18 resultados para Earth Retaining Structures
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
O aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida revela ser uma alternativa eficaz e promissora na indústria da construção civil, na utilização deste resíduo em muros de suporte. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo a apresentação de uma técnica de aproveitamento de pneus em fim de vida na execução de muros de gravidade, combinando solo e pneus. Neste sentido, tomou-se como referência um estudo realizado no Brasil por Sieira, Sayão, Medeiros e Gerscovich, para avaliar a eficiência e o custo deste tipo de estruturas, comparando-o com um muro de suporte tradicional de betão simples. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a segurança do muro de solo-pneus, de acordo com a metodologia proposta no Eurocódigo 7 (NP EN 1997-1, 2010), considerando a geometria e as características dos materiais apresentados no estudo referido e usando o programa de cálculo automático Slide, da Rocscience, para a verificação da estabilidade global. Reproduziu-se a análise numérica realizada no âmbito do caso de estudo brasileiro de referência, recorrendo também a uma formulação por elementos finitos com o programa de cálculo automático Phase2, da Rocscience. Por último, utilizando uma vez mais o programa Slide, definiu-se a geometria de um muro de betão simples cuja geometria garantisse o mesmo valor do fator de segurança à estabilidade global, obtido com o muro de solo-pneus e compararam-se os custos respetivos. O presente trabalho confirmou a eficiência e o baixo custo desta solução construtiva, sendo necessários, no entanto, estudos mais detalhados que reforcem estas conclusões.
No presente trabalho descreve-se o estudo realizado no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) com o objetivo de comprovar a viabilidade da utilização de pneus em fim de vida em estruturas de solo reforçado. As estruturas de suporte de terras materializadas com pneus preenchidos com solo são usadas em alguns países, sobretudo em estruturas do tipo gravidade. Investiga-se neste trabalho o seu desempenho em estruturas de solo reforçado. Com a finalidade de prever o comportamento da construção, foi utilizado um software desenvolvido pela empresa Canadiana Rocscience, denominado Phase2. Com este software foi possível fazer uma análise paramétrica da secção transversal do modelo, avaliando os esforços e os deslocamentos que se desenvolvem no interior da estrutura, através da utilização do Método dos Elementos Finitos. Foi efetuada uma campanha de ensaios laboratoriais, realizados com amostras de solo retiradas do local de construção do protótipo, com o intuito de caracterizar os parâmetros do solo A definição destes parâmetros tem como objetivo tornar a simulação o mais fidedigna possível. Estruturas de Suporte de Terras Executadas Com Pneus. Estudo Paramétrico e Conceção de Protótipo Como validação da modelação realizada no programa Phase2, o protótipo será devidamente instrumentado com equipamentos de monitorização; a informação recolhida receberá um tratamento posterior e permitirá a calibração do modelo numérico. No presente trabalho define-se o plano de monitorização a instalar no protótipo.
Ao longo das últimas décadas o município de Amarante tem-se deparado com inúmeros problemas de instabilidade de estruturas de suporte de terras, maioritariamente instabilidade de taludes artificiais, (escavação e/ou aterro) e muros de contenção tradicionais em alvenaria de pedra. A unidade técnica de projeto, ou UTP da Câmara Municipal de Amarante tem vindo a elaborar estudos, projetos e adjudicar as obras para repor a normalidade apos a instabilização desses elementos, contudo a frequência de ocorrência destes fenómenos e os recursos necessários para a sua resolução ultrapassam a capacidade desta unidade, levando a que muitos destes casos se arrastem durante anos antes de ser reposta a sua normalidade. Perante este panorama revelou-se necessário efetuar um estudo de forma a listar, avaliar e priorizar os vários casos de instabilidade existentes, para uma eficiente alocação dos recursos disponíveis. Esta análise pretende ainda identificar as principais causas de instabilidade destas estruturas, de forma a eliminar ou mitigar a ocorrência de futuros problemas semelhantes. Para o estudo destes elementos de contenção de terras adotou-se o método de análise de risco conhecido como FMEA, “Failure Modes and Effects Analysis” ou Analise dos Modos de Falha e Efeitos, com as adaptações necessárias de forma a maximizar a confiabilidade das avaliações mediante a especificidade dos casos a avaliar e realidade da instituição.
No presente trabalho apresentam-se estudos desenvolvidos com o objetivo de análise, conceção e dimensionamento de sistemas de escoramentos metálicos modulares e reaproveitáveis a usar como alternativa técnica e económica em estruturas de contenção periférica. O sistema concebido aplicouse a um caso concreto de uma escavação urbana executada no centro de Luanda, Angola. O projeto começou a ser estudado tendo em conta os estudos geológicos e geotécnicos do terreno em causa, e posteriormente foi estudada a solução construtiva elaborada. Feito o estudo sobre a obra que se realizou com uma parede moldada e ancoragens pré-esforçadas, foi possível, a partir dai, elaborar estudos com outro tipo de sistemas de apoio. Assim, realizaram-se estudos para sistemas de apoio com escoramento linear; colunas metálicas e por uma treliça. Posteriormente, de forma a completar, complementar e poder comparar toda a pesquisa, foram efetuados mais quatro estudos, sendo os sistemas de apoio constituídos por colunas metálicas e/ou tubos circulares ou retangulares em forma elíptica no terreno do projeto e num terreno em forma de quadrado perfeito. Através dos vários estudos foi possível comparar os resultados e perceber qual será a melhor forma de otimização para futuras obras. Foi gerado um método de escoramento, que é possível ser utilizado tendo em conta as particularidades de cada obra, constituído por perfis metálicos com dimensões standard formando elipses ou círculos, conforme a forma do terreno. De maneira a finalizar este projeto foram estudados vários tipos de ligações, quer entre perfis, quer para os perfis e a parede, como também os perfis e os apoios verticais, caso sejam necessários. Como conclusão, e de forma expedita foi analisado o custo direto que apenas abrange a quantidade de aço utilizada para cada tipo de apoio dimensionado, comparando a escavação do projeto em causa com a escavação quadrada.
The problem of uncertainty propagation in composite laminate structures is studied. An approach based on the optimal design of composite structures to achieve a target reliability level is proposed. Using the Uniform Design Method (UDM), a set of design points is generated over a design domain centred at mean values of random variables, aimed at studying the space variability. The most critical Tsai number, the structural reliability index and the sensitivities are obtained for each UDM design point, using the maximum load obtained from optimal design search. Using the UDM design points as input/output patterns, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed based on supervised evolutionary learning. Finally, using the developed ANN a Monte Carlo simulation procedure is implemented and the variability of the structural response based on global sensitivity analysis (GSA) is studied. The GSA is based on the first order Sobol indices and relative sensitivities. An appropriate GSA algorithm aiming to obtain Sobol indices is proposed. The most important sources of uncertainty are identified.
This article describes a finite element-based formulation for the statistical analysis of the response of stochastic structural composite systems whose material properties are described by random fields. A first-order technique is used to obtain the second-order statistics for the structural response considering means and variances of the displacement and stress fields of plate or shell composite structures. Propagation of uncertainties depends on sensitivities taken as measurement of variation effects. The adjoint variable method is used to obtain the sensitivity matrix. This method is appropriated for composite structures due to the large number of random input parameters. Dominant effects on the stochastic characteristics are studied analyzing the influence of different random parameters. In particular, a study of the anisotropy influence on uncertainties propagation of angle-ply composites is carried out based on the proposed approach.
The influence of uncertainties of input parameters on output response of composite structures is investigated in this paper. In particular, the effects of deviations in mechanical properties, ply angles, ply thickness and on applied loads are studied. The uncertainty propagation and the importance measure of input parameters are analysed using three different approaches: a first-order local method, a Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) supported by a variance-based method and an extension of local variance to estimate the global variance over the domain of inputs. Sample results are shown for a shell composite laminated structure built with different composite systems including multi-materials. The importance measures of input parameters on structural response based on numerical results are established and discussed as a function of the anisotropy of composite materials. Needs for global variance methods are discussed by comparing the results obtained from different proposed methodologies. The objective of this paper is to contribute for the use of GSA techniques together with low expensive local importance measures.
An approach for the analysis of uncertainty propagation in reliability-based design optimization of composite laminate structures is presented. Using the Uniform Design Method (UDM), a set of design points is generated over a domain centered on the mean reference values of the random variables. A methodology based on inverse optimal design of composite structures to achieve a specified reliability level is proposed, and the corresponding maximum load is outlined as a function of ply angle. Using the generated UDM design points as input/output patterns, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed based on an evolutionary learning process. Then, a Monte Carlo simulation using ANN development is performed to simulate the behavior of the critical Tsai number, structural reliability index, and their relative sensitivities as a function of the ply angle of laminates. The results are generated for uniformly distributed random variables on a domain centered on mean values. The statistical analysis of the results enables the study of the variability of the reliability index and its sensitivity relative to the ply angle. Numerical examples showing the utility of the approach for robust design of angle-ply laminates are presented.
Operational Modal Analysis is currently applied in structural dynamic monitoring studies using conventional wired based sensors and data acquisition platforms. This approach, however, becomes inadequate in cases where the tests are performed in ancient structures with esthetic concerns or in others, where the use of wires greatly impacts the monitoring system cost and creates difficulties in the maintenance and deployment of data acquisition platforms. In these cases, the use of sensor platforms based on wireless and MEMS would clearly benefit these applications. This work presents a first attempt to apply this wireless technology to the structural monitoring of historical masonry constructions in the context of operational modal analysis. Commercial WSN platforms were used to study one laboratory specimen and one of the structural elements of a XV century building in Portugal. Results showed that in comparison to the conventional wired sensors, wireless platforms have poor performance in respect to the acceleration time series recorded and the detection of modal shapes. However, for frequency detection issues, reliable results were obtained, especially when random excitation was used as noise source.
In this work, an experimental study was performed on the influence of plug-filling, loading rate and temperature on the tensile strength of single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs on aluminium structures. Whilst the main purpose of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of plug-filling for the strength improvement of these repairs, a parallel study was carried out to assess the sensitivity of the adhesive to external features that can affect the repairs performance, such as the rate of loading and environmental temperature. The experimental programme included repairs with different values of overlap length (L O = 10, 20 and 30 mm), and with and without plug-filling, whose results were interpreted in light of experimental evidence of the fracture modes and typical stress distributions for bonded repairs. The influence of the testing speed on the repairs strength was also addressed (considering 0.5, 5 and 25 mm/min). Accounting for the temperature effects, tests were carried out at room temperature (≈23°C), 50 and 80°C. This permitted a comparative evaluation of the adhesive tested below and above the glass transition temperature (T g), established by the manufacturer as 67°C. The combined influence of these two parameters on the repairs strength was also analysed. According to the results obtained from this work, design guidelines for repairing aluminium structures were
This work reports on the experimental and numerical study of the bending behaviour of two-dimensional adhesively-bonded scarf repairs of carbon-epoxy laminates, bonded with the ductile adhesive Araldite 2015®. Scarf angles varying from 2 to 45º were tested. The experimental work performed was used to validate a numerical Finite Element analysis using ABAQUS® and a methodology developed by the authors to predict the strength of bonded assemblies. This methodology consists on replacing the adhesive layer by cohesive elements, including mixed-mode criteria to deal with the mixed-mode behaviour usually observed in structures. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of the adhesive used. The cohesive laws in pure modes I and II were determined with Double Cantilever Beam and End-Notched Flexure tests, respectively, using an inverse method. Since in the experiments interlaminar and transverse intralaminar failures of the carbon-epoxy components also occurred in some regions, cohesive laws to simulate these failure modes were also obtained experimentally with a similar procedure. A good correlation with the experiments was found on the elastic stiffness, maximum load and failure mode of the repairs, showing that this methodology simulates accurately the mechanical behaviour of bonded assemblies.
This work reports on an experimental and finite element method (FEM) parametric study of adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs on carbon-epoxy structures under buckling unrestrained compression. The influence of the overlap length and patch thickness was evaluated. This loading gains a particular significance from the additional characteristic mechanisms of structures under compression, such as fibres microbuckling, for buckling restrained structures, or global buckling of the assembly, if no transverse restriction exists. The FEM analysis is based on the use of cohesive elements including mixed-mode criteria to simulate a cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of most structural adhesives. These laws were estimated for the adhesive used from double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF) tests, respectively, using an inverse technique. The pure mode III cohesive law was equalled to the pure mode II one. Compression failure in the laminates was predicted using a stress-based criterion. The accurate FEM predictions open a good prospect for the reduction of the extensive experimentation in the design of carbon-epoxy repairs. Design principles were also established for these repairs under buckling.
The widespread employment of carbon-epoxy laminates in high responsibility and severely loaded applications introduces an issue regarding their handling after damage. Repair of these structures should be evaluated, instead of their disposal, for cost saving and ecological purposes. Under this perspective, the availability of efficient repair methods is essential to restore the strength of the structure. The development and validation of accurate predictive tools for the repairs behaviour are also extremely important, allowing the reduction of costs and time associated to extensive test programmes. Comparing with strap repairs, scarf repairs have the advantages of a higher efficiency and the absence of aerodynamic disturbance. This work reports on a numerical study of the tensile behaviour of three-dimensional scarf repairs in carbon-epoxy structures, using a ductile adhesive (Araldite® 2015). The finite elements analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and Cohesive Zone Modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal cohesive laws in each pure mode were used to account for the ductility of the specific adhesive mentioned. A parametric study was performed on the repair width and scarf angle. The use of over-laminating plies covering the repaired region at the outer or both repair surfaces was also tested as an attempt to increase the repairs efficiency. The obtained results allowed the proposal of design principles for repairing composite structures.
In this work, an experimental study was performed on the influence of plug filling, loading rate and temperature on the tensile strength of single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs on aluminium structures. The experimental programme includes repairs with different values of overlap length (LO=10, 20 and 30 mm), and with and without plug filling. The influence of the testing speed on the repairs strength is also addressed (considering 0.5, 5 and 25 mm/min). Accounting for the temperature effects, tests were carried out at room temperature, 50ºC and 80ºC. This will permit a comparative evaluation of the adhesive tested below and above the Glass Transition Temperature (Tg), established by the manufacturer at 67ºC. The global tendencies of the test results concerning the plug filling and overlap length analyses are interpreted from the fracture modes and typical stress distributions for bonded repairs. According to the results obtained from this work, design guidelines for repairing aluminium structures were recommended.
This study aims to understand the factors which may explain the retention of repatriates from companies acting within Portugal. These factors can be related either to the individual, or to the work, to the organisation or to non-working contexts. Eight companies located in Portugal have participated in this study. Several semi-structured interviews were done to 16 organizational representatives and to 28 repatriates. The obtained results show that the repatriates’ retention on the visited companies may be influenced by several categories of factors. We can conclude that it is (1) the good relation with the leadership, (2) the recognition of the performed job but, also (3) the seniority, (4) the age and the (5) depressed national job market. These are the major factors that emerge as relevant factors for the retention. Hence, there is not only one category of explaining determining factors for the retention decision, but there are several. These findings will be discussed in detail and implications and suggestions for future research will be proposed as well.