33 resultados para Philip Melanchthon : theologian in classroom, confession, and controversy

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Objective Patient-centredness has become an important aspect of health service delivery; however, there are a limited number of studies that focus on this concept in the domain of hearing healthcare. The objective of this study was to examine and compare audiologists’ preferences for patient-centredness in Portugal, India and Iran. Design The study used a cross-sectional survey design with audiologists recruited from three different countries. Participants A total of 191 fully-completed responses were included in the analysis (55 from Portugal, 78 from India and 58 from Iran). Main outcome measure The Patient–Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS). Results PPOS mean scores suggest that audiologists have a preference for patient-centredness (ie, mean of 3.6 in a 5-point scale). However, marked differences were observed between specific PPOS items suggesting these preferences vary across clinical situations. A significant level of difference (p<0.001) was found between audiologists’ preferences for patient-centredness in three countries. Audiologists in Portugal had a greater preference for patient-centredness when compared to audiologists in India and Iran, although no significant differences were found in terms of age and duration of experience among these sample populations. Conclusions There are differences and similarities in audiologists’ preferences for patient-centredness among countries. These findings may have implications for the training of professionals and also for clinical practice in terms of optimising hearing healthcare across countries.


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Lifelong learning (LLL) has received increasing attention in recent years. It implies that learning should take place at all stages of the “life cycle and it should be life-wide, that is embedded in all life contexts from the school to the work place, the home and the community” (Green, 2002, p.613). The ‘learning society’, is the vision of a society where there are recognized opportunities for learning for every person, wherever they are and however old they happen to be. Globalization and the rise of new information technologies are some of the driving forces that cause depreciation of specialised competences. This happens very quickly in terms of economic value; consequently, workers of all skills levels, during their working life, must have the opportunity to update “their technical skills and enhance general skills to keep pace with continuous technological change and new job requirements” (Fahr, 2005, p. 75). It is in this context that LLL tops the policy agenda of international bodies, national governments and non-governmental organizations, in the field of education and training, to justify the need for LLL opportunities for the population as they face contemporary employability challenges. It is in this context that the requirement and interest to analyse the behaviour patterns of adult learners has developed over the last few years


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Translator’s training and assessment has used more and more tools and innovative strategies over the years. The goals and results to achieve haven’t changed much, however: translation quality. In order to accomplish it, the translator and all the tasks and processes he develops appear as crucial, being pre-translation and post-translation processes equally important as the translation itself, namely as far as autonomy, reflexive and critical skills are concerned. Finally, the need and relevance of collaborative tasks and networks amongst virtual translation communities, led us to the decision of implementing ePortfolios as a tool to develop the requested skills and extend the use of Internet in translation. In this paper we describe a case-study of a pilot experiment on the using of e-portfolios as a translation training tool and discuss their role in the definition of a clear set of objectives and phases for the completion of each task, by helping students in the management of the projects deadlines, improving their knowledge on the construction and management of translation resources and deepening their awareness about the concepts related to the development of eportfolios.


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The increase of distributed generation (DG) has brought about new challenges in electrical networks electricity markets and in DG units operation and management. Several approaches are being developed to manage the emerging potential of DG, such as Virtual Power Players (VPPs), which aggregate DG plants; and Smart Grids, an approach that views generation and associated loads as a subsystem. This paper presents a multi-level negotiation mechanism for Smart Grids optimal operation and negotiation in the electricity markets, considering the advantages of VPPs’ management. The proposed methodology is implemented and tested in MASCEM – a multiagent electricity market simulator, developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations.


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The activity of Control Center operators is important to guarantee the effective performance of Power Systems. Operators’ actions are crucial to deal with incidents, especially severe faults like blackouts. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Tutoring approach for training Portuguese Control Center operators in tasks like incident analysis and diagnosis, and service restoration of Power Systems. Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) approach is used in the training of the operators, having into account context awareness and the unobtrusive integration in the working environment. Several Artificial Intelligence techniques were criteriously used and combined together to obtain an effective Intelligent Tutoring environment, namely Multiagent Systems, Neural Networks, Constraint-based Modeling, Intelligent Planning, Knowledge Representation, Expert Systems, User Modeling, and Intelligent User Interfaces.


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In a world increasingly conscientious about environmental effects, power and energy systems are undergoing huge transformations. Electric energy produced from power plants is transmitted and distributed to end users through a power grid. The power industry performs the engineering design, installation, operation, and maintenance tasks to provide a high-quality, secure energy supply while accounting for its systems’ abilities to withstand uncertain events, such as weather-related outages. Competitive, deregulated electricity markets and new renewable energy sources, however, have further complicated this already complex infrastructure.Sustainable development has also been a challenge for power systems. Recently, there has been a signifi cant increase in the installation of distributed generations, mainly based on renewable resources such as wind and solar. Integrating these new generation systems leads to more complexity. Indeed, the number of generation sources greatly increases as the grid embraces numerous smaller and distributed resources. In addition, the inherent uncertainties of wind and solar energy lead to technical challenges such as forecasting, scheduling, operation, control, and risk management. In this special issue introductory article, we analyze the key areas in this field that can benefi t most from AI and intelligent systems now and in the future.We also identify new opportunities for cross-fertilization between power systems and energy markets and intelligent systems researchers.


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The principal aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of transference to Escherichia coli of β-lactam resistance genes found in bacteria isolated from ready-to-eat (RTE) Portuguese traditional food. From previous screenings, 128 β-lactam resistant isolates (from different types of cheese and of delicatessen meats), largely from the Enterobacteriaceae family were selected and 31.3% of them proved to transfer resistance determinants in transconjugation assays. Multiplex PCR in donor and transconjugant isolates did not detect bla CTX, bla SHV and bla OXY, but bla TEM was present in 85% of them, while two new TEMs (TEM-179 and TEM-180) were identified in two isolates. The sequencing of these amplicons showed identity between donor and transconjugant genes indicating in vitro plasmid DNA transfer. These results suggest that if there is an exchange of genes in natural conditions, the consumption of RTE foods, particularly with high levels of Enterobacteriaceae, can contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance.


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β-lactamases are hydrolytic enzymes that inactivate the β-lactam ring of antibiotics such as penicillins and cephalosporins. The major diversity of studies carried out until now have mainly focused on the characterization of β-lactamases recovered among clinical isolates of Gram-positive staphylococci and Gram-negative enterobacteria, amongst others. However, only some studies refer to the detection and development of β-lactamases carriers in healthy humans, sick animals, or even in strains isolated from environmental stocks such as food, water, or soils. Considering this, we proposed a 10-week laboratory programme for the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology laboratory for majors in the health, environmental, and agronomical sciences. During those weeks, students would be dealing with some basic techniques such as DNA extraction, bacterial transformation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gel electrophoresis, and the use of several bioinformatics tools. These laboratory exercises would be conducted as a mini research project in which all the classes would be connected with the previous ones. This curriculum was compared in an experiment involving two groups of students from two different majors. The new curriculum, with classes linked together as a mini research project, was taught to a major in Pharmacy and an old curriculum was taught to students from environmental health. The results showed that students who were enrolled in the new curriculum obtained better results in the final exam than the students who were enrolled in the former curriculum. Likewise, these students were found to be more enthusiastic during the laboratory classes than those from the former curriculum.


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In the present paper we will consider strategies of innovation, risk and proactivity as entre/ intrapreneurship strategies. This study was done in a Portuguese and in a Polish region. In Portugal the region was Vale do Sousa, located in the northern Portugal. The Polish region was Lublin Voivodeship and it is situated in the south-eastern part of the country. The study focused on Industrial and Construction sectors. In order to get a valid sample, a group of 251 firms were analysed in Portugal, and 215 in Poland. However, the minimum sample size in Poland should be 323. Since this is a work in progress, we are aiming for this number of questionnaires. Each strategy was analysed individually for both regions and the results pointed to a lack of culture of entrepreneurship in firms’ management. Only Proactivity presented a positive result in firms’ management. Polish firms tend to be more innovative and more risk takers, while in proactivity Portuguese ones present a slightly higher result. Combining the strategy results, it was possible to identify that 61.2% of Portuguese firms present a low level of entrepreneurship, while 60% of Polish firms present a moderate level. Considering intrapreneurship good levels, while Portugal account for 5.2% this figure is 19.1% in Poland.


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An accurate and sensitive method for determination of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (16 PAHs considered by USEPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) in fish samples was validated. Analysis was performed by microwave-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with photodiode array and fluorescence detection. Response surface methodology was used to find the optimal extraction parameters. Validation of the overall methodology was performed by spiking assays at four levels and using SRM 2977. Quantification limits ranging from 0.15–27.16 ng/g wet weight were obtained. The established method was applied in edible tissues of three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub mackerel and horse mackerel) originated from Atlantic Ocean. Variable levels of naphthalene (1.03–2.95 ng/g wet weight), fluorene (0.34–1.09 ng/g wet weight) and phenanthrene (0.34–3.54 ng/g wet weight) were detected in the analysed samples. None of the samples contained detectable amounts of benzo[a]pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the occurrence and carcinogenic effects of PAHs in food.


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O osso é um tecido metabolicamente ativo e a sua remodelação é importante para regular e manter a massa óssea. Esse processo envolve a reabsorção do material ósseo por ação dos osteoclastos e a síntese de novo material ósseo mediado pelos osteoblastos. Vários estudos têm sugerido que a pressão arterial elevada está associada a alterações no metabolismo do cálcio, o que leva ao aumento da perda de cálcio e da remoção de cálcio do osso. Embora as alterações no metabolismo ósseo sejam um efeito adverso associado a alguns fármacos antihipertensores, o conhecimento em relação a este efeito terapêutico ligado com os bloqueadores de canais de cálcio é ainda muito escasso. Uma vez que os possíveis efeitos no osso podem ser atribuídos à ação antihipertensiva dessas moléculas, ou através de um efeito direto nas atividades metabólicas ósseas, torna-se necessário esclarecer este assunto. Devido ao facto de que as alterações no metabolismo ósseo são um efeito adverso associado a alguns fármacos antihipertensores, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o efeito que os bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio exercem sobre as células ósseas humanas, nomeadamente osteoclastos, osteoblastos e co-culturas de ambos os tipos celulares. Verificou-se que os efeitos dos fármacos antihipertensores variaram consoante o fármaco testado e o sistema de cultura usado. Alguns fármacos revelaram a capacidade de estimular a osteoclastogénese e a osteoblastogénese em concentrações baixas. Independentemente da identidade do fármaco, concentrações elevadas revelaram ser prejudiciais para a resposta das células ósseas. Os mecanismos intracelulares através dos quais os efeitos foram exercidos foram igualmente afetados de forma diferencial pelos diferentes fármacos. Em resumo, este trabalho demonstrou que os bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio utilizados possuem a capacidade de afetar direta- e indiretamente a resposta de células ósseas humanas, cultivadas isoladamente ou co-cultivadas. Este tipo de informação é crucial para compreender e prevenir os potenciais efeitos destes fármacos no tecido ósseo, e também para adequar e eventualmente melhorar a terapêutica antihipertensora de cada paciente.


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This chapter aims to demonstrate how PAOL - Unit for Innovation in Education, a project from ISCAP - School of Accounting and Administration of Oporto ....


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Because of the mutagenic and/or carcinogenic properties, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), have a direct impact on human population. Consequently, there is a widespread interest in analysing and evaluating the exposure to PAH in different indoor environments, influenced by different emission sources. The information on indoor PAH is still limited, mainly in terms of PAH distribution in indoor particles of different sizes; thus, this study evaluated the influence of tobacco smoke on PM10 and PM2.5 characteristics, namely on their PAH compositions, with further aim to understand the negative impact of tobacco smoke on human health. Samples were collected at one site influenced by tobacco smoke and at one reference (non-smoking) site using low-volume samplers; the analyses of 17 PAH were performed by Microwave Assisted Extraction combined with Liquid Chromatography (MAE–LC). At the site influenced by tobacco smoke PM concentrations were higher 650% for PM10, and 720% for PM2.5. When influenced by smoking, 4 ring PAH (fluoranthene, pyrene, and chrysene) were the most abundant PAH, with concentrations 4600–21 000% and 5100–20 800% higher than at the reference site for PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, accounting for 49% of total PAH (SPAH). Higher molecular weight PAH (5–6 rings) reached concentrations 300–1300% and 140–1700% higher for PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, at the site influenced by tobacco smoke. Considering 9 carcinogenic PAH this increase was 780% and 760% in PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, indicating the strong potential risk for human health. As different composition profiles of PAH in indoor PM were obtained for reference and smoking sites, those 9 carcinogens represented at the reference site 84% and 86% of SPAH in PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, and at the smoking site 56% and 55% of SPAH in PM10 and PM2.5, respectively. All PAH (including the carcinogenic ones) were mainly present in fine particles, which corresponds to a strong risk for cardiopulmonary disease and lung cancer; thus, these conclusions are relevant for the development of strategies to protect public health.


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The work presented describes the development and evaluation of two flow-injection analysis (FIA) systems for the automated determination of carbaryl in spiked natural waters and commercial formulations. Samples are injected directly into the system where they are subjected to alkaline hydrolysis thus forming 1-naphthol. This product is readily oxidised at a glassy carbon electrode. The electrochemical behaviour of 1-naphthol allows the development of an FIA system with an amperometric detector in which 1-naphthol determination, and thus measurement of carbaryl concentration, can be performed. Linear response over the range 1.0×10–7 to 1.0×10–5 mol L–1, with a sampling rate of 80 samples h–1, was recorded. The detection limit was 1.0×10–8 mol L–1. Another FIA manifold was constructed but this used a colorimetric detector. The methodology was based on the coupling of 1-naphthol with phenylhydrazine hydrochloride to produce a red complex which has maximum absorbance at 495 nm. The response was linear from 1.0×10–5 to 1.5×10–3 mol L–1 with a detection limit of 1.0×10–6 mol L–1. Sample-throughput was about 60 samples h–1. Validation of the results provided by the two FIA methodologies was performed by comparing them with results from a standard HPLC–UV technique. The relative deviation was <5%. Recovery trials were also carried out and the values obtained ranged from 97.0 to 102.0% for both methods. The repeatability (RSD, %) of 12 consecutive injections of one sample was 0.8% and 1.6% for the amperometric and colorimetric systems, respectively.