23 resultados para ENDOTOXIC-SHOCK


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Sendo a malária uma doença infecciosa que põe em risco uma elevada percentagem da população mundial, a presente dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de um teste de diagnóstico rápido (RDT) para a detecção da infecção. Para a detecção dos antigénios de Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), parasita da malária, foram estudadas nanopartículas de ouro (AuNPs) com dois diâmetros médios diferentes, 17nm e 48nm, funcionalizadas e conjugadas com anticorpos específicos, formando os bionanoconjugados. Este trabalho abrange dois focos de investigação, interligados, de forma a atingir-se o objectivo prosposto: i) Caracterização físico-quimica das AuNPs e dos bionanoconjugados em solução, usando a espectrocopia de UV-Visível, variando a força iónica e o pH do meio. A compreensão do comportamento e estabilidade das partículas consoante o seu diâmetro e revestimento tem em vista o melhoramento do RDT, tanto em sensibilidade como em custo; ii) Desenvolvimento do RDT usando um método que envolve uma ligação competitiva entre o antigénio e o anticorpo específico imobilizado à superfície das AuNPs. Os antigénios correspondem a biomarcadores da presença de Pf: Heat Shock Protein 70 (PfHsp70) e Histidine Rich Protein II (PfHRPII). Como superfícies para o desenvolvimento do RDT foram usados a nitrocelulose e o papel de filtro. Quanto maior é o diâmetro das AuNPs, maior é a estabilidade apresentada em solução quando aumentada a força iónica. Quando é variado o valor de pH do meio, as partículas adoptam um comportamento dependente do seu revestimento, independente do diâmetro. Os bionanoconjugados formados com AuNPs de ambos os diâmetros revelaram-se muito estáveis em solução, numa gama de forças iónicas de 0 a 0,5M de cloreto de sódio, e de pH de 2 a 7. Uma vez que a proteína Hsp70 é produzida constitutivamente em diversas células humanas, é necessário trabalhar com proteínas específicas da infecção, que nesta dissertação foi a PfHRPII. Foram efectuados testes no suporte de nitrocelulose que provaram o reconhecimento da PfHRPII pelos bionanoconjugados AuNPs-MUA-anti-PfHRPII. Estes ensaios necessitam ainda de algumas optimizações. Ensaios de Western-Blot permitiram a identificação da presença da PfHRPII em culturas infectadas, bem como a confirmação da sua ligação ao anticorpo específico, anti-PfHRPII. Um novo método de revelação é introduzido nesta técnica, efectuado através do uso dos bionanoconjugados. Este método mostrou-se promissor na medida em que é rápido, específico e de baixo custo. O principal contributo do trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento, com sucesso, de um RDT para diagnóstico de malária, usando o antigénio PfHsp70, tendo como base a detecção colorimétrica com AuNPs de 17nm de diâmetro. Usando uma tira de nitrocelulose foi estabelecido um limite de detecção correspondente a 1600parasitas/μL, valor este considerado válido pela OMS para um correcto diagnóstico de malária. O limite de detecção obtido para as AuNPs de 48nm foi superior, não tendo trazido melhorias para o teste desenvolvido com AuNPs de menor diâmetro.


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One of the largest health problems faced worldwide, when evaluated by direct (clinical) as well indirect cost (absenteeism), is the degeneration of the intervertebral disc (IVD) that leads to back pain and, potentially disability and individual´s quality of life decreasing. The intervertebral disc is a mechanical and biological complex structure, formed by a tough outer layer of fibrocartilage called Annulus Fibrosus (AF),which surrounds a soft, elastic and gelatinous core called Nucleus Pulposus (NP). These two structures are completed by two upper and lower encasing layer called Vertebral Endplates (VEP). The degeneration of the IVD is marked by the dehydration of the Nucleus Pulposus, reducing the hydrostatic pressure inside the nucleus, resulting in a loss of capability to support compressive forces, during the active period, and to regain height during the resting period. This situation will compromise the role of shock absorber by the NP and transfers these forces to the AF. This transfer will result in cracks on the AF, deteriorating the IVD, allowing the ingrowth of vessels and nerves. This project was based on the developing a protocol to test suitable NP replacements, in hope to future assessment of discrete mechanical values and characteristics for an NP replacement. For this, Nucleus pulposus samples from goat, encapsulated Hydromed gel denominated “Raviolis” and Chitosan gels, produced via wet route using an ammonium environment, were confined compressed. Chitosan was rheologically tested and swelling capability of all the three type of materials was assessed. Results showed that the Nucleus Pulposus and “Raviolis” have similar mechanical behavior, being able to swell and “build up” hydrostatic pressure after a compression stage, while the Chitosan gel did not showed that ability. Therefore, “Raviolis” are a more suitable candidate to replace the NP than Chitosan gels. It was also observed that confined compression is the key test to perform on any possible candidate to replace the NP.


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Legislation introduced in the U.S. in 2002/2003 significantly changed board composition of public firms by imposing a 50% independent directors’ ratio. Research on the effect of independent directors is not consensual, implying that this exogenous shock is a unique opportunity to study their importance. This study answers the question of whether or not independent directors can effectively mitigate agency conflicts between shareholders and the management, having a positive impact on the choice of successful R&D projects. We find that an increase of board independence has a positive impact on patent counts. Hence, the results support that independent directors truly spur innovation and risk taking.


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For some years, researchers could not find a clear effect of capital adequacy on the risk profile of banks, as shareholders could increase the riskiness of the assets (qualitative effect), crowding-out the effect of reduced leverage (volume effect). Some shareholders might have the will to increase the riskiness of the assets, but they may lack the power to do so. Considering only ”powerful” shareholders, definitive conclusions were drawn but with constant ownership profile. In this paper I investigate whether there is a significant change in the type of shareholders in response to regulatory capital shocks and, if so, will the banking system be in the hands of more “desired” shareholders. I find that ownership profile responds to a regulatory shock, changing the risk appetite of the ruling power at the bank. I find more banks and the government in the ownership of undercapitalised banks and much less institutional shareholders and free float. I claim that these new shareholders may not the desired ones, given the objective of the regulatory change, as they are associated with a preference for more leverage. One possible explanation for this crowding-out effect is that regulators are trying to contain idiosyncratic risk (more linked to the riskiness of the assets) with a rule that contains systematic risk (capital adequacy). This has a distorting effect on ownership. Another insight can be drawn from the tests: supervisors should be aware of significant ownership movements that cause the crowding-out.


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Since its inception, the Eurozone has experienced significant financial integration. However, with the recent turbulent period, the dynamics of this integration may have changed. This study analyses the volatility spillovers from the US and aggregate Eurozone markets into ten Euro Area national equity and bond markets, using a regime-switching model with shifting shock sensitivities. The evidence confirms an increased impact of shock spillover intensity after the 2008 crisis in the equity market and a decrease of the same parameters for the bond market. In both markets, the overall impact of the Eurozone is greater when compared to the U.S.


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Siguiendo algunos desarrollos de Walter Benjamin y la lectura de su pensamiento que realiza Giorgio Agamben, este artículo explora ciertas aristas de la relación entre historia, tiempo y catástrofe como la crisis que permite comprender el vínculo del hombre con la experiencia en la modernidad. Esto implica tematizar una nueva noción de experiencia a fin de pensar modos de concebir la relación entre las prácticas artísticas y la historia, fundados en la discontinuidad, la interrupción y el shock. Dar por tierra el tiempo continuo y vacío significa asumir un tiempo “pleno, separado, indivisible y perfecto de la experiencia humana concreta”, tal como propone Agamben. A esta nueva concepción de la historia y al arte les compete posibilitar el advenimiento del tiempo pleno que supone la liberación del goce ahistórico, para acceder a una temporalidad placentera, cualitativamente transformadora del tiempo, a la vez crítica y destructiva.