionnaire intended to investigate the procedures for collections and, hypothetically, confront them with the verified non-compliant samples. In the first semester of 2012, and out of a total of 25319 users, 146 collections had to be repeated due to non-compliance. The “uncollected sample” was the most frequent non-compliance (>50%) versus “incorrect identification” which had only one occurrence. There were also unregistered non-compliance issues such as “inadequate preparation” and “inappropriately packaged sample”. The technicians proved to be competent professionals, with knowledge of the tasks they have to perform and eager to carry them out efficiently. We will certainly not be able to eliminate error, but recognizing its presence, detecting it and evaluating its frequency will help to decrease its occurrence and improve quality in the pre-analytical phase, giving it the relevance it has within the laboratory process.


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This paper addresses the study of a mosaic discovered in 2007 at the archaeological site of Alter do Chão, Portugal, whose central panel represents the penultimate scene narrated in the last Book of the Æneid – a Roman epic composed by the poet Publius Vergilius Maro (70 BC – AD 19), at the request of Gaius Julius Cæsar Octavianus Augustus (63 BC – AD 14): it shows the very moment when Turnus, the Latin king of the Rutuli, kneels before Æneas, considered the precursor to the foundation of Rome (Virgil, Æneid, XII, 926-950).


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This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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RESUMO - Confrontados por uma procura mais ativa e exigente e pressionados por uma maior restrição orçamental, os prestadores de saúde têm vindo a reconhecer o Marketing de Fidelização como uma solução sustentável para o seu sucesso financeiro. Assim, a autora explora como se desenvolve a cocriação de valor do consumidor no setor de saúde, nomeadamente, as interações, os atores e as atividades envolvidas na gestão e tratamento da doença. O projeto de investigação foca-se particularmente na cocriação de valor entre o médico regular e o paciente. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa. Os dados recolhidos na APDP, a uma amostra de 16 pacientes diabéticos através da técnica de entrevistas aprofundadas, revelaram que os estilos práticos de criação de valor do consumidor (CVCPS) desenvolvido por McColl-Kennedy et al. (2012) adequam-se às características desta doença. Os resultados do estudo sustentam que os pacientes com estilos práticos de cocriação de valor do consumidor “Parceria” e “Gestor de equipa” tendem a estar associados a um nível de fidelização elevado, pelo que se sugere que estes estilos sejam encorajados pelos prestadores. Em contraste, o Estilo de cocriação “Colaboração Passiva” está potencialmente associado a níveis de fidelização reduzidos, o que também sugere que a participação do paciente no seu relacionamento com o médico possa ser um fator potenciador da sua fidelização. O presente projeto de Investigação pretende ser um contributo teórico para investigação futura na área da cocriação e fidelização, com uma aplicação empírica que contribui para uma maior extensividade dos benefícios da cocriação de valor do consumidor para a Gestão em Saúde.


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In the present thesis, we examine the approach to the so-called “informal conversations”, especially between a suspect or defendant and criminal police authorities. Our goal is to understand if criminal police authorities are allowed to testify about the content of these conversations, revealing facts that the suspect or defendant may have shared with them, as well as about evidence that they may have acquired through these statements. Firstly, we briefly present the notion of “informal conversations” and the great variety of situations they may encompass: intra or extra-procedural; prior or subsequent to someone acquires the status of defendant. Secondly, we analyse some of the principles and rules that are involved in this controversial issue: principles concerning the procedural structure, organization and dynamic; principles concerning the production and assessment of evidence in the trial hearing; principles concerning the prosecution and the powers of criminal police authorities; the procedural status of the defendant; the rules concerning the reading of statements in the trial hearing; the rules concerning hearsay testimonies. Thirdly, we go through the great amount of case law on the so-called “informal conversations” and related matters, analysing the most relevant cases and the arguments that sustain them, as well as the legal literature. Our goal is to understand the evolution, throughout the last two decades, of the different opinions regarding the approach to the various situations in which “informal conversations” may occur and in which the admissibility of a testimony by criminal police authorities is questioned. Finally, we defend a different approach for testimonies by criminal police authorities prior and subsequent to someone acquiring the status of defendant. We see the moment when someone acquires the status of defendant as a border area in the admissibility of “informal conversations”, because from then on the statements have to be collected and assessed according to the law, so all the other conversations (or any other evidence) collected informally are irrelevant. As to the specific case of the testimony about the re-enactment of the crime, given the high degree of difficulty in separating the defendant’s contributions that may be considered essential and those that may be considered less useful, but still relevant, we support the qualification of the defendant’s contributions as inseparable from the re-enactment, allowing it to be replicated and assessed in the trial hearing with no restrictions.


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RESUMO: As mulheres presas encontram-se num sistema essencialmente dirigido por e concebido para homens. As mulheres que entram na prisão geralmente vêm de ambientes marginalizados e desfavorecidos e muitas vezes têm histórias de violência e abuso físico e sexual. As mulheres presas são um grupo particularmente vulnerável, uma vez que dentro do sistema prisional as suas necessidades de saúde e higiene são muitas vezes negligenciadas. O primeiro passo para o desenvolvimento de programas e práticas sensíveis ao género é compreender as características das mulheres delinquentes e definir fatores de vida específicos que contribuem para a formação do comportamento criminoso de mulheres. Em junho de 2012 foi realizada uma investigação na única prisão feminina da Geórgia, para estudar as necessidades mentais e psicossociais das mulheres presas. O objetivo da pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de programas de apoio pertinentes para a reabilitação, ressocialização e reintegração, e a elaboração de recomendações práticas para a gestão das prisões. Foi desenvolvido um instrumento de pesquisa (inquérito) com uma fundamentação conceptual baseada em quatro principais teorias: Teoria dos Caminhos (Pathways Theory), teoria do desenvolvimento psicológico da mulher (Theory of Women’s Psychological Development), Trauma e Teorias da Dependência (Trauma and Addiction Theories). Foram inquiridas 120 mulheres presas. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que muitas das necessidades das mulheres presas são diferentes das dos homens e requerem estratégias adaptadas às suas características e situações psicossociais específicas. A maioria das mulheres encarceradas é jovem, enérgica, pode trabalhar, tem profissão e família. As presas sofrem de problemas psicológicos e muitas vezes são rejeitadas pelas suas famílias. Uma parte substancial das mulheres presas tem múltiplos problemas de saúde física e mental. A maioria delas tem filhos e sofre com o facto das crianças estarem a crescer longe da mãe. Com base nos resultados desta investigação é possível elaborar um contexto promotor do planeamento e desenvolvimento de serviços com um enfoque de género na prisão. Na perspetiva de longo prazo, o conhecimento das necessidades básicas e a introdução de programas e serviços com necessidades específicas pertinentes irá beneficiar as presas e as suas famílias, e melhorar a eficácia do sistema de justiça criminal.----------ABSTRACT: Female inmates find themselves in a system essentially run by men for men. Women who enter prison usually come from marginalized and disadvantaged backgrounds and are often characterized by histories of violence, physical and sexual abuse. Female prisoners constitute an especially vulnerable group given their specific health and hygienic needs within the system are often neglected. The first step in developing gender-sensitive program and practice is to understand female offenders’ characteristics and the specific life factors that shape women’s patterns of offending. In June 2012 a research was carried out in the Georgian only female prison facility to assess the mental and psychosocial needs of women prisoners, aiming to develop effective support programs for their rehabilitation, re-socialization and reintegration, as well as to elaborate new recommendations concerning prison management. A survey instrument (questionnaire) was developed within a theoretical framework based on four fundamental theories: Pathways Theory, Theory of Women’s Psychological Development and Trauma and Addiction Theories. Sample size was defined to be 120 surveyed persons. The study showed that needs of incarcerated women were different from those of men, thus requiring approaches tailored to their specific psychosocial characteristics and situations. The basic population of imprisoned women consisted of young, energetic, working-age females, most often with a professional qualification. Female prisoners suffered from psychological problems and are were more likely to be rejected by their families. Most of them had children and suffered that the children were growing without mothers. A substantial proportion of women offenders had multiple physical and mental health problems. Based on the study findings a conceptual framework can be elaborated towards planning and developing gender-sensitive services in prison. In the long-term perspective, acknowledgement of baseline needs and introduction of the relevant needs-specific programs and services may benefit women prisoners as well as their families, improving the effectiveness of the criminal justice system.


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Following orders, hierarchical obedience and military discipline are essential values for the survival of the armed forces. Without them, it is not possible to conceive the armed forces as an essential pillar of a democratic state of law and a guarantor of national independence. As issuing orders as well as receiving and following them are inextricably linked to military discipline, and as such injunctions entail the workings of a particular obedience regime within the specific kind of organized power framework which is the Armed Forces, only by analysing the importance of such orders within this microcosm – with its strict hierarchical structure – will it be possible to understand which criminal judicial qualification to ascribe to the individual at the rear by reference to the role of the front line individual (i.e. the one who issues an order vs the one who executes it). That is, of course, when we are faced with the practice of unlawful acts, keeping in mind the organizational framework and its influence over the will of the executor. One thing we take as read, if the orders can be described as unlawful, the boundary line of the duty of obedience, which cannot be overstepped, both because of a legal as well as a constitutional imperative, will have been crossed. And the military have sworn an oath of obedience to the fundamental law. The topic of hierarchical obedience cannot be separated from the analysis of current legislation which pertains to the topic within military institutions. With that in mind, it appeared relevant to address the major norms which regulate the matter within the Portuguese military legal system, and, whenever necessary and required by the reality under analysis, to relate that to civilian law or legal doctrine.


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This work project consists of a comprehensive study of the possibility of opening a Wealth Management (WM) firm located in Cape Verde (CV), and was made at the request of NovoBanco’s Research Sectorial team. WM is a growing industry that consists in the set of financial services provided to wealthy clients. After taking into account the expected industry growth of the Sub-Saharan region, the preferences of the African wealthy, the current industry structure, and the advantages and disadvantages of locating a WM business in CV, it is concluded that a business opportunity exists. The reasons for thus, along with relevant recommendations, including which services a new business should offer and whom to target specifically, are presented in the final section.


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RESUMO: Temos assistido a uma evolução impressionante nos laboratórios de análises clínicas, os quais precisam de prestar um serviço de excelência a custos cada vez mais competitivos. Nos laboratórios os sistemas de gestão da qualidade têm uma importância significativa nesta evolução, fundamentalmente pela procura da melhoria continua, que ocorre não só ao nível de processos e técnicas, mas também na qualificação dos diferentes intervenientes. Um dos problemas fundamentais da gestão e um laboratório é a eliminação de desperdícios e erros criando benefícios, conceito base na filosofia LeanThinking isto é “pensamento magro”, pelo que é essencial conseguir monitorizar funções críticas sistematicamente. Esta monitorização, num laboratório cada vez mais focalizado no utente, pode ser efetuada através de sistemas e tecnologias de informação, sendo possível contabilizar número de utentes, horas de maior afluência, tempo médio de permanência na sala de espera, tempo médio para entrega de análises, resultados entregues fora da data prevista, entre outros dados de apoio à decisão. Devem igualmente ser analisadas as reclamações, bem como a satisfação dos utentes quer através do feedback que é transmitido aos funcionários, quer através de questionários de satisfação. Usou-se principalmente dois modelos: um proposto pelo Índice Europeu de Satisfação do Consumidor (ECSI) e o outro de Estrutura Comum de Avaliação (CAF). Introduziram-se igualmente dois questionários: um apresentado em formato digital num posto de colheitas, através de um quiosque eletrónico, e um outro na página da internet do laboratório, ambos como alternativa ao questionário em papel já existente, tendo-se analisado os dados, e retirado as devidas conclusões. Propôs-se e desenvolveu-se um questionário para colaboradores cuja intenção foi a de fornecer dados úteis de apoio à decisão, face à importância dos funcionários na interação com os clientes e na garantia da qualidade ao longo de todo o processo. Avaliaram-se globalmente os resultados sem que tenha sido possível apresentá-los por política interna da empresa, bem como se comentou de forma empírica alguns benefícios deste questionário. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram, implementar questionários de satisfação eletrónicos e analisar os resultados obtidos, comparando-os com o estudo ECSI, de forma a acentuar a importância da análise em simultâneo de dois fatores: a motivação profissional e a satisfação do cliente, com o intuito de melhorar os sistemas de apoio à decisão. ------------------------ ABSTRACT: We have witnessed an impressive development in clinical analysis laboratories, which have to provide excellent service at increasingly competitive costs, quality management systems have a significant importance in this evolution, mainly by demanding continuous improvement, which does not occur only in terms of processes and techniques, but also in the qualification of the various stakeholders. One key problem of managing a laboratory is the elimination of waste and errors, creating benefits, concept based on Lean Thinking philosophy, therefore it is essential be able to monitor critical tasks systematically. This monitoring, in an increasingly focused on the user laboratory can be accomplished through information systems and technologies, through which it is possible to account the number of clients, peak times, average length of waiting room stay, average time for delivery analysis, delivered results out of the expected date, among other data that contribute to support decisions, however it is also decisive to analyzed complaint sand satisfaction of users through employees feedback but mainly through satisfaction questionnaires that provides accurate results. We use mainly two models one proposed by the European Index of Consumer Satisfaction (ECSI), directed to the client, and the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), used both in the client as the employees surveys. Introduced two questionnaires in a digital format, one in the central laboratory collect center, through an electronic kiosk and another on the laboratory web page, both as an alternative to survey paper currently used, we analyzed the results, and withdrew the conclusions. It was proposed and developed a questionnaire for employees whose intention would be to provide useful data to decision support, given the importance of employees in customer interaction and quality assurance throughout the whole clinical process, it was evaluated in a general way because it was not possible to show the results, however commented an empirical way some benefits of this questionnaire. The main goals of this study were to implement electronic questionnaires and analyze the results, comparing them with the ECSI, in order to emphasize the importance of analyzing simultaneously professional motivation with customer satisfaction, in order to improve decision support systems.


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Images have gained a never before seen importance. Technological changes have given the Information Society extraordinary means to capture, treat and transmit images, wheter your own or those of others, with or without a commercial purpose, with no boundaries of time or country, without “any kind of eraser”. From the several different ways natural persons may engage in image processing with no commercial purpose, the cases of sharing pictures through social networks and video surveillance assume particular relevance. Consequently there are growing legitimate concerns with the protection of one's image, since its processing may sometimes generate situations of privacy invasion or put at risk other fundamental rights. With this in mind, the present thesis arises from the question: what are the existent legal instruments in Portuguese Law that enable citizens to protect themselves from the abusive usage of their own pictures, whether because that image have been captured by a smartphone or some video surveillance camera, whether because it was massively shared through a blog or some social network? There is no question the one's right to not having his or her image used in an abusive way is protected by the Portuguese constitution, through the article 26th CRP, as well as personally right, under the article 79th of the Civil Code, and finally through criminal law, articles 192nd and 193rd of the Criminal Code. The question arises in the personal data protection context, considering that one's picture, given certain conditions, is personal data. Both the Directive 95/46/CE dated from 1995 as well as the LPD from 1998 are applicable to the processing of personal data, but both exclude situations of natural persons doing so in the pursuit of activities strictly personal or family-related. These laws demand complex procedures to natural persons, such as the preemptive formal authorisation request to the Data Protection National Commission. Failing to do so a natural person may result in the application of fines as high as €2.500,00 or even criminal charges. Consequently, the present thesis aims to study if the image processing with no commercial purposes by a natural person in the context of social networks or through video surveillance belongs to the domain of the existent personal data protection law. To that effect, it was made general considerations regarding the concept of video surveillance, what is its regimen, in a way that it may be distinguishable from Steve Mann's definition of sousveillance, and what are the associated obligations in order to better understand the concept's essence. The application of the existent laws on personal data protection to images processing by natural persons has been analysed taking into account the Directive 95/46/CE, the LPD and the General Regulation. From this analysis it is concluded that the regimen from 1995 to 1998 is out of touch with reality creating an absence of legal shielding in the personal data protection law, a flaw that doesn't exist because compensated by the right to image as a right to personality, that anyway reveals the inability of the Portuguese legislator to face the new technological challenges. It is urgent to legislate. A contrary interpretation will evidence the unconstitutionality of several rules on the LPD due to the obligations natural persons are bound to that violate the right to the freedom of speech and information, which would be inadequate and disproportionate. Considering the recently approved General Regulation and in the case it becomes the final version, the use for natural person of video surveillance of private spaces, Google Glass (in public and private places) and other similar gadgets used to recreational purposes, as well as social networks are subject to its regulation only if the images are shared without limits or existing commercial purposes. Video surveillance of public spaces in all situations is subject to General Regulation provisions.


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Following orders, hierarchical obedience and military discipline are essential values for the survival of the armed forces. Without them, it is not possible to conceive the armed forces as an essential pillar of a democratic state of law and a guarantor of national independence. As issuing orders as well as receiving and following them are inextricably linked to military discipline, and as such injunctions entail the workings of a particular obedience regime within the specific kind of organized power framework which is the Armed Forces, only by analysing the importance of such orders within this microcosm – with its strict hierarchical structure – will it be possible to understand which criminal judicial qualification to ascribe to the individual at the rear by reference to the role of the front line individual (i.e. the one who issues an order vs the one who executes it). That is, of course, when we are faced with the practice of unlawful acts, keeping in mind the organizational framework and its influence over the will of the executor. One thing we take as read, if the orders can be described as unlawful, the boundary line of the duty of obedience, which cannot be overstepped, both because of a legal as well as a constitutional imperative, will have been crossed. And the military have sworn an oath of obedience to the fundamental law. The topic of hierarchical obedience cannot be separated from the analysis of current legislation which pertains to the topic within military institutions. With that in mind, it appeared relevant to address the major norms which regulate the matter within the Portuguese military legal system, and, whenever necessary and required by the reality under analysis, to relate that to civilian law or legal doctrine.


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The main purpose of this report is to present the work developed during the curricular internship on the Commercial Arbitration Centre of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is structured in two parts. The first, in which i´ll present the CAC, its organic structure and its activities. In this part I will also show the work I´ve done during the internship, as well as i´m going to identified, and comment, the tasks performed. The second part presents a study on arbitration awards that aimed to determine the amount “split the baby awards”, that is to say those that condemn in (approximately) half of the request. In addition to these data, I collected from sentences other, such as the duration of the cases, the number of foreign persons in each process, the number of foreign arbitrators, the language of proceedings etc. What is expected with this paperwork is to be able to clarify, and make known, some aspects on Arbitration in Portugal, thus contributing to the strengthening of the role of the Arbitration and Arbitral Justice.