61 resultados para prey capture
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Motor dysfunction is consistently reported but understudied in schizophrenia. It has been hypothesized that this abnormality may reflect a neuro-developmental disorder underlying this illness. The main goal of this study was to analyze movement patterns used by participants with schizophrenia and healthy controls during overarm throwing performance, using a markerless motion capture system. Thirteen schizophrenia patients and 16 healthy control patients performed the overarm throwing task in a markerless motion capture system. Participants were also examined for the presence of motor neurological soft signs (mNSS) using the Brief Motor Scale. Schizophrenia patients demonstrated a less developed movement pattern with low individualization of components compared to healthy controls. The schizophrenia group also displayed a higher incidence of mNSS. The presence of a less mature movement pattern can be an indicator of neuro-immaturity and a marker for atypical neurological development in schizophrenia. Our findings support the understanding of motor dysfunction as an intrinsic part of the disorder of schizophrenia.
Eastwards / Westwards: Which Direction for Gender Studies in the XXIst Century? is a collection of essays which focus on themes and methods that characterize current research into gender in Asian countries in general. In this collection, ideas derived from Gender Studies elsewhere in the world have been subjected to scrutiny for their utility in helping to describe and understand regional phenomena. But the concepts of Local and Global – with their discoursive productions – have not functioned as a binary opposition: localism and globalism are mutually constitutive and researchers have interrogated those spaces of interaction between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, bearing in mind their own embeddedness in social and cultural structures and their own historical memory. Contributors to this collection provided a critical transnational perspective on some of the complex effects of the dynamics of cultural globalization, by exploring the relation between gender and development, language, historiography, education and culture. We have also given attention to the ideological and rhetorical processes through which gender identity is constructed, by comparing textual grids and patterns of expectation. Likewise, we have discussed the role of ethnography, anthropology, historiography, sociology, fiction, popular culture and colonial and post-colonial sources in (re)inventing old/new male/female identities, their conversion into concepts and circulation through time and space. This multicultural and trans-disciplinary selection of essays is totally written in English, fully edited and revised, therefore, it has a good potential for an immediate international circulation. This project may trace new paths and issues for discussion on what concerns the life, practices and narratives by and about women in Asia, as well as elsewhere in the present day global experience. Academic readership: Researchers, scholars, educators, graduate and post-graduate students, doctoral students and general non-fiction readers, with a special interest in Gender Studies, Asia, Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, History, Historiography, Politics, Race, Feminism, Language, Linguistics, Power, Political and Feminist Agendas, Popular Culture, Education, Women’s Writing, Religion, Multiculturalism, Globalisation, Migration. Chapter summary: 1. “Social Gender Stereotypes and their Implication in Hindi”, Anjali Pande, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. This essay looks at the subtle ways in which gender identities are constructed and reinforced in India through social norms of language use. Language itself becomes a medium for perpetuating gender stereotypes, forcing its speakers to confirm to socially defined gender roles. Using examples from a classroom discussion about a film, this essay will highlight the underlying rigid male-female stereotypes in Indian society with their more obvious expressions in language. For the urban woman in India globalisation meant increased economic equality and exposure to changed lifestyles. On an individual level it also meant redefining gender relations and changing the hierarchy in man-woman relationships. With the economic independence there is a heightened sense of liberation in all spheres of social life, a confidence to fuzz the rigid boundaries of gender roles. With the new films and media celebrating this liberated woman, who is ready to assert her sexual needs, who is ready to explode those long held notions of morality, one would expect that the changes are not just superficial. But as it soon became obvious in the course of a classroom discussion about relationships and stereotypes related to age, the surface changes can not become part of the common vocabulary, for the obvious reason that there is still a vast gap between the screen image of this new woman and the ground reality. Social considerations define the limits of this assertiveness of women, whereas men are happy to be liberal within the larger frame of social sanctions. The educated urban woman in India speaks in favour of change and the educated urban male supports her, but one just needs to scratch the surface to see the time tested formulae of gender roles firmly in place. The way the urban woman happily balances this emerging promise of independence with her gendered social identity, makes it necessary to rethink some aspects of looking at gender in a gradually changing, traditional society like India. 2. “The Linguistic Dimension of Gender Equality”, Alissa Tolstokorova, Kiev Centre for Gender Information and Education, Ukraine. The subject-matter of this essay is gender justice in language which, as I argue, may be achieved through the development of a gender-related approach to linguistic human rights. The last decades of the 20th century, globally marked by a “gender shift” in attitudes to language policy, gave impetus to the social movement for promoting linguistic gender equality. It was initiated in Western Europe and nowadays is moving eastwards, as ideas of gender democracy progress into developing countries. But, while in western societies gender discrimination through language, or linguistic sexism, was an issue of concern for over three decades, in developing countries efforts to promote gender justice in language are only in their infancy. My argument is that to promote gender justice in language internationally it is necessary to acknowledge the rights of women and men to equal representation of their gender in language and speech and, therefore, raise a question of linguistic rights of the sexes. My understanding is that the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights in 1996 provided this opportunity to address the problem of gender justice in language as a human rights issue, specifically as a gender dimension of linguistic human rights. 3. “The Rebirth of an Old Language: Issues of Gender Equality in Kazakhstan”, Maria Helena Guimarães, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. The existing language situation in Kazakhstan, while peaceful, is not without some tension. We propose to analyze here some questions we consider relevant in the frame of cultural globalization and gender equality, such as: free from Russian imperialism, could Kazakhstan become an easy prey of Turkey’s “imperialist dream”? Could these traditionally Muslim people be soon facing the end of religious tolerance and gender equality, becoming this new old language an easy instrument for the infiltration in the country of fundamentalism (it has already crossed the boarders of Uzbekistan), leading to a gradual deterioration of its rich multicultural relations? The present structure of the language is still very fragile: there are three main dialects and many academics defend the re-introduction of the Latin alphabet, thus enlarging the possibility of cultural “contamination” by making the transmission of fundamentalist ideas still easier through neighbour countries like Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan (their languages belong to the same sub-group of Common Turkic), where the Latin alphabet is already in use, and where the ground for such ideas shown itself very fruitful. 4. “Construction of Womanhood in the Bengali Language of Bangladesh”, Raasheed Mahmood; University of New South Wales, Sydney. The present essay attempts to explore the role of gender-based language differences and of certain markers that reveal the status accorded to women in Bangladesh. Discrimination against women, in its various forms, is endemic in communities and countries around the world, cutting across class, race, age, and religious and national boundaries. One cannot understand the problems of gender discrimination solely by referring to the relationship of power or authority between men and women. Rather one needs to consider the problem by relating it to the specific social formation in which the image of masculinity and femininity is constructed and reconstructed. Following such line of reasoning this essay will examine the nature of gender bias in the Bengali language of Bangladesh, holding the conviction that as a product of social reality language reflects the socio-cultural behaviour of the community who speaks it. This essay will also attempt to shed some light on the processes through which gender based language differences produce actual consequences for women, who become exposed to low self-esteem, depression and systematic exclusion from public discourse. 5. “Marriage in China as an expression of a changing society”, Elisabetta Rosado David, University of Porto, Portugal, and Università Ca’Foscari, Venezia, Italy. In 29 April 2001, the new Marriage Law was promulgated in China. The first law on marriage was proclaimed in 1950 with the objective of freeing women from the feudal matrimonial system. With the second law, in 1981, values and conditions that had been distorted by the Cultural Revolution were recovered. Twenty years later, a new reform was started, intending to update marriage in the view of the social and cultural changes that occurred with Deng Xiaoping’s “open policy”. But the legal reform is only the starting point for this case-study. The rituals that are followed in the wedding ceremony are often hard to understand and very difficult to standardize, especially because China is a vast country, densely populated and characterized by several ethnic minorities. Two key words emerge from this issue: syncretism and continuity. On this basis, we can understand tradition in a better way, and analyse whether or not marriage, as every social manifestation, has evolved in harmony with Chinese culture. 6. “The Other Woman in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: The Case of Portuguese India”, Maria de Deus Manso, University of Évora, Portugal. This essay researches the social, cultural and symbolic history of local women in the Portuguese Indian colonial enclaves. The normative Portuguese overseas history has not paid any attention to the “indigenous” female populations in colonial Portuguese territories, albeit the large social importance of these social segments largely used in matrimonial and even catholic missionary strategies. The first attempt to open fresh windows in the history of this new field was the publication of Charles Boxer’s referential study about Women in lberian Overseas Expansion, edited in Portugal only after the Revolution of 1975. After this research we can only quote some other fragmentary efforts. In fact, research about the social, cultural, religious, political and symbolic situation of women in the Portuguese colonial territories, from the XVI to the XX century, is still a minor historiographic field. In this essay we discuss this problem and we study colonial representations of women in the Portuguese Indian enclaves, mainly in the territory of Goa, using case studies methodologies. 7. “Heading East this Time: Critical Readings on Gender in Southeast Asia”, Clara Sarmento, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal. This essay intends to discuss some critical readings of fictional and theoretical texts on gender condition in Southeast Asian countries. Nowadays, many texts about women in Southeast Asia apply concepts of power in unusual areas. Traditional forms of gender hegemony have been replaced by other powerful, if somewhat more covert, forms. We will discuss some universal values concerning conventional female roles as well as the strategies used to recognize women in political fields traditionally characterized by male dominance. Female empowerment will mean different things at different times in history, as a result of culture, local geography and individual circumstances. Empowerment needs to be perceived as an individual attitude, but it also has to be facilitated at the macrolevel by society and the State. Gender is very much at the heart of all these dynamics, strongly related to specificities of historical, cultural, ethnic and class situatedness, requiring an interdisciplinary transnational approach.
O trabalho realizado teve como objetivo principal analisar os ajustes posturais antecipatórios que ocorrem durante o desempenho de uma tarefa motora fundamental (apanhar), em crianças entre os nove e os dez anos de idade, residentes no Porto e que apresentam um desenvolvimento normal com recurso ao sistema de captura e parametrização do movimento em tempo real BioStage ®. Como objetivo secundário pretendeu-se perceber de que forma este sistema pode ser uma ferramenta importante na prática clínica da terapia ocupacional. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo de natureza quantitativa e de carácter descritivo e recorreu-se a uma amostra de 12 crianças, utilizando o método de amostragem não probabilística por conveniência. A recolha de dados efetuou-se no sistema BioStage ® e foi pedido que realizassem quatro itens do subteste 5 do Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) – receção bi e unilateral de uma bola com e sem ressalto no chão. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que as raparigas e as crianças mais novas demonstram ter menos estabilidade do tronco e pélvis ou menor capacidade de prever a trajetória da bola e que a receção unilateral foi mais difícil de efetuar pela maioria das crianças. Para concluir, refere-se que o BioStage ® mostra-se útil e é uma mais-valia, contribuindo de forma positiva para a prática da terapia ocupacional, uma vez que pode ser considerado como um complemento ao processo de avaliação pois faz uma análise detalhada, precisa e objetiva e identifica aspetos de difícil mensuração através da observação.
O estudo do comportamento motor, nomeadamente as áreas do desenvolvimento e controlo motor, têm permitido fundamentar a prática da terapia ocupacional, proporcionando um entendimento mais abrangente de aspetos relacionados com a análise de movimento. Todavia, o processo de análise de atividades, por norma, é realizado de forma empírica, principalmente devido à carência de métodos que avaliem de forma objetiva e precisa o comportamento motor e, consequentemente, os movimentos realizados no desempenho de atividades. Neste sentido, este estudo pretendeu encontrar padrões motores em crianças entre os nove e os dez anos de idade, com desenvolvimento normal, que traduzam o desempenho de uma tarefa motora funcional, com recurso ao sistema de captura e parametrização do movimento em tempo real BioStage®. Por outro lado, tentou-se perceber se o sistema poderia revelar-se um contributo para a prática da terapia ocupacional, possibilitando a obtenção de dados que possam ser utilizados na clínica. As tarefas selecionadas para análise foram os cinco lançamentos propostos pelo Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, que consistem no lançamento por baixo uni e bilateral, lançamento ao chão uni e bilateral e lançamento ao alvo (unilateral). Os resultados encontrados apontam que aos nove e dez anos existem padrões motores similares entre as crianças, no entanto ainda se nota uma ligeira variabilidade no comportamento. Aferiu-se, também, que a idade, sexo e prática de exercício físico podem influenciar os padrões utilizados, estando de acordo com a literatura. O sistema BioStage® mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficaz para a análise de movimento, providenciando informação detalhada sobre o comportamento motor das crianças, no decorrer das tarefas. Deste modo, pode ser uma mais-valia para a prática da terapia ocupacional, podendo contribuir para uma análise de atividades mais precisa, objetiva e fundamentada.
We are working on the confluence of knowledge management, organizational memory and emergent knowledge with the lens of complex adaptive systems. In order to be fundamentally sustainable organizations search for an adaptive need for managing ambidexterity of day-to-day work and innovation. An organization is an entity of a systemic nature, composed of groups of people who interact to achieve common objectives, making it necessary to capture, store and share interactions knowledge with the organization, this knowledge can be generated in intra-organizational or inter-organizational level. The organizations have organizational memory of knowledge of supported on the Information technology and systems. Each organization, especially in times of uncertainty and radical changes, to meet the demands of the environment, needs timely and sized knowledge on the basis of tacit and explicit. This sizing is a learning process resulting from the interaction that emerges from the relationship between the tacit and explicit knowledge and which we are framing within an approach of Complex Adaptive Systems. The use of complex adaptive systems for building the emerging interdependent relationship, will produce emergent knowledge that will improve the organization unique developing.
This paper analyzes DNA information using entropy and phase plane concepts. First, the DNA code is converted into a numerical format by means of histograms that capture DNA sequence length ranging from one up to ten bases. This strategy measures dynamical evolutions from 4 up to 410 signal states. The resulting histograms are analyzed using three distinct entropy formulations namely the Shannon, Rényie and Tsallis definitions. Charts of entropy versus sequence length are applied to a set of twenty four species, characterizing 486 chromosomes. The information is synthesized and visualized by adapting phase plane concepts leading to a categorical representation of chromosomes and species.
Introdução: O declínio do equilíbrio, da força dos membros inferiores e o medo de cair são fatores de risco de queda associados ao envelhecimento e a sua avaliação pode ser realizada pelo teste One Leg Standing (OLS), Sit to Stand (STS) e pela Falls Eficacy Scale (FES), respetivamente. As aplicações para smartphone constituem uma alternativa para a avaliação dos fatores de risco de queda no envelhecimento. Objetivo: Analisar a capacidade de uma aplicação para smartphone na avaliação dos testes STS, OLS e FES. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo analítico numa amostra de 27 voluntários com idade ≥ 60 anos. Realizaram-se os testes STS, OLS e a FES (versão iconográfica, apresentada no smartphone). Os dados foram recolhidos simultaneamente por um smartphone e pelo Qualisys Motion Capture Systems associado a uma plataforma de forças. Foi utilizado o r de Pearson ou Spearman para analisar as possíveis correlações. Resultados: No STS obteve-se uma correlação muito forte (rp=0.97) no número de repetições de ciclos Sit Stand Sit (SLS) e forte na duração média do SLS (rp=0.85) e das subfases Sit to Stand (rp=0.69) e Stand to Sit (rp=0.778), com p<0.001. As medidas de inclinação do tronco apresentaram correlações fortes, com exceção do ângulo inicial (p≥0.05). No OLS, verificou-se uma correlação moderada entre o deslocamento do centro de pressão peak to peak médio-lateral (rs=0.45; p=0.017) e antero-posterior (rs=0.39; p=0.046), root mean square médio-lateral (rs=0.39; p=0.046) e antero-posterior (rs=0.46; p=0.017) e área do estatocinesiograma (rs=0.45; p=0.018). Na FES obteve-se uma correlação moderada em três categorias: ‘tomar banho/duche’ (rs=0.49; p=0.010), ‘deitar/levantar da cama (rs=0.43; p=0.024) e ‘chegar aos armários’ (rs=0.38; p=0.050). Conclusão: A aplicação para smartphone parece avaliar corretamente os ciclos e a variação da inclinação do tronco no STS, porém parece necessitar de ser reajustada na FES e na velocidade do deslocamento do centro de pressão, no OLS.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
The relentless discovery of cancer biomarkers demands improved methods for their detection. In this work, we developed protein imprinted polymer on three-dimensional gold nanoelectrode ensemble (GNEE) to detect epithelial ovarian cancer antigen-125 (CA 125), a protein biomarker associated with ovarian cancer. CA 125 is the standard tumor marker used to follow women during or after treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer. The template protein CA 125 was initially incorporated into the thin-film coating and, upon extraction of protein from the accessible surfaces on the thin film, imprints for CA 125 were formed. The fabrication and analysis of the CA 125 imprinted GNEE was done by using cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The surfaces of the very thin, protein imprinted sites on GNEE are utilized for immunospecific capture of CA 125 molecules, and the mass of bound on the electrode surface can be detected as a reduction in the faradic current from the redox marker. Under optimal conditions, the developed sensor showed good increments at the studied concentration range of 0.5–400 U mL−1. The lowest detection limit was found to be 0.5 U mL−1. Spiked human blood serum and unknown real serum samples were analyzed. The presence of non-specific proteins in the serum did not significantly affect the sensitivity of our assay. Molecular imprinting using synthetic polymers and nanomaterials provides an alternative approach to the trace detection of biomarker proteins.
This paper describes a comparison of adaptations of the QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe) approach for the determination of 14 organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues in strawberry jam by concurrent use of gas chromatography (GC) coupled to electron capture detector (ECD) and GC tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Three versions were tested based on the original QuEChERS method. The results were good (overall average of 89% recoveries with 15% RSD) using the ultrasonic bath at five spiked levels. Performance characteristics, such as accuracy, precision, linear range, limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ), were determined for each pesticide. LOD ranged from 0.8 to 8.9 microg kg-1 ; LOQ was in the range of 2.5–29.8 microg kg- 1; and calibration curves were linear (r2>0.9970) in the whole range of the explored concentrations (5–100 microg kg- 1). The LODs of these pesticides were much lower than the maximum residue levels (MRLs) allowed in Europe for strawberries. The method was successfully applied to the quantification of OCP in commercially available jams. The OCPs were detected lower than the LOD.
A QuEChERS method has been developed for the determination of 14 organochlorine pesticides in 14 soils from different Portuguese regions with wide range composition. The extracts were analysed by GC-ECD (where GC-ECD is gas chromatography-electron-capture detector) and confirmed by GC-MS/MS (where MS/MS is tandem mass spectrometry). The organic matter content is a key factor in the process efficiency. An optimization was carried out according to soils organic carbon level, divided in two groups: HS (organic carbon>2.3%) and LS (organic carbon<2.3%). Themethod was validated through linearity, recovery, precision and accuracy studies. The quantification was carried out using a matrixmatched calibration to minimize the existence of the matrix effect. Acceptable recoveries were obtained (70–120%) with a relative standard deviation of ≤16% for the three levels of contamination. The ranges of the limits of detection and of the limits of quantification in soils HS were from 3.42 to 23.77 μg kg−1 and from 11.41 to 79.23 μg kg−1, respectively. For LS soils, the limits of detection ranged from 6.11 to 14.78 μg kg−1 and the limits of quantification from 20.37 to 49.27 μg kg−1. In the 14 collected soil samples only one showed a residue of dieldrin (45.36 μg kg−1) above the limit of quantification. This methodology combines the advantages of QuEChERS, GC-ECD detection and GC-MS/MS confirmation producing a very rapid, sensitive and reliable procedure which can be applied in routine analytical laboratories.
Metals are ubiquitous in the environment and accumulate in aquatic organisms and are known for their ability to enhance the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In aquatic species, oxidative stress mechanisms have been studied by measuring antioxidant enzyme activities and oxidative damages in tissues. The aim of this study was to apply and validate a set of oxidative stress biomarkers and correlate responses with metal contents in tissues of common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Antioxidant enzyme activity (catalase — CAT, superoxide dismutase — SOD and glutathione S-transferases — GST), oxidative damages (lipid peroxidation — LPO and protein carbonyl content — PCO) andmetal content (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and As) in the digestive gland and armof octopus, collected in the NWPortuguese coast in different periods, were assessed after capture and after 14 days in captivity. CAT and SOD activitieswere highly responsive to fluctuations inmetal concentrations and able to reduce oxidative damage, LPO and PCO in the digestive gland. CAT activity was also positively correlated with SOD and GST activities, which emphasizes that the three enzymes respond in a coordinated way to metal induced oxidative stress. Our results validate the use of oxidative stress biomarkers to assess metal pollution effects in this ecological and commercial relevant species.Moreover, octopus seems to have the ability to control oxidative damage by triggering an antioxidant enzyme coordinated response in the digestive gland.
Scientific evidence has shown an association between organochlorine compounds (OCC) exposure and human health hazards. Concerning this, OCC detection in human adipose samples has to be considered a public health priority. This study evaluated the efficacy of various solid-phase extraction (SPE) and cleanup methods for OCC determination in human adipose tissue. Octadecylsilyl endcapped (C18-E), benzenesulfonic acid modified silica cation exchanger (SA), poly (styrene-divinylbenzene (EN) and EN/RP18 SPE sorbents were evaluated. The relative sample cleanup provided by these SPE columns was evaluated using gas chromatography with electron capture detection (GC–ECD). The C18-E columns with strong homogenization were found to provide the most effective cleanup, removing the greatest amount of interfering substance, and simultaneously ensuring good analyte recoveries higher than 70%. Recoveries>70% with standard deviations (SD)<15% were obtained for all compounds under the selected conditions. Method detection limits were in the 0.003–0.009 mg/kg range. The positive samples were confirmed by gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The highest percentage found of the OCC in real samples corresponded to HCB, o,p′-DDT and methoxychlor, which were detected in 80 and 95% of samples analyzed respectively. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A esquizofrenia é uma perturbação mental grave caracterizada pela coexistência de sintomas positivos, negativos e de desorganização do pensamento e do comportamento. As alterações motoras são consistentemente observadas mas, ainda pouco estudadas na esquizofrenia, sendo relevantes para o seu diagnóstico. Neste quadro, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os indivíduos com esquizofrenia apresentam alterações na coordenação motora, comparativamente com o grupo sem esquizofrenia, bem como analisar se as disfunções dos sinais neurológicos subtis (SNS) motores se encontram correlacionadas com o funcionamento executivo e com os domínios psicopatológicos da perturbação. No total participaram 29 indivíduos (13 com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e 16 sem diagnóstico) equivalentes em termos de idade, género, escolaridade e índice de massa corporal. Para avaliar o desempenho motor recorreu-se ao sistema Biostage de parametrização do movimento em tempo real, com a tarefa de lançameto ao alvo; a presença de SNS foi examinada através da Brief Motor Scale; o funcionamento executivo pela aplicação do subteste do Vocabulário e da fluência verbal e a sintomatologia clínica através da Positive and Negative Sindrome Scale. Pela análise cinemática do movimento constatou-se que os indivíduos com esquizofrenia recrutam um padrão motor menos desenvolvido e imaturo de movimento, com menor individualização das componentes (principalmente do tronco e pélvis), necessitando de mais tempo para executar a tarefa, comparativamente com os sujeitos sem a perturbação que evidenciaram um movimento mais avançado de movimento. Os indivíduos com esquizofrenia mostraram índices elevados de disfunção dos SNS (média =6,01) estabelecendo este domínio uma relação boa e negativa com o desempenho verbal (rho Spearman=-0,62) e uma relação forte e positiva com todos os domínios psicopatológicos (rho Spearman=0,74). O estudo da existência de alterações motoras como parte intrínseca da esquizofrenia revela-se pertinente uma vez que possibilita uma compreensão mais aprofundada da sua fisiopatologia e permite que se desenvolvam práticas mais efetivas na área da saúde e reabilitação.
As diferenças entre os géneros parecem surgir desde a origem da humanidade, quando a função do homem era caçar e da mulher fornecer cuidados às crianças e realizar trabalhos de cariz manual. O membro superior apresenta um papel primordial na execução da maioria das atividades relevantes para o ser humano, sendo pertinente a realização de avaliações mais objetivas do mesmo. Com a realização deste estudo pretendemos verificar se existem diferenças entre os géneros nos parâmetros eletromiográficos e cinemáticos do movimento durante uma atividade diária; perceber se os valores da eletromiografia e da cinemática do membro superior são dependentes do género à medida que a distância do objeto é alterada e ainda, levar a cabo a análise da atividade de beber. Para tal foram avaliados parâmetros de qualidade de movimento e parâmetros de recrutamento muscular em 15 indivíduos do género feminino e 15 indivíduos do género masculino com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 30 anos numa atividade de beber em três momentos diferentes. Para a análise cinemática foi utilizado o software Qualysis Motion Capture e para a análise eletromiográfica o software AcqKnowledge Analysis. Com os resultados obtidos constatamos que a percentagem de ativação muscular e os ângulos de flexão do ombro e flexão do cotovelo apresentam diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0.05) entre os géneros, sendo o grupo feminino a apresentar valores superiores. Aferiu-se também que a percentagem de ativação do músculo Deltoide Anterior parece ser influenciado pelo género (p<0.05) ao longo das três distâncias em estudo, sendo novamente o grupo feminino a apresentar valores superiores. Para além disto, aquando do movimento de alcançar, verificaram-se evidências estatísticas (p<0.05) do envolvimento do tronco em todas as distâncias de alcance do objeto, inclusive numa distância inferior ao comprimento do braço. Este estudo permitiu a descrição detalhada da eletromiografia e cinemática do movimento do membro superior de alcançar e transportar numa atividade diária, bem como uma comparação da mesma entre o grupo masculino e grupo feminino.