31 resultados para Aggressive incidents


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RESUMO - O problema do erro de medicação tem vindo a adquirir uma importância e um interesse crescentes nos últimos anos. As consequências directas no doente que condicionam frequentemente o prolongamento do internamento, a necessidade de utilização adicional de recursos e a diminuição de satisfação por parte dos doentes, são alguns dos aspectos que importa analisar no sentido de se aumentar a segurança do doente. No circuito do medicamento em meio hospitalar estão envolvidos diversos profissionais, estando o enfermeiro no final da cadeia quando administra a medicação ao doente. Na bibliografia internacional, são referidas incidências elevadas de eventos adversos relacionados com o medicamento. Em Portugal, não existem estudos disponíveis que nos permitam conhecer, nem o tipo de incidentes, nem a dimensão do problema do erro de medicação. Efectuamos um estudo descritivo, prospectivo, exploratório, utilizando a técnica de observação não participante, da administração de medicamentos. Os objectivos são, por um lado, determinar a frequência de incidentes na administração de medicação num Serviço de Medicina Interna e, por outro, caracterizar o tipo de incidentes na administração da medicação e identificar as suas possíveis causas. A população em estudo foi constituída pelos enfermeiros que administraram medicamentos aos doentes internados no Serviço de Medicina Interna seleccionado, durante os meses de junho a agosto de 2012, sendo observadas 1521 administrações. Foi utilizada uma grelha de observação, que incluiu os seguintes elementos: doente certo; medicamento certo; dose certa; hora certa; via certa; técnica de administração correcta (assépsia); tempo de infusão; monitorização correcta. Constatou-se que em 43% das doses administradas apresentavam pelo menos um erro, num total de 764 erros. Não foi observado nenhum erro de doente, de medicamento, de dose extra, de via, de forma farmacêutica, nem a administração de medicamento não prescrito. Detectaram-se 0,19% de erros na preparação, 0,72% de erros de dose, 1,7% erros de omissão, 1,97% de erros de administração, 13,52% de erros de monitorização, 28,73% de erros de v horário. O tempo de infusão da terapêutica parentérica não foi cumprida em 27,69% das oportunidades, tendo sido sempre administrado em tempo inferior ao preconizado. Não encontramos relação entre as interrupções durante a administração de terapêutica e os erros. Pelo contrário constatou-se haver relação entre o número de doses com erro e o turno em que ocorreram, sendo mais frequentes no turno da noite. Constatamos também que aos fins de semana os erros eram mais frequentes e o risco da ocorrência de um erro na administração de medicação aumenta 1,5 vezes quando o número de enfermeiros é insuficiente.


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Historical renders are exposed to several degradation processes that can lead to a wide range of anomalies,such as scaling, detachments, and pulverization. Among the common anomalies, the loss of cohesion and of adhesion are usually identified as the most difficult to repair; these anomalies still need to be deeply studied to design compatible, durable, and sustainable conservation treatments. The restitution of render cohesion can be achieved using consolidating products. Nevertheless, repair treatments could induce aesthetic alterations, and, therefore, are usually followed by chromatic reintegration. This work aims to study the effectiveness of mineral products as consolidants for lime-based mortars and simultaneously as chromatic treatments for pigmented renders. The studied consolidating products are prepared by mixing air lime,metakaolin, water, and mineral pigments. The idea of these consolidating and coloring products rises from a traditional lime-based technique, the limewash, widely diffused in southern Europe and in the Mediterranean area. Consolidating products were applied and tested on lime-based mortar specimens with a low binder–aggregate ratio and therefore with reduced cohesion. A physico-mechanical, microstructural, and mineralogical characterization was performed on untreated and treated specimens, in order to evaluate the efficacy and durability of the treatments. Accelerated aging tests were also performed to assess consolidant durability, when subjected to aggressive conditions. Results showed that the consolidants tested are compatible, effective, and possess good durability.


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A producer of 5.4 M bbl/d, totalling almost half of the consumption of the entire European Union, the Gulf of Guinea is a fundamental lifeline and maritime link between Europe, the Americas and Africa. Geographically positioned as a staging post for transit originating in Latin America and coupled with its relatively porous borders, the region is also the perfect stepping stone for contraband heading to European shores. While blessed with an enviable wealth of marine and mineral resources, the region is also plagued by an ever-increasing spectre of maritime piracy; accounting for around 30% of incidents in African waters from 2003 to 2011. It is for these reasons that this research centres around the issues of maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea, with a particular focus on the first two decades of the 21st century. This research looks to examine the overall picture of the present state of play in the area, before going on to provide an analysis of potential regional developments in maritime security. This research begins with the analysis of concepts/phenomena that have played a notable role in the shaping of the field of maritime security, namely Globalisation and security issues in the post-Cold War era. The ensuing chapter then focuses in on the Gulf of Guinea and the issues dominating the field of maritime security in the region. The penultimate chapter presents a SWOT analysis, undertaken as part of this research with the aim of correlating opinions from a variety of sectors/professions regarding maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea. The final chapter builds upon the results obtained from the abovementioned SWOT analysis, presenting a series of potential proposals/strategies that can contribute to the field of maritime security in the region over the coming years. This research draws to a close with the presentation of conclusions taken from this particular investigation, as well as a final overview of the earlier presented proposals applicable to the field of maritime security during the second decade of the 21st century.


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Portugal, having responsibilities at European level, needs to ensure compliance with European standards, particularly with regard to the European Security Plan for Critical Infrastructures. National critical infrastructures should be a focus of attention with regard to the management of public risks, since these represent "a set of services that are essential to the functioning of the country and the functioning of the forces that ensure national defense." (Soares, 2008) This contribution on national critical infrastructures (CI) has the essential objective of clarifying the development of the strategy adopted by Portugal in pursuit of the security of these fundamental infrastructures. The goal lies not only through producing a descriptive document, but also carry a brief confrontation between the legal framework related to these subjects and the reality in which the Critical Infrastructure Operators and the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC) operate. It is intended, in this sense, to understand the development of the project for the national security program of critical infrastructures and what effects of its measures on operators. As for the methodology, we followed a methodological strategy, where we combine the literature with data obtained through semi-structured interviews. Portugal, being a geographically peripheral country and having no record of incidents capable of causing major contingencies in key services for the normal development of society, does not have a structured and regulator plan that substantiates the need for operators responsible for CI to invest in security. This same approach is expected at the State level, believing that even though this theme has be widely explored by international institutions, Portugal has not yet tried to give the attention it deserves. Without the existence of an institution and a regulatory system, CI operators can become less available to comply with the legal framework.


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A large number of expensive, but highly profitable branded prescription drugs will go off-patent in the USA between 2011 and 2015. Their revenues are crucial to fund the immense costs associated with the development of an innovative drug. The rising cost pressure on pharmaceutical stakeholders has increased the demand for more affordable medications, as provided by the branded drug's generic counterpart. Yet, research based incumbents are moving beyond the traditional late lifecycle strategies and deploy more aggressive tactics in order to protect their brands, as seen with Pfizer's Lipitor!. It is doubtful, whether these efforts will help the blockbuster business model to resist current market conditions.


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The following study aims to examine a controversial and relatively unexplored subject within our system: the legal framework on unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices. Given the fact that this subject is based on the Directive 2005/29/EC, we considered to be appropriate to explore, firstly, the background and origin of such normative instrument. Nevertheless, we have centered our analysis on the interpretation of the set rules established by the Portuguese legal system (Law nr 57/2008, March 26th). For this dissertation, we have proposed a model of tripartite approach. Chapter V seeks to shed light on the general clause by analyzing a set of open concepts such as professional diligence, honest market practice, good faith or material distortion of the consumer’s economic behavior. In chapter VI, we will focus on two common types of unfair commercial practices: misleading and aggressive practices. Finally, due to the fact that chapter VII deals with the black list, we have illustrated the listed practices by giving real life examples. Taking into account the indefinite concepts used in the general prohibition and in the misleading and aggressive clauses, it is particularly difficult to demonstrate the unfairness of the professional’s behavior. In the light of this information, we have concluded that the regime fails on achieving its main goal: it does not protect proper and effectively the consumer’s interests.


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This report is the outcome of an internship that took place in Centro de Arbitragem Comercial da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa and its completion is an essential part of the path towards obtaining the Master’s Degree in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. This report has been structured in two stages – firstly, the presentation of the Centro de Arbitragem Comercial, focusing on its field of expertise, organic structure, principles and advantages. Then, the description of the activities developed within the Secretariat over the several stages of the arbitration procedure – since the reception of the arbitration requirement in institutional proceedings, terms of reference in ad hoc procedures, through the monitoring of the arbitral tribunal sessions (preliminary hearings, submission of evidence and final allegations) and the notification of the arbitration award. The second stage of this report is related to the description of the functions and powers of the President of Centro de Arbitragem Comercial. Firstly, it defines those powers by analyzing the statutes and rules of proceedings of the Centro de Arbitragem, drawing comparisons between the above mention and the rules of proceedings of others arbitral institutional centres, some of them are international references. The report assesses and describes the presidential powers, such as: configuration and composition of the arbitral tribunal (including arbitrator’s replacements, excuses and refusals); deadline extensions; determination of procedural rules and decision-making on any procedural incidents which arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal; definition of arbitration costs and fees; joinder of parties and consolidation of proceedings admission; and appointment of an emergency arbitrator. Lastly, this report analyzes some decisions delivered by the President in the respective institutional procedures which took place in the Centre.


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This work analyses how the leverage ratio behaves through the cycle, vis-à-vis other capital ratios. For a sample of the largest Portuguese banks, the Basel III leverage ratio is indeed countercyclical. This result is relevant from a regulatory perspective, since the introduction of a limit on the leverage ratio will function as a restriction in the banks’ balance sheet size, reducing the economic costs associated with the excessive growth of leverage in periods of economic expansion followed by aggressive deleveraging in the downturn. However, one cannot exclude that restrictions on banks’ leverage incentivize its transference to less regulated intermediaries.


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RESUMO - A segurança do doente constitui um dos grandes desafios dos cuidados de saúde do séc. XXI e é um componente essencial da qualidade em saúde. Os Cuidados de Saúde Primários representam o primeiro nível de contacto dos indivíduos, da família e da comunidade com o sistema de saúde. O objectivo deste trabalho foi aplicar o Diagrama de Ishikawa no estudo dos incidentes ocorridos numa unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Primários – Unidade de Saúde Familiar Marginal. A análise das causas dos incidentes relatados (n=379) mostrou que os factores associados à „tarefa‟ foram os mais frequentes (n=196) e os factores associados ao doente foram os menos frequentes (n=22). A análise de correlações mostrou uma associação positiva entre os factores da tarefa e os factores da equipa e entre os factores da tarefa e os factores da comunicação (p<0.05). Esta análise mostrou ainda, uma associação negativa entre os factores das condições de trabalho e os factores da organização (p<0.05). As medidas de discriminação aplicadas aos resultados da análise de correlação múltipla, mostraram que os factores da comunicação, os factores individuais, as condições de trabalho e o contexto institucional foram as principais associações encontradas. A análise qualitativa de oito incidentes, permitiu reflectir sobre medidas de melhoria. Este estudo aponta para a utilidade da aplicação do Diagrama de Ishikawa no apuramento das causas sistémicas mais prováveis de um incidente, e na identificação de necessidades de atuação na gestão de risco dentro das organizações. Será, no entanto, necessário testar este instrumento em outras unidades de cuidados de Saúde Primários.


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RESUMO: A infeção é frequente durante a doença crítica, quer como causa da doença crítica quer como complicação da sua evolução. Paradoxalmente, os avanços da medicina moderna aumentaram eles próprios o risco de infeção, ao permitir a sobrevida até idades avançadas, ao criar um novo grupo de doentes imunodeprimidos, nomeadamente doentes tratados com fármacos que interferem com as suas defesas naturais (corticóides, citostáticos), ao aumentar o tempo de vida de hospedeiros com comorbilidades debilitantes. Os antibióticos são um dos elos essenciais no tratamento da infeção. Contudo o seu uso também promove a seleção e crescimento de bactérias resistentes. Para além disso as doses convencionais de antibióticos foram selecionadas numa altura em que a resistência era um fenómeno raro e podem não ser atualmente as mais adequadas. Existe hoje muita evidência acumulada que os doentes críticos sofrem alterações da sua farmacocinética (PK) que podem facilitar a ocorrência de falência terapêutica ou de toxicidade tanto por sub como por sobredosagem de antibióticos. Essas alterações são complexas e difíceis de estudar. Finalmente, também a farmacodinâmica (PD) dos antibióticos pode estar alterada nesta população, podendo haver necessidade de ajustar os alvos terapêuticos de forma individual. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relação entre a terapêutica antibiótica, as suas características PK e PD, a carga bacteriana e o prognóstico dos doentes críticos. O plano de investigação incluiu: 1. Dados da epidemiologia portuguesa de doentes críticos com infeção; 2. Avaliação da relação entre a carga bacteriana, o tempo até ao início do tratamento antibiótico e o prognóstico dos doentes críticos; 3. Avaliação da evolução da PK durante o tratamento da infeção; 4. Um estudo multicêntrico para avaliação da eficácia da terapêutica com um β- lactâmico doseado de acordo com a relação PK/PD. Na introdução é descrita a importância dos antibióticos, a sua origem e o problema crescente das resistências bacterianas relacionadas com o seu emprego e abuso. É salientada a importância de racionalizar a posologia, de acordo com os conceitos de PK e de PD. No Capítulo 1 são apresentados dados de epidemiologia portuguesa de infeção em doentes críticos, sobretudo retirados de dois estudos prospetivos, observacionais, os quais incluíram mais de 50% da capacidade de internamento em cuidados intensivos existente em Portugal. No Capítulo 2 são descritos os conceitos de PK e as suas alterações nos doentes críticos. De seguida são revistos os conceitos de PD de antibióticos e a sua aplicação a esta população, em particular durante as infeções graves (Capítulo 3). Nos capítulos seguintes são aprofundadas estas alterações da PK nos doentes críticos e as suas causas, de forma a destacar a importância da monitorização da concentração dos antibióticos. São apresentados os dados duma revisão sistemática de PK de antibóticos nesta população (Capítulo 4), pormenorizadas as alterações da PD que comprometem a eficácia da terapêutica antibiótica, facilitam o desenvolvimento de resistências e podem levar a falência terapêutica (Capítulo 5). Consequentemente a compreensão global destas alterações, da sua relevância clínica e a revisão da evidência disponível facilitou o desenvolvimento do próprio plano global de investigação (Capítulos 6 e 7). No Capítulo 6.1 são descritos os antibióticos tempo-dependente e a importância de aumentar o seu tempo de perfusão. Foi desenhado um estudo multicêntrico para comparar a eficácia e segurança da perfusão contínua da piperacilina tazobactam (um antibiótico β-lactâmico associado a um inibidor de β-lactamases) com a mesma dose do antibiótico, administrado em dose convencional, intermitente. A importância de dosear corretamente os antibióticos concentração-dependente foi também avaliada num estudo a primeira dose dos aminoglicosídeos (Capítulo 6.2). Outras estratégias para melhorar os resultados assistenciais dos doentes infetados são abordadas no Capítulo 7, em particular a importância da terapêutica antibiótica precoce, a avaliação da carga bacteriana e a compreensão da variação da PK ao longo do tratamento da infeção. Foi desenvolvido um algoritmo de abordagem terapêutica que incluiu estas alterações da PK e da PD nos doentes críticos. Finalmente no Capítulo 8 são descritos mecanismos de desenvolvimento das resistências bacterianas bem como estratégias para a sua abordagem. O Capítulo final (Capítulo 9) aponta um plano para futuras áreas de trabalho. O elemento chave identificado neste trabalho de investigação é o reconhecimento da variabilidade significativa da PK dos antibióticos durante a doença crítica, a qual condiciona a sua posologia. Estas alterações estão relacionadas com a própria gravidade da doença e tendem a diminuir ao longo do seu tratamento. No entanto nem a gravidade da doença nem as características individuais as permitem prever de forma aceitável pelo que a utilização duma posologia universal, independente da situação clínica concreta, pode ser inadequada. As estratégias para melhorar os resultados assistenciais dos doentes críticos infetados devem ser baseadas na individualização da posologia antibiótica de acordo com os princípios da PK e da PD, preferencialmente apoiadas em doseamentos da sua concentração. ------------------------------------ ABSTRACT: Infection commonly occurred during critical illness, either as a cause or complicating the course of the disease. Advances in medicine had paradoxically increase the risk of infection, both by improving survival to older ages and by introducing a new group of immunosuppressed patients, those who are treated with drugs that interfere with their natural defenses (corticosteroids, cytostatics) and those who survived longer with aggressive diseases. Antibiotics are of paramount importance for treating infection. However the use of these drugs also promote the selection and growth of resistant bacteria. Furthermore conventional antibiotic doses were calculated for less severe patients during a time when resistance was rare. Nowadays there is increasing evidence that critically ill patients experiment altered pharmacokinetics (PK) that may lead to therapeutic failure and/or drug toxicity. Equally, such PK alterations are complex and challenging to investigate. Finally pharmacodynamics (PD) may also be different in this population and antibiotic targets may need to be tailored to the individual patient. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between antibiotic therapy, its PK and PD, bacterial burden and critically ill patients outcomes. The research plan comprised of: 1. Epidemiological portuguese data of critically ill infected patients; 2. Relationship between burden of bacteria, time until the start of antibiotics and patient outcomes; 3. Evaluation of PK during treatment of infection; 4. A multicentre study evaluating PK guided β-lactam therapy. The introductory chapter outlines the importance of antibiotics, its origins, the problem of increasing bacteria resistance, related to its use and overuse and the importance of rational drug dosing using PK and PD concepts. In Chapter 1 portuguese epidemiological data of infections in critically ill patients is presented, mostly coming from two prospective observational studies, encompassing more than 50% of critically ill beds available in Portugal. Chapter 2 describes the concepts of PK and the changes occurring in critically ill patients. This is followed by a review of the concepts of PD of antibiotics and its application to this population, especially during severe infections (Chapter 3). In the following chapter these changes in antibiotics PK in critical illness are and its causes are detailed, to outline the importance of therapeutic drug monitoring. Data on a systematic review of antibiotics PK in those patients is provided (Chapter 4). The following chapter (Chapter 5) elucidates important changes in PD, that compromises antibiotic therapy, facilitate the occurrence of resistance and may lead to therapeutic failure. Thus, an understanding of the clinical problem and available evidence facilitated the development of a comprehensive research plan (Chapter 6 and Chapter 7). Chapter 6.1 describes time-dependent antibiotics and the importance of extending its perfusion time. A multicenter study was designed to compare the continuous infusion of piperacillin tazobactam (a β-lactam antibiotic) with the same daily dose, prescribed in a conventional, intermittent dose. The importance of correct dosing of antibiotics was also assessed through a study addressing aminoglycoside (a concentration-dependent antibiotic) therapy (Chapter 6.2), focusing on its first dose. Strategies to improve severe infected patients outcomes were addressed in Chapter 7, namely the importance of early antibiotic therapy, assessing the burden of bacteria and understanding changes in antibiotic concentration during the course of infection. An algorithm to include all the described changes in both PK and PD of critically ill patients was developed. Finally in Chapter 8 mechanisms of the increasing resistance of bacteria are described and strategies to address that problem are proposed. The closing chapter (Chapter 9) lays a roadmap for future work. The key finding of this research is the significant variability of the antibiotics PK during critical illness, which makes dosing a challenging issue. These changes are related to the severity of the infection itself and improve through the course of the disease. However neither disease severity nor individual characteristics are useful to predict PK changes. Therefore, the use of a universal dose approach, regardless of the individual patient, may not be the best approach. Strategies to improve patients’ outcomes should be based on tailoring antibiotics to the individual patient, according to PK and PD principles, preferentially supported by therapeutic drug monitoring.


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Native from south eastern Australia, Eucalyptus globulus is the main species in eucalypts plantations in Portugal. The most serious foliar disease in eucalypt plantations is linked to Mycosphaerella senso lato, which affects young trees in the juvenile phase foliage causing leaf necrosis. This disease results in reduced growth rate of the host and lower wood volume, thus causing significant productivity losses. The most common name for this disease was Mycosphaerella Leaf Disease that became inappropriate when most of the pathogens on eucalypts were re-distributed into several genera. The term "Eucalyptus Leaf Disease Complex" is now more appropriate. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the Eucalyptus Leaf Disease Complex in Portugal, focusing on species diversity, taxonomy and the role played by each species in the disease complex on Eucalyptus globulus. Literature on the Eucalyptus Leaf Disease Complex was reviewed and the species were distributed into several genera. A survey based on symptomatic leaves collected from several Eucalyptus globulus plantations and characterized by morphological and molecular tools provided an overview of species incidence and of the most frequent species in the disease complex. The present work reveals additional species of Mycosphaerella senso lato associated with eucalypt plantations in Portugal. Thus, five new records of Teratosphaeria and phylogenetically related species were added to the Iberian Peninsula, namely, Neodevriesia hilliana, for the first time on Myrtaceae; Quasiteratosphaeria mexicana, Teratosphaericola pseudoafricana, Teratosphaeria pluritubularis and Teratosphaeria lusitanica, a new species. Furthermore, new anamorphic structures were found and two new combinations were made. Regarding other genera, some species were observed for the first time, such as Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusicladium eucalypti, Mycosphaerella madeirae, in the mainland. In addition to leave diseases, Teratosphaeria gauchensis was found causing a severe stem and trunk canker on Eucalyptus globulus. The aggressiveness of several species was compared to evaluate each species individually in the complex, permitting to distinguish different behaviours, from primary to secondary pathogens. Cladosporium cladosporioides, M. communis and M. lateralis, appeared to be more aggressive than Teratosphaeria nubilosa. In fact, contrary to the prevailing views on this disease complex, Teratosphaeria nubilosa is not the only species responsible for the disease, which clearly involves a complex of species acting together.


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This report is the outcome of an internship that took place in Centro de Arbitragem Comercial da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa and its completion is an essential part of the path towards obtaining the Master’s Degree in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. This report has been structured in two stages – firstly, the presentation of the Centro de Arbitragem Comercial, focusing on its field of expertise, organic structure, principles and advantages. Then, the description of the activities developed within the Secretariat over the several stages of the arbitration procedure – since the reception of the arbitration requirement in institutional proceedings, terms of reference in ad hoc procedures, through the monitoring of the arbitral tribunal sessions (preliminary hearings, submission of evidence and final allegations) and the notification of the arbitration award. The second stage of this report is related to the description of the functions and powers of the President of Centro de Arbitragem Comercial. Firstly, it defines those powers by analyzing the statutes and rules of proceedings of the Centro de Arbitragem, drawing comparisons between the above mention and the rules of proceedings of others arbitral institutional centres, some of them are international references. The report assesses and describes the presidential powers, such as: configuration and composition of the arbitral tribunal (including arbitrator’s replacements, excuses and refusals); deadline extensions; determination of procedural rules and decision-making on any procedural incidents which arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal; definition of arbitration costs and fees; joinder of parties and consolidation of proceedings admission; and appointment of an emergency arbitrator. Lastly, this report analyzes some decisions delivered by the President in the respective institutional procedures which took place in the Centre.


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O objetivo deste trabalho era verificar como, nos jornais e revistas, o Primeiro Modernismo tinha sido acolhido. Depois do escândalo de Orpheu e da forma agressiva como os seus colaboradores tinham sido recebidos, cabia verificar se tinha havido, ou não, uma evolução na análise da sua obra ao longo dos anos, de 1916 a 1935, tanto mais que as vidas de cada um destes tinha evoluído de forma diferenciada. As mortes prematuras de uns, a subida a postos de influência e poder, ou a longevidade de outros foram fatores que poderiam ter condicionado a evolução da crítica jornalística. Por um lado, os críticos poderiam ter alterado a sua visão face a estes criadores, podendo o tempo ter funcionado a favor destes. O que em 1915 era estranho e bizarro poderia em 1935 ser inédito e original. Por outro lado, a conjuntura política poderia condicionar não só a criação artística, mas também o seu enquadramento social. Em 1915, a guerra entre monárquicos e republicanos foi marcada pelas referências a Orpheu. Mais tarde com a ditadura militar e a ascensão do Estado Novo poderão os nossos artistas voltar a ser alvo de referências políticas. A verdade é que tal não acontece. O poder político menospreza-os, apesar de nalguns casos terem uma participação ativa nas suas fileiras. A verdade é que os autores mais importantes e significativos foram, pouco a pouco, e com o passar dos anos, integrados na sociedade literária e começaram a ser vistos como criadores a ter em conta, senão mesmo de referência. O seu aparecimento em jornais e revistas na qualidade de escritores, jornalistas, artistas plásticos ou mesmo críticos fez com que estivessem sob os holofotes da imprensa e como tal sujeitos a uma análise permanente. E esta foi-se alterando com o passar do tempo e com o reconhecimento dos mesmos. Hoje ninguém duvida do seu valor, mas entre 1915 (data da publicação de Orpheu e 1935 (ano da morte de Pessoa) todos eram vistos como loucos, jovens com alguma habilidade para a escrita, promessas do panorama literário e finalmente, em alguns casos, motivos de orgulho para o nosso património artístico. Só uma leitura dos periódicos mais relevantes permitiria estudar a receção do nosso Primeiro Modernismo. E foi esse o objetivo desta tese.


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Forgiveness has been subject of interest, mainly in the psychology fields of study. Relatively to the organizational context, this topic has been somehow put aside and settled as something that is purely an intra-individual phenomenon which organizations cannot force, or even stimulate. As conflicts are common within organizations and being often difficult to overcome, eyes have turned into the role forgiveness might take in this scenario. Despite forgiveness being accepted as an intrapersonal decision and a result of predisposition as it is a result of education and culture. This study, as some already done, refuses to accept forgiveness as an unchangeable behavior that cannot be manipulated or induced by managers or by organizational context. Therefore, offering a set of incidents as well as their classification, that have been identified by individuals performing different types organizational roles in different organization which is believed as being a genuine way of delivering to the reader a set of actions and behaviors that if taken, may incentivize or inhibit forgiveness.


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The issues concerning Crisis Situations under the scope of police activity, raised after incidents considered critical, has emerged with greater intensity during the most recent decades, posing a major challenge for police forces around the world. These are situations or events of crucial importance, involving hostage taken or barricaded individuals, in which inevitably human lives are at risk, requiring from law enforcement agencies a specific response capability, i.e., a type of intervention not framed under the parameters considered as routine, in order to obtain solutions to minimize the possibility of casualties. Because this is about impacting situations of extreme gravity, where the preservation of human lives is concerned and, in many cases, the very Rule of Law as well, we understand the need for police forces to adapt to new procedures and working methods. Such procedures are an enormously complex task that requires the coordination and articulation of several components, including not infrequently the performance of different police forces, as well as organizations and entities with varied powers and duties, which implies the need for effective management. This explains the emergence of Crisis Management Structures, imposing to determine which are their fundamental components, their importance, how they interconnect, and their major goal. The intrinsic features will also be analyzed in the aspect that we consider to be the fundamental groundwork of a Crisis Management Structure, i.e., Negotiation itself, considering it as a kind of police intervention, where a wide range of procedures feeds a channel of dialogue, aiming at minimizing the damage resultant from an extreme action, in particular, to prevent the death of any of those involved. This is in essence the path we have chosen to develop this study, trying to find out an answer to the fundamental question: What model of Crisis Management Structure should be adopted to manage a critical event involving hostage negotiation?