9 resultados para subtitled videos

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação do Dr. Manuel Fernando Moreira da Silva


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da Mestre Graça Chorão


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Mestrado em Ensino Precoce do Inglês


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação da Prof. Sandrina Teixeira


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The year 2012 was the “boom year” in MOOC and all its outstanding growth until now, made us move forward in designing the first MOOC in our Institution (and the third in our country, Portugal). Most MOOC are video lectured based and the learning analytic process to these ones is just taking its first steps. Designing a video-lecture seems, at a first glance, very easy: one can just record a live lesson or lecture and turn it, directly, into a video-lecture (even here one may experience some “sound” and “camera” problems); but developing some engaging, appealing video-lecture, that motivates students to embrace knowledge and that really contributes to the teaching/learning process, it is not an easy task. Therefore questions like: “What kind of information can induce knowledge construction, in a video-lecture?”, “How can a professor interact in a video-lecture when he is not really there?”, “What are the video-lectures attributes that contribute the most to viewer’s engagement?”, “What seems to be the maximum “time-resistance” of a viewer?”, and many others, raised in our minds when designing video-lectures to a Mathematics MOOC from the scratch. We believe this technological resource can be a powerful tool to enhance students' learning process. Students that were born in digital/image era, respond and react slightly different to outside stimulus, than their teachers/professors ever did or do. In this article we will describe just how we have tried to overcome some of the difficulties and challenges we tackled when producing our own video-math-lectures and in what way, we feel, videos can contribute to the teaching and learning process at higher education level.


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Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos da implementação de um programa de autorregulação no aumento da autonomia de um aluno com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo, em contexto de sala de aula, no segmento letivo de Português. Método: A metodologia adotada foi quantitativa e experimental, num desenho de investigação de sujeito único, dividido em três fases de investigação: linha de base, início do programa de intervenção e um mês depois. Os registos dos vídeos, e a construção e implementação do programa de intervenção em conjunto com a professora, tiveram como base os princípios e procedimentos da Análise Comportamental Aplica. Resultados / Discussão: Após a implementação do programa de intervenção observou-se um acentuado aumento do envolvimento do aluno e das suas respostas às instruções académicas da professora, essencialmente ao nível das instruções de grupo que, na linha de base, apresentavam valores baixos. A eficácia da intervenção reforça a importância de se capacitar professores na aplicação de técnicas comportamentais dado que, neste estudo e à semelhança de outros, a professora aprendeu rapidamente a implementar práticas que facilmente se ajustam à sala de aula, levando à melhoria sistemática do comportamento do aluno com PEA numa sala de aula inclusiva.


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Educational videos differ from other teaching and learning technologies as they allow the benefit of using visual perception. Video lectures are not new to education, however with the use of innovative video technologies they can improve academic outcomes and extend the reach of education. They may offer extraordinary new experiences for higher education institutions (HEI). Through them lecturers can provide information and contents to students, and if used creatively, video lectures can become a powerful technological tool in education, inside and outside classrooms. Inside a classroom it can motivate students and improve topics’ debate and outside it is a good support for students’ self- learning. In some cases they can be used to work some subjects standing behind, but needed to support actual courses contents, that students do not remember (or were not even taught), opening an “in front to the past door” that backs students self-study. The student-educator dynamic is changing. Students are expecting exceptional instruction and educators are expecting students to be more and more well informed about subjects from online viewing.This article explores some of the potential benefits and challenges associated with the use of video lectures in the teaching and learning process at higher education. We will also discuss some thoughts and examples for the use of teaching materials to enhance student’s learning and try to understand how video can act as powerful and innovative to enlighten teaching and learning (note that unfortunately, sometimes, the opposite is happening).


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Esta dissertação de mestrado foi desenvolvida com o intuito de estudar a tradução audiovisual de spots publicitários. Mais especificamente, estudar a tradução audiovisual no contexto da implementação e aplicabilidade de uma campanha publicitária ou, neste caso, de diversos spots publicitários de uma dada empresa num público-alvo estrangeiro. Para esta dissertação, selecionei um corpus de spots publicitários do banco internacional HSBC. A tomada da decisão recaiu sobre a quantidade de filiais que o HSBC tem espalhadas pelo globo, e que estão inseridas em mercados cujas culturas predominantes se diferenciam grandemente entre umas e outras. Para aprofundar este tema, analisei os conceitos inerentes à tradução audiovisual, enveredei posteriormente, e de forma mais específica, pela análise dos conceitos intrínsecos à legendagem de spots publicitários, e, por fim, associei estes conceitos com as questões relativas à interculturalidade e à melhor forma de transmitir informações, sobre uma mesma entidade, a grupos culturais diferentes. Em seguida, legendei o corpus de spots publicitários do HSBC, selecionados para constar desta dissertação, salientando os principais momentos de reflexão: as barreiras tradutivas/culturais existentes, as soluções e a decisão final relativa à cada legenda criada. Legendei os spots publicitários do HSBC, como se estivessem destinados a um público-alvo de nacionalidade, cultura e língua portuguesa. Obtive um conjunto de oito spots publicitários legendados em português, e efetuei a respetiva análise do processo tradutivo. Apresentei elações retiradas durante a criação das legendas, sobre as quais caia o objetivo de as relacionar com os conceitos primeiramente abordados.


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An overwhelming problem in Math Curriculums in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), we are daily facing in the last decade, is the substantial differences in Math background of our students. When you try to transmit, engage and teach subjects/contents that your “audience” is unable to respond to and/or even understand what we are trying to convey, it is somehow frustrating. In this sense, the Math projects and other didactic strategies, developed through Learning Management System Moodle, which include an array of activities that combine higher order thinking skills with math subjects and technology, for students of HE, appear as remedial but important, proactive and innovative measures in order to face and try to overcome these considerable problems. In this paper we will present some of these strategies, developed in some organic units of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). But, how “fruitful” are the endless number of hours teachers spent in developing and implementing these platforms? Do students react to them as we would expect? Do they embrace this opportunity to overcome their difficulties? How do they use/interact individually with LMS platforms? Can this environment that provides the teacher with many interesting tools to improve the teaching – learning process, encourages students to reinforce their abilities and knowledge? In what way do they use each available material – videos, interactive tasks, texts, among others? What is the best way to assess student’s performance in these online learning environments? Learning Analytics tools provides us a huge amount of data, but how can we extract “good” and helpful information from them? These and many other questions still remain unanswered but we look forward to get some help in, at least, “get some drafts” for them because we feel that this “learning analysis”, that tackles the path from the objectives to the actual results, is perhaps the only way we have to move forward in the “best” learning and teaching direction.