em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Objectivo: Verificar o efeito de um programa de educação para a saúde em doentes portadores de DPOC. Metodologia: Estudo experimental (ensaio clínico) com 18 doentes portadores de DPOC seleccionados aleatoriamente através da consulta de Medicina Geral e Familiar. Depois de informar os objectivos do estudo e os aspectos éticos, os participantes realizaram uma avaliação da função pulmonar, capacidade de tolerância ao exercício, qualidade de vida, actividades de vida diária (AVD), dispneia e ansiedade e depressão. Posteriormente os indivíduos do grupo controlo receberam um manual informativo e os incluídos no grupo experimental além de receber o manual foram submetidos a 6 sessões de educação. Após 8 semanas todos os doentes foram reavaliados. O nível de significância utilizado nos testes estatísticos foi α=0.05 (intervalo de confiança de 95%). Resultados: A análise da diferença dos ganhos entre os grupos revelou-se estatisticamente significativa nas variáveis qualidade de vida (p<0,001), AVD (p<0,001) e depressão (p<0,001). Na capacidade de tolerância ao exercício ambos os grupos melhoraram significativamente mas a diferença de ganhos não foi estatisticamente significativa (p=0,289), tal como na variável ansiedade (p=0,960). Conclusão: Este estudo parece demonstrar que o programa de educação foi eficaz nas variáveis qualidade de vida, AVD e depressão.


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This manuscript analyses the data generated by a Zero Length Column (ZLC) diffusion experimental set-up, for 1,3 Di-isopropyl benzene in a 100% alumina matrix with variable particle size. The time evolution of the phenomena resembles those of fractional order systems, namely those with a fast initial transient followed by long and slow tails. The experimental measurements are best fitted with the Harris model revealing a power law behavior.


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This paper studies fractional variable structure controllers. Two cases are considered namely, the sliding reference model and the control action, that are generalized from integer into fractional orders. The test bed consists in a mechanical manipulator and the effect of the fractional approach upon the system performance is evaluated. The results show that fractional dynamics, both in the switching surface and the control law are important design algorithms in variable structure controllers.


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Aiming for teaching/learning support in sciences and engineering areas, the Remote Experimentation concept (an E-learning subset) has grown in last years with the development of several infrastructures that enable doing practical experiments from anywhere and anytime, using a simple PC connected to the Internet. Nevertheless, given its valuable contribution to the teaching/learning process, the development of more infrastructures should continue, in order to make available more solutions able to improve courseware contents and motivate students for learning. The work presented in this paper contributes for that purpose, in the specific area of industrial automation. After a brief introduction to the Remote Experimentation concept, we describe a remote accessible lab infrastructure that enables users to conduct real experiments with an important and widely used transducer in industrial automation, named Linear Variable Differential Transformer.


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One of the most important measures to prevent wild forest fires is the use of prescribed and controlled burning actions as it reduce the fuel mass availability. The impact of these management activities on soil physical and chemical properties varies according to the type of both soil and vegetation. Decisions in forest management plans are often based on the results obtained from soil-monitoring campaigns. Those campaigns are often man-labor intensive and expensive. In this paper we have successfully used the multivariate statistical technique Robust Principal Analysis Compounds (ROBPCA) to investigate on the sampling procedure effectiveness for two different methodologies, in order to reflect on the possibility of simplifying and reduce the sampling collection process and its auxiliary laboratory analysis work towards a cost-effective and competent forest soil characterization.


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Certain materials used and produced in a wide range of non-nuclear industries contain enhanced activity concentrations of natural radionuclides. In particular, electricity production from coal is one of the major sources of increased human exposure to naturally occurring radioactive materials. A methodology was developed to assess the radiological impact due to natural radiation background. The developed research was applied to a specific case study, the Sines coal-fired power plant, located in the southwest coastline of Portugal. Gamma radiation measurements were carried out with two different instruments: a sodium iodide scintillation detector counter (SPP2 NF, Saphymo) and a gamma ray spectrometer with energy discrimination (Falcon 5000, Canberra). Two circular survey areas were defined within 20 km of the power plant. Forty relevant measurements points were established within the sampling area: 15 urban and 25 suburban locations. Additionally, ten more measurements points were defined, mostly at the 20-km area. The registered gamma radiation varies from 20 to 98.33 counts per seconds (c.p.s.) corresponding to an external gamma exposure rate variable between 87.70 and 431.19 nGy/h. The highest values were measured at locations near the power plant and those located in an area within the 6 and 20 km from the stacks. In situ gamma radiation measurements with energy discrimination identified natural emitting nuclides as well as their decay products (Pb-212, Pb-2142, Ra-226, Th-232, Ac-228, Th-234, Pa-234, U- 235, etc.). According to the results, an influence from the stacks emissions has been identified both qualitatively and quantitatively. The developed methodology accomplished the lack of data in what concerns to radiation rate in the vicinity of Sines coal-fired power plant and consequently the resulting exposure to the nearby population.


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Mathematical models and statistical analysis are key instruments in soil science scientific research as they can describe and/or predict the current state of a soil system. These tools allow us to explore the behavior of soil related processes and properties as well as to generate new hypotheses for future experimentation. A good model and analysis of soil properties variations, that permit us to extract suitable conclusions and estimating spatially correlated variables at unsampled locations, is clearly dependent on the amount and quality of data and of the robustness techniques and estimators. On the other hand, the quality of data is obviously dependent from a competent data collection procedure and from a capable laboratory analytical work. Following the standard soil sampling protocols available, soil samples should be collected according to key points such as a convenient spatial scale, landscape homogeneity (or non-homogeneity), land color, soil texture, land slope, land solar exposition. Obtaining good quality data from forest soils is predictably expensive as it is labor intensive and demands many manpower and equipment both in field work and in laboratory analysis. Also, the sampling collection scheme that should be used on a data collection procedure in forest field is not simple to design as the sampling strategies chosen are strongly dependent on soil taxonomy. In fact, a sampling grid will not be able to be followed if rocks at the predicted collecting depth are found, or no soil at all is found, or large trees bar the soil collection. Considering this, a proficient design of a soil data sampling campaign in forest field is not always a simple process and sometimes represents a truly huge challenge. In this work, we present some difficulties that have occurred during two experiments on forest soil that were conducted in order to study the spatial variation of some soil physical-chemical properties. Two different sampling protocols were considered for monitoring two types of forest soils located in NW Portugal: umbric regosol and lithosol. Two different equipments for sampling collection were also used: a manual auger and a shovel. Both scenarios were analyzed and the results achieved have allowed us to consider that monitoring forest soil in order to do some mathematical and statistical investigations needs a sampling procedure to data collection compatible to established protocols but a pre-defined grid assumption often fail when the variability of the soil property is not uniform in space. In this case, sampling grid should be conveniently adapted from one part of the landscape to another and this fact should be taken into consideration of a mathematical procedure.


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We derived a framework in integer programming, based on the properties of a linear ordering of the vertices in interval graphs, that acts as an edge completion model for obtaining interval graphs. This model can be applied to problems of sequencing cutting patterns, namely the minimization of open stacks problem (MOSP). By making small modifications in the objective function and using only some of the inequalities, the MOSP model is applied to another pattern sequencing problem that aims to minimize, not only the number of stacks, but also the order spread (the minimization of the stack occupation problem), and the model is tested.


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The minimum interval graph completion problem consists of, given a graph G = ( V, E ), finding a supergraph H = ( V, E ∪ F ) that is an interval graph, while adding the least number of edges |F| . We present an integer programming formulation for solving the minimum interval graph completion problem recurring to a characteri- zation of interval graphs that produces a linear ordering of the maximal cliques of the solution graph.


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In this paper we address an order processing optimization problem known as the Minimization of Open Stacks Problem (MOSP). This problem consists in finding the best sequence for manufacturing the different products required by costumers, in a setting where only one product can be made at a time. The objective is to minimize the maximum number of incomplete orders from costumers that are being processed simultaneously. We present an integer programming model, based on the existence of a perfect elimination order in interval graphs, which finds an optimal sequence for the costumers orders. Among other economic advantages, manufacturing the products in this optimal sequence reduces the amount of space needed to store incomplete orders.


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The problem addressed here originates in the industry of flat glass cutting and wood panel sawing, where smaller items are cut from larger items accordingly to predefined cutting patterns. In this type of industry the smaller pieces that are cut from the patterns are piled around the machine in stacks according to the size of the pieces, which are moved to the warehouse only when all items of the same size have been cut. If the cutting machine can process only one pattern at a time, and the workspace is limited, it is desirable to set the sequence in which the cutting patterns are processed in a way to minimize the maximum number of open stacks around the machine. This problem is known in literature as the minimization of open stacks (MOSP). To find the best sequence of the cutting patterns, we propose an integer programming model, based on interval graphs, that searches for an appropriate edge completion of the given graph of the problem, while defining a suitable coloring of its vertices.


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In this paper we address an order processing optimization problem known as minimization of open stacks (MOSP). We present an integer pro gramming model, based on the existence of a perfect elimination scheme in interval graphs, which finds an optimal sequence for the costumers orders.


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Neste relatório apresentam-se resultados de um estudo estatístico que procura contribuir para um melhor entendimento da problemática inerente à liberalização do setor elétrico em Portugal e dos desafios que esta liberalização, existente desde meados de 2007, trás aos seus intervenientes. Iniciam-se os trabalhos com um estudo que pretende avaliar a existência de relação entre o Preço de Mercado da eletricidade e um conjunto de variáveis potencialmente explicativas/condicionantes do Preço de Mercado. Neste estudo consideram-se duas abordagens. A primeira usa a função de correlação cruzada para avaliar a existência de relação do tipo linear entre pares de variáveis. A segunda considera o teste causalidade de Granger na avaliação de uma relação de causa e efeito entre esses pares. Este estudo avaliou a relação entre o Preço de Mercado da eletricidade e 19 variáveis ditas condicionantes distribuídas por três categorias distintas (consumo e produção de eletricidade; indicadores climáticos; e energias primárias). O intervalo de tempo em estudo cinge-se ao biénio 2012-2103. Durante este período avaliam-se as relações entre as variáveis em diversos sub-períodos de tempo em ciclos de consumo representativos do consumo em baixa (fim de semana) e de consumo mais elevado (fora de vazio) com os valores observados de cada uma das variáveis tratados com uma base horária e diária (média). Os resultados obtidos mostram a existência relação linear entre algumas das variáveis em estudo e o preço da eletricidade em regime de mercado liberalizado, mas raramente é possível identificar precedência temporal entre as variáveis. Considerando os resultados da análise de correlação e causalidade, apresenta-se ainda um modelo de previsão do Preço de Mercado para o curto e médio prazo em horas de período fora de vazio.


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En la actualidad, el cambio climático es uno de los temas de mayor preocupación para la población mundial y los científicos de todo el mundo. Debido al crecimiento de la población de forma exponencial, la demanda de energía aumenta acorde con ello, por lo que las actividades de producción energética aumentan consecuentemente, siendo éstas las principales causantes de la aceleración del cambio climático. Pese a que muchos países previamente habían apostado por la producción energética mediante tecnologías limpias a partir de energías renovables, hoy en día es imposible prescindir de los combustibles fósiles pues, junto a la energía nuclear, suponen el mayor porcentaje dentro del mix energético de los países más grandes del mundo, por lo que el cambio debe ser global y con todos los países implicados al unísono. Por ello, los países desarrollados decidieron acordar una serie de leyes y normas para la regulación y el control de la expansión energética en el mundo, mediante programas de incentivo a las empresas para la producción de energía limpia, libre de emisiones, sustituyendo y mejorando los procesos tecnológicos para que garanticen un desarrollo sostenible. De esta forma, se conseguiría también reducir la dependencia energética de los países productores de los recursos fósiles más importantes y a su vez, ayudar a otros sectores a diversificar su negocio y mejorar así la economía de las áreas colindantes a las centrales de producción térmica. Gracias a estos programas de incentivo o, también llamados mecanismos de flexibilidad, las empresas productoras de energía, al acometer inversiones en tecnologia limpia, dejan de emitir gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. Por tanto, gracias al comercio de emisiones y al mercado voluntario, las empresas pueden vender dichas emisiones aumentando la rentabilidad de sus proyectos, haciendo más atractivo de por sí el hecho de invertir en tecnología limpia. En el proyecto desarrollado, se podrá comprobar de una forma más extensa todo lo anteriormente citado. Para ello, se desarrollará una herramienta de cálculo que nos permitirá analizar los beneficios obtenidos por la sustitución de un combustible fósil, no renovable, por otro renovable y sostenible, como es la biomasa. En esta herramienta se calcularán, de forma estimada, las reducciones de las emisiones de CO2 que supone dicha sustitución y se hallará, en función del valor de las cotizaciones de los bonos de carbono en los diferentes mercados, cuál será el beneficio económico obtenido por la venta de las emisiones no emitidas que supone esta sustitución. Por último, dicho beneficio será insertado en un balance económico de la central donde se tendrán en cuenta otras variables como el precio del combustible o las fluctuaciones del precio de la electricidad, para hallar finalmente la rentabilidad que supondría la inversión de esta adaptación en la central. Con el fin de complementar y aplicar la herramienta de cálculo, se analizarán dos casos prácticos de una central de carbón, en los cuales se decide su suscripción dentro del contexto de los mecanismos de flexibilidad creados en los acuerdos internacionales.