33 resultados para technology-based

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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Video poker machines, a former symbol of fraud and gambling in Brazil, are now being converted into computer-based educational tools for Brazilian public primary schools and also for governmental and non-governmental institutions dealing with communities of poverty and social exclusion, in an attempt to reduce poverty risks (decrease money spent on gambling) and promote social inclusion (increase access and motivation to education). Thousands of illegal gambling machines are seized by federal authorities, in Brazil, every year, and usually destroyed at the end of the criminal apprehension process. This paper describes a project developed by the University of Southern Santa Catarina, Brazil, responsible for the conversion process of gambling machines, and the social inclusion opportunities derived from it. All project members worked on a volunteer basis, seeking to promote social inclusion of Brazilian young boys and girls, namely through digital inclusion. So far, the project has been able to convert over 200 gambling machines and install them in over 40 public primary schools, thus directly benefiting more than 12,000 schoolchildren. The initial motivation behind this project was technology based, however the different options arising from the conversion process of the gambling machines have also motivated a rather innovative and unique experience in allowing schoolchildren and young people with special (educational) needs to access to computer-based pedagogical applications. The availability of these converted machines also helps to place Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the very daily educational environment of these children and youngsters, thus serving social and cultural inclusion aspects, by establishing a dialogue with the community and their technological expectations, and also directly contributing to their digital literacy.


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O sucesso das organizações só é possível através da satisfação/superação das expectativas do mercado. Desta forma, a base para o sucesso reside na eficiência com que cada organização consegue cumprir a sua missão, só possível através de comunicações e de processos produtivos/serviços que acrescentem valor ao bem que disponibilizam. Cientes destes princípios, as organizações têm vindo a adoptar metodologias com o intuito de eliminar os desperdícios existentes nos seus negócios. Este trabalho resulta da necessidade de uma organização industrial de base tecnológica, a TRIDEC, identificar se no seu negócio existem desperdícios com origem na relação entre as suas duas unidades industriais, localizadas na Holanda e em Portugal. O trabalho foi possível pela parceria entre estudantes da Avans University, da Holanda, e do ISEP (o autor deste trabalho), e foi realizado em duas fases. Numa primeira fase foi liderado pelos estudantes Holandeses e consistiu na análise aos fluxos de comunicação entre as duas unidades. Estes resultados estão presentes no relatório dos colegas Holandeses, e destacam a necessidade haver uma maior relação de compromisso entre ambas as organizações. A segunda fase do trabalho foi centrada na unidade de Portugal, tendo-se efectuado uma análise ao seu desempenho com o enfoque a verificar-se na Produção, que culminou com o cálculo do OEE à Secção de Maquinação.


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O trabalho consistiu no desenvolvimento e caracterização de sensores potenciométricos com base em polímeros de impressão molecular para a determinação de um antibiótico, a norfloxacina, em aquacultura. A simplicidade, o baixo custo e a interação rápida e reversível dos sensores potenciométricos com os analitos fizeram com que este fosse o tipo de sensor escolhido. O material sensor foi obtido por tecnologia de impressão molecular, baseada em polimerização em bulk, em que a NOR foi a molécula molde e foram utilizados como monómeros para autoconstrução dos sensores o pirrol, isoladamente, ou em conjunto com partículas de sílica gel funcionalizadas com 3-aminopropil. Também foi obtido material sensor, para controlo, em que a molécula molde NOR não estava presente (NIP). As características dos materiais sensores foram sujeitas a análise de microscopia eletrónica SEM e análise por espectrómetro de infravermelhos com transformada de Fourier. Os materiais sensores foram incluídos em membranas poliméricas, que seriam incorporadas em elétrodos. A avaliação do desempenho dos elétrodos foi feita através de curvas de calibração em diferentes meios (PBS, MES e HEPES). Também foi efetuada com sucesso a análise da sensibilidade dos elétrodos em água dopada. As diversas avaliações e análises efetuadas levaram a concluir que o MIP de pirrol com aditivo aniónico, foi o material sensor testado que permitiu obter melhores propriedades de resposta.


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The need to increase agricultural yield led, among others, to an increase in the consumption of nitrogen based fertilizers. As a consequence, there are excessive concentrations of nitrates, the most abundant of the reactive nitrogen (Nr) species, in several areas of the world. The demographic changes and projected population growth for the next decades, and the economic shifts which are already shaping the near future are powerful drivers for a further intensification in the use of fertilizers, with a predicted increase of the nitrogen loads in soils. Nitrate easily diffuses in the subsurface environments, portraying high mobility in soils. Moreover, the presence of high nitrate loads in water has the potential to cause an array of health dysfunctions, such as methemoglobinemia and several cancers. Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) placed strategically relatively to the nitrate source constitute an effective technology to tackle nitrate pollution. Ergo, PRB avoid various adverse impacts resulting from the displacement of reactive nitrogen downstream along water bodies. A four stages literature review was carried out in 34 databases. Initially, a set of pertinent key words were identified to perform the initial databases searches. Then, the synonyms of those initial key words were used to carry out a second set of databases searches. The third stage comprised the identification of other additional relevant terms from the research papers identified in the previous two stages. Again, databases searches were performed with this third set of key words. The final step consisted of the identification of relevant papers from the bibliography of the relevant papers identified in the previous three stages of the literature review process. The set of papers identified as relevant for in-depth analysis were assessed considering a set of relevant characterization variables.


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IRMA International Conference under the theme Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications with Information Technology, May 19-23, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


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In many countries the use of renewable energy is increasing due to the introduction of new energy and environmental policies. Thus, the focus on the efficient integration of renewable energy into electric power systems is becoming extremely important. Several European countries have already achieved high penetration of wind based electricity generation and are gradually evolving towards intensive use of this generation technology. The introduction of wind based generation in power systems poses new challenges for the power system operators. This is mainly due to the variability and uncertainty in weather conditions and, consequently, in the wind based generation. In order to deal with this uncertainty and to improve the power system efficiency, adequate wind forecasting tools must be used. This paper proposes a data-mining-based methodology for very short-term wind forecasting, which is suitable to deal with large real databases. The paper includes a case study based on a real database regarding the last three years of wind speed, and results for wind speed forecasting at 5 minutes intervals.


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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide new strategies for disseminating information and new communication models in order to change attitudes and human behaviour concerning to education. Nowadays the internet is crucial as a means of communication and information sharing. To education or tutorship will be required to use ICT, supported on the internet, to establish the communication of teacher-student and student-student, disseminating the content of the subjects, and as a way of teaching and learning process. This paper presents an intelligent tutor that aims to be a tool to support teaching and learning in the field of the electrical engineering project.


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To counteract and prevent the deleterious effect of free radicals the living organisms have developed complex endogenous and exogenous antioxidant systems. Several analytical methodologies have been proposed in order to quantify antioxidants in food, beverages and biological fluids. This paper revises the electroanalytical approaches developed for the assessment of the total or individual antioxidant capacity. Four electrochemical sensing approaches have been identified, based on the direct electrochemical detection of antioxidant at bare or chemically modified electrodes, and using enzymatic and DNA-based biosensors.


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Geostatistics has been successfully used to analyze and characterize the spatial variability of environmental properties. Besides giving estimated values at unsampled locations, it provides a measure of the accuracy of the estimate, which is a significant advantage over traditional methods used to assess pollution. In this work universal block kriging is novelty used to model and map the spatial distribution of salinity measurements gathered by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in a sea outfall monitoring campaign, with the aim of distinguishing the effluent plume from the receiving waters, characterizing its spatial variability in the vicinity of the discharge and estimating dilution. The results demonstrate that geostatistical methodology can provide good estimates of the dispersion of effluents that are very valuable in assessing the environmental impact and managing sea outfalls. Moreover, since accurate measurements of the plume’s dilution are rare, these studies might be very helpful in the future to validate dispersion models.


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A number of characteristics are boosting the eagerness of extending Ethernet to also cover factory-floor distributed real-time applications. Full-duplex links, non-blocking and priority-based switching, bandwidth availability, just to mention a few, are characteristics upon which that eagerness is building up. But, will Ethernet technologies really manage to replace traditional Fieldbus networks? To this question, Fieldbus fundamentalists often argue that the two technologies are not comparable. In fact, Ethernet technology, by itself, does not include features above the lower layers of the OSI communication model. Where are the higher layers that permit building real industrial applications? And, taking for free that they are available, what is the impact of those protocols, mechanisms and application models on the overall performance of Ethernetbased distributed factory-floor applications? In this paper we provide some contributions that may pave the way towards providing some reasonable answers to these issues.


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A number of characteristics are boosting the eagerness of extending Ethernet to also cover factory-floor distributed real-time applications. Full-duplex links, non-blocking and priority-based switching, bandwidth availability, just to mention a few, are characteristics upon which that eagerness is building up. But, will Ethernet technologies really manage to replace traditional Fieldbus networks? Ethernet technology, by itself, does not include features above the lower layers of the OSI communication model. In the past few years, it is particularly significant the considerable amount of work that has been devoted to the timing analysis of Ethernet-based technologies. It happens, however, that the majority of those works are restricted to the analysis of sub-sets of the overall computing and communication system, thus without addressing timeliness at a holistic level. To this end, we are addressing a few inter-linked research topics with the purpose of setting a framework for the development of tools suitable to extract temporal properties of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Ethernet-based factory-floor distributed systems. This framework is being applied to a specific COTS technology, Ethernet/IP. In this paper, we reason about the modelling and simulation of Ethernet/IP-based systems, and on the use of statistical analysis techniques to provide usable results. Discrete event simulation models of a distributed system can be a powerful tool for the timeliness evaluation of the overall system, but particular care must be taken with the results provided by traditional statistical analysis techniques.


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The continuous improvement of Ethernet technologies is boosting the eagerness of extending their use to cover factory-floor distributed real time applications. Indeed, it is remarkable the considerable amount of research work that has been devoted to the timing analysis of Ethernet-based technologies in the past few years. It happens, however, that the majority of those works are restricted to the analysis of sub-sets of the overall computing and communication system, thus without addressing timeliness in a holistic fashion. To this end, we address an approach, based on simulation, aiming at extracting temporal properties of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Ethernet-based factory-floor distributed systems. This framework is applied to a specific COTS technology, Ethernet/IP. We reason about the modeling and simulation of Ethernet/IP-based systems, and on the use of statistical analysis techniques to provide useful results on timeliness. The approach is part of a wider framework related to the research project INDEPTH NDustrial-Ethernet ProTocols under Holistic analysis.


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Many-core platforms based on Network-on-Chip (NoC [Benini and De Micheli 2002]) present an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. Although the idea to group the applications previously executed on separated single-core devices, and accommodate them on an individual many-core chip offers various options for power savings, cost reductions and contributes to the overall system flexibility, its implementation is a non-trivial task. In this paper we address the issue of application mapping onto a NoCbased many-core platform when considering fundamentals and trends of current many-core operating systems, specifically, we elaborate on a limited migrative application model encompassing a message-passing paradigm as a communication primitive. As the main contribution, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping, and propose a three-stage process to efficiently solve it. Through analysis it is assured that derived solutions guarantee the fulfilment of posed time constraints regarding worst-case communication latencies, and at the same time provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. thermal, energy, fault tolerance or performance reasons.We also propose several constraints regarding the topological structure of the application mapping, as well as the inter- and intra-application communication patterns, which efficiently solve the issues of pessimism and/or intractability when performing the analysis.