7 resultados para Spleen – abnormalities
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
A transtirretina (TTR) é uma proteína plasmática constituída por quatro subunidades idênticas de aproximadamente 14KDa e de massa molecular de 55 KDa (Blake et al., 1978). A TTR é responsável pelo transporte de tiroxina (T4) (Andrea et al., 1980) e retinol (vitamina A), neste último tipo de transporte através da ligação à proteina de ligação ao retinol (RBP) (Kanai et al., 1968). É sintetizada principalmente pelo fígado e secretada para o sangue (Murakami et al., 1987) e também sintetizada pelas células epiteliais do plexo coróide e secretada para o líquido cefaloraquidiano (LCR) (Aleshire et al., 1983). Existem outros locais que expressam TTR mas em menor quantidade, nomeadamente: a retina do olho (Martone et al., 1988), o pâncreas (Kato et al., 1985), o saco vitelino visceral (Soprano et al., 1986) o intestino (Loughna et al., 1995); o estômago, coração, músculo e baço (Soprano et al., 1985). A TTR é uma proteína, do ponto de vista filogenético, extremamente conservada o que já de si é um indicador da sua importância biológica (Richardson, 2009) O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a expressão de transtirretina ao longo do sistema gastrointestinal do murganho, nos seguintes órgãos esófago, estômago, duodeno, cólon e também bexiga, com cerca de 3 meses de idade. O segundo objectivo foi identificar as células responsáveis por essa expressão, nos órgãos em estudo. Foi possível verificar que apenas o estômago apresenta valores de expressão normalizada de TTR diferente de zero, expressão essa muito inferior à do fígado, tal como se esperava. Por imunohistoquímica/imunofluorescência foi possível determinar que as células que expressam TTR são pouco abundantes e estão presentes na região glandular do estômago do murganho e também do humano. Para além disto, verificou-se que a TTR co-localiza com somatostatina e que as células que sintetizam TTR correspondem às células D, responsáveis pela secreção de somatostatina
Background: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a neurological disorder that directly affects cortical areas responsible for auditory processing. The resulting abnormalities can be assessed using event-related potentials (ERP), which have high temporal resolution. However, little is known about TLE in terms of dysfunction of early sensory memory encoding or possible correlations between EEGs, linguistic deficits, and seizures. Mismatch negativity (MMN) is an ERP component – elicited by introducing a deviant stimulus while the subject is attending to a repetitive behavioural task – which reflects pre-attentive sensory memory function and reflects neuronal auditory discrimination and perceptional accuracy. Hypothesis: We propose an MMN protocol for future clinical application and research based on the hypothesis that children with TLE may have abnormal MMN for speech and non-speech stimuli. The MMN can be elicited with a passive auditory oddball paradigm, and the abnormalities might be associated with the location and frequency of epileptic seizures. Significance: The suggested protocol might contribute to a better understanding of the neuropsychophysiological basis of MMN. We suggest that in TLE central sound representation may be decreased for speech and non-speech stimuli. Discussion: MMN arises from a difference to speech and non-speech stimuli across electrode sites. TLE in childhood might be a good model for studying topographic and functional auditory processing and its neurodevelopment, pointing to MMN as a possible clinical tool for prognosis, evaluation, follow-up, and rehabilitation for TLE.
Thiodicarb, a carbamate pesticide widely used on crops, may pose several environmental and health concerns. This study aimed to explore its toxicological profile on male rats using hematological, biochemical, histopathological, and flow cytometry markers. Exposed animals were dosed daily at 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg/body weight (group A, B, and C, respectively) during 30 d. No significant changes were observed in hematological parameters among all groups. After 10 d, a decrease of total cholesterol levels was noted in rats exposed to 40 mg/kg. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity increased (group A at 20 d; groups A and B at 30 d) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (group B at 30 d) activity significantly reduced. At 30 d a decrease of some of the other evaluated parameters was observed with total cholesterol and urea levels in group A as well as total protein and creatinine levels in groups A and B. Histological results demonstrated multi-organ dose-related damage in thiodicarb-exposed animals, evidenced as hemorrhagic and diffuse vacuolation in hepatic tissue; renal histology showed disorganized glomeruli and tubular cell degeneration; spleen was ruptured with white pulp and clusters of iron deposits within red pulp; significant cellular loss was noted at the cortex of thymus; and degenerative changes were observed within testis. The histopathologic alterations were most prominent in the high-dose group. Concerning flow cytometry studies, an increase of lymphocyte number, especially T lymphocytes, was seen in blood samples from animals exposed to the highest dose. Taken together, these results indicate marked systemic organ toxicity in rats after subacute exposure to thiodicarb.
Iron plays a central role in host-parasite interactions, since both intervenients need iron for survival and growth, but are sensitive to iron-mediated toxicity. The host’s iron overload is often associated with susceptibility to infection. However, it has been previously reported that iron overload prevented the growth of Leishmania major, an agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in BALB/c mice. In order to further clarify the impact of iron modulation on the growth of Leishmania in vivo, we studied the effects of iron supplementation or deprivation on the growth of L. infantum, the causative agent of Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis, in the mouse model. We found that dietary iron deficiency did not affect the protozoan growth, whereas iron overload decreased its replication in the liver and spleen of a susceptible mouse strain. The fact that the iron-induced inhibitory effect could not be seen in mice deficient in NADPH dependent oxidase or nitric oxide synthase 2 suggests that iron eliminates L. infantum in vivo through the interaction with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Iron overload did not significantly alter the mouse adaptive immune response against L. infantum. Furthermore, the inhibitory action of iron towards L. infantum was also observed, in a dose dependent manner, in axenic cultures of promastigotes and amastigotes. Importantly, high iron concentrations were needed to achieve such effects. In conclusion, externally added iron synergizes with the host’s oxidative mechanisms of defense in eliminating L. infantum from mouse tissues. Additionally, the direct toxicity of iron against Leishmania suggests a potential use of this metal as a therapeutic tool or the further exploration of iron anti-parasitic mechanisms for the design of new drugs.
Early life-stage bioassays have been used as an alternative to short-term adult toxicity tests since they are cost-effective. A single couple can produce hundreds or thousands of embryos and hence can be used as a simple high-throughput approach in toxicity studies. In the present study, zebrafish and sea urchin embryo bioassays were used to test the toxicity of four pharmaceuticals belonging to different therapeutic classes: diclofenac, propranolol, simvastatin and sertraline. Simvastatin was the most toxic tested compound for zebrafish embryo, followed by diclofenac. Sertraline was the most toxic drug to sea urchin embryos, inducing development abnormalities at the ng/L range. Overall, our results highlight the potential of sea urchin embryo bioassay as a promising and sensitive approach for the high-throughput methods to test the toxicity of new chemicals, including pharmaceuticals, and identify several drugs that should go through more detailed toxicity assays.
Esta dissertação apresenta o trabalho realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Tese/Dissertação (TEDI), do 2º ano, do Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores no ramo de Automação e Sistemas. O principal objetivo desta dissertação consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema que permita efetuar a deteção de um determinado número de anomalias num sinal eletrocardiográfico. O coração é um dos órgãos mais importantes do corpo humano. É ele que recebe e bombeia o sangue pelo organismo. Isto é, recebe sangue pobre em oxigénio, encaminha-o para os pulmões onde será enriquecido em oxigénio. O sangue enriquecido em oxigénio é então encaminhado novamente para o coração que será enviado para todas as partes do corpo humano. O eletrocardiograma desempenha um papel fundamental de modo a diagnosticar eventuais anomalias no correto funcionamento do coração. Estas anomalias podem dever-se a diversos fatores como tabaco, colesterol, pressão sanguínea alta ou diabetes entre outros. As anomalias associadas ao ritmo cardíaco são denominadas de arritmias. As arritmias são fundamentalmente originadas pela alteração da frequência ou do ritmo cardíaco. Utilizando a lógica difusa, pretendeu-se desenvolver um sistema que fizesse a identificação de um determinado número de tipos de batimentos entre os quais: o bloqueio do ramo esquerdo (LBBB), bloqueio do ramo direito (RBBB), contração prematura ventricular (VPC) e contração prematura auricular (APC). Todos os desenvolvimentos efetuados, a nível de programação, são neste documento relatados de forma a constituírem um possível guia para a utilização deste tipo de sistemas. Mais ainda, descrevem-se nele toda a pesquisa efetuada e as alternativas de desenvolvimento selecionadas. O Sistema de Deteção de Arritmias (SDA) desenvolvido mostrou-se eficaz desde que o utilizador consiga identificar corretamente os parâmetros que lhe são pedidos. A interface gráfica desenvolvida permitiu também uma maior facilidade durante a análise do sinal eletrocardiográfico.
Context: Some chemicals used in consumer products or manufacturing (eg, plastics, pesticides) have estrogenic activities; these xenoestrogens (XEs) may affect immune responses and have recently emerged as a new risk factors for obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the extent and impact on health of chronic exposure of the general population to XEs are still unknown. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the levels of XEs in plasma and adipose tissue (AT) depots in a sample of pre- and postmenopausal obese women undergoing bariatric surgery and their cardiometabolic impact in an obese state. Design and Participants: We evaluated XE levels in plasma and visceral and subcutaneous AT samples of Portuguese obese (body mass index ≥ 35 kg/m2) women undergoing bariatric surgery. Association with metabolic parameters and 10-year cardiovascular disease risk was assessed, according to menopausal status (73 pre- and 48 postmenopausal). Levels of XEs were determined by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected prior to surgery. Adipocyte size was determined on tissue sections obtained during surgery. Results: Our data show that XEs are pervasive in this obese population. Distribution of individual and concentration of total XEs differed between plasma, visceral AT, and subcutaneous AT, and the pattern of accumulation was different between pre- and postmenopausal women. Significant associations between XE levels and metabolic and inflammatory parameters were found. In premenopausal women, XEs in plasma seem to be a predictor of 10-year cardiovascular disease risk. Conclusions: Our findings point toward a different distribution of XE between plasma and AT in pre- and postmenopausal women, and reveal the association between XEs on the development of metabolic abnormalities in obese premenopausal women