20 resultados para and type
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
A methodology for the determination of the pesticide chlorfenvinphos by microwave-assisted solvent extraction and square-wave cathodic stripping voltammetry at a mercury film ultramicroelectrode in soil samples is proposed. Optimization of microwave solvent extraction performed with two soils, selected for having significantly different properties, indicated that the optimum solvent for extracting chlorfenvinphos is hexane-acetone (1:1, v/v). The voltammetric procedure is based on controlled adsorptive accumulation of the insecticide at the potential of -0.60 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) in the presence of Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 6.2). The detection limit obtained for a 10 s collection time was 3.0 x 10-8 mol l-1. The validity of the developed methodology was assessed by recovery experiments at the 0.100 µg g-1 level. The average recoveries and standard deviations for the global procedure reached byMASE-square-wave voltammetry were 90.2±2.8% and 92.1±3.4% for type I (soil rich in organic matter) and type II (sandy soil) samples, respectively. These results are in accordance to the expected values which show that the method has a good accuracy.
Changes in the regulation of connective tissue ATP-mediated mechano-transduction and remodeling may be an important link to the pathogenesis of chronic pain. It has been demonstrated that mast cell-derived histamine plays an important role in painful fibrotic diseases. Here we analyzed the involvement of ATP in the response of human subcutaneous fibroblasts to histamine. Acute histamine application caused a rise in intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) and ATP release from human subcutaneous fibroblasts via H1 receptor activation. Histamine-induced [Ca2+]i rise was partially attenuated by apyrase, an enzyme that inactivates extracellular ATP, and by blocking P2 purinoceptors with pyridoxal phosphate-6-azo(benzene-2,4-disulfonic acid) tetrasodium salt and reactive blue 2. [Ca2+]i accumulation caused by histamine was also reduced upon blocking pannexin-1 hemichannels with 10Panx, probenecid, or carbenoxolone but not when connexin hemichannels were inhibited with mefloquine or 2-octanol. Brefeldin A, an inhibitor of vesicular exocytosis, also did not block histamine-induced [Ca2+]i mobilization. Prolonged exposure of human subcutaneous fibroblast cultures to histamine favored cell growth and type I collagen synthesis via the activation of H1 receptor. This effect was mimicked by ATP and its metabolite, ADP, whereas the selective P2Y1 receptor antagonist, MRS2179, partially attenuated histamine-induced cell growth and type I collagen production. Expression of pannexin-1 and ADPsensitive P2Y1 receptor on human subcutaneous fibroblasts was confirmed by immunofluorescence confocal microscopy and Western blot analysis. In conclusion, histamine induces ATP release from human subcutaneous fibroblasts, via pannexin-1 hemichannels, leading to [Ca2+]i mobilization and cell growth through the cooperation of H1 and P2 (probably P2Y1) receptors.
Adhesively bonded repairs offer an attractive option for repair of aluminium structures, compared to more traditional methods such as fastening or welding. The single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs are very straightforward to execute but stresses in the adhesive layer peak at the overlap ends. The DS repair requires both sides of the damaged structures to be reachable for repair, which is often not possible. In strap repairs, with the patches bonded at the outer surfaces, some limitations emerge such as the weight, aerodynamics and aesthetics. To minimize these effects, SS and DS repairs with embedded patches were evaluated in this work, such that the patches are flush with the adherends. For this purpose, in this work standard SS and DS repairs, and also with the patches embedded in the adherends, were tested under tension to allow the optimization of some repair variables such as the overlap length (LO) and type of adhesive, thus allowing the maximization of the repair strength. The effect of embedding the patch/patches on the fracture modes and failure loads was compared with finite elements (FE) analysis. The FE analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and cohesive zone modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. The comparison with the test data revealed an accurate prediction for all kinds of joints and provided some principles regarding this technique.
Collecting and transporting solid waste is a constant problem for municipalities and populations in general. Waste management should take into account the preservation of the environment and the reduction of costs. The goal with this paper is to address a real-life solid waste problem. The case reveals some general and specific characteristics which are not rare, but are not widely addressed in the literature. Furthermore, new methods and models to deal with sectorization and routing are introduced, which can be extended to other applications. Sectorization and routing are tackled following a two-phase approach. In the first phase, a new method is described for sectorization based on electromagnetism and Coulomb’s Law. The second phase addresses the routing problems in each sector. The paper addresses not only territorial division, but also the frequency with which waste is collected, which is a critical issue in these types of applications. Special characteristics related to the number and type of deposition points were also a motivation for this work. A new model for a Mixed Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Limited Multi-Landfills is proposed and tested in real instances. The computational results achieved confirm the effectiveness of the entire approach.
A mitose é o evento celular, através do qual uma células transmite uma cópias do seu DNA às células filhas. Este processo é mediado pelo fuso mitótico, o qual consiste numa rede bipolar microtubulos. A dinâmica dos microtubulos é regulada por proteínas associadas a estes (MAPs – Microtubule-Associated Proteins), tais como as proteínas associadas às extremidades positivas dos microtubulos (+TIPs – Plus-ends Tracking proteins). As proteínas associadas às CLIPs (CLASPs – CLIP-associated proteins) pertencem a esta família e estão altamente conservadas nos eucariotas. Estas interagem com os microtubulos regulando o fuso mitótico, a segregação dos cromossomas e o comportamento dos microtubulos ao nível do cinetocoro. Assim, as CLASPs têm sido descritas como essenciais à manutenção da integridade genética durante a divisão celular. Um modelo animal knockout para o gene Clasp1 é uma ferramenta indispensável à descoberta do papel da CLASP1 a nível fisiológico. Nos animais knockout foi observado um fenótipo letal, no qual 100% dos recém-nascidos morreram poucos minutos após o nascimento, no decurso de falência respiratória. Após análise histopatológica, observamos que os pulmões dos animais knockout apresentam um atraso no desenvolvimento. Porém, a análise da expressão de marcadores de diferenciação celular, mostrou que os pneumócitos tipo I e II estão presente e diferenciados nos animais knockout aquando do seu nascimento. No entanto, um defeito primário a nível pulmonar ainda não pode ser excluído. Níveis elevados de glicogénio no parênquima alveolar dos animais knockout sugerem imaturidade pulmonar ou deficiente produção do líquido surfactante. Adicionalmente, ainda não está esclarecido de que forma pode este atraso explicar a letalidade observada nos recémnascidos knockout. Verificamos também que expressão de CLASP1 é transiente ao longo do desenvolvimento, sendo particularmente elevada no cérebro, o que pode explicar o seu papel já descrito na biologia dos neurónios. A CLASP1 é ubiquamente expressa em mamíferos adultos, o que sugere que esta proteína é também importante em tecidos diferenciados. Nesta fase, o significado biológico da CLASP1 em mamíferos ainda não foi descortinado. No entanto, nenhum animal knockout para Clasp1 foi capaz de sobreviver ex uterus, o que sugere um papel fundamental desta proteína na fase final do desenvolvimento dos mamíferos.
A obesidade e a diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) são considerados dois grandes problemas de saúde pública. A má alimentação e a falta de atividade física encontram-se entre os principais desencadeadores de um crescente número de indivíduos obesos, diabéticos e com sensibilidade à insulina diminuída. Este aumento tem motivado a comunidade científica a investigar cada vez mais para o elevado contributo da herança genética associada aos fatores sociais e nutricionais. O gene dos recetores ativados por proliferadores do peroxissoma gama 2 (PPARγ2) desempenha um papel importante no metabolismo lipídico. Uma vez que o PPARγ2 é maioritariamente expresso no tecido adiposo, uma redução moderada da sua atividade tem influência na sensibilidade à insulina, diabetes, e outros parâmetros metabólicos. Vários estudos sugerem que tanto fatores genéticos como fatores ambientais (tais como a dieta), poderão estar envolvidos na formação de padrões associados ao polimorfismo Pro12Ala com a composição corporal em diferentes populações humanas. Os diversos estudos genéticos envolvendo o estudo do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na suscetibilidade de possuir risco de diabetes e obesidade em várias populações têm proposto conclusões diversas. Em alguns parece haver mais associações do que outros e, às vezes, não demonstram sequer associação. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objectivo contribuir para a elucidação do impacto do polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 na resistência à insulina associada à DM2 e na obesidade, mediante estudo sistematizado da literatura existente até à data, através de meta análise. Do total de uma pesquisa de 63 publicações, foram incluídos 32 artigos no presente estudo, sendo que destes 25 foram incluídos na síntese qualitativa e 11 incluídos na sintese quantitativa. No presente trabalho pode-se concluir que existe evidência estatística que suporta a hipótese de que o polimorfismo Pro12Ala do PPARγ2 pode ser considerado um fator protetor para a DM2 [p <0,05 e OR (odds ratio) 0,702, com IC (intervalos de confiança) com valores que nunca incluem o 1]. No entanto, e mediante os mesmos pressupostos, o mesmo polimorfismo pode ser considerado um fator de risco ao desenvolvimento de obesidade, pela evidência estatística [p <0,05 e OR de 1,196, com IC com valores que nunca incluem o 1].
Introduction Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) is a very important tool in the assessment of Coronary Artery Disease ( CAD ) patient s and worldwide data demonstrate an increasingly wider use and clinical acceptance. Nevertheless, it is a complex process and it is quite vulnerable concerning the amount and type of possible artefacts, some of them affecting seriously the overall quality and the clinical utility of the obtained data. One of the most in convenient artefacts , but relatively frequent ( 20% of the cases ) , is relate d with patient motion during image acquisition . Mostly, in those situations, specific data is evaluated and a decisi on is made between A) accept the results as they are , consider ing that t he “noise” so introduced does not affect too seriously the final clinical information, or B) to repeat the acquisition process . Another possib ility could be to use the “ Motion Correcti on Software” provided within the software package included in any actual gamma camera. The aim of this study is to compare the quality of the final images , obtained after the application of motion correction software and after the repetition of image acqui sition. Material and Methods Thirty cases of MPI affected by Motion Artefacts and repeated , were used. A group of three, independent (blinded for the differences of origin) expert Nuclear Medicine Clinicians had been invited to evaluate the 30 sets of thre e images - one set for each patient - being ( A) original image , motion uncorrected , (B) original image, motion corrected, and (C) second acquisition image, without motion . The results so obtained were statistically analysed . Results and Conclusion Results obtained demonstrate that the use of the Motion Correction Software is useful essentiall y if the amplitude of movement is not too important (with this specific quantification found hard to define precisely , due to discrepancies between clinicians and other factors , namely between one to another brand); when that is not the case and the amplitude of movement is too important , the n the percentage of agreement between clinicians is much higher and the repetition of the examination is unanimously considered ind ispensable.
A família de proteínas Shank é o principal conjunto de proteinas de suporte e está localizada na densidade pós-sináptica das sinapses excitatórias. Existem 3 genes na família Shank, Shank1, Shank2 e Shank3 e são caracterizados por múltiplos domínios repetidos de anquirina próximo ao N-terminal seguido pelos domínios Src homologo 3 e PDZ, uma região longa rica em prolina e um domínio de motivo α estéril próximo ao C-terminal. Shank proteínas conectam duas subunidades de receptors glutamatérgicos, recetores NMDA e recetores metabotrópicos de glutamato do tipo-I (mGluRs). O domínio PDZ da Shank conecta-se ao C-terminal do GKAP e este, liga-se, ao complexo recetor PSD-95-NMDA. Por outro lado, a proteína Homer interage com o domínio rico em prolina para confirmar a associação entre a proteína Shank com o mGluR tipo-I. A proteína específica em estudo, Shank3, é haploinsuficiente em pacientes com sindrome Phelan-McDermid devido à deleções no braço comprido do cromossoma 22 levando à danos intelectuais, ausência ou atraso no discurso, comportamentos semelhantes ao autismo, hipotonia e características dismórficas. Neste trabalho, investigamos o papel da Shank3 na função sináptica para compreender a relação entre alterações nesta proteína e as características neurológicas presente em Pacientes com síndrome Phelan-McDermid. Foram utilizados dois modelos diferentes, ratinhos knockout Shank3 e hiPSC de pacientes com PMS. Ratinhos geneticamente modificados são ferramentas uteis no estudo de genes e na compreensão dos mecanismos que experiências in vitro não são capazes de reproduzir, mas de maneira a compreender melhor as patologias humanas, decidimos trabalhar também com células humanas. Os fibroblastos dos pacientes com síndrome Phelan-McDermid fora reprogramados em hiPS cells, diferenciados em neurónios e comparados com os neurónios obtidos a partir de doadores saudavéis e da mesma idade. A reprogramação em iPSC foi realizada por infecção de lentivirus com quatro genes de reprogramação OCT4, c-MYC, SOX2 e KFL4 para posteriormente serem diferenciados em neurónios, com cada passo sendo positivamente confirmado através de marcadores neuronais. Através dos neurónios diferenciados, analisamos a expressão de proteínas sinápticas. Pacientes com haploinsuficiencia na proteína Shank3 apresentam níveis elevados de proteína mGluR5 e decrescidos de proteína Homer sugerindo que a haploinsuficiencia leva a desregulação do complexo mGluR5-Homer-Shank3 conduzindo também, a defeitos na maturação sináptica. Assim, a expressão da proteína mGluR5 está alterada nos pacientes com PMS podendo estar relacionada com defeitos encontrados na diferenciação neuronal e maturação sináptica observados nos neurónios de pacientes. Conclusivamente, iPS cells representam um modelo fundamental no estudo da proteína Shank3 e a sua influência no sindrome de Phelan-McDermid.
Introdução: As canadianas são utilizadas em múltiplos quadros clínicos em que existe compromisso da marcha. No entanto, é fulcral considerar as diferentes exigências metabólicas associadas a cada auxiliar e tipo de marcha. Objetivo: Avaliar o dispêndio energético (DE) na marcha normal (MN), com uma canadiana e com duas canadianas a 3 pontos e a 3 pontos modificada em jovens e idosos. Metodologia: Estudo analítico transversal, composto por 21 indivíduos. As variáveis analisadas foram o volume de oxigénio inspirado (VO2), volume de dióxido de carbono expirado (VCO2) e quociente respiratório (QR), obtidas através do sistema portátil (Cosmed K4b2, Cosmed, Roma, Itália). Resultados: Os participantes tinham idades entre 18 e 75 anos (11 jovens e 10 idosos). Os idosos apresentaram valores significativamente mais elevados que os jovens no DE na marcha com uma canadiana a 3 pontos (p=0,009) e com duas canadianas a 3 pontos (p=0,008), enquanto nas restantes marchas não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p>0,05). A MN e a marcha com duas canadianas a 3 pontos foram os tipos de marcha com maior DE nos jovens, e nos idosos. Nos jovens, a MN apresentou 19% a 45% maior DE do que as restantes marchas, enquanto nos idosos verificou-se que todas as marchas (à exceção de uma canadiana a 3 pontos modificada) apresentaram um maior DE (entre 7 e 16%) comparativamente à MN. Conclusão: Os idosos apresentaram valores significativamente mais elevados de DE que os jovens nas marchas uma e duas canadianas a 3 pontos. Na MN e na marcha uma canadiana a 3 pontos modificada existe uma tendência para os jovens apresentarem valores de DE superior aos idosos. A medição do DE fornece uma indicação precisa da eficiência da marcha, sendo útil como suporte para a decisão clínica e para uma adequada reabilitação.
Determining the response time of message transactions is one of the major concerns in the design of any distributed computer-controlled system. Such response time is mainly dependent on the medium access delay, the message length and the transmission delay. While the medium access delay in fieldbus networks has been thoroughly studied in the last few years, the transmission delay has been almost ignored as it is considered that it can be neglected when compared to the length of the message itself. Nevertheless, this assumption is no longer valid when considering the case of hybrid wired/wireless fieldbus networks, where the transmission delay through a series of different mediums can be several orders of magnitude longer than the length of the message itself. In this paper, we show how to compute the duration of message transactions in hybrid wired/wireless fieldbus networks. This duration is mainly dependent on the duration of the request and response frames and on the number and type of physical mediums that the frames must cross between initiator and responder. A case study of a hybrid wired/wireless fieldbus network is also presented, where it becomes clear the interest of the proposed approach
Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) are two major public health problems that have motivated the scientific community to investigate the high contribution of genetic factors to these disorders. The peroxisome proliferator activated by gamma 2 (PPARy2) plays an important role in the lipid metabolism. Since PPARy2 is expressed mainly in adipose tissue, a moderate reduction of its activity influences the sensitivity to insulin, diabetes, and other metabolic parameters. The present study aims to contribute to the elucidation of the impact of the Pro12Ala polymorphism associated with T2D and obesity through a meta-analysis study of the literature that included approximately 11500 individuals, from which 3870 were obese and 7625 were diabetic. Statistical evidence supports protective effect in T2D of polymorphism Pro12Ala of PPARy2 (OR = 0.702 with 95% CI: 0.622; 0.791, P<0.01). Conversely the same polymorphism Pro12Ala of PPARy2 seems to favor obesity since 1.196 more chance than nonobese was found (OR = 1.196 with 95% CI: 1.009; 1.417,P<0.004). Our results suggest that Pro12Ala polymorphism enhances both adipogenic and antidiabetogenic physiological role of PPARy. Does Pro12Ala polymorphism represent an evolutionary step towards the stabilization of the molecular function of PPARy transcription factor signaling pathway?
Optimization problems arise in science, engineering, economy, etc. and we need to find the best solutions for each reality. The methods used to solve these problems depend on several factors, including the amount and type of accessible information, the available algorithms for solving them, and, obviously, the intrinsic characteristics of the problem. There are many kinds of optimization problems and, consequently, many kinds of methods to solve them. When the involved functions are nonlinear and their derivatives are not known or are very difficult to calculate, these methods are more rare. These kinds of functions are frequently called black box functions. To solve such problems without constraints (unconstrained optimization), we can use direct search methods. These methods do not require any derivatives or approximations of them. But when the problem has constraints (nonlinear programming problems) and, additionally, the constraint functions are black box functions, it is much more difficult to find the most appropriate method. Penalty methods can then be used. They transform the original problem into a sequence of other problems, derived from the initial, all without constraints. Then this sequence of problems (without constraints) can be solved using the methods available for unconstrained optimization. In this chapter, we present a classification of some of the existing penalty methods and describe some of their assumptions and limitations. These methods allow the solving of optimization problems with continuous, discrete, and mixing constraints, without requiring continuity, differentiability, or convexity. Thus, penalty methods can be used as the first step in the resolution of constrained problems, by means of methods that typically are used by unconstrained problems. We also discuss a new class of penalty methods for nonlinear optimization, which adjust the penalty parameter dynamically.
Objective The aim of this study was to determine tympanometric values of children who attend Oporto daycare centers and further analyze any relations with host and environmental factors. Methods Cross sectional study in a randomly selected sample of 117 daycare children up-to 3-years old from Oporto. Tympanometric measures were collected. Results Children presented in left ear (LE) a mean peak pressure (PP) of −156.53 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.16 cm3. Right ear (RE) revealed a PP of −145.61 daPa and a compliance of 0.19 cm3. Normal tympanograms (type A) had a lower frequency than abnormal tympanograms (type B and type C). There was a positive association between age and compliance (LE: p = 0.016; RE: p = 0.013) and between the presence of rhinorrhea and PP (LE: p = 0.002; RE: p < 0.05). Abnormal tympanograms were more frequent in Spring (RE: p = 0.009), in younger children (LE: p = 0.03) and in children that had rhinorrhea (LE: p = 0.002; RE: p = 0.044). Healthy children had a mean PP of −125.19 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.21 cm3 in LE and a mean PP of −144.27 daPa and a mean compliance of 0.22 cm3 in RE. Conclusion Tympanometric measures presented in this paper may be applicable to Oporto daycare children up-to 3 years-old. Most of daycare children revealed abnormal tympanograms. Age, rhinorrhea and season influenced children's middle-ear condition.
Multi-criteria decision analysis(MCDA) has been one of the fastest-growing areas of operations research during the last decades. The academic attention devoted to MCDA motivated the development of a great variety of approaches and methods within the field. These methods distinguish themselves in terms of procedures, theoretical assumptions and type of decision addressed. This diversity poses challenges to the process of selecting the most suited method for a specific real-world decision problem. In this paper we present a case study in a real-world decision problem arising in the painting sector of an automobile plant. We tackle the problem by resorting to the well-known AHP method and to the MCDA method proposed by Pereira and Fontes (2012) (MMASSI). By relying on two, rather than one, MCDA methods we expect to improve the confidence and robustness of the obtained results. The contributions of this paper are twofold: first, we intend to investigate the contrasts and similarities of the results obtained by distinct MCDA approaches (AHP and MMASSI); secondly, we expect to enrich the literature of the field with a real-world MCDA case study on a complex decision making problem since there is a paucity of applied research work addressing real decision problems faced by organizations.
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) has been one of the fastest-growing areas of operations research during the last decades. The academic attention devoted to MCDA motivated the development of a great variety of approaches and methods within the field. These methods distinguish themselves in terms of procedures, theoretical assumptions and type of decision addressed. This diversity poses challenges to the process of selecting the most suited method for a specific real-world decision problem. In this paper we present a case study in a real-world decision problem arising in the painting sector of an automobile plant. We tackle the problem by resorting to the well-known AHP method and to the MCDA method proposed by Pereira and Fontes (2012) (MMASSI). By relying on two, rather than one, MCDA methods we expect to improve the confidence and robustness of the obtained results. The contributions of this paper are twofold: first, we intend to investigate the contrasts and similarities of the results obtained by distinct MCDA approaches (AHP and MMASSI); secondly, we expect to enrich the literature of the field with a real-world MCDA case study on a complex decision making problem since there is a paucity of applied research work addressing real decision problems faced by organizations.