28 resultados para Project of product


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Logoplaste is a specialist in operating in-house industrial sites for manufacturing rigid plastic packaging containers. In developing countries, especially in Africa, the low income of consumers does not allow a widespread adoption of products typically sold in rigid plastic containers. In these countries the flexible packages are usually adopted as they allow for better ratios of cost/litter of product, particularly in smaller packages. Should Logoplaste offer this type of technology in order to expand into developing countries?


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The development of an effective pricing strategy requires the acquaintance of consumers’ price perception as well as the range of elements that influence the price sensitivity. This paper analyses the relationships between product features, individual characteristics and the level of price increase/decrease that induces the consumers to change their purchase decisions. The results of a dedicated survey show, that price sensitivity, individual preferences, type of product and direction of price change and individual characteristics of consumers (gender, age, professional situation) have a significant impact on a threshold at which people are willing to choose the less attractive, but cheaper alternative to their favorite product or give up the variety in consumption. From a consumer behavior perspective, these findings play a fundamental role in pricing.


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The main purpose of the research is to present a proposal for a methodology to support the rehabilitation project of renders of old buildings in Portugal. To achieve the objective it was considered essential to define the main types of participants and aspects to integrate the proposal. The research methodology consists in an inquiry presented to professional participants in rehabilitation, a market study of materials and products available in Portugal, the design of a methodology proposal and its application to a case study. The inquiry sample totals 24 answers from the targeted professionals. A sequence of relevant supporting procedures consists in the proposal, which aims to provide a supporting methodology to decide and project in this context and also to be tested with its application to the building. This proposal was applied to an old building with load-bearing stone masonry walls and air-lime based renders. It was concluded that the assessment of the building and external renderings’ condition, its diagnosis and of the supporting walls, the definition of intervention, the specification of materials to be used and performance requirements to comply, and also plans for conservation and periodic maintenance, are crucial. From the inquiry, compatibility between materials and complementary roles and points of view of different types of participants in rehabilitation must be highlighted. A proposal for a methodology to support the project could provide useful guidance particularly for architects and construction engineers, and improve the understanding of direct participants on site, therefore contributing for the correct implementation of intervention.


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In this research we conducted a mixed research, using qualitative and quantitative analysis to study the relationship and impact between mobile advertisement and mobile app user acquisition and the conclusions companies can derive from it. Data was gathered from management of mobile advertisement campaigns of a portfolio of three different mobile apps. We found that a number of implications can be extracted from this intersection, namely to product development, internationalisation and management of marketing budget. We propose further research on alternative app users sources, impact of revenue on apps and exploitation of product segments: wearable technology and Internet of Things.


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Product fundamentals are essential in explaining heterogeneity in the product space. The scope for adapting and transferring capabilities into the production of different goods determines the speed and intensity of the structural transformation process and entails dissimilar development opportunities for nations. Future specialization patterns become then partly determined by the current network of products’ relatedness. Building on previous literature, this paper explicitly compares methodological concepts of product connectivity to conclude in favor of the density measure we propose combined with the Revealed Relatedness Index (RRI) approach presented by Freitas and Salvado (2011). Overall, RRI specifications displayed more consistent behavior when different time horizons are equated.


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Simulated moving bed (SMB) chromatography is attracting more and more attention since it is a powerful technique for complex separation tasks. Nowadays, more than 60% of preparative SMB units are installed in the pharmaceutical and in the food in- dustry [SDI, Preparative and Process Liquid Chromatography: The Future of Process Separations, International Strategic Directions, Los Angeles, USA, 2002. http://www. strategicdirections.com]. Chromatography is the method of choice in these ¯elds, be- cause often pharmaceuticals and ¯ne-chemicals have physico-chemical properties which di®er little from those of the by-products, and they may be thermally instable. In these cases, standard separation techniques as distillation and extraction are not applicable. The noteworthiness of preparative chromatography, particulary SMB process, as a sep- aration and puri¯cation process in the above mentioned industries has been increasing, due to its °exibility, energy e±ciency and higher product purity performance. Consequently, a new SMB paradigm is requested by the large number of potential small- scale applications of the SMB technology, which exploits the °exibility and versatility of the technology. In this new SMB paradigm, a number of possibilities for improving SMB performance through variation of parameters during a switching interval, are pushing the trend toward the use of units with smaller number of columns because less stationary phase is used and the setup is more economical. This is especially important for the phar- maceutical industry, where SMBs are seen as multipurpose units that can be applied to di®erent separations in all stages of the drug-development cycle. In order to reduce the experimental e®ort and accordingly the coast associated with the development of separation processes, simulation models are intensively used. One impor- tant aspect in this context refers to the determination of the adsorption isotherms in SMB chromatography, where separations are usually carried out under strongly nonlinear conditions in order to achieve higher productivities. The accurate determination of the competitive adsorption equilibrium of the enantiomeric species is thus of fundamental importance to allow computer-assisted optimization or process scale-up. Two major SMB operating problems are apparent at production scale: the assessment of product quality and the maintenance of long-term stable and controlled operation. Constraints regarding product purity, dictated by pharmaceutical and food regulatory organizations, have drastically increased the demand for product quality control. The strict imposed regulations are increasing the need for developing optically pure drugs.(...)


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The main purpose of the research is to present a proposal for a methodology to support the rehabilitation project of renders of old buildings. To achieve the objective it was considered essential to define the main types of participants and aspects to integrate the proposal. The research methodology consists in an inquiry presented to several professional participants in rehabilitation, a market study of materials and products available in Portugal, the design of a methodology proposal and its application to a case study. The inquiry sample totals 24 answers from the targeted professionals. A sequence of relevant supporting procedures consists in the proposal, which aims to provide a supporting methodology to decide and project in this context and also to be tested with its application to the building. This proposal was applied to an old building with load-bearing stone masonry walls and air-lime based renders. It was concluded that the assessment of the building and external renderings’ condition, its diagnosis and of the supporting walls, the definition of intervention, the specification of materials to be used and performance requirements to comply, and also plans for conservation and periodic maintenance, are crucial. From the inquiry, compatibility between materials and complementary roles and points of view of different types of participants in rehabilitation must be highlighted. A proposal for a methodology to support the project could provide useful guidance particularly for architects and construction engineers, and improve the understanding of direct participants on site, therefore contributing for the correct implementation of the intervention.


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Previous research demonstrated that the sequence of informational cues and the level of distraction have an impact on the judgment of a product’s quality. This study investigates the influence of the force behind the processing of these cues, working memory (WM). The results indicate that without distraction, consumers with low and high WM capacity (WMC) equally base their product evaluation on the first sequential cue. In the presence of a distractor, however, low WM individuals are no longer able to recall the initial cue, and thus derive their product judgment from the final cue. Moreover, evidence of intercultural differences in the perception of product related cues, and their aptitude for signaling a favorable product quality is provided.


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RESUMO - Este trabalho consiste numa análise sobre a viabilidade económico-financeira do projecto de construção de uma Unidade de Cuidados Continuados Integrados de Longa Duração e Manutenção pela Fundação COI, que pretende ser uma resposta adequada à diversidade de fenómenos que têm origem no envelhecimento populacional, inserindo-se no modelo de prestação de cuidados de saúde e apoio social preconizado pela Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados. Em termos estruturais, numa primeira fase, o trabalho faz uma análise sobre o estado da arte dos cuidados continuado, nomeadamente através da sua conceptualização e enquadramento, focando os aspectos e características da RNCCI, nomeadamente os aspectos relacionados com a sustentabilidade financeira e os desafios futuros que este sector da saúde se confronta. Numa segunda fase, o trabalho apresenta o projecto de investimento alvo do estudo de caso, mediante o enquadramento histórico e caracterização da Fundação COI, sendo descrita especificamente a tipologia de longa duração e manutenção e o projecto em termos da sua estrutura física e humana. Numa terceira fase, o trabalho estuda a racionalidade do projecto de investimento, através da análise económico-financeira. Tendo-se concluído, com a utilização de indicadores de avaliação e decisão de investimentos, que a ULDM, é viável. Deve-se contudo ter em conta que a sua viabilidade é sensível a hipotéticas alterações de cenários, nomeadamente perante diferentes taxas de ocupação ou alteração do modelo de pagamento. ----------------------- ABSTRACT - This paper consists on analyzing the economical and financial viability of a project of Integrated Continuous Cares on Long-Term and Maintenance Unit (LTMU), managed by COI Foundation, that can create a correct social answer on the various aspects and phenomenon’s that have their origin in an aged population. This kind of project belongs in the role model of social and health cares of the National Network of Integrated Continuous Cares (NNICC). In a first stage the paper is focused on the analysis of the state of the present services of the continuous cares in Portugal, more concretely of his conceptualization and social frame, putting under the lights the aspects and characteristics of the NNICC, more closely the parts related to their financial sustainability and the challenges that this health sector faces nowadays. The next stage is about the investment project applied to this case-study, given his social and historical frame and attending to the specific characteristics of the COI Foundation. It’s also describing its specific LTMU typology under the involved physic and human structure. Finally this paper study the investment project rationality trough scientific methods like its economic–financial analysis. The conclusion, using decision and evaluation procedures that lead to financial indicators, is that the LTMU, is viable. However, the viability of the project is sensible to an hypothetical change of scenario, namely with different rates of change of occupation or type of payment.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação Especialidade em Tecnologias, Redes e Multimédia na Educação e Formação


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RESUMO: A operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, é considerada a cirurgia antirefluxo mais adequada por ser a que melhor replica a fisiologia normal da válvula gastresofágica na maioria dos doentes com sintomas típicos de doença do refluxo gastresofágico (DRGE). São critérios técnicos o encerramento seguro dos pilares do diafragma e a criação de fundoplicatura completa (360 graus), curta (inferior a dois centímetros), lassa e sem tensão – desiderando para o qual a laqueação proximal dos vasos curtos gástricos é crucial. Realizei a operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, em sessenta mulheres e quarenta homens com DRGE, sem mortalidade operatória, no Serviço de Cirurgia 6 do Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. Os cem doentes apresentavam média etária de 46 anos e queixas, com tempo de evolução entre 1 e 43 anos, de pirose (90%), regurgitação (80%), azia (73%), epigastralgias (54%). A endoscopia alta revelou esofagite de grau Savary-Miller 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%); hérnia de deslizamento (71%), hérnia paraesofágica (8%), sem hérnia (21%); a pHmetria de 24h diagnosticou padrão misto (38%), levantado (20%), deitado (20%), inconclusiva (22%) e a manometria diagnosticou EEI hipotónico (35%), peristálise esofágica normal (88%), hipomotilidade ligeira (5%) e foi omissa (7%). Hérnia hiatal, esofagite grave, ineficácia do controlo sintomático com inibidor da bomba de protões e desejo de descontinuidade terapêutica constituíram as indicações para tratamento cirúrgico. Por celioscopia, efetuei laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos (70%), cruroplastia e fundoplicatura total (seda 2/0), curta (dimensão média 1,5-2 cm), lassa, sem tensão e sem calibração intraoperatória do esófago. A fundoplicatura de Nissen laparoscópica mostrou-se segura e eficaz no tratamento da DRGE. A sua idoneidade foi ainda comprovada pela normalização da pHmetria de 24 horas e da manometria pós-operatórias, com significado estatístico, num grupo de catorze voluntários assintomáticos. Em catamnese com recuo médio 30,7 meses 94% dos indivíduos persistem assintomáticos. Interrogando-me acerca das repercussões desta operação sobre a microcirculação do fundo gástrico coloquei, como premissa, a possibilidade de na operação de Nissen a laqueação dos vasos curtos poder induzir modificação no diâmetro arteriolar da parede do fundo gástrico. Para pesquisar a influência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e da fundoplicatura total sobre o calibre arteriolar da parede do estômago no cárdia, no fundo e na região dos vasos curtos gástricos, idealizei um Projeto de investigação experimental em cobaias. O Projeto foi desenvolvido no Centro de Investigação do Departamento de Anatomia da FCM-UNL. Para a sua realização obtive autorização da Comissão Científica e Pedagógica da FCM-UNL, requeri a acreditação como investigador à Direção Geral de Veterinária e, por recorrer à utilização de animais, submeti-o à Comissão de Ética da FCM-UNL, que o aprovou por unanimidade. Para limitar o número de animais utilizados ao mínimo necessário, calculei, por método estatístico, a quantidade de cobaias necessárias. Subdividindo-as num grupo de ensaio (GE), onde realizei a operação de Nissen, e num grupo de controlo (GC), onde apenas procedi a tração gástrica, defini e apliquei protocolos de anestesia, de cirurgia e de eutanásia, segundo os princípios dos 3R – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement da técnica de experimentação humana de Russell e Burch (1959) – uma estrutura ética amplamente aceite para a realização de experimentação científica humanizada com animais. A utilização das técnicas de estudo angiomorfológico permitiu-me analisar e descrever a anatomia normal, a vascularização arterial macroscópica, a microangioarquitetura, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento de moldes de corrosão vascular, e a histologia da parede do estômago da cobaia. Procedi, também, à definição dos critérios morfológicos que considerei suscetíveis de validação deste modelo animal para o estudo proposto. Por razões académicas, foi necessário abreviar o Projeto encurtando, em cerca de dois anos, o prazo disponível para conclusão do estudo. Apreciando-o com o Gabinete de Análise Epidemiológica e Estatística do Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE, optou-se, perante a escassez de elementos após já terem sido recrutados 46 animais, por uma amostra, suplementar, de dimensão de conveniência de oito cobaias (quatro em cada grupo), condicionada pelo limite temporal universitário e pelo respeito pela dignidade dos animais. Neste subgrupo procedi, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento, à medição dos calibres arteriolares nos moldes vasculares do cárdia, do fundo e da zona dos vasos curtos gástricos tanto no GC como no GE efetuando 469 medições no primeiro e 461 no último. Os dados foram enviados ao Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE que procedeu à sua análise estatística (ANOVA). A referida análise revelou que as arteríolas do plexo mucoso e as do plexo submucoso do cárdia, do fundo e da região dos vasos curtos gástricos, mostraram aumento de calibre no GE. O aumento foi, estatisticamente, significativo por ser superior a 50% do calibre do GC. Nos vasos curtos, a diferença foi mais pequena, mas persistiu sendo, estatisticamente, significativa. Os vasos retos dilataram na base, na sua emergência do plexo seroso, apenas no fundo gástrico. Na cobaia a operação de Nissen – fundoplicatura total com laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos –, provocou vasodilatação arteriolar do fundo gástrico. Considero que essa vasodilatação constituiu acomodação à modificação introduzida e infiro que o mesmo possa acontecer no ser humano. Admito, assim, que também ocorra vasodilatação no ser humano, na sequência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos, pela analogia microvascular entre as duas espécies e que essa vasodilatação corresponda, igualmente, a um mecanismo de adaptação arteriolar visando, por exemplo, suprir a perda incorrida pela laqueação. A associação experimental entre laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e realização de fundoplicatura total, que exerce aumento inerente de pressão sobre a JEG, não só não provocou défice da microcirculação do esófago distal ou do estômago proximal como desencadeou um mecanismo de vasodilatação fúndica que reforça o conceito de segurança da operação de Nissen para tratamento da DRGE. -------------- ABSTRACT: The laparoscopic Nissen operation is considered to be the most appropriate antirefluxsurgery because it suitably replicates the standard physiology of the gastroesophageal valve in most patients with typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The technical criteria includes the safe shutdown of the diafragmatic crura(cruroplasty) and the creation of a complete fundoplication (360 degrees), short (lesser than two inches), floppy and without tension – a goal for which the proximal ligation of the gastric short vessels is crucial. The laparoscopic Nissen operation was performed in sixty women and forty men with GERD, without any operative mortality, at the Surgical Department of the Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. The one hundred patients, averaged 46 years old, complained of heartburn (90%), regurgitation (80%) and upper abdominal pain (54 %). The endoscopy process revealed Savary-Miller esophagitis of grade 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%), sliding hernia (71%), paraesophageal hernia (8%) or no herniation (21%). The pHmetry/24h diagnosed mixed pattern (38%), raised (20%), lying (20%) or inconclusive (22%). The manometry diagnosed hypotensive LES (35%), normal esophageal peristalsis (88%), mild hypomotility (5%) and was absent (7%). Hiatal hernia, severe esophagitis, ineffective symptomatic control with proton pump inhibitor and request for treatment discontinuation were the signs for surgical action. A laparoscopic ligation of short gastric vessels (70%), cruroplasty and fundoplication (silk 2/0), short (average size 1.5–2 cm) and floppy, without tension and without intraoperative calibration of the esophagus were thus performed. The laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication behaved safe and effective in treating GERD. In a group of 14 asymptomatic volunteers its reputation was confirmed with statistical significance by normalization of postoperative pHmetry/24h and manometry. 94% of the individuals remained asymptomatic up to 30.7 months (average) in the follow-up. Interrogating myself about the impact of this operation on the microcirculation of the gastric fundus I put premised on the possibility of the ligation of the short gastric vessels in the Nissen procedure can induce changes in the arteriolar diameter in the Wall of the gastric fundus. To explore the influence of ligation of the short gastric vessels and the fundoplication at the arteriolar caliber of the cardia, the fundus and the region of the short vessels of the gastric wall, I designed a project of experimental research in guinea pigs with two interdependent components: one veterinary and another technical where I applied angiomorphological studies. The project was developed at the Research Centre of the Department of Anatomy FCMUNL. For its accomplishment I got permission from the Scientific and Pedagogical Committee of the FCM-UNL, I requested for accreditation as a researcher at the General Directorate of Veterinary and, by resorting to the use of animals I submitted it to the Ethics Committee of the FCM-UNL, which approved it unanimously. The guinea pigs were divided into two experimental groups: an experimental group (EG), in which the Nissen procedure was performed and a control group (CG) in which only a gastric traction was done. Protocols of anesthesia, surgery and euthanasia were applied according to the 3Rs – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement of the technique of human experimentation of Burch and Russell (1959) – a widely accepted ethical framework for conducting scientific experiments using animals humanely. Using histological and angiomorphological techniques, I performed the analysis and the description of the normal, macro and microvascular, anatomy of the guinea pig stomach and I defined the morphological criteria that I considered susceptible for validation of this animal model for the proposed study. By means of scanning electron microscopy I measured the arteriolar calibers of the vascular casts of the cardia, of the fundus and of the short gastric vessels in both CG and EG, making 469 measurements in the former and 461 in the latter. The data were sent to the Research Center of the CHLC which conducted the statistical analysis (ANOVA). The data were sent to the Centre for Research of the CHLC, EPE which proceeded to statistical analysis (ANOVA). This analysis revealed that the arterioles plexus of the mucosal and submucosal plexus of the cardia, fundus and region of the short gastric vessels, showed increased caliber in EG. The increase was statistically significant for being greater than 50% CG gauge. In the short gastric vessels, the difference was smaller, but persisted and statistically significant. Straight vessels were dilated at the base, on its emergence of the plexus serous only in the fundus. In the guinea pig, the Nissen procedure - complete fundoplication with ligation of the short gastric vessels - caused arteriolar vasodilation on the gastric fundus. I believe that this vasodilation constituted some accommodation to the modification introduced and infer that the same might happen in humans. I admit therefore that vasodilation also occurs in humans following the ligation of the short gastric vessels by microvascular analogy between the two species and that this vasodilation corresponds also to na adaptation mechanism arteriolar, for example, to compensate the loss incurred by ligation. The association of experimental ligation of the short gastric vessels with conducting complete fundoplication, which exerts increased pressure on the EGJ, not only did not cause a microcirculation deficit of the distal esophagus or proximal stomach as triggered a mechanism of fundic vasodilation which reinforces the security concept of the Nissen procedure for treatment of GERD.


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The objective of the work presented in this thesis was the development of an innovative approach for the separation of enantiomers of secondary alcohols, combining the use of an ionic liquid (IL) - both as solvent for conducting enzymatic kinetic resolution and as acylating agent - with the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as solvent for extraction. Menthol was selected for testing this reaction/separation approach due to the increasing demand for this substance, which is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries. With a view to using an ionic ester as acylating agent, whose conversion led to the release of ethanol, and due to the need to remove this alcohol so as to drive reaction equilibrium forward, a phase equilibrium study was conducted for the ehtanol/(±)-menthol/CO2 system, at pressures between 8 and 10 MPa and temperatures between 40 and 50 oC. It was found that CO2 is more selective towards ethanol, especially at the lowest pressure and highest temperature tested, leading to separation factors in the range 1.6-7.6. The pressure-temperature-composition data obtained were correlated with the Peng-Robinson equation of state and the Mathias-Klotz-Prausnitz mixing rule. The model fit the experimental results well, with an average absolute deviation (AAD) of 3.7 %. The resolution of racemic menthol was studied using two lipases, namely lipase from Candida rugosa (CRL) and immobilized lipase B from Candida antarctica (CALB), and two ionic acylating esters. No reaction was detected in either case. (R,S)-1-phenylethanol was used next, and it was found that with CRL low, nonselective, conversion of the alcohol took place, whereas CALB led to an enantiomeric excess (ee) of the substrate of 95%, at 30% conversion. Other acylating agents were tested for the resolution of (±)-menthol, namely vinyl esters and acid anhydrides, using several lipases and varying other parameters that affect conversion and enantioselectivity, such as substrate concentration, solvent and temperature. One such acylating agent was propionic anhydride. It was thus performed a phase equilibrium study on the propionic anhydride/CO2 system, at temperatures between 35 and 50 oC. This study revealed that, at 35 oC and pressures from 7 MPa, the system is monophasic for all compositions. The enzymatic catalysis studies carried out with propionic anhydride revealed that the extent of noncatalyzed reaction was high, with a negative effect on enantioselectivity. These studies showed also that it was possible to reduce considerably the impact of the noncatalyzed reaction relative to the reaction catalyzed by CRL by lowering temperature to 4 oC. Vinyl decanoate was shown to lead to the best results at conditions amenable to a process combining the use of supercritical CO2 as agent for post-reaction separation. The use of vinyl decanoate in a number of IL solvents, namely [bmim][PF6], [bmim][BF4], [hmim][PF6], [omim][PF6], and [bmim][Tf2N], led to an enantiomeric excess of product (eep) values of over 96%, at about 50% conversion, using CRL. In n-hexane and supercritical CO2, reaction progressed more slowly.(...)


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The present paper aims to investigate the determinant factors of Portuguese merger control. Our sample comprises 652 M&A cases occurred between January of 2003 and September of 2015. Through a probit model we have tested the relevance of product and geographic market, entry barriers, type of concentration, merger effects, year of decision and the President of the Competition Authority at the time. The results suggests that the conglomerate and vertical effects, the existence of barriers to entry as well as the number of regulatory agencies listened are the main explanatory variables to determine a need for an in-depth investigation and to make a final decision. According to the evidence, cases cleared at Phase 1 are increasing over time. The number of prohibited mergers is close to zero.