13 resultados para 12930-025

em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal


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Marine cyanobacteria have been considered a rich source of secondary metabolites with potential biotechnological applications, namely in the pharmacological field. Chemically diverse compounds were found to induce cytoxicity, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities. The potential of marine cyanobacteria as anticancer agents has however been the most explored and, besides cytotoxicity in tumor cell lines, several compounds have emerged as templates for the development of new anticancer drugs. The mechanisms implicated in the cytotoxicity of marine cyanobacteria compounds in tumor cell lines are still largely overlooked but several studies point to an implication in apoptosis. This association has been related to several apoptotic indicators such as cell cycle arrest, mitochondrial dysfunctions and oxidative damage, alterations in caspase cascade, alterations in specific proteins levels and alterations in the membrane sodium dynamics. In the present paper a compilation of the described marine cyanobacterial compounds with potential anticancer properties is presented and a review on the implication of apoptosis as the mechanism of cell death is discussed.


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Mucin-16 (MUC16) is the established ovarian cancer marker used to follow the disease during or after treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer. The emerging science of cancer markers also demands for the new sensitive detection methods. In this work, we have developed an electrochemical immunosensor for antigen MUC16 using gold nanoelectrode ensemble (GNEE) and ferrocene carboxylic acid encapsulated liposomes tethered with monoclonal anti-Mucin-16 antibodies ( MUC16). GNEEs were fabricated by electroless deposition of the gold within the pores of polycarbonate track-etched membranes. Afterwards, MUC16 were immobilized on preformed self-assembled monolayer of cysteamine on the GNEE via cross-linking with EDC-Sulfo-NHS. A sandwich immunoassay was performed on MUC16 functionalized GNEE with MUC16 and immunoliposomes. The differential pulse voltammetry was employed to quantify the faradic redox response of ferrocene carboxylic acid released from immunoliposomes. The dose–response curve for MUC16 concentration was found between the range of 0.001–300 U mL−1. The lowest detection limit was found to be 5 × 10−4 U mL−1 (S/N = 3). We evaluated the performance of this developed immunosensor with commercial ELISA assay by comparing results obtained from spiked serum samples and real blood serum samples from volunteers.


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The main goal of this research study was the removal of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) from aqueous solutions using peanut hulls. This work was mainly focused on the following aspects: chemical characterization of the biosorbent, kinetic studies, study of the pH influence in mono-component systems, equilibrium isotherms and column studies, both in mono and tri-component systems, and with a real industrial effluent from the electroplating industry. The chemical characterization of peanut hulls showed a high cellulose (44.8%) and lignin (36.1%) content, which favours biosorption of metal cations. The kinetic studies performed indicate that most of the sorption occurs in the first 30 min for all systems. In general, a pseudo-second order kinetics was followed, both in mono and tri-component systems. The equilibrium isotherms were better described by Freundlich model in all systems. Peanut hulls showed higher affinity for copper than for nickel and zinc when they are both present. The pH value between 5 and 6 was the most favourable for all systems. The sorbent capacity in column was 0.028 and 0.025 mmol g-1 for copper, respectively in mono and tri-component systems. A decrease of capacity for copper (50%) was observed when dealing with the real effluent. The Yoon-Nelson, Thomas and Yan’s models were fitted to the experimental data, being the latter the best fit.


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In recent years several countries have set up policies that allow exchange of kidneys between two or more incompatible patient–donor pairs. These policies lead to what is commonly known as kidney exchange programs. The underlying optimization problems can be formulated as integer programming models. Previously proposed models for kidney exchange programs have exponential numbers of constraints or variables, which makes them fairly difficult to solve when the problem size is large. In this work we propose two compact formulations for the problem, explain how these formulations can be adapted to address some problem variants, and provide results on the dominance of some models over others. Finally we present a systematic comparison between our models and two previously proposed ones via thorough computational analysis. Results show that compact formulations have advantages over non-compact ones when the problem size is large.


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Cyanobacteria are widely recognized as a valuable source of bioactive metabolites. The majority of such compounds have been isolated from so-called complex cyanobacteria, such as filamentous or colonial forms, which usually display a larger number of biosynthetic gene clusters in their genomes, when compared to free-living unicellular forms. Nevertheless, picocyanobacteria are also known to have potential to produce bioactive natural products. Here, we report the isolation of hierridin B from the marine picocyanobacterium Cyanobium sp. LEGE 06113. This compound had previously been isolated from the filamentous epiphytic cyanobacterium Phormidium ectocarpi SAG 60.90, and had been shown to possess antiplasmodial activity. A phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene from both strains confirmed that these cyanobacteria derive from different evolutionary lineages. We further investigated the biological activity of hierridin B, and tested its cytotoxicity towards a panel of human cancer cell lines; it showed selective cytotoxicity towards HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma cells.


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Adhesive bonding has become more efficient in the last few decades due to the adhesives developments, granting higher strength and ductility. On the other hand, natural fibre composites have recently gained interest due to the low cost and density. It is therefore essential to predict the fracture behavior of joints between these materials, to assess the feasibility of joining or repairing with adhesives. In this work, the tensile fracture toughness (Gc n) of adhesive joints between natural fibre composites is studied, by bonding with a ductile adhesive and co-curing. Conventional methods to obtain Gc n are used for the co-cured specimens, while for the adhesive within the bonded joint, the J-integral is considered. For the J-integral calculation, an optical measurement method is developed for the evaluation of the crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, an optical method that allows an easier and quicker extraction of the parameters to obtain Gc n than the available methods is proposed (by the J-integral technique), and the fracture behaviour in tension of bonded and co-cured joints in jute-reinforced natural fibre composites is also provided for the subsequent strength prediction. Additionally, for the adhesively- bonded joints, the tensile cohesive law of the adhesive is derived by the direct method.


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Drilling of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates is usually carried out using standard drills. However, it is necessary to adapt the processes and/or tooling as the risk of delamination, or other damages, is high. These problems can affect mechanical properties of produced parts, therefore, lower reliability. In this paper, four different drills – three commercial and a special step (prototype) – are compared in terms of thrust force during drilling and delamination. In order to evaluate damage, enhanced radiography is applied. The resulting images were then computational processed using a previously developed image processing and analysis platform. Results show that the prototype drill had encouraging results in terms of maximum thrust force and delamination reduction. Furthermore, it is possible to state that a correct choice of drill geometry, particularly the use of a pilot hole, a conservative cutting speed – 53 m/min – and a low feed rate – 0.025 mm/rev – can help to prevent delamination.


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The massification of electric vehicles (EVs) can have a significant impact on the power system, requiring a new approach for the energy resource management. The energy resource management has the objective to obtain the optimal scheduling of the available resources considering distributed generators, storage units, demand response and EVs. The large number of resources causes more complexity in the energy resource management, taking several hours to reach the optimal solution which requires a quick solution for the next day. Therefore, it is necessary to use adequate optimization techniques to determine the best solution in a reasonable amount of time. This paper presents a hybrid artificial intelligence technique to solve a complex energy resource management problem with a large number of resources, including EVs, connected to the electric network. The hybrid approach combines simulated annealing (SA) and ant colony optimization (ACO) techniques. The case study concerns different EVs penetration levels. Comparisons with a previous SA approach and a deterministic technique are also presented. For 2000 EVs scenario, the proposed hybrid approach found a solution better than the previous SA version, resulting in a cost reduction of 1.94%. For this scenario, the proposed approach is approximately 94 times faster than the deterministic approach.


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The fractal geometry is used to model of a naturally fractured reservoir and the concept of fractional derivative is applied to the diffusion equation to incorporate the history of fluid flow in naturally fractured reservoirs. The resulting fractally fractional diffusion (FFD) equation is solved analytically in the Laplace space for three outer boundary conditions. The analytical solutions are used to analyze the response of a naturally fractured reservoir considering the anomalous behavior of oil production. Several synthetic examples are provided to illustrate the methodology proposed in this work and to explain the diffusion process in fractally fractured systems.


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Introdução: No futebol, as lesões são da mais fulcral importância pelo que a sua prevenção se revela de extrema pertinência. A FIFA criou o FIFA 11+, um programa de prevenção de lesões, que revelou resultados positivos em equipas jovens tanto femininas como masculinas. No entanto, em Portugal, os resultados da sua implementação são escassos, principalmente em camadas jovens. Objetivo: Estudar a eficácia do programa FIFA 11+ na prevenção de lesões em atletas de futebol – sub 18. Métodos: O presente estudo quasi experimental teve como amostra uma equipa de 24 atletas, divididos voluntariamente em 2 grupos: o grupo experimental (GE) (n=12), e o grupo controlo (GC) (n= 12). Ambos os grupos realizaram os treinos normais sendo o grupo experimental sujeito adicionalmente ao programa FIFA 11+ duas vezes por semana, durante 12 semanas. Foi utilizado ainda o Orchard Sports Injury Classification System (OSICS-10) como sistema de classificação de lesões, sendo estas divididas em graves, moderadas, leves e mínimas. O teste Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para a comparação entre grupos, e o teste de Wilcoxon para a comparação intra grupo. Resultados: Quando comparados o GE com o GC em M0 não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p=0.065), no número de lesões entre os grupos. O mesmo se verificou após a implementação do programa FIFA 11+ (p=1,000). Na comparação intra-grupo de M0 e M1 o grupo controlo não apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p=0,317) enquanto que no grupo experimental se observou que existiam significativamente menos lesões após a implementação do programa. (p=0,025). Conclusão: O programa FIFA 11+ parece ser indicado para a prevenção e diminuição de lesões desportivas em jogadores amadores de equipas sub-18, quando aplicado duas vezes por semana. Apesar disso, para eleger o programa como uma ferramenta de eleição na promoção da saúde, mais estudos são sugeridos utilizando uma amostra maior e se possível num período superior.


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Introdução: A síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) é uma das causas mais comuns de dor com origem músculo-esquelética, devendo-se sobretudo à existência de pontos gatilho (PG) miofasciais. O PG no músculo trapézio superior (TS), sob a sua forma latente, tem repercussões no equilíbrio muscular do complexo articular do ombro. A intervenção sobre este PG, através da compressão isquémica poderá ter benefícios no próprio músculo e no controlo motor do complexo articular do ombro. Objetivos: Pretende-se estudar a influência da intervenção no PG latente do músculo TS no controlo motor do ombro, analisando as alterações ao nível do timing de ativação muscular, das sequências em que o músculos ativam e do nível de atividade muscular ao longo do movimento. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo do tipo experimental, aleatório e controlado com uma amostra dividida em dois grupos, grupo experimental (n=15) e grupo controlo (n=14). No grupo experimental foi realizada a técnica de compressão isquémica no PG do TS e no grupo controlo um procedimento placebo. Antes e após a intervenção foi recolhida a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos grande dentado (GD), infra-espinhoso (IE), deltóide médio (DM), trapézio superior (TS) e trapézio inferior (TI), assim como os dados cinemáticos, durante o movimento de elevação do ombro no plano da omoplata. Foi analisado o timing de ativação muscular, as sequências de ativação e o nível de ativação muscular ao longo do arco de movimento, através da magnitude normalizada à contração muscular voluntária máxima. Resultados: Foi observada uma maior pré ativação do músculo GD, no grupo experimental após a intervenção (p=0,025) relativamente ao primeiro momento de avaliação. É de notar que após a intervenção, no GE, todos os músculos passaram a ativar no período típico dos ajustes posturais antecipatórios, não tendo o mesmo sido observado no grupo de controlo. Após a técnica, 37% dos indivíduos do grupo experimental passaram a ativar o GD em primeiro lugar, quando apenas um sujeito o fazia antes da intervenção. Destaca-se também um predomínio de 32% nas últimas posições, após a técnica, dos músculos trapézio superior e inferior. No GC não se verifica nenhuma tendência após a intervenção. Foram ainda observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos nos arcos de movimento onde foi atingido 20% da contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CMVI) nos músculos DM (p=0,002), na primeira avaliação, e IE (p=0,021), após a intervenção, com um atraso da ativação do IE para valores superiores a 20% da CMVI. Conclusão: A compressão isquémica reflete-se na antecipação da atividade do músculo GD e num atraso do aumento da magnitude da atividade do IE para valores moderados,


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Introdução: A prática de atividade física tem vindo a ser incentivada por vários organismos nacionais e internacionais, visando a promoção de saúde. No entanto, não existe consenso em relação à influência e à intensidade ótima da atividade física durante a gravidez, tal facto pode dever-se à falta de instrumentos válidos que permitam a comparação entre os vários países do nível de atividade física das gestantes. Não foi identificado qualquer questionário válido que avaliasse a atividade física, durante a gravidez, para a população portuguesa. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir e adaptar o questionário PPAQ para a língua portuguesa e testar a fiabilidade e validade do mesmo. Métodos: A equivalência linguística foi obtida através da tradução e retrotradução e após a realização de um teste piloto a 6 mulheres grávidas. A fiabilidade foi obtida através do testereteste, com um intervalo de 7 dias, e analisada através do ICC, SEM e do método Bland Altman. A validade de critério foi testada, através dos resultados do PPAQ e do acelerómetro, pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Resultados: Os valores do ICC relativos à fiabilidade foram para o score total do PPAQ de 0,77, para as atividades sedentárias 0,87, para as atividade de baixa intensidade 0,76, para as atividades de intensidade moderada 0,76 e para as atividades de intensidade vigorosa 0,70. Na avaliação da validade obtivemos um valor de correlação de Pearson para atividade total de -0,030. Obtivemos correlação significante para as atividades de baixa intensidade (r=0,149; p=0,025), para as atividades de baixa intensidade em grávidas no 2º trimestre (r=0,256; p=0,010) e para as atividades de baixa intensidade e atividades vigorosas em mulheres no 3º trimestre gestacional (r=0,447; p=0,037 e r= 0,578; p=0,005, respetivamente). Conclusão: O PPAQ apresenta uma fiabilidade excelente e validade semelhante à versão original.