14 resultados para Þrándr Þorbjarnarson, 10th cent.
em Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
O presente Relatório de Estágio teve como objectivo analisar e discutir as competências adquiridas e desenvolvidas, durante o estágio, no controlo da qualidade microbiológica na indústria farmacêutica O estágio, foi realizado no Laboratório de Microbiologia dos Laboratórios Atral, Grupo AtralCipan, localizado na Vala do Carregado, Castanheira do Ribatejo. Este teve a duração de aproximadamente dez meses e meio, com data de início a 21 de Setembro de 2011 e final de 10 de Agosto de 2012. Numa fase inicial, foram adquiridas as aptidões necessárias para a aplicação das metodologias realizadas no laboratório de microbiologia com o estudo das normas, procedimento e legislação aplicada, com foco na importância das farmacopeias na indústria farmacêutica e formação para a realização de ensaios em Áreas de Processamento Asséptico, conhecendo e compreendendo os procedimentos a ter nestas. Uma das principais metodologias realizadas, e desenvolvida neste relatório, compreendeu a análise de produtos farmacêuticos estéreis, com a aplicação de Testes de Esterilidade, pelo método de STERITEST e método Directo, com resultados que demonstraram a importância destas técnicas, da avaliação do ambiente em que são realizadas e do operador que as executa. Os Testes de Promoção de Crescimento, foram também explorados neste trabalho, realizados não só para avaliação dos meios de cultura, onde foi possível analisar os requisitos e resultados obtidos, como também para validação de metodologias, nomeadamente, na validação de meios e fluidos de marcas diferentes para utilização no método STERITEST e na validação do método de filtração de membrana para Enumeração Microbiana de um produto não estéril. Estas validações possibilitaram a redução de custos e melhoria das condições da análise e metodologias aplicadas. Com a realização do estágio foi possível adquirir aptidões práticas, que aliadas ao conhecimento teórico obtido no mestrado, proporcionaram um crescimento a nível pessoal, científico e profissional.
A major determinant of the level of effective natural gas supply is the ease to feed customers, minimizing system total costs. The aim of this work is the study of the right number of Gas Supply Units – GSUs - and their optimal location in a gas network. This paper suggests a GSU location heuristic, based on Lagrangean relaxation techniques. The heuristic is tested on the Iberian natural gas network, a system modelized with 65 demand nodes, linked by physical and virtual pipelines. Lagrangean heuristic results along with the allocation of loads to gas sources are presented, using a 2015 forecast gas demand scenario.
In this paper we attempt to find out which motivations influence volunteers satisfaction. So, in a first moment, we categorize satisfaction through a factor analysis and then use linear regression models to find out the relations previously mentioned. Furthermore we analyse the existence of correlations between some demographic attributes and the other variables. In this research the population under study includes volunteers that work in the health area, more precisely volunteers that work in hospital and have direct contact with patients and their families. We obtained a total of 327 questionnaires and after excluding incomplete answers we get 304 questionnaires which embody a response rate of 36%. The outcomes of our analysis reveal that we can categorize satisfaction into intrinsic and extrinsic categories and show that motivations related to belonging and protection and career recognition are the ones influencing extrinsic satisfaction; motivations associated to development and learning and altruism are the ones with higher effect in intrinsic satisfaction. There are some negative correlations between age and extrinsic satisfaction, between years of participation and extrinsic satisfaction, between education and the motivation related to belonging and protection and between age and the motivation related to career recognition. There is only one positive correlation between hours per week and intrinsic satisfaction. The results offer new insights for research about volunteers’ motivations, motive fulfillment and volunteer satisfaction. Furthermore the outcomes advocate that to ensure satisfied volunteers, their motivations must be identified in a timely and appropriate moment, meaning that should happened as early as possible.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo optimização energética na indústria química.
This paper describes the application of Design State Exploration techniques in the development of a remote lab for projectile motion experiments. The application was enabled by the existence of two independent teams: one composed of a series of internships that started first and another with two grantees that started a few months later. The paper presents evidence on how this approach provided gains in the development process conducted by the second team that benefited from design state exploration studies performed by the first team. This particular aspect is highlighted in relation to the work already presented in the 10th Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV) conference.
Following targeted advertising and product placement, TV and online media needs more personalised methods of engaging viewers by integrating advertising and informational messages into playout content, whether real-time broadcast or on-demand. Future advertising solutions need adaptivity to individuals or on-line groups to respond to the commercial requirements of clients and agencies.
Decentralised co-operative multi-agent systems are computational systems where conflicts are frequent due to the nature of the represented knowledge. Negotiation methodologies, in this case argumentation based negotiation methodologies, were developed and applied to solve unforeseeable and, therefore, unavoidable conflicts. The supporting computational model is a distributed belief revision system where argumentation plays the decisive role of revision. The distributed belief revision system detects, isolates and solves, whenever possible, the identified conflicts. The detection and isolation of the conflicts is automatically performed by the distributed consistency mechanism and the resolution of the conflict, or belief revision, is achieved via argumentation. We propose and describe two argumentation protocols intended to solve different types of identified information conflicts: context dependent and context independent conflicts. While the protocol for context dependent conflicts generates new consensual alternatives, the latter chooses to adopt the soundest, strongest argument presented. The paper shows the suitability of using argumentation as a distributed decentralised belief revision protocol to solve unavoidable conflicts.
10th Conference on Telecommunications (Conftele 2015), Aveiro, Portugal.
Nowadays, Short Sea Shipping (SSS) is an essential part in European multi-modal transport system, representing approximately thirty-seven per cent of intra-Community transactions in tonnes per kilometre (tkm). Since 2001, the European Shortsea Network (ESN) in partnership with the short-sea Promotion Centres (SPC) of each Member State of the European Union (EU) have managed to make significant progress in the promotion and development of this mode of transport. This paper aims to assess and analyse the SSS of containerised goods in Portugal and its articulation with other EU routes and also other transport modes. The current SSS infrastructure, how the sector is organized, as well as the future perspectives for the sector are also analysed for the case of Portugal. The analyses are based on a survey that was carried out on the logistics operators, navigation agents, freight forwarders, and the leading imports and exports manufacturers in Portugal.
Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - MED2002 Lisbon, Portugal, July 9-12, 2002
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications