14 resultados para Fiber Conduction-velocity

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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A Síndrome do Canal Cárpico (SCC) é a neuropatia compressiva mais comum do membro superior, causada pela compressão direta sobre o nervo mediano no interior do canal cárpico.Os resultados deste estudo mostram em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa da sintomatologia no G-AFN (p=0,02) e no GTRN/ EAA (p=0,004) e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa do estado funcional no G-AFN (p=0,022). Verificamos também em cada um dos grupos, após a intervenção, uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Força de preensão” (p=0,005), na “Pinça polegar/dedo indicador” (p=0,021), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,026) e “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,026) no G-AFN, e uma melhoria estatisticamente significativa na “Pinça polegar/indicador” (p=0,016), na “Pinça polegar/dedo médio” (p=0,035), na “Pinça polegar/dedo anular” (p=0,010), na “Pinça trípode” (p=0,005) e na “Pinça lateral” (p=0,051) no G-TRN/EAA. Após a intervenção, não verificamos diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores das escalas de gravidade de sintomas (p=0,853) e de estado funcional (p=0,148) entre os grupos, mas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos valores dos testes neurofisiológicos (p=0,047) e força de preensão da mão (p=0,005). Do estudo, concluímos que a utilização da intervenção articular/fascial/neural (AFN) e a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA), beneficia os indivíduos com SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros ou moderados. Os indivíduos com esta condição clínica apresentam sintomatologia caraterística de dor, parestesia, especialmente noturna e disfunção muscular da mão. Tais manifestações originam perda funcional com implicações nas áreas de desempenho ocupacional, nomeadamente, nas atividades da vida diária, produtivas e de lazer. O tratamento conservador na SCC não severa, como nos casos incipientes, ligeiros e moderados, apesar de controverso, é recomendado. O tema suscita o nosso interesse, razão pela qual nos propomos realizar um estudo experimental em indivíduos com o diagnóstico clínico de SCC não severa e aplicar num grupo a intervenção articular, fascial e neural (AFN) e noutro grupo a intervenção com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (TRN/EAA). O estudo tem como principais objetivos, por um lado, verificar o impacto das intervenções em cada um dos grupos e, por outro lado, comparar o seu impacto entre os grupos, no que respeita à gravidade de sintomas, ao estado funcional, à força de preensão da mão e força de pinças finas. Fomos também comparar os resultados dos testes neurofisiológicos (Velocidade de Condução Motora) antes e depois da intervenção AFN e da intervenção com TRN/EAA, e averiguar o seu impacto nos valores da latência motora distal e da velocidade de condução sensitiva, entre os grupos. Identificamos também quais as variáveis sócio demográficas e as que caraterizam a patologia que estão relacionadas com o problema em estudo e com os valores obtidos com as escalas do Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), no grupo articular, fascial e neural (G-AFN) e no grupo com tala de repouso noturna e exercícios de auto alongamento (G-TRN/EAA). Para a concretização do estudo, recorremos a uma amostra de 23 indivíduos de ambos os sexos do Hospital Curry Cabral, Empresa Pública Empresarial -Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central (HCC, EPE -CHLC).


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We report within this paper the development of a fiber-optic based sensor for Hg(II) ions. Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles were synthesized by laser ablation and functionalized with PEG200 and N-acetyl-l-cysteine so they can be anionic in nature. This characteristic facilitated their deposition by the layer-by-layer assembly method into thin alternating films along with a cationic polyelectrolyte, poly(ethyleneimine). Such films could be immobilized onto the tip of a glass optical fiber, allowing the construction of an optical fluorescence sensor. When immobilized on the fiber-optic tip, the resultant sensor was capable of selectively detecting sub-micromolar concentrations of Hg(II) with an increased sensitivity compared to carbon dot solutions. The fluorescence of the carbon dots was quenched by up to 44% by Hg(II) ions and interference from other metal ions was minimal.


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An optical fiber sensor for Hg(II) in aqueous solution based on sol–gel immobilized carbon dots nanoparticles functionalized with PEG200 and N-acetyl-l-cysteine is described. This sol–gel method generated a thin (about 750 nm), homogenous and smooth (roughness of 2.7±0.7 a˚ ) filmthat immobilizes the carbon dots and allows reversible sensing of Hg(II) in aqueous solution. A fast (less than 10 s), reversible and stable (the fluorescence intensity measurements oscillate less than 1% after several calibration cycles) sensor system was obtained. The sensor allow the detection of submicron molar concentrations of Hg(II) in aqueous solution. The fluorescence intensity of the immobilized carbon dots is quenched by the presence of Hg(II) with a Stern-Volmer constant (pH = 6.8) of 5.3×105M−1.


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The temperature dependence of electrical conductivity and the photoconductivity of polycrystalline Cu2ZnSnS4 were investigated. It was found that at high temperatures the electrical conductivity was dominated by band conduction and nearest-neighbour hopping. However, at lower temperatures, both Mott variable-range hopping (VRH) and Efros–Shklovskii VRH were observed. The analysis of electrical transport showed high doping levels and a large compensation ratio, demonstrating large degree of disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4. Photoconductivity studies showed the presence of a persistent photoconductivity effect with decay time increasing with temperature, due to the presence of random local potential fluctuations in the Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film. These random local potential fluctuations cannot be attributed to grain boundaries but to the large disorder in Cu2ZnSnS4.


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Se ha poucos anos nao imaginavamos as nossas vidas sem o conforto proporcionado pela iluminacao artificial, fruto do desenvolvimento e proliferacao da producao, transporte e distribuicao de energia electrica, seguramente que nos dias de hoje e indissociavel juntar a esse mesmo conforto e estilo de vida a utilizacao dos meios de telecomunicacoes actuais. Com efeito, a vulgarizacao do uso de telemoveis, a recepcao e transmissao de dados a velocidades cada vez maiores, o aparecimento de televisao de alta definicao (TVAD) em substituicao do actual formato PAL, a surgimento de ofertas de novos servicos como o Video on Demand a par da emergente televisao digital terrestre constituem, seguramente, uma nova revolucao nas infra-estruturas de telecomunicacoes domesticas e profissionais. O sector das telecomunicacoes tem sido aquele que se encontra em pleno crescimento, com os fabricantes e operadores a lancarem novos produtos e solucoes de forma continuada, bem como uma atenta e perspicaz reaccao por parte dos legisladores. Assiste-se verdadeiramente na industria das telecomunicacoes a um movimento relacionado com a convergencia para as redes IP (“Internet Protocol”, ou Protocolo de Internet).


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In this work, an experimental study was performed on the influence of plug-filling, loading rate and temperature on the tensile strength of single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs on aluminium structures. Whilst the main purpose of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of plug-filling for the strength improvement of these repairs, a parallel study was carried out to assess the sensitivity of the adhesive to external features that can affect the repairs performance, such as the rate of loading and environmental temperature. The experimental programme included repairs with different values of overlap length (L O = 10, 20 and 30 mm), and with and without plug-filling, whose results were interpreted in light of experimental evidence of the fracture modes and typical stress distributions for bonded repairs. The influence of the testing speed on the repairs strength was also addressed (considering 0.5, 5 and 25 mm/min). Accounting for the temperature effects, tests were carried out at room temperature (≈23°C), 50 and 80°C. This permitted a comparative evaluation of the adhesive tested below and above the glass transition temperature (T g), established by the manufacturer as 67°C. The combined influence of these two parameters on the repairs strength was also analysed. According to the results obtained from this work, design guidelines for repairing aluminium structures were


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The synthesis and application of fractional-order controllers is now an active research field. This article investigates the use of fractional-order PID controllers in the velocity control of an experimental modular servo system. The systern consists of a digital servomechanism and open-architecture software environment for real-time control experiments using MATLAB/Simulink. Different tuning methods will be employed, such as heuristics based on the well-known Ziegler Nichols rules, techniques based on Bode’s ideal transfer function and optimization tuning methods. Experimental responses obtained from the application of the several fractional-order controllers are presented and analyzed. The effectiveness and superior performance of the proposed algorithms are also compared with classical integer-order PID controllers.


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Abrasion by glass fibers during injection molding of fiber reinforced plastics raises new challenges to the wear performance of the molds. In the last few decades, a large number of PVD and CVD coatings have been developed with the aim of minimizing abrasion problems. In this work, two different coatings were tested in order to increase the wear resistance of the surface of a mold used for glass fiber reinforced plastics: TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC. TiAlSiN was deposited as a graded monolayer coating while CrN/CrCN/DLC was a nanostructured coating consisting of three distinct layers. Both coatings were produced by PVD unbalanced magnetron sputtering and were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), micro hardness (MH) and scratch test analysis. Coating morphology, thickness, roughness, chemical composition and structure, hardness and adhesion to the substrate were investigated. Wear resistance was characterized through industrial tests with coated samples and an uncoated reference sample inserted in a feed channel of a plastic injection mold working with 30 wt.% glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. Results after 45,000 injection cycles indicate that the wear resistance of the mold was increased by a factor of 25 and 58, by the TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC coatings, respectively, over the uncoated mold steel.


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This paper proposes a novel method for controlling the convergence rate of a particle swarm optimization algorithm using fractional calculus (FC) concepts. The optimization is tested for several well-known functions and the relationship between the fractional order velocity and the convergence of the algorithm is observed. The FC demonstrates a potential for interpreting evolution of the algorithm and to control its convergence.


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The application of fractional-order PID controllers is now an active field of research. This article investigates the effect of fractional (derivative and integral) orders upon system's performance in the velocity control of a servo system. The servo system consists of a digital servomechanism and an open-architecture software environment for real-time control experiments using MATLAB/Simulink tools. Experimental responses are presented and analyzed, showing the effectiveness of fractional controllers. Comparison with classical PID controllers is also investigated.


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The objective of this work was to study the influence of the boundary conditions on low-velocity impact behaviour of carbon-epoxy composite plates. Experimental work and numerical analysis were performed on [04,904]s laminates. The influence of different boundary conditions on the impacted plates was analysed considering rectangular and square plates. The X-radiography was used as a non-destructive technique to evaluate the internal damage caused by impact loading. A three-dimensional numerical analysis was also performed considering progressive damage modelling. The model includes three-dimensional solid elements and interface finite elements including a cohesive mixed-mode damage model, which allows simulating delamination between different oriented layers. It was verified that plate’s boundary conditions have influence on the delaminated area. Good agreement between experimental and numerical analysis for shape, orientation and size of the delamination was obtained.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: crosslinked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remoulded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the GFRP industrial waste reuse into concrete-polymer composite materials.


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We agree with Ling-Yun et al. [5] and Zhang and Duan comments [2] about the typing error in equation (9) of the manuscript [8]. The correct formula was initially proposed in [6, 7]. The formula adopted in our algorithms discussed in our papers [1, 3, 4, 8] is, in fact, the following: ...


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Health promotion in hospital environments can be improved using the most recent information and communication technologies. The Internet connectivity to small sensor nodes carried by patients allows remote access to their bio-signals. To promote these features the healthcare wireless sensor networks (HWSN) are used. In these networks mobility support is a key issue in order to keep patients under realtime monitoring even when they move around. To keep sensors connected to the network, they should change their access points of attachment when patients move to a new coverage area along an infirmary. This process, called handover, is responsible for continuous network connectivity to the sensors. This paper presents a detailed performance evaluation study considering three handover mechanisms for healthcare scenarios (Hand4MAC, RSSI-based, and Backbone-based). The study was performed by simulation using several scenarios with different number of sensors and different moving velocities of sensor nodes. The results show that Hand4MAC is the best solution to guarantee almost continuous connectivity to sensor nodes with less energy consumption.