10 resultados para building or renovating a home
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
This paper aims to present a contrastive approach between three different ways of building concepts after proving the similar syntactic possibilities that coexist in terms. However, from the semantic point of view we can see that each language family has a different distribution in meaning. But the most important point we try to show is that the differences found in the psychological process when communicating concepts should guide the translator and the terminologist in the target text production and the terminology planning process. Differences between languages in the information transmission process are due to the different roles the different types of knowledge play. We distinguish here the analytic-descriptive knowledge and the analogical knowledge among others. We also state that none of them is the best when determining the correctness of a term, but there has to be adequacy criteria in the selection process. This concept building or term building success is important when looking at the linguistic map of the information society.
The great majority of the courses on science and technology areas where lab work is a fundamental part of the apprenticeship was not until recently available to be taught at distance. This reality is changing with the dissemination of remote laboratories. Supported by resources based on new information and communication technologies, it is now possible to remotely control a wide variety of real laboratories. However, most of them are designed specifically to this purpose, are inflexible and only on its functionality they resemble the real ones. In this paper, an alternative remote lab infrastructure devoted to the study of electronics is presented. Its main characteristics are, from a teacher's perspective, reusability and simplicity of use, and from a students' point of view, an exact replication of the real lab, enabling them to complement or finish at home the work started at class. The remote laboratory is integrated in the Learning Management System in use at the school, and therefore, may be combined with other web experiments and e-learning strategies, while safeguarding security access issues.
The paper presents a study on business micro-location behaviour as well as corresponding factors of influence, conducted in two metropolitan areas, Bucharest-Ilfov (Romania) and Greater Porto (Portugal). By business micro-location we refer to a specific site such as a building or facility, accommodating a business within a small, compact geographical area (e.g. metropolitan area). At this geographical scale, the macroeconomic layer factors were excluded, applicable when discern between regions or countries. The factors derived from location theory and previous empirical studies were surveyed, completing a cross-sectional analysis in order to find out the specific weights of the location factors and preferences, by region and by industry. Based on already established firms’ feedback on location, the specific weights were granted by each industry to the main location factors, types of areas, and types of accommodation facilities. The authors also suggested a model to integrate these results into a Geographical Information System (GIS).
Num passado relativamente recente, o processo de demolição tem experimentado várias mudanças, que incidem principalmente na forma como o edifício ou estrutura vai ser demolido. Mais recentemente, o surgimento das preocupações ambientais levam hoje a falar de "desconstrução", em função do prejuízo das demolições. O termo desconstrução é usado para descrever o processo de desmantelamento e remoção seletiva de materiais de construção em vez da demolição tradicional. O sucesso da desconstrução vem em função do planeamento antecipado, da aplicação contínua das regras de segurança e da formação e informação para todos os trabalhadores. A triagem de materiais de demolição é de certa forma imposta pela preocupação das empresas que contribuem para a economia de recursos naturais. Esta metodologia é uma melhoria contínua, porém muito mais diversificados os materiais obtidos e a sua heterogeneidade. A correta gestão do fluxo de resíduos de construção e demolição é importante e o seu interesse na reciclagem de resíduos tem aumentado constantemente. Esse interesse é dirigido pelo grande volume desses materiais, os custos associados e uma maior consciência das oportunidades de reciclar. Auxiliando também no desenvolvimento dos mercados locais para os resíduos, tanto para os materiais que são diretamente reutilizados, como os que são reciclados, sendo novamente aplicados na construção civil. Esta dissertação aborda os métodos comummente utilizados na demolição de edifícios que dão mais atenção ao planeamento e execução dos trabalhos de demolição, garantindo a segurança no local de trabalho.
Na União Europeia os sectores dos transportes e da indústria são ambos grandes consumidores de energia, mas são os edifícios residenciais e de serviços onde o consumo energético é maior, e em 2005, segundo a EnerBuilding, representavam cerca de 17% dos consumos de energia primária em termos nacionais. A energia gasta com a iluminação, o aquecimento, o arrefecimento e AQS das habitações, locais de trabalho e locais de lazer é superior à consumida pelos sectores dos transportes e da indústria. As habitações representam dois terços do consumo total de energia dos edifícios europeus, o qual aumenta todos os anos com a melhoria da qualidade de vida, traduzindo-se numa maior utilização dos sistemas de climatização. Neste sentido, e de acordo com o decreto-lei que transpõe para a legislação portuguesa a diretiva comunitária relativa ao desempenho energético dos edifícios, todos os Estados da União Europeia devem ter um sistema de certificação energética para informar o cidadão sobre a qualidade térmica dos edifícios, aquando da construção, da venda ou do arrendamento. Assim, entrou em vigor em Portugal, desde 1 de Janeiro de 2009, a obrigatoriedade de apresentação de um certificado de eficiência energética, no ato de compra, venda ou aluguer de edifícios novos e existentes. A certificação energética permite assim aos futuros utilizadores dos edifícios obter informação sobre os potenciais consumos de energia, no caso dos novos edifícios ou no caso de edifícios existentes sujeitos a grandes intervenções de reabilitação, dos seus consumos reais ou aferidos para padrões de utilização típicos, passando o consumo energético a integrar um conjunto dos aspetos importantes para a caracterização de qualquer edifício. Em edifícios de serviços, o certificado energético assegura aos utentes do edifício ou da fração que este reúne condições para garantir a eficiência energética e a adequada qualidade do ar interior. Uma vez que passamos 80% do nosso tempo em edifícios, e que isto se reflete num consumo cada vez mais elevado do sector residencial e dos serviços no consumo total energético do país, este trabalho pretende fazer a comparação dos vários equipamentos de aquecimento, de arrefecimento e de AQS e qual a influência dos mesmos na certificação energética de edifícios, e consequentemente na eficiência dos mesmos, sendo que a eficiência e a certificação energética de um edifício deve ser um aspeto relevante a levar em consideração no momento do planeamento ou da construção, bem como na aquisição de uma nova habitação. Um projeto concebido de modo a tirar proveito das condições climáticas, da orientação solar, dos ventos dominantes e utilizadas técnicas construtivas e os materiais adequados, é possível reduzir os gastos energéticos com a iluminação ou os sistemas de climatização.
Lifelong learning (LLL) has received increasing attention in recent years. It implies that learning should take place at all stages of the “life cycle and it should be life-wide, that is embedded in all life contexts from the school to the work place, the home and the community” (Green, 2002, p.613). The ‘learning society’, is the vision of a society where there are recognized opportunities for learning for every person, wherever they are and however old they happen to be. Globalization and the rise of new information technologies are some of the driving forces that cause depreciation of specialised competences. This happens very quickly in terms of economic value; consequently, workers of all skills levels, during their working life, must have the opportunity to update “their technical skills and enhance general skills to keep pace with continuous technological change and new job requirements” (Fahr, 2005, p. 75). It is in this context that LLL tops the policy agenda of international bodies, national governments and non-governmental organizations, in the field of education and training, to justify the need for LLL opportunities for the population as they face contemporary employability challenges. It is in this context that the requirement and interest to analyse the behaviour patterns of adult learners has developed over the last few years
In the work of Paul Auster (Newark, 1947 - ), we find two main themes: the sense of loss and existential drift and the loneliness of the individual fully committed to the work of writing, as if he had been confined to the book that commands his life. However, this second theme is clearly the dominant one because the character's space of solitude may include its own wandering, because this wandering is also often performed inside the four walls of a room, just like it is narrated inside the space of the page and the book. Both in his poetry, essays and fiction, Auster seems to face the work of writing as an actual physical effort of effective construction, as if the words that are aligned in the poem-text were stones to place in a row when building a wall or some other structure in stone.
In this paper, we study an international market with demand uncertainty. The model has two stages. In the first stage, the home government chooses an import tariff to maximize the revenue. Then, the firms engage in a Cournot or in a Stackelberg competition. The uncertainty is resolved between the decisions made by the home government and by the firms. We compare the results obtained in the three different ways of moving on the decision make of the firms.
In future power systems, in the smart grid and microgrids operation paradigms, consumers can be seen as an energy resource with decentralized and autonomous decisions in the energy management. It is expected that each consumer will manage not only the loads, but also small generation units, heating systems, storage systems, and electric vehicles. Each consumer can participate in different demand response events promoted by system operators or aggregation entities. This paper proposes an innovative method to manage the appliances on a house during a demand response event. The main contribution of this work is to include time constraints in resources management, and the context evaluation in order to ensure the required comfort levels. The dynamic resources management methodology allows a better resources’ management in a demand response event, mainly the ones of long duration, by changing the priorities of loads during the event. A case study with two scenarios is presented considering a demand response with 30 min duration, and another with 240 min (4 h). In both simulations, the demand response event proposes the power consumption reduction during the event. A total of 18 loads are used, including real and virtual ones, controlled by the presented house management system.
Crowdsourcing innovation intermediaries are organizations that mediate the communication and relationship between companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom. A significant part of the activity of these intermediaries is carried out by using a web platform that takes advantage of web 2.0 tools to implement its capabilities. Thus, ontologies are presented as an appropriate strategy to represent the knowledge inherent to this activity and therefore the accomplishment of interoperability between machines and systems. In this paper we present an ontology roadmap for developing crowdsourcing innovation ontology of the intermediation process. We start making a literature review on ontology building, analyze and compare ontologies that propose the development from scratch with the ones that propose reusing other ontologies, and present the criteria for selecting the methodology. We also review enterprise and innovation ontologies known in literature. Finally, are taken some conclusions and presented the roadmap for building crowdsourcing innovation intermediary ontology.