em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Este trabalho tem como objetivo destacar a importância da utilização de software de geoengenharia no estudo das classificações de maciços rochosos nas engenharias de minas e geotécnica. Esta investigação pretendeu demonstrar a importância das classificações geomecânicas e índices geológico‐geomecânicos, tais como a Rock Mass Rating (RMR), Rock Tunnelling Quality Index (Q‐system), Surface Rock Classification (SRC), Rock Quality Designation (RQD), Geological Strength Index (GSI) and Hydro‐Potential Value (HP). Para esse efeito foi criada e desenvolvida uma calculadora geomecânica – MGC‐RocDesign|CALC: ‘Mining Geomechanics Classification systems for rock engineering design (version beta)’ – para de certa forma tornar mais simples, rápido e preciso o estudo das classificações geomecânicas sem que seja necessário recorrer manualmente às fastidiosas tabelas das classificações. A MGC‐RocDesign|CALC foi criada e desenvolvida no programa de folha de cálculo Microsoft Excel™ em linguagem Visual Basic for Applications© proporcionando o ambiente de carregamento de dados mais apelativos para o utilizador. Foi ainda integrada neste aplicativo a Calculadora Geotech|CalcTools que resulta da fusão das bases de dados ScanGeoData|BGD e SchmidtData|UCS criadas por Fonseca et al. (2010). Toda a informação foi integrada numa base de dados dinâmica associada a uma plataforma cartográfica em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. Apresenta‐se como caso de estudo um dos trechos subterrâneos do maciço rochoso da antiga mina de volfrâmio das Aveleiras/Tibães (Mosteiro de Tibães, Braga, NW de Portugal). Além disso, apresenta‐se uma proposta de zonamento geomecânico do maciço rochoso da antiga mina das Aveleiras/Tibães com o objetivo de apoiar o dimensionamento de maciços rochosos. Por fim, apresenta‐se uma reflexão em termos de aplicabilidade, das potencialidades e das limitações da Calculadora Geomecânica MGC‐RocDesign|CALC.
Mestrado em Computação e Instrumentação Médica
Mestrado em Computação e Instrumentação Médica
Este artigo analisa as características específicas e os processos de indexação e classificação realizados em bibliotecas escolares para tratar e recuperar as informações de suas coleções. Também se analisam as linguagens como ferramentas documentais específicas utilizadas em bibliotecas escolares portuguesas espanholas, portuguesas e brasileiras. Para atingir este objetivo, o modelo de biblioteca escolar é estudado de forma crítica, se analisa o conceito de biblioteca escolar de forma crítica, se estudam suas funções e se examinam as técnicas e os instrumentos que permitem organizar a informação. Entre outras ferramentas, estudam-se listas de cabeçalhos de assuntos como os Cabeçalhos de assuntos para livros infantis e juvenis e a Lista de Cabeçalhos de assuntos para as bibliotecas; sistemas de classificação, como a Classificação Decimal Universal (edição de bolso) ou a classificação por centros de interesse e tesauros especializados como o Tesauro da Educação UNESCO-OIE e o Tesauro Europeu da Educação, entre outros.
La biblioteca escolar es un servicio de información básico para todos los miembros de una comunidad educativa, que forma parte de los espacios docentes de los centros y de los procesos pedagógicos que tienen lugar en ellos. Las bibliotecas escolares funcionan como centros de recursos para las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje, están constituidas por un conjunto sistematizado y dinámico de servicios y fondos documentales que permiten a los usuarios desarrollar hábitos lectores y buscar y valorar las fuentes de información, entre otras relevantes funciones. Los recursos de información que albergan son uno de sus principales activos, pero si colección documental no está organizada, las tareas de búsqueda y localización de la información resultarán complicadas y la calidad de los recursos obtenidos, cuestionable. Los bibliotecarios deben conocer en profundidad las características específicas del fondo documental y las fuentes disponibles; las técnicas y herramientas adecuadas para procesar y tratar el fondo bibliográfico, así como los métodos de recuperación de la información más convenientes. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar de forma pormenorizada los procesos de indización y clasificación que se realizan en las bibliotecas escolares para procesar y recuperar la información que albergan su colecciones, así como describir las características más relevantes de las herramientas específicas que se usan en las bibliotecas escolares españolas, brasileñas y portuguesas, adaptadas a las características de los usuarios que utilizan sus servicios y acuden a ellas para resolver necesidades de información. Para lograr este propósito, se analiza el concepto de biblioteca escolar de forma crítica, se estudian sus funciones y se examinan las técnicas y los instrumentos que permiten organizar la información. Entre otras herramientas, se estudian listas de encabezamientos de materia como los Encabezamientos de materia para libros infantiles y juveniles y la Lista de Encabezamientos de materia para las bibliotecas públicas; sistemas de clasificación, como la Clasificación Decimal Universal (edición de bolsillo) o la clasificación por centros de interés y tesauros especializados como el Tesauro de la Educación UNESCO-OIE y el Tesauro Europeo de la Educación, entre otros.
In practice the robotic manipulators present some degree of unwanted vibrations. The advent of lightweight arm manipulators, mainly in the aerospace industry, where weight is an important issue, leads to the problem of intense vibrations. On the other hand, robots interacting with the environment often generate impacts that propagate through the mechanical structure and produce also vibrations. In order to analyze these phenomena a robot signal acquisition system was developed. The manipulator motion produces vibrations, either from the structural modes or from endeffector impacts. The instrumentation system acquires signals from several sensors that capture the joint positions, mass accelerations, forces and moments, and electrical currents in the motors. Afterwards, an analysis package, running off-line, reads the data recorded by the acquisition system and extracts the signal characteristics. Due to the multiplicity of sensors, the data obtained can be redundant because the same type of information may be seen by two or more sensors. Because of the price of the sensors, this aspect can be considered in order to reduce the cost of the system. On the other hand, the placement of the sensors is an important issue in order to obtain the suitable signals of the vibration phenomenon. Moreover, the study of these issues can help in the design optimization of the acquisition system. In this line of thought a sensor classification scheme is presented. Several authors have addressed the subject of the sensor classification scheme. White (White, 1987) presents a flexible and comprehensive categorizing scheme that is useful for describing and comparing sensors. The author organizes the sensors according to several aspects: measurands, technological aspects, detection means, conversion phenomena, sensor materials and fields of application. Michahelles and Schiele (Michahelles & Schiele, 2003) systematize the use of sensor technology. They identified several dimensions of sensing that represent the sensing goals for physical interaction. A conceptual framework is introduced that allows categorizing existing sensors and evaluates their utility in various applications. This framework not only guides application designers for choosing meaningful sensor subsets, but also can inspire new systems and leads to the evaluation of existing applications. Today’s technology offers a wide variety of sensors. In order to use all the data from the diversity of sensors a framework of integration is needed. Sensor fusion, fuzzy logic, and neural networks are often mentioned when dealing with problem of combing information from several sensors to get a more general picture of a given situation. The study of data fusion has been receiving considerable attention (Esteban et al., 2005; Luo & Kay, 1990). A survey of the state of the art in sensor fusion for robotics can be found in (Hackett & Shah, 1990). Henderson and Shilcrat (Henderson & Shilcrat, 1984) introduced the concept of logic sensor that defines an abstract specification of the sensors to integrate in a multisensor system. The recent developments of micro electro mechanical sensors (MEMS) with unwired communication capabilities allow a sensor network with interesting capacity. This technology was applied in several applications (Arampatzis & Manesis, 2005), including robotics. Cheekiralla and Engels (Cheekiralla & Engels, 2005) propose a classification of the unwired sensor networks according to its functionalities and properties. This paper presents a development of a sensor classification scheme based on the frequency spectrum of the signals and on a statistical metrics. Bearing these ideas in mind, this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes briefly the robotic system enhanced with the instrumentation setup. Section 3 presents the experimental results. Finally, section 4 draws the main conclusions and points out future work.
The growing importance and influence of new resources connected to the power systems has caused many changes in their operation. Environmental policies and several well know advantages have been made renewable based energy resources largely disseminated. These resources, including Distributed Generation (DG), are being connected to lower voltage levels where Demand Response (DR) must be considered too. These changes increase the complexity of the system operation due to both new operational constraints and amounts of data to be processed. Virtual Power Players (VPP) are entities able to manage these resources. Addressing these issues, this paper proposes a methodology to support VPP actions when these act as a Curtailment Service Provider (CSP) that provides DR capacity to a DR program declared by the Independent System Operator (ISO) or by the VPP itself. The amount of DR capacity that the CSP can assure is determined using data mining techniques applied to a database which is obtained for a large set of operation scenarios. The paper includes a case study based on 27,000 scenarios considering a diversity of distributed resources in a 33 bus distribution network.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
It has been shown that in reality at least two general scenarios of data structuring are possible: (a) a self-similar (SS) scenario when the measured data form an SS structure and (b) a quasi-periodic (QP) scenario when the repeated (strongly correlated) data form random sequences that are almost periodic with respect to each other. In the second case it becomes possible to describe their behavior and express a part of their randomness quantitatively in terms of the deterministic amplitude–frequency response belonging to the generalized Prony spectrum. This possibility allows us to re-examine the conventional concept of measurements and opens a new way for the description of a wide set of different data. In particular, it concerns different complex systems when the ‘best-fit’ model pretending to be the description of the data measured is absent but the barest necessity of description of these data in terms of the reduced number of quantitative parameters exists. The possibilities of the proposed approach and detection algorithm of the QP processes were demonstrated on actual data: spectroscopic data recorded for pure water and acoustic data for a test hole. The suggested methodology allows revising the accepted classification of different incommensurable and self-affine spatial structures and finding accurate interpretation of the generalized Prony spectroscopy that includes the Fourier spectroscopy as a partial case.
This chapter analyzes the signals captured during impacts and vibrations of a mechanical manipulator. Eighteen signals are captured and several metrics are calculated between them, such as the correlation, the mutual information and the entropy. A sensor classification scheme based on the multidimensional scaling technique is presented.
This paper analyzes the signals captured during impacts and vibrations of a mechanical manipulator. To test the impacts, a flexible beam is clamped to the end-effector of a manipulator that is programmed in a way such that the rod moves against a rigid surface. Eighteen signals are captured and theirs correlation are calculated. A sensor classification scheme based on the multidimensional scaling technique is presented.
This paper studies the describing function (DF) of systems consisting in a mass subjected to nonlinear friction. The friction force is composed in three components namely, the viscous, the Coulomb and the static forces. The system dynamics is analyzed in the DF perspective revealing a fractional-order behaviour. The reliability of the DF method is evaluated through the signal harmonic content and the limit cycle prediction.
This paper studies the describing function (DF) of systems constituted by a mass subjected to nonlinear friction. The friction force is decomposed into two components, namely, the viscous and the Coulomb friction. The system dynamics is analyzed in the DF perspective revealing a fractional-order behavior. The reliability of the DF method is evaluated through the signal harmonic contents.
This paper analyzes the signals captured during impacts and vibrations of a mechanical manipulator. The Fourier Transform of eighteen different signals are calculated and approximated by trendlines based on a power law formula. A sensor classification scheme based on the frequency spectrum behavior is presented.