25 resultados para intensity-duration-frequency
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
The pathophysiology of depression is related to neurobiological changes that occur in the monoamine system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neurogenesis system and the neuroimmune system. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the research of the effects of exercise on brain function, with a special focus on its effects on brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), cortisol and other biomarkers. Thus, the aim of this study is to present a review investigating the acute and chronic effects of aerobic exercise on BDNF and cortisol levels in individuals with depression. It was not possible to establish an interaction between aerobic exercise and concentration of BDNF and cortisol, which may actually be the result of the divergence of methods, such as type of exercises, duration of the sessions, and prescribed intensity and frequency of sessions.
5th International Conference of Fire Effects on Soil Properties
The relation of automatic auditory discrimination, measured with MMN, with the type of stimuli has not been well established in the literature, despite its importance as an electrophysiological measure of central sound representation. In this study, MMN response was elicited by pure-tone and speech binaurally passive auditory oddball paradigm in a group of 8 normal young adult subjects at the same intensity level (75 dB SPL). The frequency difference in pure-tone oddball was 100 Hz (standard = 1 000 Hz; deviant = 1 100 Hz; same duration = 100 ms), in speech oddball (standard /ba/; deviant /pa/; same duration = 175 ms) the Portuguese phonemes are both plosive bi-labial in order to maintain a narrow frequency band. Differences were found across electrode location between speech and pure-tone stimuli. Larger MMN amplitude, duration and higher latency to speech were verified compared to pure-tone in Cz and Fz as well as significance differences in latency and amplitude between mastoids. Results suggest that speech may be processed differently than non-speech; also it may occur in a later stage due to overlapping processes since more neural resources are required to speech processing.
Trabalho de Projecto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Mestre Armindo Licínio da Silva Macedo
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo optimização energética na indústria química.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de um método analítico, baseado na voltametria de onda quadrada (SWV), para a análise de ciprofloxacina (CIP) em produtos farmacêuticos e em processos de remediação. Para o desenvolvimento do método voltamétrico foram utilizadas duas células voltamétricas: a célula clássica (utilizando um eléctrodo de trabalho de carbono vítreo - GCE) e um eléctrodo de carbono impresso (SPCE). Após a optimização dos parâmetros da SWV, pH (3,04), frequência (400Hz), incremento de potencial (6 mV) e amplitude do impulso de potencial (40 mV), procedeu-se a validação dos métodos, obtendo-se zonas lineares entre a concentração de CIP e a intensidade de corrente de pico de 5,0×10-6 a 6,0×10-5 mol/L (GCE) e de 1,0×10-5 a 4,0×10-5 mol/L (SPCE) e limites de detecção de 9,48×10-6 mol/L (GCE) e 2,13×10-6 mol/L (SPCE). Verificou-se que a sensibilidade, a precisão e a selectividade são superiores para o SPCE, sendo por isso esta a célula mais adequada para proceder à análise da CIP em produtos farmacêuticos. O SPCE foi aplicado com sucesso à análise de CIP num produto farmacêutico. Para o tratamento de soluções aquosas contendo a CIP foram testados dois oxidantes: o permanganato de potássio e o peróxido de hidrogénio. Para o peróxido de hidrogénio os resultados obtidos foram inconclusivos. No caso do permanganato de potássio, os resultados mostram que a degradação da ciprofloxacina depende da concentração do oxidante. Para uma concentração de CIP de 3,00×10-4 mol/L uma degradação rápida foi obtida com o uso de 6,00×10-3 mol/L de permanganato de potássio. Na aplicação do permanganato na remediação de solos verificou-se que no caso de solos húmicos a ciprofloxacina é adsorvida pelo solo, não sendo possível confirmar a ocorrência da reacção de degradação. No caso de solos arenosos verificou-se que a ciprofloxacina foi rapidamente degradada pelo permanganato de potássio.
Reactivation of telomerase has been implicated in human tumorigenesis, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here we report the presence of recurrent somatic mutations in the TERT promoter in cancers of the central nervous system (43%), bladder (59%), thyroid (follicular cell-derived, 10%) and skin (melanoma, 29%). In thyroid cancers, the presence of TERT promoter mutations (when occurring together with BRAF mutations) is significantly associated with higher TERT mRNA expression, and in glioblastoma we find a trend for increased telomerase expression in cases harbouring TERT promoter mutations. Both in thyroid cancers and glioblastoma, TERT promoter mutations are significantly associated with older age of the patients. Our results show that TERT promoter mutations are relatively frequent in specific types of human cancers, where they lead to enhanced expression of telomerase.
In the last few years, the number of systems and devices that use voice based interaction has grown significantly. For a continued use of these systems, the interface must be reliable and pleasant in order to provide an optimal user experience. However there are currently very few studies that try to evaluate how pleasant is a voice from a perceptual point of view when the final application is a speech based interface. In this paper we present an objective definition for voice pleasantness based on the composition of a representative feature subset and a new automatic voice pleasantness classification and intensity estimation system. Our study is based on a database composed by European Portuguese female voices but the methodology can be extended to male voices or to other languages. In the objective performance evaluation the system achieved a 9.1% error rate for voice pleasantness classification and a 15.7% error rate for voice pleasantness intensity estimation.
Determining the response time of message transactions is one of the major concerns in the design of any distributed computer-controlled system. Such response time is mainly dependent on the medium access delay, the message length and the transmission delay. While the medium access delay in fieldbus networks has been thoroughly studied in the last few years, the transmission delay has been almost ignored as it is considered that it can be neglected when compared to the length of the message itself. Nevertheless, this assumption is no longer valid when considering the case of hybrid wired/wireless fieldbus networks, where the transmission delay through a series of different mediums can be several orders of magnitude longer than the length of the message itself. In this paper, we show how to compute the duration of message transactions in hybrid wired/wireless fieldbus networks. This duration is mainly dependent on the duration of the request and response frames and on the number and type of physical mediums that the frames must cross between initiator and responder. A case study of a hybrid wired/wireless fieldbus network is also presented, where it becomes clear the interest of the proposed approach
Fractional derivatives: probability interpretation and frequency response of rational approximations
The theory of fractional calculus (FC) is a useful mathematical tool in many applied sciences. Nevertheless, only in the last decades researchers were motivated for the adoption of the FC concepts. There are several reasons for this state of affairs, namely the co-existence of different definitions and interpretations, and the necessity of approximation methods for the real time calculation of fractional derivatives (FDs). In a first part, this paper introduces a probabilistic interpretation of the fractional derivative based on the Grünwald-Letnikov definition. In a second part, the calculation of fractional derivatives through Padé fraction approximations is analyzed. It is observed that the probabilistic interpretation and the frequency response of fraction approximations of FDs reveal a clear correlation between both concepts.
Introduction: Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTIs) are highly prevalent in institutionalised people with dementia, constituting an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Computerised auscultation of Adventitious Lung Sounds (ALS) has shown to be objective and reliable to assess and monitor respiratory diseases, however its application in people with dementia is unknown. Aim: This study characterised ALS (crackles and wheezes) in institutionalised people with dementia. Methods: An exploratory descriptive study, including 6 long-term care institutions was conducted. The sample included a dementia group (DG) of 30 people with dementia and a match healthy group (HG) of 30 elderly people. Socio-demographic and anthropometric data, cognition, type and severity of dementia, cardio-respiratory parameters, balance, mobility and activities and participation were collected. Lung sounds were recorded with a digital stethoscope following Computerised Respiratory Sound Analysis (CORSA) guidelines. Crackles’ location, number (N), frequency (F), two-cycle duration (2CD), initial deflection width (IDW) and largest deflection width (LDW) and wheezes’ number (N), ratio (R) and frequency (F) were analysed per breathing phase. Statistical analyses were performed using PASW Statistics(v.19). Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in relation to the mean N of crackles during inspiration and expiration in both trachea and thorax. DG trachea crackles had significant higher F during inspiration and lower IDW, 2CD and LDW during expiration when compared with HG. At the thorax, the LDW during inspiration was also significantly lower in the DG. A significant higher N of inspiratory wheezes was found in the HG. Both groups had a low ratio of high frequency wheezes. Conclusion: Computerised analyses of ALS informed on the respiratory system and function of people with dementia and elderly people. Hence, this could be the step towards prevention, early diagnosis and continuous monitoring of respiratory diseases in people with cognitive impairment.
Introdução: As doenças cardiovasculares, entre elas, a hipertensão arterial constituem um dos problemas de saúde de maior prevalência, principalmente na população idosa. Alguns estudos têm apontado o exercício físico aeróbio como uma medida não farmacológica, eficaz, para a prevenção/controlo da hipertensão arterial. Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou o efeito agudo hipotensivo de uma sessão isolada de exercício físico aeróbio num grupo de idosos hipertensos. Metodologia: A amostra foi composta por 20 idosos, de ambos os géneros, hipertensos, pertencentes a três centros de convívio distintos. Os indivíduos foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, o grupo que fez a sessão de exercício (n=10, idade 81,2 ± 4,71 anos) e o grupo de controlo (n=10, idade 81,2 ± 3,12 anos). O grupo de exercício participou numa sessão de exercício físico aeróbio que teve 35 minutos de duração, sendo constituída por 5 minutos de aquecimento seguidos por duas frações de marcha a uma intensidade de 40-60% da frequência cardíaca (FC) de reserva, cada uma delas com a duração de 10 minutos, separadas por um intervalo de recuperação de 5 minutos, terminando com 5 minutos de retorno à calma. O grupo controlo permaneceu 35 minutos em repouso sentado. Todos indivíduos foram sujeitos à avaliação da pressão arterial (PA) e FC, antes, no intervalo, no término, 20 e 40 minutos após a sessão de exercício/35 minutos de repouso. Resultados: Observou-se que no grupo que fez o exercício físico a PA sistólica medida aos 40 minutos (123,04 ± 23,07 mmHg) após a sessão de exercício foi significativamente inferior aos restantes momentos de avaliação, incluindo o valor observado em repouso (135,57 ± 19,43 mmHg). A PA diastólica medida também aos 40 minutos (61,94 ± 7,49 mmHg) após a sessão foi inferior à obtida ao intervalo da sessão (72,40 ± 8,51 mmHg). A FC foi significativamente superior ao intervalo e no término da sessão comparativamente a todos os outros momentos de avaliação. Quanto ao grupo controlo não se verificaram diferenças significativas em nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados. Conclusão: Uma sessão isolada de exercício aeróbio de curta promove a ocorrência do fenómeno hipotensão pós-exercício em idosos hipertensos.
In the current context of serious climate changes, where the increase of the frequency of some extreme events occurrence can enhance the rate of periods prone to high intensity forest fires, the National Forest Authority often implements, in several Portuguese forest areas, a regular set of measures in order to control the amount of fuel mass availability (PNDFCI, 2008). In the present work we’ll present a preliminary analysis concerning the assessment of the consequences given by the implementation of prescribed fire measures to control the amount of fuel mass in soil recovery, in particular in terms of its water retention capacity, its organic matter content, pH and content of iron. This work is included in a larger study (Meira-Castro, 2009(a); Meira-Castro, 2009(b)). According to the established praxis on the data collection, embodied in multidimensional matrices of n columns (variables in analysis) by p lines (sampled areas at different depths), and also considering the quantitative data nature present in this study, we’ve chosen a methodological approach that considers the multivariate statistical analysis, in particular, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA ) (Góis, 2004). The experiments were carried out in a soil cover over a natural site of Andaluzitic schist, in Gramelas, Caminha, NW Portugal, who was able to maintain itself intact from prescribed burnings from four years and was submit to prescribed fire in March 2008. The soils samples were collected from five different plots at six different time periods. The methodological option that was adopted have allowed us to identify the most relevant relational structures inside the n variables, the p samples and in two sets at the same time (Garcia-Pereira, 1990). Consequently, and in addition to the traditional outputs produced from the PCA, we have analyzed the influence of both sampling depths and geomorphological environments in the behavior of all variables involved.
Somatic mutations in the promoter region of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene, mainly at positions c.-124 and c.-146 bp, are frequent in several human cancers; yet its presence in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) has not been reported to date. Herein, we searched for the presence and clinicopathological association of TERT promoter mutations in genomic DNA from 130 bona fide GISTs. We found TERT promoter mutations in 3.8% (5/130) of GISTs. The c.-124C>T mutation was the most common event, present in 2.3% (3/130), and the c.-146C>T mutation in 1.5% (2/130) of GISTs. No significant association was observed between TERT promoter mutation and patient's clinicopathological features. The present study establishes the low frequency (4%) of TERT promoter mutations in GISTs. Further studies are required to confirm our findings and to elucidate the hypothetical biological and clinical impact of TERT promoter mutation in GIST pathogenesis.