3 resultados para safeguarding

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The great majority of the courses on science and technology areas where lab work is a fundamental part of the apprenticeship was not until recently available to be taught at distance. This reality is changing with the dissemination of remote laboratories. Supported by resources based on new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to remotely control a wide variety of real laboratories. However, most of them are designed specifically to this purpose, are inflexible and only on its functionality they resemble the real ones. In this paper, an alternative remote lab infrastructure devoted to the study of electronics is presented. Its main characteristics are, from a teacher's perspective, reusability and simplicity of use, and from a students' point of view, an exact replication of the real lab, enabling them to complement or finish at home the work started at class. The remote laboratory is integrated in the Learning Management System in use at the school, and therefore, may be combined with other web experiments and e-learning strategies, while safeguarding security access issues.


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O mercado da reabilitação de estruturas em Portugal está em voga, sendo um nicho de mercado com evolução galopante nos últimos anos fruto da consciencialização das entidades responsáveis, assim como das necessidades de intervir no parque edificado cada vez mais degradado, resultando num estímulo para o mercado da construção face ao seu estado atual. As causas associadas à degradação prematura dos materiais estruturais resultam de erros de conceção e execução, assim como do facto de muitas estruturas de betão armado do parque habitacional edificado nas décadas de 60 e 70, estarem a atingir o fim do seu período de vida útil. Na avaliação do estado de degradação de estruturas de betão armado aconselha-se a utilização de ensaios não destrutivos, uma vez que permitem efetuar um diagnóstico com resultados positivos salvaguardando a integridade da estrutura. A norma EN 1504“Produtos e Sistemas para a proteção e reparação de estruturas de betão” estipula os procedimentos de execução, as características dos materiais mais adequados a cada tipo de projeto, assim como a divisão do seu encadeamento em 5 fases. O caso prático apresentado é um edifício de prestação de serviços municipais, tendo sido aplicado com o maior rigor possível as fases de inspeção, diagnóstico, deliberação e reparação. Foi efetuada uma fase de diagnóstico, de carácter visual assim como de caracterização física dos elementos estruturais em betão armado através de ensaios “in situ”. A estrutura avaliada apresenta debilidades e um estado de degradação acelerado, pelo que urge uma intervenção de reparação por forma a repor a estrutura com as características da sua conceção, salvaguardando a segurança das pessoas e bens.


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The impact of end customer quality complaints with direct relationship with automotive components has presented negative trend at European level for the entire automotive industry. Thus, this research proposal is to concentrate efforts on the most important items of Pareto chart and understand the failure type and the mechanism involved, link and impact of the project and parameters on the process, ending it with the development of one of the company’s most desired tool, that hosted this project – European methodology of terminals defects classification, and listing real opportunities for improvement based on measurement and analysis of actual data. Through the development of terminals defects classification methodology, which is considered a valuable asset to the company, all the other companies of the YAZAKI’s group will be able to characterize terminals as brittle or ductile, in order to put in motion, more efficiently, all the other different existing internal procedures for the safeguarding of the components, improving manufacturing efficiency. Based on a brief observation, nothing can be said in absolute sense, concerning the failure causes. Base materials, project, handling during manufacture and storage, as well as the cold work performed by plastic deformation, all play an important role. However, it was expected that this failure has been due to a combination of factors, in detriment of the existence of a single cause. In order to acquire greater knowledge about this problem, unexplored by the company up to the date of commencement of this study, was conducted a thorough review of existing literature on the subject, real production sites were visited and, of course, the actual parts were tested in lab environment. To answer to many of the major issues raised throughout the investigation, were used extensively some theoretical concepts focused on the literature review, with a view to realizing the relationship existing between the different parameters concerned. Should here be stated that finding technical studies on copper and its alloys is really hard, not being given all the desirable information. This investigation has been performed as a YAZAKI Europe Limited Company project and as a Master Thesis for Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, conducted during 9 months between 2012/2013.