33 resultados para Guarantee

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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The smart grid concept appears as a suitable solution to guarantee the power system operation in the new electricity paradigm with electricity markets and integration of large amounts of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). Virtual Power Player (VPP) will have a significant importance in the management of a smart grid. In the context of this new paradigm, Electric Vehicles (EVs) rise as a good available resource to be used as a DER by a VPP. This paper presents the application of the Simulated Annealing (SA) technique to solve the Energy Resource Management (ERM) of a VPP. It is also presented a new heuristic approach to intelligently handle the charge and discharge of the EVs. This heuristic process is incorporated in the SA technique, in order to improve the results of the ERM. The case study shows the results of the ERM for a 33-bus distribution network with three different EVs penetration levels, i. e., with 1000, 2000 and 3000 EVs. The results of the proposed adaptation of the SA technique are compared with a previous SA version and a deterministic technique.


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The activity of Control Center operators is important to guarantee the effective performance of Power Systems. Operators’ actions are crucial to deal with incidents, especially severe faults like blackouts. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Tutoring approach for training Portuguese Control Center operators in tasks like incident analysis and diagnosis, and service restoration of Power Systems. Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) approach is used in the training of the operators, having into account context awareness and the unobtrusive integration in the working environment. Several Artificial Intelligence techniques were criteriously used and combined together to obtain an effective Intelligent Tutoring environment, namely Multiagent Systems, Neural Networks, Constraint-based Modeling, Intelligent Planning, Knowledge Representation, Expert Systems, User Modeling, and Intelligent User Interfaces.


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The treatment efficiency of laboratory wastewaters was evaluated and ecotoxicity tests with Chlorella vulgaris were performed on them to assess the safety of their environmental discharge. For chemical oxygen demand wastewaters, chromium (VI), mercury (II) and silver were efficiently removedby chemical treatments.Areduction of ecotoxicitywas achieved; nevertheless, an EC50 (effective concentration that causes a 50% inhibition in the algae growth) of 1.5% (v/v) indicated still high level of ecotoxicity. For chloride determination wastewaters, an efficient reduction of chromium and silver was achieved after treatment. Regarding the reduction of ecotoxicity observed, EC50 increased from 0.059% to 0.5%, only a 0.02% concentration in the aquatic environment would guarantee no effects. Wastewaters containing phenanthroline/iron (II) complex were treated by chemical oxidation. Treatmentwas satisfactory concerning chemical parameters, although an increase in ecotoxicitywas observed (EC50 reduced from 0.31% to 0.21%). The wastes from the kinetic study of persulphate and iodide reaction were treated with sodium bisulphite until colour was removed. Although they did not reveal significant ecotoxicity, only over 1% of the untreated waste produced observable effects over algae. Therefore, ecotoxicity tests could be considered a useful tool not only in laboratory effluents treatment, as shown, but also in hazardous wastewaters management.


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A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2010, pp. 239–248.


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Field communication systems (fieldbuses) are widely used as the communication support for distributed computer-controlled systems (DCCS) within all sort of process control and manufacturing applications. There are several advantages in the use of fieldbuses as a replacement for the traditional point-to-point links between sensors/actuators and computer-based control systems, within which the most relevant is the decentralisation and distribution of the processing power over the field. A widely used fieldbus is the WorldFIP, which is normalised as European standard EN 50170. Using WorldFIP to support DCCS, an important issue is “how to guarantee the timing requirements of the real-time traffic?” WorldFIP has very interesting mechanisms to schedule data transfers, since it explicitly distinguishes periodic and aperiodic traffic. In this paper, we describe how WorldFIP handles these two types of traffic, and more importantly, we provide a comprehensive analysis on how to guarantee the timing requirements of the real-time traffic.


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In this paper we address the real-time capabilities of P-NET, which is a multi-master fieldbus standard based on a virtual token passing scheme. We show how P-NET’s medium access control (MAC) protocol is able to guarantee a bounded access time to message requests. We then propose a model for implementing fixed prioritybased dispatching mechanisms at each master’s application level. In this way, we diminish the impact of the first-come-first-served (FCFS) policy that P-NET uses at the data link layer. The proposed model rises several issues well known within the real-time systems community: message release jitter; pre-run-time schedulability analysis in non pre-emptive contexts; non-independence of tasks at the application level. We identify these issues in the proposed model and show how results available for priority-based task dispatching can be adapted to encompass priority-based message dispatching in P-NET networks.


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Consider the problem of assigning real-time tasks on a heterogeneous multiprocessor platform comprising two different types of processors — such a platform is referred to as two-type platform. We present two linearithmic timecomplexity algorithms, SA and SA-P, each providing the follow- ing guarantee. For a given two-type platform and a given task set, if there exists a feasible task-to-processor-type assignment such that tasks can be scheduled to meet deadlines by allowing them to migrate only between processors of the same type, then (i) using SA, it is guaranteed to find such a feasible task-to- processor-type assignment where the same restriction on task migration applies but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/2 times faster and (ii) SA-P succeeds in finding 2 a feasible task-to-processor assignment where tasks are not allowed to migrate between processors but given a platform in which processors are 1+α/times faster, where 0<α≤1. The parameter α is a property of the task set — it is the maximum utilization of any task which is less than or equal to 1.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 standard provides appealing features to simultaneously support real-time and non realtime traffic, but it is only capable of supporting real-time communications from at most seven devices. Additionally, it cannot guarantee delay bounds lower than the superframe duration. Motivated by this problem, in this paper we propose an Explicit Guaranteed time slot Sharing and Allocation scheme (EGSA) for beacon-enabled IEEE 802.15.4 networks. This scheme is capable of providing tighter delay bounds for real-time communications by splitting the Contention Free access Period (CFP) into smaller mini time slots and by means of a new guaranteed bandwidth allocation scheme for a set of devices with periodic messages. At the same the novel bandwidth allocation scheme can maximize the duration of the CFP for non real-time communications. Performance analysis results show that the EGSA scheme works efficiently and outperforms competitor schemes both in terms of guaranteed delay and bandwidth utilization.


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Mobile applications are becoming increasingly more complex and making heavier demands on local system resources. Moreover, mobile systems are nowadays more open, allowing users to add more and more applications, including third-party developed ones. In this perspective, it is increasingly expected that users will want to execute in their devices applications which supersede currently available resources. It is therefore important to provide frameworks which allow applications to benefit from resources available on other nodes, capable of migrating some or all of its services to other nodes, depending on the user needs. These requirements are even more stringent when users want to execute Quality of Service (QoS) aware applications, such as voice or video. The required resources to guarantee the QoS levels demanded by an application can vary with time, and consequently, applications should be able to reconfigure themselves. This paper proposes a QoS-aware service-based framework able to support distributed, migration-capable, QoS-enabled applications on top of the Android Operating system.


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PROFIBUS is an international standard (IEC 61158, EN 50170) for factory-floor communications, with several thousands of installations worldwide. Taking into account the increasing need for mobile devices in industrial environments, one obvious solution is to extend traditional wired PROFIBUS networks with wireless capabilities. In this paper, we outline the major aspects of a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS-based architecture, where most of the design options were made in order to guarantee the real-time behaviour of the overall network. We also introduce the timing unpredictability problems resulting from the co-existence of heterogeneous physical media in the same network. However, the major focus of this paper is on how to guarantee real-time communications in such a hybrid network, where nodes (and whole segments) can move between different radio cells (inter-cell mobility). Assuming a simple mobility management mechanism based on mobile nodes performing periodic radio channel assessment and switching, we propose a methodology to compute values for specific parameters that enable an optimal (minimum) and bounded duration of the handoff procedure.


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A significant number of process control and factory automation systems use PROFIBUS as the underlying fieldbus communication network. The process of properly setting up a PROFIBUS network is not a straightforward task. In fact, a number of network parameters must be set for guaranteeing the required levels of timeliness and dependability. Engineering PROFIBUS networks is even more subtle when the network includes various physical segments exhibiting heterogeneous specifications, such as bus speed or frame formats, just to mention a few. In this paper we provide underlying theory and a methodology to guarantee the proper operation of such type of heterogeneous PROFIBUS networks. We additionally show how the methodology can be applied to the practical case of PROFIBUS networks containing simultaneously DP (Decentralised Periphery) and PA (Process Automation) segments, two of the most used commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) PROFIBUS solutions. The importance of the findings is however not limited to this case. The proposed methodology can be generalised to cover other heterogeneous infrastructures. Hybrid wired/wireless solutions are just an example for which an enormous eagerness exists.


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O aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida revela ser uma alternativa eficaz e promissora na indústria da construção civil, na utilização deste resíduo em muros de suporte. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo a apresentação de uma técnica de aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida na execução de muros de gravidade, combinando solo e pneus. Neste sentido, tomou-se como referência um estudo realizado no Brasil por Sieira, Sayão, Medeiros e Gerscovich, para avaliar a eficiência e o custo deste tipo de estruturas, comparando-o com um muro de suporte tradicional de betão simples. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a segurança do muro de solo-pneus, de acordo com a metodologia proposta no Eurocódigo 7 (NP EN 1997-1, 2010), considerando a geometria e as características dos materiais apresentados no estudo referido e usando o programa de cálculo automático Slide, da Rocscience, para a verificação da estabilidade global. Reproduziu-se a análise numérica realizada no âmbito do caso de estudo brasileiro de referência, recorrendo também a uma formulação por elementos finitos com o programa de cálculo automático Phase2, da Rocscience. Por último, utilizando uma vez mais o programa Slide, definiu-se a geometria de um muro de betão simples cuja geometria garantisse o mesmo valor do fator de segurança à estabilidade global, obtido com o muro de solo-pneus e compararam-se os custos respetivos. O presente trabalho confirmou a eficiência e o baixo custo desta solução construtiva, sendo necessários, no entanto, estudos mais detalhados que reforcem estas conclusões.


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To boost logic density and reduce per unit power consumption SRAM-based FPGAs manufacturers adopted nanometric technologies. However, this technology is highly vulnerable to radiation-induced faults, which affect values stored in memory cells, and to manufacturing imperfections. Fault tolerant implementations, based on Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) infrastructures, help to keep the correct operation of the circuit. However, TMR is not sufficient to guarantee the safe operation of a circuit. Other issues like module placement, the effects of multi- bit upsets (MBU) or fault accumulation, have also to be addressed. In case of a fault occurrence the correct operation of the affected module must be restored and/or the current state of the circuit coherently re-established. A solution that enables the autonomous restoration of the functional definition of the affected module, avoiding fault accumulation, re-establishing the correct circuit state in real-time, while keeping the normal operation of the circuit, is presented in this paper.


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To increase the amount of logic available in SRAM-based FPGAs manufacturers are using nanometric technologies to boost logic density and reduce prices. However, nanometric scales are highly vulnerable to radiation-induced faults that affect values stored in memory cells. Since the functional definition of FPGAs relies on memory cells, they become highly prone to this type of faults. Fault tolerant implementations, based on triple modular redundancy (TMR) infrastructures, help to keep the correct operation of the circuit. However, TMR is not sufficient to guarantee the safe operation of a circuit. Other issues like the effects of multi-bit upsets (MBU) or fault accumulation, have also to be addressed. Furthermore, in case of a fault occurrence the correct operation of the affected module must be restored and the current state of the circuit coherently re-established. A solution that enables the autonomous correct restoration of the functional definition of the affected module, avoiding fault accumulation, re-establishing the correct circuit state in realtime, while keeping the normal operation of the circuit, is presented in this paper.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira.