38 resultados para Reasonable Accommodation
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
We compare the performance of Cape Verde and Mozambique concerning financial credibility as measured by Exchange Market Pressure, an institutional feature that has often been overlooked in the literature as a relevant institution for economies. Drawing on previous research by Macedo et al. (2009), we expand their analysis and, using several definitions of “financial credibility”, all related to different angles on Exchange Market Pressure indices, we conclude that - against reasonable benchmarks in their respective regions - financial credibility has been very good for Cape Verde and fairly good for Mozambique.
RESUMO: A operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, é considerada a cirurgia antirefluxo mais adequada por ser a que melhor replica a fisiologia normal da válvula gastresofágica na maioria dos doentes com sintomas típicos de doença do refluxo gastresofágico (DRGE). São critérios técnicos o encerramento seguro dos pilares do diafragma e a criação de fundoplicatura completa (360 graus), curta (inferior a dois centímetros), lassa e sem tensão – desiderando para o qual a laqueação proximal dos vasos curtos gástricos é crucial. Realizei a operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, em sessenta mulheres e quarenta homens com DRGE, sem mortalidade operatória, no Serviço de Cirurgia 6 do Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. Os cem doentes apresentavam média etária de 46 anos e queixas, com tempo de evolução entre 1 e 43 anos, de pirose (90%), regurgitação (80%), azia (73%), epigastralgias (54%). A endoscopia alta revelou esofagite de grau Savary-Miller 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%); hérnia de deslizamento (71%), hérnia paraesofágica (8%), sem hérnia (21%); a pHmetria de 24h diagnosticou padrão misto (38%), levantado (20%), deitado (20%), inconclusiva (22%) e a manometria diagnosticou EEI hipotónico (35%), peristálise esofágica normal (88%), hipomotilidade ligeira (5%) e foi omissa (7%). Hérnia hiatal, esofagite grave, ineficácia do controlo sintomático com inibidor da bomba de protões e desejo de descontinuidade terapêutica constituíram as indicações para tratamento cirúrgico. Por celioscopia, efetuei laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos (70%), cruroplastia e fundoplicatura total (seda 2/0), curta (dimensão média 1,5-2 cm), lassa, sem tensão e sem calibração intraoperatória do esófago. A fundoplicatura de Nissen laparoscópica mostrou-se segura e eficaz no tratamento da DRGE. A sua idoneidade foi ainda comprovada pela normalização da pHmetria de 24 horas e da manometria pós-operatórias, com significado estatístico, num grupo de catorze voluntários assintomáticos. Em catamnese com recuo médio 30,7 meses 94% dos indivíduos persistem assintomáticos. Interrogando-me acerca das repercussões desta operação sobre a microcirculação do fundo gástrico coloquei, como premissa, a possibilidade de na operação de Nissen a laqueação dos vasos curtos poder induzir modificação no diâmetro arteriolar da parede do fundo gástrico. Para pesquisar a influência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e da fundoplicatura total sobre o calibre arteriolar da parede do estômago no cárdia, no fundo e na região dos vasos curtos gástricos, idealizei um Projeto de investigação experimental em cobaias. O Projeto foi desenvolvido no Centro de Investigação do Departamento de Anatomia da FCM-UNL. Para a sua realização obtive autorização da Comissão Científica e Pedagógica da FCM-UNL, requeri a acreditação como investigador à Direção Geral de Veterinária e, por recorrer à utilização de animais, submeti-o à Comissão de Ética da FCM-UNL, que o aprovou por unanimidade. Para limitar o número de animais utilizados ao mínimo necessário, calculei, por método estatístico, a quantidade de cobaias necessárias. Subdividindo-as num grupo de ensaio (GE), onde realizei a operação de Nissen, e num grupo de controlo (GC), onde apenas procedi a tração gástrica, defini e apliquei protocolos de anestesia, de cirurgia e de eutanásia, segundo os princípios dos 3R – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement da técnica de experimentação humana de Russell e Burch (1959) – uma estrutura ética amplamente aceite para a realização de experimentação científica humanizada com animais. A utilização das técnicas de estudo angiomorfológico permitiu-me analisar e descrever a anatomia normal, a vascularização arterial macroscópica, a microangioarquitetura, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento de moldes de corrosão vascular, e a histologia da parede do estômago da cobaia. Procedi, também, à definição dos critérios morfológicos que considerei suscetíveis de validação deste modelo animal para o estudo proposto. Por razões académicas, foi necessário abreviar o Projeto encurtando, em cerca de dois anos, o prazo disponível para conclusão do estudo. Apreciando-o com o Gabinete de Análise Epidemiológica e Estatística do Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE, optou-se, perante a escassez de elementos após já terem sido recrutados 46 animais, por uma amostra, suplementar, de dimensão de conveniência de oito cobaias (quatro em cada grupo), condicionada pelo limite temporal universitário e pelo respeito pela dignidade dos animais. Neste subgrupo procedi, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento, à medição dos calibres arteriolares nos moldes vasculares do cárdia, do fundo e da zona dos vasos curtos gástricos tanto no GC como no GE efetuando 469 medições no primeiro e 461 no último. Os dados foram enviados ao Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE que procedeu à sua análise estatística (ANOVA). A referida análise revelou que as arteríolas do plexo mucoso e as do plexo submucoso do cárdia, do fundo e da região dos vasos curtos gástricos, mostraram aumento de calibre no GE. O aumento foi, estatisticamente, significativo por ser superior a 50% do calibre do GC. Nos vasos curtos, a diferença foi mais pequena, mas persistiu sendo, estatisticamente, significativa. Os vasos retos dilataram na base, na sua emergência do plexo seroso, apenas no fundo gástrico. Na cobaia a operação de Nissen – fundoplicatura total com laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos –, provocou vasodilatação arteriolar do fundo gástrico. Considero que essa vasodilatação constituiu acomodação à modificação introduzida e infiro que o mesmo possa acontecer no ser humano. Admito, assim, que também ocorra vasodilatação no ser humano, na sequência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos, pela analogia microvascular entre as duas espécies e que essa vasodilatação corresponda, igualmente, a um mecanismo de adaptação arteriolar visando, por exemplo, suprir a perda incorrida pela laqueação. A associação experimental entre laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e realização de fundoplicatura total, que exerce aumento inerente de pressão sobre a JEG, não só não provocou défice da microcirculação do esófago distal ou do estômago proximal como desencadeou um mecanismo de vasodilatação fúndica que reforça o conceito de segurança da operação de Nissen para tratamento da DRGE. -------------- ABSTRACT: The laparoscopic Nissen operation is considered to be the most appropriate antirefluxsurgery because it suitably replicates the standard physiology of the gastroesophageal valve in most patients with typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The technical criteria includes the safe shutdown of the diafragmatic crura(cruroplasty) and the creation of a complete fundoplication (360 degrees), short (lesser than two inches), floppy and without tension – a goal for which the proximal ligation of the gastric short vessels is crucial. The laparoscopic Nissen operation was performed in sixty women and forty men with GERD, without any operative mortality, at the Surgical Department of the Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. The one hundred patients, averaged 46 years old, complained of heartburn (90%), regurgitation (80%) and upper abdominal pain (54 %). The endoscopy process revealed Savary-Miller esophagitis of grade 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%), sliding hernia (71%), paraesophageal hernia (8%) or no herniation (21%). The pHmetry/24h diagnosed mixed pattern (38%), raised (20%), lying (20%) or inconclusive (22%). The manometry diagnosed hypotensive LES (35%), normal esophageal peristalsis (88%), mild hypomotility (5%) and was absent (7%). Hiatal hernia, severe esophagitis, ineffective symptomatic control with proton pump inhibitor and request for treatment discontinuation were the signs for surgical action. A laparoscopic ligation of short gastric vessels (70%), cruroplasty and fundoplication (silk 2/0), short (average size 1.5–2 cm) and floppy, without tension and without intraoperative calibration of the esophagus were thus performed. The laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication behaved safe and effective in treating GERD. In a group of 14 asymptomatic volunteers its reputation was confirmed with statistical significance by normalization of postoperative pHmetry/24h and manometry. 94% of the individuals remained asymptomatic up to 30.7 months (average) in the follow-up. Interrogating myself about the impact of this operation on the microcirculation of the gastric fundus I put premised on the possibility of the ligation of the short gastric vessels in the Nissen procedure can induce changes in the arteriolar diameter in the Wall of the gastric fundus. To explore the influence of ligation of the short gastric vessels and the fundoplication at the arteriolar caliber of the cardia, the fundus and the region of the short vessels of the gastric wall, I designed a project of experimental research in guinea pigs with two interdependent components: one veterinary and another technical where I applied angiomorphological studies. The project was developed at the Research Centre of the Department of Anatomy FCMUNL. For its accomplishment I got permission from the Scientific and Pedagogical Committee of the FCM-UNL, I requested for accreditation as a researcher at the General Directorate of Veterinary and, by resorting to the use of animals I submitted it to the Ethics Committee of the FCM-UNL, which approved it unanimously. The guinea pigs were divided into two experimental groups: an experimental group (EG), in which the Nissen procedure was performed and a control group (CG) in which only a gastric traction was done. Protocols of anesthesia, surgery and euthanasia were applied according to the 3Rs – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement of the technique of human experimentation of Burch and Russell (1959) – a widely accepted ethical framework for conducting scientific experiments using animals humanely. Using histological and angiomorphological techniques, I performed the analysis and the description of the normal, macro and microvascular, anatomy of the guinea pig stomach and I defined the morphological criteria that I considered susceptible for validation of this animal model for the proposed study. By means of scanning electron microscopy I measured the arteriolar calibers of the vascular casts of the cardia, of the fundus and of the short gastric vessels in both CG and EG, making 469 measurements in the former and 461 in the latter. The data were sent to the Research Center of the CHLC which conducted the statistical analysis (ANOVA). The data were sent to the Centre for Research of the CHLC, EPE which proceeded to statistical analysis (ANOVA). This analysis revealed that the arterioles plexus of the mucosal and submucosal plexus of the cardia, fundus and region of the short gastric vessels, showed increased caliber in EG. The increase was statistically significant for being greater than 50% CG gauge. In the short gastric vessels, the difference was smaller, but persisted and statistically significant. Straight vessels were dilated at the base, on its emergence of the plexus serous only in the fundus. In the guinea pig, the Nissen procedure - complete fundoplication with ligation of the short gastric vessels - caused arteriolar vasodilation on the gastric fundus. I believe that this vasodilation constituted some accommodation to the modification introduced and infer that the same might happen in humans. I admit therefore that vasodilation also occurs in humans following the ligation of the short gastric vessels by microvascular analogy between the two species and that this vasodilation corresponds also to na adaptation mechanism arteriolar, for example, to compensate the loss incurred by ligation. The association of experimental ligation of the short gastric vessels with conducting complete fundoplication, which exerts increased pressure on the EGJ, not only did not cause a microcirculation deficit of the distal esophagus or proximal stomach as triggered a mechanism of fundic vasodilation which reinforces the security concept of the Nissen procedure for treatment of GERD.
There is a family of models with Physical, Human capital and R&D for which convergence properties have been discussed (Arnold, 2000a; Gómez, 2005). However, spillovers in R&D have been ignored in this context. We introduce spillovers in this model and derive its steady-state and stability properties. This new feature implies that the model is characterized by a system of four differential equations. A unique Balanced Growth Path along with a two dimensional stable manifold are obtained under simple and reasonable conditions. Transition is oscillatory toward the steady-state for plausible values of parameters.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
This work aimed at the development of a (bio)polymeric monolithic support for biopharmaceuticals purification and/or capture. For that, it was assured that functional groups on its surface were ready to be involved in a plethora of chemical reactions for incorporation of the desired and most suitable ligand. Using cryogelation as preparation method a screening on multiple combinations of materials was performed in order to create a potentially efficient support with the minimal footprint, i.e. a monolithic support with reasonable mechanical properties, highly permeable, biocompatible, ready to use, with gravitational performance and minimal unspecific interactions towards the target molecules, but also biodegradable and produced from renewable materials. For the pre-selection all monoliths were characterized physico-chemically and morphologically; one agarose-based and two chitosan-based monoliths were then subjected to further characterizations before and after their modification with magnetic nanoparticles. These three specimens were finally tested towards adenovirus and the recovery reached 84% for the chitosan-GMA plain monolith prepared at -80°C. Monoliths based on chitosan and PVA were prepared in the presence and absence of magnetic particles, and tested for the isolation of GFP directly from crude cellular extracts. The affinity ligand A4C7 previously selected for GFP purification was synthesized on the monolith. The results indicated that the solid-phase synthesis of the ligand directly onto the monolith might require optimization and that the large pores of the monoliths are unsuitable for the purification of small proteins, such as GFP.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae as well as other microorganisms are frequently used in industry with the purpose of obtain different kind of products that can be applied in several areas (research investigation, pharmaceutical compounds, etc.). In order to obtain high yields for the desired product, it is necessary to make an adequate medium supplementation during the growth of the microorganisms. The higher yields are typically reached by using complex media, however the exact formulation of these media is not known. Moreover, it is difficult to control the exact composition of complex media, leading to batch-to-batch variations. So, to overcome this problem, some industries choose to use defined media, with a defined and known chemical composition. However these kind of media, many times, do not reach the same high yields that are obtained by using complex media. In order to obtain similar yield with defined media the addition of many different compounds has to be tested experimentally. Therefore, the industries use a set of empirical methods with which it is tried to formulate defined media that can reach the same high yields as complex media. In this thesis, a defined medium for Saccharomyces cerevisiae was developed using a rational design approach. In this approach a given metabolic network of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is divided into a several unique and not further decomposable sub networks of metabolic reactions that work coherently in steady state, so called elementary flux modes. The EFMtool algorithm was used in order to calculate the EFM’s for two Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic networks (amino acids supplemented metabolic network; amino acids non-supplemented metabolic network). For the supplemented metabolic network 1352172 EFM’s were calculated and then divided into: 1306854 EFM’s producing biomass, and 18582 EFM’s exclusively producing CO2 (cellular respiration). For the non-supplemented network 635 EFM’s were calculated and then divided into: 215 EFM’s producing biomass; 420 EFM’s producing exclusively CO2. The EFM’s of each group were normalized by the respective glucose consumption value. After that, the EFMs’ of the supplemented network were grouped again into: 30 clusters for the 1306854 EFMs producing biomass and, 20 clusters for the 18582 EFM’s producing CO2. For the non-supplemented metabolic network the respective EFM’s of each metabolic function were grouped into 10 clusters. After the clustering step, the concentrations of the other medium compounds were calculated by considering a reasonable glucose amount and by accounting for the proportionality between the compounds concentrations and the glucose ratios. The approach adopted/developed in this thesis may allow a faster and more economical way for media development.
RESUMO:O envelhecimento e a preocupação com a dependência da população idosa é uma prioridade social. A permanência em casa onde se encontram todas as referências é importante em diversos aspectos, nomeadamente para uma maior independência. Quando a dependência surge, o Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (SAD) é um dos serviços sociais a que se pode recorrer. Numa análise dos serviços de SAD nas vertentes de legislação, instituições, cuidadores e utentes, não são relacionados o grau de dependência e a atribuição da ajuda, o que parece pertinente para equacionar as necessidades das pessoas idosas em SAD. Nesse sentido, este estudo teve como objectivo verificar a percepção dos utentes de SAD do grau de dependência e do grau de ajuda na realização de taferas de auto-cuidado e mobilidade, avaliados pelo próprio idoso, pelo ajudante familiar e pelo fisioterapeuta. O presente estudo, transversal (Agosto 2013 – Abril 2014), de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, e abordagem descritiva, observacional e correlacional, avaliou uma amostra de 51 idosos do SAD da Amadora, dos quais 80,4% eram mulheres, com média de idade de 82,4 anos (dp 6,81), principalmente viúvas, com escolaridade primária incompleta ou completa, orientada no tempo e no espaço, e com estado emocional por si considerado razoável. A investigadora, fisioterapeuta de formação, inquiriu idosos e ajudantes familiares que cuidavam dos mesmos, para recolher as suas opiniões sobre o grau de dependência e o respectivo grau de ajuda, observou o meio envolvente dos idosos, e recolheu comentários dos participantes. Os resultados obtidos apontam para um grau de dependência relacionado com a necessidade de meios e um grau de ajuda que indica ajuda de conveniência. Para a sua análise foram avaliadas tarefas de auto-cuidado e mobilidade, cuja relação foi comprovada estatisticamente. As opiniões dos intervenientes sobre a realização das tarefas e sobre o grau de dependência são parcialmente diferentes, sendo mais sobreponíveis em relação ao grau de ajuda necessária. A analise da correlação entre o grau de dependência e o grau de ajuda indica-nos que quanto maior o grau de dependência maior é o grau de ajuda. Ou seja, que a ajuda prestada nas situações de maior dependência era realmente necessária, mas também, que a ajuda prestada nas situações de menor dependência não era realmente necessária, sendo neste trabalho designada de ajuda de conveniência.------------ABSTRACT: Aging and concern about the dependence of the elderly population is a social priority. The ability to stay at home where all the references are, is important in several aspects, in particular for a greater independence. When the dependency arises, the Home Support Service (SAD in short for the portuguese "Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário") is a social service that can be appealed to. In an analysis of the SAD services in the areas of legislation, institutions, caregivers and users, the degree of dependence and aid allocation are not related, which seems relevant to equate the needs of older people in SAD. Thus, this study aimed to verify the perception of users of SAD towards the degree of dependency and the degree of help in the realization of self-care and mobility, valued by the user, the home support workers and the physiotherapist. This cross-sectional study (August 2013 - April 2014), of quantitative and qualitative nature, taking a descriptive approach, observational and correlational, assessed a sample of 51 elderly of SAD from Amadora, of which 80.4% were women, with an age average of 82.4 years (SD 6.81), mainly widows with incomplete or complete primary schooling, oriented in time and space, and emotional state by itself considered reasonable. The researcher, physiotherapist by training, inquired elderly and the home support workers who cared for them, to gather their opinions on the degree of dependency and the degree of the help provided, while observing the surrounding environment of the elderly. The results point to a degree related to the need for resources and a degree of help pointing towards a high level of convenience. For its analysis tasks of self-care and mobility were evaluated, whose relationship was confirmed statistically. The views of stakeholders on the realization of the tasks and on the degree of dependence are partly different, being more overlapping in the degree of help needed. The analysis of the correlation between the degree of dependency and the degree of help tells us that the greater the degree of dependence is, the greatest degree of help becomes. Which, that the help provided in situations of increased dependence was really needed, but also that the help provided in situations of reduced dependence was not really necessary, being designated in this work help of convenience.
Field Lab in Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures
This thesis is about arbitration, a form of alternative dispute resolution, as a solution for the slowness of the Brazilian Judiciary. The paper starts with an approach of the fundamental rights, highlighting their positivation, important to distinguish them from human rights, the four dimensions of the fundamental rights and, lastly, the analysis of their features, emphasizing their characters of complementarity and universality. After, it starts to discourse about the “access to Justice”, an important fundamental right, and, to delimitate the role of the Judiciary and the problems related to solve cases in a reasonable amount of time. Next, it exposes other alternative forms of dispute resolutions that, like the arbitration, can help to the concretization of a faster and more effective Justice. Then, it discusses the historical evolution of the arbitration in Brazil, highlighting the contemporary features of the institute, which were more visible with the ratification of the New York Convention and the promulgation of Law nº 9.307/1996. In addition, it analyses the possible changes that will come with the New Brazilian Procedure Law Code and the PL 7.108/2014, intended to change the current Arbitration Law. It also explains the main arbitration attributes, describing the peculiarities of the arbitral convention, the arbitrator role, and the arbitral award aspects. At least, it lists the main reasons someone should choose arbitration instead the Judiciary, considering the Brazilian Courts reality.
RESUMO: Enthesitis is the hallmark of spondyloarthritis (SpA), and is observed in all subtypes. Wide information on SpA abnormalities, including synovitis, tendinitis and enthesitis, can be efficiently perceived by Doppler ultrasound. Furthermore, several studies on imaging of enthesis showed that imaging techniques are better than clinical examination to detect enthesis alterations; and vascularized enthesitis detected by Doppler ultrasound appears to be a valuable diagnostic tool to confirm SpA diagnosis. However, data published until now concerning entheseal elementary alterations that characterize SpA enthesitis (enthesis inflammatory activity) or enthesopathy (permanent structural changes) reflect rather the authors’ empiric opinion than a methodological validation process. In this sense it seems crucial to identify elementary entheseal lesions associated with activity or damage, in order to improve monitoring and treatment response in SpA patients. The development of better assessment tools is today a challenge and a need in SpA. The first study of this thesis focused on the analysis of the reliability of inter-lector and inter-ultrasonography equipment of Madrid sonography enthesitis index (MASEI). Fundamental data for the remaining unrolling project validity. In the second and third studies we concerned about two entheseal elemental lesions: erosions and bursa. In literature erosions represent a permanent structural damage, being useful for monitoring joint injury, disease activity and therapeutic response in many rheumatic diseases; and to date, this concept has been mostly applied in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Unquestionably, erosion is a tissue-related damage and a structural change. However, the hypothesis that we decided to test was if erosions represent a permanent structural change that can only grow and worsen over time, as occurs in RA, or a transitory alteration. A longitudinal study of early SpA patients was undertaken, and the Achilles enthesis was used as a model. Our results strongly suggested that previously detected erosions could disappear during the course of the disease, being consistent with the dynamic behavior of erosion over time. Based on these striking results it seems reasonable to suggest that the new-bone formation process in SpA could be associated with the resolution of cortical entheseal erosion over time. These results could also be in agreement with the apparent failure of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapies to control bone proliferation in SpA; and with the relation of TNF-α, Dickkopf-related protein 1 (Dkk-1) and the regulatory molecule of the Wnt signaling pathway in the bone proliferation in SpA. In the same model, we then proceeded to study the enthesis bursa. Interestingly, the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials (OMERACT) enthesopathy definition does not include bursa as an elementary entheseal lesion. Nonetheless, bursa was included in 46% of the enthesis studies in a recently systematic literature review, being in agreement with the concept of “synovio-entheseal complex” that includes the link between enthesitis and osteitis in SpA. It has been clarified in recent data that there is not only a close functional integration of the enthesis with the neighboring bone, but also a connection between enthesitis and synovitis. Therefore, we tried to assess the prevalence and relevance of the bursa-synovial lesion in SpA. Our findings showed a significant increase of Achilles bursa presence and thickness in SpA patients compared to controls (healthy/mechanical controls and RA controls). These results raise awareness to the need to improve the enthesopathy ultrasonographic definition. In the final work of this thesis, we have explored new perspectives, not previously reported, about construct validity of enthesis ultrasound as a possible activity outcome in SpA. We performed a longitudinal Achilles enthesis ultrasound study in patients with early SpA. Achilles ultrasound examinations were performed at baseline, six- and twelve-month time periods and compared with clinical outcome measures collected at basal visit. Our results showed that basal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are higher in patients with Doppler signal in enthesis, and even that higher basal ESR, CRP and Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) predicted a higher Doppler signal (an ultrasound alteration accepted as representative of inflammation) six months later. Patients with very high disease activity assessed by ASDAS (>3.5) at baseline had significantly higher Achilles total ultrasound score verified at the same time; and ASDAS <1.3 predicted no Doppler signal at six and twelve months. This seems to represent a connection between classical biomarkers and clinical outcomes associated with SpA activity and Doppler signal, not only at the same time, but also for the following months. Remarkably, patients with inactive disease (ASDAS < 1.3) at baseline had no Doppler signal at six and twelve months. These findings reinforce the potential use of ultrasound related techniques for disease progression assessment and prognosis purposes. Intriguingly, Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) didn’t show significant differences between different cut-offs concerning ultrasound lesions or Doppler signal, while verified with ASDAS. These results seem to indicate that ASDAS reflects better than BASDAI what happens in the enthesis. The work herein discussed clearly shows the potential utility of ultrasound in enthesis assessment in SpA patients, and can be important for the development of ultrasound activity and structural damage scores for diagnosis and monitoring purposes. Therefore, local promotion of this technique constitutes a medical intervention that is worth being tested in SpA patients for diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis purposes.
The purpose of this work project is to analyze the acquisition of WhatsApp from Facebook occurred on 19th February 2014. The main research has the aim to understand if the price tag of $19 billion paid by Mark Zuckerberg was fair. Along the reaction of Facebook’s EPS on the keydays after the purchase, a balanced assessment of the acquisition was obtained and discussed. Results suggest that the price tag could be reasonable. However, taking into account the industry in which the two companies operate, where competition is quite intense, Facebook should assess this deal in a longerterm perspective.
The presented dissertation was developed within a partnership between Nova School of Business and Economics and the Portuguese retailer Sonae MC. The main objective of the study was to develop an analysis for the confectionary category to identify potential development opportunities for new Private Label products. In order to do so, the starting point was to understand how the confectionery market was behaving, followed by and understanding of Continente’s performance in that market. Aiming to point out development opportunities, the analysis was split between the subcategories – Chocolate, Chewing Gums and Sweets. The Subcategory performance was assessed in terms of sales, number of SKU’s, Private Label weight and it market position in terms of share. For the potential development opportunities a comparison between the top selling Branded Product and the competitors’ position was developed, in order to establish a reasonable size and retail price for such products. Key Word: Private Label, Branded Products, Continente, Sonae MC, Retail, SKU’s, Sales, Price, Market Share,
RESUMO: Objectivo: O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo a caracterização da vulnerabilidade individual em pessoas idosas residentes na comunidade. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, exploratório, quantitativo, e transversal numa amostra probabilística de aleatorização simples (n=213). A vulnerabilidade individual foi avaliada com recurso ao instrumento Vulnerable Elders Survey 13 e as restantes variáveis sócio-demográficas por questionário, ambas por via telefónica. Resultados: A amostra era predominantemente feminina, com uma maior prevalência das pessoas com 75 ou mais anos, viúvas, sem escolaridade, maioritariamente a viverem sós e mais de com um rendimento mensal igual ou inferior a 485€. Relativamente à vulnerabilidade, numa amostra aleatorizada de 213 pessoas, apenas 15 não apresentavam vulnerabilidade, avaliada pelo Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 (VES-13). Das 198 pessoas vulneráveis, correspondendo a 93% da amostra, 164, ou seja, 77% deste grupo, tinham uma pontuação total igual ou superior a 7 em 10, revelando um grau elevado de vulnerabilidade. Conclusão: As variáveis preditoras da vulnerabilidade são a idade, quanto maior a idade maior a vulnerabilidade, e o ser-se viúvo. As variáveis preditoras da dificuldade na realização das actividades físicas (AF) são a idade e pessoa isolada em alojamento colectivo. Para as actividades de vida diária (AVD), as variáveis que demostram ser preditoras são a idade, pessoa isolada em alojamento colectivo e residir em agregado familiar de casal de idosos.----------------------- ABSTRACT:Objective: The present study has as its principal objective the characterization of individual vulnerability in community-dwelling older people. Methodology: This is a non-experimental study, exploratory, qualitative, quantitative, and cross-sectional in a probabilistic sample of simple randomization (n=213). Individual vulnerability was assessed using the instrument Vulnerable Elders Survey 13 and the other socio-demographic variables by questionnaire, both by telephone. Results: the sample was predominantly female, with a higher prevalence of persons with 75 or more years, widows, without education, mostly living alone and most of all with less than or equal to 485€ per month. Concerning vulnerability, in a random sample of 213 people, only 15 doesn´t present vulnerability, evaluated by the Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 (VES-13). Of the 198 people vulnerable, accounting for 93% of the sample, 164, i.e. 77% of this group, had a total score equal to or greater than 7 in 10, revealing a high degree of vulnerability. Conclusion: The predictors of vulnerability are the age, where higher the age means greater vulnerability as well as being a widow. The predictors of the difficulty in physical activities are old age and isolated persons in collective accommodation. For the activities of daily life, the variables that demonstrate as being predictors are old age, isolated persons in collective accommodation and living in elderly couple.