27 resultados para Deceptive advertising
The purpose of this study is to explore the humorous side of television advertisement and its impact on Portuguese consumers’ hearts, minds and wallets. Both qualitative (through in-depth interviews) and quantitative (through an on-line survey and subsequent statistical data analysis) methods were used, guaranteeing a more consistent, strong and valid research. Twenty-five interviews with randomly chosen consumers were conducted face-to-face and three interviews via e-mail with marketers and television advertisers were performed in order to explore profoundly the subject. Moreover, 360 people have answered the on-line survey. Through the analysis of the data collected humor perception was found to be positively correlated with persuasion and intention to purchase the product; intention to share the advert; message comprehension; product liking and development of positive feelings towards the brand and brand credibility variables. The main implication of these findings relies on the fact that humor in advertising is able to boost its effectiveness.
The aim of this study is to assess the institutionalized children’s skills as consumers but also to assess how we can improve their knowledge through an intervention. The sample was composed of two subgroups (38 institutionalized children and 36 non-institutionalized children). In order to assess children’s knowledge, a questionnaire and an interview were used. The method used as intervention was a 30-minute class. Results suggested that institutionalized children have lower levels of knowledge regarding consumption-related practices and lower levels of accuracy at estimating prices than non-institutionalized children. However, results also showed that the attitudes of institutionalized children towards advertising and making decisions based on price/quantity evaluation or based on the use of the same strategy in different situations are not significantly different from the non-institutionalized children. Regarding the intervention, it was possible to conclude that one class is not the best method to improve children’s knowledge. Institutionalized children need a longer and more practical intervention.
In this research we conducted a mixed research, using qualitative and quantitative analysis to study the relationship and impact between mobile advertisement and mobile app user acquisition and the conclusions companies can derive from it. Data was gathered from management of mobile advertisement campaigns of a portfolio of three different mobile apps. We found that a number of implications can be extracted from this intersection, namely to product development, internationalisation and management of marketing budget. We propose further research on alternative app users sources, impact of revenue on apps and exploitation of product segments: wearable technology and Internet of Things.
Following the Introduction, which surveys existing literature on the technology advances and regulation in telecommunications and on two-sided markets, we address specific issues on the industries of the New Economy, featured by the existence of network effects. We seek to explore how each one of these industries work, identify potential market failures and find new solutions at the economic regulation level promoting social welfare. In Chapter 1 we analyze a regulatory issue on access prices and investments in the telecommunications market. The existing literature on access prices and investment has pointed out that networks underinvest under a regime of mandatory access provision with a fixed access price per end-user. We propose a new access pricing rule, the indexation approach, i.e., the access price, per end-user, that network i pays to network j is function of the investment levels set by both networks. We show that the indexation can enhance economic efficiency beyond what is achieved with a fixed access price. In particular, access price indexation can simultaneously induce lower retail prices and higher investment and social welfare as compared to a fixed access pricing or a regulatory holidays regime. Furthermore, we provide sufficient conditions under which the indexation can implement the socially optimal investment or the Ramsey solution, which would be impossible to obtain under fixed access pricing. Our results contradict the notion that investment efficiency must be sacrificed for gains in pricing efficiency. In Chapter 2 we investigate the effect of regulations that limit advertising airtime on advertising quality and on social welfare. We show, first, that advertising time regulation may reduce the average quality of advertising broadcast on TV networks. Second, an advertising cap may reduce media platforms and firms' profits, while the net effect on viewers (subscribers) welfare is ambiguous because the ad quality reduction resulting from a regulatory cap o¤sets the subscribers direct gain from watching fewer ads. We find that if subscribers are sufficiently sensitive to ad quality, i.e., the ad quality reduction outweighs the direct effect of the cap, a cap may reduce social welfare. The welfare results suggest that a regulatory authority that is trying to increase welfare via regulation of the volume of advertising on TV might necessitate to also regulate advertising quality or, if regulating quality proves impractical, take the effect of advertising quality into consideration. 3 In Chapter 3 we investigate the rules that govern Electronic Payment Networks (EPNs). In EPNs the No-Surcharge Rule (NSR) requires that merchants charge at most the same amount for a payment card transaction as for cash. In this chapter, we analyze a three- party model (consumers, merchants, and a proprietary EPN) with endogenous transaction volumes and heterogenous merchants' transactional benefits of accepting cards to assess the welfare impacts of the NSR. We show that, if merchants are local monopolists and the network externalities from merchants to cardholders are sufficiently strong, with the exception of the EPN, all agents will be worse o¤ with the NSR, and therefore the NSR is socially undesirable. The positive role of the NSR in terms of improvement of retail price efficiency for cardholders is also highlighted.
User-generated advertising changed the world of advertising and changed the strategies used by marketers. Many researchers explored the dimensions of source credibility in traditional media and online advertising. However, little previous research explored the dimensions of source credibility in the context of user-generated advertising. This exploratory study aims to investigate the different dimensions of source credibility in the case of user-generated advertising. More precisely, this study will explore the following factors: (1) objectivity, (2) trustworthiness, (3) expertise, (4) familiarity, (5) attractiveness and (6) frequency. The results suggest that some of the dimensions of source credibility (objectivity, trustworthiness, expertise, familiarity and attractiveness) remain the same in the case of user-generated advertising. Additionally, a new dimension is added to the factors that explain source credibility (reputation). Furthermore, the analysis suggests that the dimension “frequency” is not an explanatory factor of credibility in the case of user-generated advertisement. The study also suggests that companies using user-generated advertisement as part of their overall marketing strategy should focus on objectivity, trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness and reputation when selecting users that will communicate sponsored user-generated advertisements.
O dispositivo publicitário sempre teve uma presença totalitária, no sentido de espaço e tempo, na vida dos indivíduos na sociedade de consumo (fala-se de 200 a 5 mil impactos diários). Nos anos mais recentes, a introdução de ferramentas digitais e a instituição de novos circuitos de comunicação levou a indústria publicitária a uma mudança de paradigma. A grande transformação está a acontecer ao nível das linhas de visibilidade, uma vez que a publicidade tradicional, baseada nos mass media, vem perdendo influência para os circuitos one-to-one. A crescente migração para os equipamentos pessoais e móveis (computadores, tablets ou smartphones) abriu caminho para novas formas de comunicação entre as marcas e os consumidores, com circuitos mais fechados ou mesmo personalizados. A alteração dos circuitos relacionais permite identificar um novo contexto: estamos a viver a era da publicidade invisível. Hoje a mensagem pode ser enviada apenas a públicos específicos, melhor identificados e por isso mais qualificados, passando longe do olhar dos consumidores que não interessa atingir. A introdução dessas ferramentas digitais institui uma nova economia do poder, uma vez que tornou a mensagem publicitária mais eficaz para fazer circular a mercadoria.
The aim of this dissertation is the analysis of the rules on advertising in advocacy. Presently this is a controversial issue that is far from being consensual. As we will demonstrate through the text, the arguments presented are, one the one hand, a safeguard of the deontological values of the profession that govern this professional class and, on the other hand, the interests of the legal service providers, in the current context. Opinions differ substantially among professionals who exercise the profession in individual practice, that defend balanced and fair rules to assert the true brightness of the professional lawyer, and those who work in an organized structure, such as the law firms, who defend more flexible rules in advertising and promoting the offices. Currently the rules of advertising for lawyers are provided by article 89º of the Statue of the Portuguese Bar Association. However, these rules will soon suffer adjustments that will take into consideration the Law no. 2/2013 of january 10, which will extend the scope of advertising for public associations, in order to increase the competition among these, at national or European level. Following this logic, arguments such as unequal access to available means of advertising for financial reasons or that the better publicized service is not always the most advantageous to the costumer will be analyzed and criticized.
The scope of the present work is to study the legal protection conferred upon the consumer in Angola, especially as regards electronic communication agreements. Its purpose is to promote consumers’ rights and contribute to its defence given the relatively privileged position of professionals in their relationship with consumers. With this in mind, we have made a description of the Consumer Law in Angola based on the Angolan Constitution (as the law that establishes the fundamental rights and guarantees of citizens) and on the Consumer’s Defence Law, which, as the basic law regarding consumers’ rights, provides the framework for this dissertation. We have analysed several aspects relating to consumer relationships, starting from its concept and rights of consumers and covering the legal and contractual mechanisms put in place for their protection. We have also analysed the Advertising Law with a view to better understand consumer’s rights before advertising campaigns carried out by professionals whilst promoting their goods and services and, additionally, to understand the duties and principles that shall be complied with in such campaigns with the purpose to protect the rights and interests of consumers. From a criminal point of view, we have briefly covered the crimes against consumers provided for in the Penal Code and the Law of Infractions against the Economy. In the second part of this work, we have summarised the institutions that protect the rights and interests of consumers, which include the Public Prosecutor Office, the National Institute for the Defence of the Consumers and the Consumers’ Associations. The third and last part of this work covers electronic communications agreements. Given the fact that there is no specific legislation in this matter, our analysis was based on the Civil Code – specifically the part relating to contracts – the Law on General Contractual Terms and Conditions and the Consumer’s Defence Law. We have analysed the formation of contracts, compliance and consumers’ rights resulting from contract breach. We further have appealed to the Angolan legislator to legislate certain aspects of consumer relationships, especially those where breach of consumers’ rights are blatant and facilitated by the lack of specific laws addressing such cases.
This paper attempts to prove that in the years 1735 to 1755 Venice was the birthplace and cradle of Modern architectural theory, generating a major crisis in classical architecture traditionally based on the Vitruvian assumption that it imitates early wooden structures in stone or in marble. According to its rationalist critics such as the Venetian Observant Franciscan friar and architectural theorist Carlo Lodoli (1690-1761) and his nineteenth-century followers, classical architecture is singularly deceptive and not true to the nature of materials, in other words, dishonest and fallacious. This questioning did not emanate from practising architects, but from Lodoli himself– a philosopher and educator of the Venetian patriciate – who had not been trained as an architect. The roots of this crisis lay in a new approach to architecture stemming from the new rationalist philosophy of the Enlightenment age with its emphasis on reason and universal criticism.
Esta tese de doutoramento tem como campo de estudo o grafismo e a ilustração produzidos em Portugal durante os anos 40 do século XX. Ela foca a sua análise em quatro áreas de investigação: a) publicidade; b) grafismo e ilustração de jornais, revistas e livros; c) grafismo editorial produzido pelo Secretariado da Propaganda Nacional; d) grafismo de algumas publicações editadas por ocasião das exposições de Paris (1937), Nova Iorque e São Francisco (1939), e a Exposição do Mundo Português (1940). Através da pesquisa de fontes primárias – jornais, revistas, livros, anúncios, cartazes, material publicitário vário – em conjução com textos e artigos da época – procurámos fazer uma História do Design Gráfico em Portugal que tivesse em consideração não só a estética do material gráfico criado mas também a conjuntura histórica, económica, sociológica e ideológica em que esse material apareceu. Comparámos o grafismo realizado para as instituições públicas e aquele feito para as empresas privadas para concluir que há pontos de contacto entre os dois não só por os artistas serem quase sempre os mesmos mas também porque o mesmo discurso ideológico permeava tanto a propaganda do Estado Novo quanto a produção comercial ainda que houvesse a resistência de outras propostas estéticas e imaginários, como o surrealismo e o neo-realismo. António Ferro, director do Secretariado da Propaganda Nacional, soube aproveitar o talento de um núcleo de artistas para a criação de uma identidade visual para Portugal, uma identidade que sintetizasse elementos da arte popular com um enquadramento moderno. Através de múltiplas actividades essa identidade foi sendo desenvolvida e replicada mas é nas oportunidades de trabalho e experimentação dadas aos artistas modernistas portugueses que reside o verdadeiro legado de António Ferro para o Design Gráfico português.
A partir de um corpus de géneros de texto publicitários, rótulos e contrarrótulos de garrafa de vinho e anúncios sobre o vinho, neste trabalho, serão analisados os enunciados injuntivos em ocorrência para averiguar as relações que se estabelecem entre marcas comerciais e consumidores, o tipo de informação veiculada e as representações linguisticamente construídas destes sujeitos. Situando-se no âmbito da Teoria do Texto e combinando patamares de análise linguística com a dimensão social, esta investigação convoca ainda o Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo que defende uma perspetiva ontogenética da linguagem, consentânea com uma abordagem discursivo-textual da Linguística. A análise dos dados indica que os domínios sociais ou as atividades envolvidas, publicitária e de produção e de comercialização do vinho, preconizam imagens do consumidor ideal de vinho no que diz respeito à prova de vinho, a um comportamento socialmente adequado e sobre as boas propriedades do vinho.
Field lab: Business project