8 resultados para Lock holder preemption

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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In real-time systems, there are two distinct trends for scheduling task sets on unicore systems: non-preemptive and preemptive scheduling. Non-preemptive scheduling is obviously not subject to any preemption delay but its schedulability may be quite poor, whereas fully preemptive scheduling is subject to preemption delay, but benefits from a higher flexibility in the scheduling decisions. The time-delay involved by task preemptions is a major source of pessimism in the analysis of the task Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) in real-time systems. Preemptive scheduling policies including non-preemptive regions are a hybrid solution between non-preemptive and fully preemptive scheduling paradigms, which enables to conjugate both world's benefits. In this paper, we exploit the connection between the progression of a task in its operations, and the knowledge of the preemption delays as a function of its progression. The pessimism in the preemption delay estimation is then reduced in comparison to state of the art methods, due to the increase in information available in the analysis.


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In embedded systems, the timing behaviour of the control mechanisms are sometimes of critical importance for the operational safety. These high criticality systems require strict compliance with the offline predicted task execution time. The execution of a task when subject to preemption may vary significantly in comparison to its non-preemptive execution. Hence, when preemptive scheduling is required to operate the workload, preemption delay estimation is of paramount importance. In this paper a preemption delay estimation method for floating non-preemptive scheduling policies is presented. This work builds on [1], extending the model and optimising it considerably. The preemption delay function is subject to a major tightness improvement, considering the WCET analysis context. Moreover more information is provided as well in the form of an extrinsic cache misses function, which enables the method to provide a solution in situations where the non-preemptive regions sizes are small. Finally experimental results from the implementation of the proposed solutions in Heptane are provided for real benchmarks which validate the significance of this work.


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Preemptions account for a non-negligible overhead during system execution. There has been substantial amount of research on estimating the delay incurred due to the loss of working sets in the processor state (caches, registers, TLBs) and some on avoiding preemptions, or limiting the preemption cost. We present an algorithm to reduce preemptions by further delaying the start of execution of high priority tasks in fixed priority scheduling. Our approaches take advantage of the floating non-preemptive regions model and exploit the fact that, during the schedule, the relative task phasing will differ from the worst-case scenario in terms of admissible preemption deferral. Furthermore, approximations to reduce the complexity of the proposed approach are presented. Substantial set of experiments demonstrate that the approach and approximations improve over existing work, in particular for the case of high utilisation systems, where savings of up to 22% on the number of preemption are attained.


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ARINC specification 653-2 describes the interface between application software and underlying middleware in a distributed real-time avionics system. The real-time workload in this system comprises of partitions, where each partition consists of one or more processes. Processes incur blocking and preemption overheads and can communicate with other processes in the system. In this work we develop compositional techniques for automated scheduling of such partitions and processes. At present, system designers manually schedule partitions based on interactions they have with the partition vendors. This approach is not only time consuming, but can also result in under utilization of resources. In contrast, the technique proposed in this paper is a principled approach for scheduling ARINC-653 partitions and therefore should facilitate system integration.


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Consider the problem of designing an algorithm with a high utilisation bound for scheduling sporadic tasks with implicit deadlines on identical processors. A task is characterised by its minimum interarrival time and its execution time. Task preemption and migration is permitted. Still, low preemption and migration counts are desirable. We formulate an algorithm with a utilisation bound no less than 66.¯6%, characterised by worst-case preemption counts comparing favorably against the state-of-the-art.


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Consider the problem of scheduling a set of periodically arriving tasks on a multiprocessor with the goal of meeting deadlines. Processors are identical and have the same speed. Tasks can be preempted and they can migrate between processors. We propose an algorithm with a utilization bound of 66% and with few preemptions. It can trade a higher utilization bound for more preemption and in doing so it has a utilization bound of 100%.


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The multiprocessor scheduling scheme NPS-F for sporadic tasks has a high utilisation bound and an overall number of preemptions bounded at design time. NPS-F binpacks tasks offline to as many servers as needed. At runtime, the scheduler ensures that each server is mapped to at most one of the m processors, at any instant. When scheduled, servers use EDF to select which of their tasks to run. Yet, unlike the overall number of preemptions, the migrations per se are not tightly bounded. Moreover, we cannot know a priori which task a server will be currently executing at the instant when it migrates. This uncertainty complicates the estimation of cache-related preemption and migration costs (CPMD), potentially resulting in their overestimation. Therefore, to simplify the CPMD estimation, we propose an amended bin-packing scheme for NPS-F allowing us (i) to identify at design time, which task migrates at which instant and (ii) bound a priori the number of migrating tasks, while preserving the utilisation bound of NPS-F.


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A indústria automóvel necessita aumentar a produtividade de forma sistemática, com vista à redução de custos e incremento da competitividade. A otimização dos produtos e processos é uma constante. O presente trabalho foi solicitado pela empresa FicoCables, do Grupo FICOSA, tendo em vista a otimização do processo de injeção de pequenas peças injetadas em ZAMAK, que constituem o bloqueio na extremidade de cada cabo metálico inserido nos automóveis para abertura da mala, portas, travão de mão, reservatório de combustível, capô, etc. A empresa possui cerca de 52 equipamentos de injeção de ZAMAK, cuja temperatura dos bicos era mantida com base numa chama de gás. Os sucessivos problemas de controlo do sistema ditaram uma mudança estratégica no aquecimento desses bicos, passando a ser usadas resistências elétricas anelares. No entanto, esta mudança veio a apresentar problemas inesperados, os quais se vieram inclusivamente a tornar em problemas de segurança, devido ao desgaste interior prematuro dos bicos, os quais apresentaram esmo problema de rotura. Paralelamente, todos os parâmetros relacionados com este processo de fabrico estavam também estudados de forma algo incipiente, pelo que se tornou necessário compreender e dissecar todas as variáveis relacionadas com o processo e implementar sistemas que impedissem o ajuste não controlado dos parâmetros por parte dos operadores. Também os moldes foram alvo de ações de melhoria, com vista a evitar problemas na zona de contacto do bico com o molde. O processo foi analisado em pormenor, permitindo um controlo muito mais apurado do mesmo. Os resultados fizeram sentir-se de forma imediata, graças ao trabalho desenvolvido neste estudo e à abertura demonstrada pela empresa para implementar todas as soluções propostas. O resultado final traduz-se num incremento significativo da segurança para os operadores, num controlo muito mais apurado de todos os parâmetros envolvidos no processo, numa maior garantia da qualidade nos produtos injetados em ZAMAK e em ganhos financeiros significativos para a empresa.