140 resultados para documentation management
Recent and future changes in power systems, mainly in the smart grid operation context, are related to a high complexity of power networks operation. This leads to more complex communications and to higher network elements monitoring and control levels, both from network’s and consumers’ standpoint. The present work focuses on a real scenario of the LASIE laboratory, located at the Polytechnic of Porto. Laboratory systems are managed by the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM), already developed by the authors based on a SCADA system. The SHIM capacities have been recently improved by including real-time simulation from Opal RT. This makes possible the integration of Matlab®/Simulink® real-time simulation models. The main goal of the present paper is to compare the advantages of the resulting improved system, while managing the energy consumption of a domestic consumer.
The recent changes concerning the consumers’ active participation in the efficient management of load devices for one’s own interest and for the interest of the network operator, namely in the context of demand response, leads to the need for improved algorithms and tools. A continuous consumption optimization algorithm has been improved in order to better manage the shifted demand. It has been done in a simulation and user-interaction tool capable of being integrated in a multi-agent smart grid simulator already developed, and also capable of integrating several optimization algorithms to manage real and simulated loads. The case study of this paper enhances the advantages of the proposed algorithm and the benefits of using the developed simulation and user interaction tool.
The increasing and intensive integration of distributed energy resources into distribution systems requires adequate methodologies to ensure a secure operation according to the smart grid paradigm. In this context, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are an essential infrastructure. This paper presents a conceptual design of a communication and resources management scheme based on an intelligent SCADA with a decentralized, flexible, and intelligent approach, adaptive to the context (context awareness). The methodology is used to support the energy resource management considering all the involved costs, power flows, and electricity prices leading to the network reconfiguration. The methodology also addresses the definition of the information access permissions of each player to each resource. The paper includes a 33-bus network used in a case study that considers an intensive use of distributed energy resources in five distinct implemented operation contexts.
The integration of the Smart Grid concept into the electric grid brings to the need for an active participation of small and medium players. This active participation can be achieved using decentralized decisions, in which the end consumer can manage loads regarding the Smart Grid needs. The management of loads must handle the users’ preferences, wills and needs. However, the users’ preferences, wills and needs can suffer changes when faced with exceptional events. This paper proposes the integration of exceptional events into the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM) system developed by the authors, to handle machine learning issues in the domestic consumption context. An illustrative application and learning case study is provided in this paper.
Consumption Management of Air Conditioning Devices for the Participation in Demand Response Programs
Demand Response has been taking over the years an extreme importance. There’s a lot of demand response programs, one of them proposed in this paper, using air conditioners that could increase the power quality and decrease the spent money in many ways like: infrastructures and customers energy bill reduction. This paper proposes a method and a study on how air conditioners could integrate demand response programs. The proposed method has been modelled as an energy resources management optimization problem. This paper presents two case studies, the first one with all costumers participating and second one with some of costumers. The results obtained for both case studies have been analyzed.
Multi-agent approaches have been widely used to model complex systems of distributed nature with a large amount of interactions between the involved entities. Power systems are a reference case, mainly due to the increasing use of distributed energy sources, largely based on renewable sources, which have potentiated huge changes in the power systems’ sector. Dealing with such a large scale integration of intermittent generation sources led to the emergence of several new players, as well as the development of new paradigms, such as the microgrid concept, and the evolution of demand response programs, which potentiate the active participation of consumers. This paper presents a multi-agent based simulation platform which models a microgrid environment, considering several different types of simulated players. These players interact with real physical installations, creating a realistic simulation environment with results that can be observed directly in the reality. A case study is presented considering players’ responses to a demand response event, resulting in an intelligent increase of consumption in order to face the wind generation surplus.
Energy resource scheduling is becoming increasingly important, as the use of distributed resources is intensified and of massive electric vehicle is envisaged. The present paper proposes a methodology for day-ahead energy resource scheduling for smart grids considering the intensive use of distributed generation and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). This method considers that the energy resources are managed by a Virtual Power Player (VPP) which established contracts with their owners. It takes into account these contracts, the users' requirements subjected to the VPP, and several discharge price steps. The full AC power flow calculation included in the model takes into account network constraints. The influence of the successive day requirements on the day-ahead optimal solution is discussed and considered in the proposed model. A case study with a 33-bus distribution network and V2G is used to illustrate the good performance of the proposed method.
The recent changes on power systems paradigm requires the active participation of small and medium players in energy management. With an electricity price fluctuation these players must manage the consumption. Lowering costs and ensuring adequate user comfort levels. Demand response can improve the power system management and bring benefits for the small and medium players. The work presented in this paper, which is developed aiming the smart grid context, can also be used in the current power system paradigm. The proposed system is the combination of several fields of research, namely multi-agent systems and artificial neural networks. This system is physically implemented in our laboratories and it is used daily by researchers. The physical implementation gives the system an improvement in the proof of concept, distancing itself from the conventional systems. This paper presents a case study illustrating the simulation of real-time pricing in a laboratory.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão integrada da Qualidade, ambiente e Segurança
O relatório inserido na Unidade Curricular de DIPRE do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do ISEP e desenvolvido no âmbito do estágio curricular realizado na COGEDIR, Gestão de Projetos SA, tem como objetivo caraterizar o mercado nacional da construção civil, os procedimentos da orçamentação, analisando os seus processos no âmbito dos concursos públicos em Portugal. Deste modo, o relatório inicia-se com o fundamento da importância da orçamentação na construção civil e a caraterização do mercado da construção no momento atual de crise e as dificuldades dos empreiteiros em obter empreitadas. Em seguida foi realizado um levantamento ao estudo da arte sobre os temas de custos e orçamentos, e ainda uma abordagem as ferramentas de orçamentação. Depois de analisada toda a metodologia de orçamentação, são caraterizados os processos das empresas do grupo para o ato de orçamentação. Nessa linha foi ainda realizado um estudo de vários procedimentos de concurso já finalizados para servir como base de sustentação para uma mudança estratégica a implementar nas empresas. Neste estudo ficou bem patente a tendência dos valores das propostas apresentadas pelos vários concorrentes, nos diferentes procedimentos. Com base nestes elementos é feita uma avaliação simplificada dos valores que os empreiteiros possivelmente apresentam para os diferentes tipos de concursos. Dessa análise foi possível definir a estratégia a implementar pelas empresas. Definida a estratégia a seguir pelas empresas, são alvo de estudo de caso dois procedimentos de realidades distintas. Um relativo ao processo de concurso de uma empreitada de construção e o outro a um concurso de prestação de serviços. Neste capítulo, são abordadas situações reais de processos de concurso, desde a consulta do procedimento, estudo das condicionantes, composição de custos, elaboração da documentação e entrega das propostas.
This investigation reviews literature on human resource management practices that influence the retention of repatriates. The processes of selection and training/preparation before the departure, the role of the mentor and of communication during the international assignment, a program of readjustment to repatriation and a career development plan after return to the home firm are the practices identified in the literature as the main promoters of repatriates’ retention. Evidence suggests that greater responsibility on the part of the firms before, during and after the international assignment allows for more efficiency in the management of their repatriates.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança
The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between the satisfaction with HRM practices in an organization and the workers' perceived performance. We are interested in learning if indeed workers that are more satisfied with the organization’s practices will also perceive themselves as more hardworking than others, thus confirming the happy-productive worker hypothesis, from an individual perception standpoint. Data originates from a large Portuguese hospital, with a sample of 952 clinical and nonclinical hospital workers. Data was originally explored using SPSS software and later tested in AMOS software where a multiple regression model was constructed and tested. Results indicate that overall satisfaction with HRM practices are related with the workers’ perceived performance; most of the HRM satisfaction subscales also relate, except for pay and performance appraisal, that do not seem to be good predictors of the workers perceived performance. The present study is based on a single large public hospital, and thus, these findings need to be further tested in other settings. This study offers some clues regarding the areas of HRM that seem to be more related with the workers’ perceived performance, and hence provide an interesting framework for managers dealing with healthcare teams. This study contributes to the happy-productive worker hypothesis research, by including seldom used variables in the equation and taking a different perspective. Results provide new clues for investigation and practice regarding the areas of action in HRM that seem to be more prone to elicit perceived effort from the workers.
O presente relatório sintetiza as atividades de pesquisa e de campo desenvolvidas no estágio realizado na empresa Caetano Aeronautic, no âmbito da unidade curricular “Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio Profissional do Mestrado em Engenharia de Instrumentação e Metrologia, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. O estágio teve como principal objetivo adquirir competências para a realização da inspeção de componentes aeronáuticos, atividade presente ao longo de todo o processo produtivo da empresa. O setor aeronáutico é um setor amplamente tecnológico e o seu Sistema de Gestão de Qualidade tem um vasto suporte documental associado. Numa primeira fase do trabalho foi feito um estudo intensivo do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade da Caetano Aeronautic, de forma a se perceber quais os documentos inerentes ao sistema e respetivos conteúdos. Em seguida, foi necessário realizar uma análise ao fluxo produtivo da organização, para se perceber todo o processo de produção de um componente aeronáutico e documentação associada. Visto que todo o trabalho de inspeção de componentes exige conhecimentos sólidos na área da Metrologia dimensional, tornou-se fundamental consolidar competências nesta área, objetivo que foi concretizado ao longo do estágio. Com vista a contribuir para o melhoramento do processo de inspeção dos componentes aeronáuticos na empresa, foram identificados e analisados no decorrer do trabalho realizado, os problemas presentes quer ao nível da produção quer da inspeção e feitas propostas de melhoria, postas em prática sempre que possível.