125 resultados para Web-Assisted Error Detection
The non-technical loss is not a problem with trivial solution or regional character and its minimization represents the guarantee of investments in product quality and maintenance of power systems, introduced by a competitive environment after the period of privatization in the national scene. In this paper, we show how to improve the training phase of a neural network-based classifier using a recently proposed meta-heuristic technique called Charged System Search, which is based on the interactions between electrically charged particles. The experiments were carried out in the context of non-technical loss in power distribution systems in a dataset obtained from a Brazilian electrical power company, and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed technique against with several others natureinspired optimization techniques for training neural networks. Thus, it is possible to improve some applications on Smart Grids.
Relatório de estágio apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação de Doutora Ana Azevedo.
The intensification of agricultural productivity is an important challenge worldwide. However, environmental stressors can provide challenges to this intensification. The progressive occurrence of the cyanotoxins cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and microcystin-LR (MC-LR) as a potential consequence of eutrophication and climate change is of increasing concern in the agricultural sector because it has been reported that these cyanotoxins exert harmful effects in crop plants. A proteomic-based approach has been shown to be a suitable tool for the detection and identification of the primary responses of organisms exposed to cyanotoxins. The aim of this study was to compare the leaf-proteome profiles of lettuce plants exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of CYN and a MC-LR/CYN mixture. Lettuce plants were exposed to 1, 10, and 100 lg/l CYN and a MC-LR/CYN mixture for five days. The proteins of lettuce leaves were separated by twodimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), and those that were differentially abundant were then identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS). The biological functions of the proteins that were most represented in both experiments were photosynthesis and carbon metabolism and stress/defense response. Proteins involved in protein synthesis and signal transduction were also highly observed in the MC-LR/CYN experiment. Although distinct protein abundance patterns were observed in both experiments, the effects appear to be concentration-dependent, and the effects of the mixture were clearly stronger than those of CYN alone. The obtained results highlight the putative tolerance of lettuce to CYN at concentrations up to 100 lg/l. Furthermore, the combination of CYN with MC-LR at low concentrations (1 lg/l) stimulated a significant increase in the fresh weight (fr. wt) of lettuce leaves and at the proteomic level resulted in the increase in abundance of a high number of proteins. In contrast, many proteins exhibited a decrease in abundance or were absent in the gels of the simultaneous exposure to 10 and 100 lg/l MC-LR/CYN. In the latter, also a significant decrease in the fr. wt of lettuce leaves was obtained. These findings provide important insights into the molecular mechanisms of the lettuce response to CYN and MC-LR/CYN and may contribute to the identification of potential protein markers of exposure and proteins that may confer tolerance to CYN and MC-LR/CYN. Furthermore, because lettuce is an important crop worldwide, this study may improve our understanding of the potential impact of these cyanotoxins on its quality traits (e.g., presence of allergenic proteins).
Apresentam-se os resultados parcelares de um estudo destinado a promover um melhor conhecimento das estratégias que os jovens em idade escolar (12-18 anos) consideram relevantes para avaliar as fontes de informação disponíveis na Internet. Para o efeito, foi aplicado um inquérito distribuído a uma amostra de 195 alunos de uma escola do 3o ciclo e outra do ensino secundário de um concelho do distrito do Porto. São apresentados e discutidos os resultados acerca da perceção destes alunos quanto aos critérios a aplicar na avaliação das fontes de informação disponíveis na Internet, na vertente da credibilidade. Serão apresenta- das as práticas que os jovens declaram ter relativamente ao uso de critérios de autoria, originalidade, estrutura, atualidade e de comparação para avaliar a credibilidade das fontes de informação. Em complemento, estes resultados serão comparados e discutidos com as perceções que os mesmos inquiridos demonstram possuir relativamente aos elementos que compõem cada um destes critérios. A análise dos dados obtidos é enquadrada e sustentada numa revisão da literatura acerca do conceito de credibilidade, aplicado às fontes de informação disponíveis na Internet. São ainda abordados alguns tópicos relaciona- dos com a inclusão de estratégias de avaliação da credibilidade da informação digital no modelo Big6, um dos modelos de desenvolvimento de competências de literacia da informação mais conhecidos e utilizados nas bibliotecas escolares portuguesas.
Nos dias de hoje usar o transporte público para nos deslocarmos de uma determinada origem para um determinado destino é uma realidade na vida da maioria das pessoas. Muitas destas deslocações fazem parte da rotina diária do cidadão, que depende destes transportes para as suas atividades do dia-a-dia. Nos últimos anos, o número de cidadãos que usa os transportes públicos como meio de deslocação tem vindo a aumentar consideravelmente. Contudo, a maioria dos operadores de transportes públicos pecam pela falta de pontualidade dos seus serviços, e pela falta de informação disponível ao cidadão acerca dos horários dos mesmos em tempo real. Tendo este problema em conta, foi desenvolvida uma solução capaz de realizar uma previsão do tempo de chegada de um transporte público, ao longo de todo o seu serviço. Previsão essa que é atualizada ao longo do percurso de forma a reduzir a margem de erro da informação apresentada. Com esta informação o cidadão pode planear melhor o seu dia e decidir qual é a melhor altura para se deslocar para a paragem, evitando ao máximo a perda de tempo à espera do seu transporte público. A solução final foi desenvolvida com a ajuda da empresa BEWARE e teve como objetivo a criação de uma aplicação web capaz de apresentar os tempos de espera dos autocarros em diferentes tipos de vista, bem como o acompanhamento do mesmo ao longo do percurso. Toda a informação utilizada na aplicação web foi criada por dois serviços de apoio que efetuam o controlo do autocarro ao longo do percurso, bem como os cálculos da previsão dos tempos de espera. O projeto foi dividido em quatro constituintes que foram repetidas durante o desenvolvimento da solução. A primeira constou na análise do problema, no levantamento e definição dos requisitos. A segunda incluiu o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo capaz de validar a posição do autocarro ao longo do seu percurso, detetando a paragem onde este se encontra e a hora de chegada à mesma. A terceira abrangeu o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo capaz de prever o tempo de chegada de um autocarro às paragens definidas na sua rota, recorrendo ao histórico de viagens realizadas anteriormente. A quarta consistiu no desenvolvimento da aplicação web, implementando todas as funcionalidades necessárias para que a aplicação consiga realizar o acompanhamento do autocarro no percurso, a consulta dos tempos de chegada e da previsão dos tempos às paragens seguintes recorrendo a três tipos de vistas diferentes, e a possibilidade de agendar notificações de forma a receber no email as previsões dos tempos de chegada nos dias e horas mais significativos para o utilizador.
Assistimos à queda de um serviço, que em muitos países, figurava como um serviço de um modelo social europeu, passando de um monopólio para um sistema de mercado liberalizado e concorrencial: o mercado energético. (EURO COOP, 2014) Em maio de 2014, o mercado livre chegou a ultrapassar os 2,8 milhões de consumidores, tendo um crescimento face a maio de 2013 de 64%, com uma taxa média mensal de 4,2%. (Entidade Reguladora dos Energéticos - ERSE, 2009). Perante a crescente adesão de consumidores para o mercado liberalizado, e suas possíveis futuras mudanças, e tendo em conta com os potenciais clientes a aderirem, foi proposto então construir a plataforma MelhorTarifa.pt . Apesar da já existência de simuladores, estes demonstram-se a ser pouco intuitivos e a não demonstrar toda a informação que o utilizador pretende bem como não existir uma imagem de marca associada a um apoio à mudança de tarifário, tendo sido estas umas das razões que levaram ao desenvolvimento do MelhorTarifa.pt. O âmbito principal deste trabalho, é fornecer uma plataforma informática grátis, imparcial, com o acréscimo até à data, em relação a outros simuladores, da disponibilização de faturas detalhadas sobre o produto que o cliente pretende adquirir, serviços de consultoria, tudo isto de forma rápida e de simples acesso. Com este trabalho pretende-se também definir o atual estado de arte de simuladores idênticos em Portugal e no estrangeiro, pretendendo-se também dar conhecimento do trabalho desenvolvido para esta dissertação, denominado como MelhorTarifa.pt.
Com a massificação do uso da tecnologia no dia-a-dia, os sistemas de localização têm vindo a aumentar a sua popularidade, devido à grande diversidade de funcionalidades que proporcionam e aplicações a que se destinam. No entanto, a maior parte dos sistemas de posicionamento não funcionam adequadamente em ambientes indoor, impedindo o desenvolvimento de aplicações de localização nestes ambientes. Os acelerómetros são muito utilizados nos sistemas de localização inercial, pelas informações que fornecem acerca das acelerações sofridas por um corpo. Para tal, neste trabalho, recorrendo à análise do sinal de aceleração provindo de um acelerómetro, propõe-se uma técnica baseada na deteção de passos para que, em aplicações futuras, possa constituir-se como um recurso a utilizar para calcular a posição do utilizador dentro de um edifício. Neste sentido, este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento da análise e identificação do sinal de aceleração obtido num pé, por forma a determinar a duração de um passo e o número de passos dados. Para alcançar o objetivo de estudo foram analisados, com recurso ao Matlab, um conjunto de 12 dados de aceleração (para marcha normal, rápida e corrida) recolhidos por um sistema móvel (e provenientes de um acelerómetro). A partir deste estudo exploratório tornou-se possível apresentar um algoritmo baseado no método de deteção de pico e na utilização de filtros de mediana e Butterworth passa-baixo para a contagem de passos, que apresentou bons resultados. Por forma a validar as informações obtidas nesta fase, procedeu-se, seguidamente, à realização de um conjunto de testes experimentais a partir da recolha de 33 novos dados para a marcha e corrida. Identificaram-se o número de passos efetuados, o tempo médio de passo e da passada e a percentagem de erro como as variáveis em estudo. Obteve-se uma percentagem de erro igual a 1% para o total dos dados recolhidos de 20, 100, 500 e 1000 passos com a aplicação do método proposto para a contagem do passo. Não obstante as dificuldades observadas na análise dos sinais de aceleração relativos à corrida, o algoritmo proposto mostrou bom desempenho, conseguindo valores próximos aos esperados. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que foi possível atingir-se o objetivo de estudo com sucesso. Sugere-se, no entanto, o desenvolvimento de futuras investigações de forma a alargar estes resultados em outras direções.
IEEE 802.11 is one of the most well-established and widely used standard for wireless LAN. Its Medium Access control (MAC) layer assumes that the devices adhere to the standard’s rules and timers to assure fair access and sharing of the medium. However, wireless cards driver flexibility and configurability make it possible for selfish misbehaving nodes to take advantages over the other well-behaving nodes. The existence of selfish nodes degrades the QoS for the other devices in the network and may increase their energy consumption. In this paper we propose a green solution for selfish misbehavior detection in IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks. The proposed scheme works in two phases: Global phase which detects whether the network contains selfish nodes or not, and Local phase which identifies which node or nodes within the network are selfish. Usually, the network must be frequently examined for selfish nodes during its operation since any node may act selfishly. Our solution is green in the sense that it saves the network resources as it avoids wasting the nodes energy by examining all the individual nodes of being selfish when it is not necessary. The proposed detection algorithm is evaluated using extensive OPNET simulations. The results show that the Global network metric clearly indicates the existence of a selfish node while the Local nodes metric successfully identified the selfish node(s). We also provide mathematical analysis for the selfish misbehaving and derived formulas for the successful channel access probability.
The wide use of antibiotics in aquaculture has led to the emergence of resistant microbial species. It should be avoided/minimized by controlling the amount of drug employed in fish farming. For this purpose, the present work proposes test-strip papers aiming at the detection/semi-quantitative determination of organic drugs by visual comparison of color changes, in a similar analytical procedure to that of pH monitoring by universal pH paper. This is done by establishing suitable chemical changes upon cellulose, attributing the paper the ability to react with the organic drug and to produce a color change. Quantitative data is also enabled by taking a picture and applying a suitable mathematical treatment to the color coordinates given by the HSL system used by windows. As proof of concept, this approach was applied to oxytetracycline (OXY), one of the antibiotics frequently used in aquaculture. A bottom-up modification of paper was established, starting by the reaction of the glucose moieties on the paper with 3-triethoxysilylpropylamine (APTES). The so-formed amine layer allowed binding to a metal ion by coordination chemistry, while the metal ion reacted after with the drug to produce a colored compound. The most suitable metals to carry out such modification were selected by bulk studies, and the several stages of the paper modification were optimized to produce an intense color change against the concentration of the drug. The paper strips were applied to the analysis of spiked environmental water, allowing a quantitative determination for OXY concentrations as low as 30 ng/mL. In general, this work provided a simple, method to screen and discriminate tetracycline drugs, in aquaculture, being a promising tool for local, quick and cheap monitoring of drugs.
This work proposes a novel approach for a suitable orientation of antibodies (Ab) on an immunosensing platform, applied here to the determination of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG), a biomarker of oxidative stress that has been associated to chronic diseases, such as cancer. The anti-8OHdG was bound to an amine modified gold support through its Fc region after activation of its carboxylic functions. Non-oriented approaches of Ab binding to the platform were tested in parallel, in order to show that the presented methodology favored Ab/Ag affinity and immunodetection of the antigen. The immunosensor design was evaluated by quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation, atomic force microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and square-wave voltammetry. EIS was also a suitable technique to follow the analytical behavior of the device against 8OHdG. The affinity binding between 8OHdG and the antibody immobilized in the gold modified platform increased the charge transfer resistance across the electrochemical set-up. The observed behavior was linear from 0.02 to 7.0 ng/mL of 8OHdG concentrations. The interference from glucose, urea and creatinine was found negligible. An attempt of application to synthetic samples was also successfully conducted. Overall, the presented approach enabled the production of suitably oriented Abs over a gold platform by means of a much simpler process than other oriented-Ab binding approaches described in the literature, as far as we know, and was successful in terms of analytical features and sample application.
A new immunosensor is presented for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), made by electrodepositing chitosan/gold-nanoparticles over graphene screen-printed electrode (SPE). The antibody was covalently bound to CS via its Fc-terminal. The assembly was controlled by electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and followed by Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR). The hCG-immunosensor displayed linear response against the logarithm-hCG concentration for 0.1–25 ng/mL with limit of detection of 0.016 ng/mL. High selectivity was observed in blank urine and successful detection of hCG was also achieved in spiked samples of real urine from pregnant woman. The immunosensor showed good detection capability, simplicity of fabrication, low-cost, high sensitivity and selectivity.
6th Graduate Student Symposium on Molecular Imprinting
This work proposes a novel approach for a suitable orientation of antibodies (Ab) on an immunosensing platform, applied here to the determination of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG), a biomarker of oxidative stress that has been associated to chronic diseases, such as cancer. The Anti-8OHdG was bound to an amine modified gold support through its Fc region after activation of its carboxylic functions. Non-oriented approaches of Ab binding to the platform were tested in parallel, in order to show that the presented proposal favored Ab/Ag affinity. The immunosensor design was evaluated by Quartz-Crystal microbalance with Dissipation, Atomic Force Microscopy, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Square-Wave Voltammetry. EIS was also a suitable technique to follow the analytical behavior of the device against 8OHdG. The affinity binding between 8OHdG and the antibody immobilized in the gold modified platform increased the charged transfer resistance across the electrochemical sep-up. The observed behavior was linear from 0.02 to 7.0 ng/mL of 8OHdG concentrations. The interference from Glucose, Urea and Creatinine was found negligible. An attempt of application to synthetic samples was also successfully conducted. Overall, the presented approach enabled the production of suitably oriented Abs over a gold platform by means of a much simpler process than other oriented-Ab binding approaches described in the literature, as far as we know, and was successful in terms of analytical features and sample application.
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is the biomarker of choice for screening prostate cancer throughout the population, with PSA values above 10 ng/mL pointing out a high probability of associated cancer1. According to the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) data, prostate cancer is the commonest form of cancer in men in Europe2. Early detection of prostate cancer is thus very important and is currently made by screening PSA in men over 45 years old, combined with other alterations in serum and urine parameters. PSA is a glycoprotein with a molecular mass of approximately 32 kDa consisting of one polypeptide chain, which is produced by the secretory epithelium of human prostate. Currently, the standard methods available for PSA screening are immunoassays like Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA). These methods are highly sensitive and specific for the detection of PSA, but they require expensive laboratory facilities and high qualify personal resources. Other highly sensitive and specific methods for the detection of PSA have also become available and are in its majority immunobiosensors1,3-5, relying on antibodies. Less expensive methods producing quicker responses are thus needed, which may be achieved by synthesizing artificial antibodies by means of molecular imprinting techniques. These should also be coupled to simple and low cost devices, such as those of the potentiometric kind, one approach that has been proven successful6. Potentiometric sensors offer the advantage of selectivity and portability for use in point-of-care and have been widely recognized as potential analytical tools in this field. The inherent method is simple, precise, accurate and inexpensive regarding reagent consumption and equipment involved. Thus, this work proposes a new plastic antibody for PSA, designed over the surface of graphene layers extracted from graphite. Charged monomers were used to enable an oriented tailoring of the PSA rebinding sites. Uncharged monomers were used as control. These materials were used as ionophores in conventional solid-contact graphite electrodes. The obtained results showed that the imprinted materials displayed a selective response to PSA. The electrodes with charged monomers showed a more stable and sensitive response, with an average slope of -44.2 mV/decade and a detection limit of 5.8X10-11 mol/L (2 ng/mL). The corresponding non-imprinted sensors showed smaller sensitivity, with average slopes of -24.8 mV/decade. The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum samples, with percentage recoveries of 106.5% and relatives errors of 6.5%.
A low-cost disposable was developed for rapid detection of the protein biomarker myoglobin (Myo) as a model analyte. A screen printed electrode was modified with a molecularly imprinted material grafted on a graphite support and incorporated in a matrix composed of poly(vinyl chloride) and the plasticizer o-nitrophenyloctyl ether. The protein-imprinted material (PIM) was produced by growing a reticulated polymer around a protein template. This is followed by radical polymerization of 4-styrenesulfonic acid, 2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride, and ethylene glycol dimethacrylate. The polymeric layer was then covalently bound to the graphitic support, and Myo was added during the imprinting stage to act as a template. Non-imprinted control materials (CM) were also prepared by omitting the Myo template. Morphological and structural analysis of PIM and CM by FTIR, Raman, and SEM/EDC microscopies confirmed the modification of the graphite support. The analytical performance of the SPE was assessed by square wave voltammetry. The average limit of detection is 0.79 μg of Myo per mL, and the slope is −0.193 ± 0.006 μA per decade. The SPE-CM cannot detect such low levels of Myo but gives a linear response at above 7.2 μg · mL−1, with a slope of −0.719 ± 0.02 μA per decade. Interference studies with hemoglobin, bovine serum albumin, creatinine, and sodium chloride demonstrated good selectivity for Myo. The method was successfully applied to the determination of Myo urine and is conceived to be a promising tool for screening Myo in point-of-care patients with ischemia.