65 resultados para Attitude alignment
Thesis submitted in the fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master in Biomedical Engineering
Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specialization of Collaborative Networks
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Master in Statistics and Information Management.
RESUMO - Independentemente do modelo jurídico adoptado para os hospitais é necessário introduzir políticas de gestão estratégicas e adoptar instrumentos que permitam uma melhoria efectiva dos processos de gestão organizacional. A implementação de um modelo de contratualização interna que se traduza na transposição dos compromissos assumidos externamente para o interior da organização e, consequentemente, a sua desagregação pelos diferentes níveis de gestão, permite alcançar um alinhamento cada vez maior entre os objectivos contratualizados externamente e a missão das instituições de saúde. No presente estudo pretendeu-se identificar o estado de arte relativamente à contratualização interna numa amostra representativa das unidades hospitalares portuguesas, tendo-se concluído pela identificação de acções a desenvolver para servir de suporte à sua efectiva adopção.--------------------------ABSTRACT – Despite legal framework applied on hospitals, it is essential to develop and launch a set of management and strategic policies, as well as to adopt instruments that can grant an effective improvement to organizational management processes. The implementation of a «management by objectives model» that will carry external commitments the organization and therefore its splitting through the different management levels, will provide a higher alignment between the objectives externally agreed and the mission of health institutions. The goal of this study, is to identify the «management by objectives» state of the art on a representative sample of the Portuguese hospital units, as well as to identify the actions nece
Resumo - As doenças crónicas não transmissíveis são uma ameaça crescente à Saúde Pública em Portugal. As principais causas de mortalidade e morbilidade são doenças relacionadas com os estilos de vida, hábitos alimentares e de actividade física. Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários estão na linha da frente para dar resposta a estas patologias. Os profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente médicos e enfermeiros, sentem dificuldades para as tratar, como a falta de tempo, de conhecimentos e de confiança para o fazer, bem como uma descrença na efectividade das suas intervenções no âmbito da mudança comportamental destes pacientes. A dificuldade em referenciar estes pacientes a outros profissionais, especializados, como os nutricionistas e os fisiologistas do exercício, implica dotar médicos e enfermeiros com as competências básicas de aconselhamento alimentar e de actividade física, bem como serem capazes de assumirem uma atitude centrada no paciente e motivadora da mudança comportamental. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas no tratamento da obesidade e sua associação com o nível de actividade física reportado por médicos e enfermeiros. Este é um estudo observacional, transversal, que recorre à aplicação de um questionário de resposta directa. --------Abstract - Non communicable chronic diseases are increasingly relevant public health threats. The main causes of mortality and morbidity in Portugal are lifestyle, food and exercise habits, related diseases. Primary health care services are in the front line to adress this pathologies. Health care professionals, namely physicians and nurses, face numerous barriers like reduced consultation time, knowledge and confidence to deal with this problems, as well as a disbelief in the efectiviness of their intervention in patients health behaviour change. The inhability to reference this patients to nutrition and exercise specialists, increases the need to give physicians and nurses the adequate nutrition and exercise basic counselling skills, as well as promoting a patient centred attitude that enables them to increase patients motivation to health behaviour change. The study sought to assess the nutrition knowledge, atittudes and practice and its associations with self - reported personal physical activity habits of primary health care professionals. This is a descriptive, cross- sectional stu
Attitudes towards mentally ill in professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital in Rwanda
ABSTRACT: This quantitative study investigated the attitudes toward the mentally ill in professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital. The research questions explored were centered on the attitudes of directly involved and supportive professionals toward mentally ill clients and also on the difference between the attitudes of directly involved and supportive professionals toward mentally ill clients and demographic variables. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in attitude between direct care providers and supportive professionals toward the mentally ill clients. The Community Attitudes towards Mentally Ill (CAMI) scale (Dear & Taylor, 1982; Taylor, Dear & Hall, 1979; Taylor & Dear, 1981) was used. A total of 72 members of the staff, including 55 directly involved staff and 17 supportive staff members, participated in the survey. A summary interpretation of the main findings in this thesis reinforces the assumption that negative attitudes towards people with mental illness received in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital are in existence, even though the majority have favorable attitudes towards the mentally ill. This suggests that persons with mental illness may encounter stigmatizing attitudes from mental health professionals. This study represents one of the first to explore professionals’ attitudes towards the mentally ill. It is hoped that this work will highlight the need to explore the influence of attitudes in the delivery of high quality healthcare. The provider–patient relationship is at the heart of effective treatment and the detrimental impact of prejudicial judgments on this relationship should not be ignored. This study also demonstrates that professionals with different roles report different attitudes and this suggest that they would behave differently towards patients with mental illness. The directly involved professionals have been found to have more positive attitudes than the supportive professional and this seems to show that as individuals improve their ability to interact with persons with mental illness, they become more tolerant. The present study demonstrates that the sociodemographic variables tested have no impact on the attitudes of the professionals working in Ndera neuropsychiatric hospital. The extent of mental health training (as part of general health training) and duration of experience of working in mental health settings did not influence attitudes. Finally, this study demonstrates that there is no correlation between the attitudes towards mentally ill patients and their inclusion in the process of decision-making.
Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial (MEGI)
The building of social Europe: companies, territories, movement of the workforce. For ten years, companies have been obliged to standardize the quality of their products interaationally, which goes along with a dismantling of the landmarks of the territories of political action in France. This article presents some current research about the movement of the labour force in Europe and raise the issue of coordination between the different legitimate categories and the attitude of the various administrations (work, health) concemed by this phenomenon.
Drawing its information from different documents in Portuguese and French archives, this article examines the evolution of Portuguese colonial policies regarding Islam, focusing the special case of Mozambique. Such policies evolved from an attitude of neglect and open repression, prevalent in the early years of the colonial war, when Muslims were perceived as main supporters of the anti-colonial guerrilla in northern Mozambique, to a more nuanced approach that tried to isolate ‘African Muslims’ from foreign influences in order to align them with the Portuguese combat against the anti-colonial movement. The article analyses the latter strategy, assessing its successes and failures and the contributions made by several actors that were engaged in this achievement: the Catholic Church, the core of political power and its local ramifications in the colonies.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
J Biol Inorg Chem (2011) 16:1241–1254 DOI 10.1007/s00775-011-0812-9
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Física
Sabbatical Studies Report