50 resultados para Cutting temperature modeling


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Atmospheric temperatures characterize Earth as a slow dynamics spatiotemporal system, revealing long-memory and complex behavior. Temperature time series of 54 worldwide geographic locations are considered as representative of the Earth weather dynamics. These data are then interpreted as the time evolution of a set of state space variables describing a complex system. The data are analyzed by means of multidimensional scaling (MDS), and the fractional state space portrait (fSSP). A centennial perspective covering the period from 1910 to 2012 allows MDS to identify similarities among different Earth’s locations. The multivariate mutual information is proposed to determine the “optimal” order of the time derivative for the fSSP representation. The fSSP emerges as a valuable alternative for visualizing system dynamics.


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The Rural Postman Problem (RPP) is a particular Arc Routing Problem (ARP) which consists of determining a minimum cost circuit on a graph so that a given subset of required edges is traversed. The RPP is an NP-hard problem with significant real-life applications. This paper introduces an original approach based on Memetic Algorithms - the MARP algorithm - to solve the RPP and, also deals with an interesting Industrial Application, which focuses on the path optimization for component cutting operations. Memetic Algorithms are a class of Metaheuristics which may be seen as a population strategy that involves cooperation and competition processes between population elements and integrates “social knowledge”, using a local search procedure. The MARP algorithm is tested with different groups of instances and the results are compared with those gathered from other publications. MARP is also used in the context of various real-life applications.


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In this work an adaptive modeling and spectral estimation scheme based on a dual Discrete Kalman Filtering (DKF) is proposed for speech enhancement. Both speech and noise signals are modeled by an autoregressive structure which provides an underlying time frame dependency and improves time-frequency resolution. The model parameters are arranged to obtain a combined state-space model and are also used to calculate instantaneous power spectral density estimates. The speech enhancement is performed by a dual discrete Kalman filter that simultaneously gives estimates for the models and the signals. This approach is particularly useful as a pre-processing module for parametric based speech recognition systems that rely on spectral time dependent models. The system performance has been evaluated by a set of human listeners and by spectral distances. In both cases the use of this pre-processing module has led to improved results.


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A diversificação do uso dos produtos de cortiça exige uma adaptação constante dos processos produtivos utilizados para a transformação deste produto. Este trabalho tem como principal intuito a idealização e investigação de um novo processo de fabrico adaptado a um tipo muito particular de produto, os aglomerados puros de cortiça. Estes, não recorrem a qualquer tipo de aglutinante para assegurar a sua ligação, apenas as resinas contidas na própria cortiça são utilizadas para esse efeito. Analisando os processos de fabrico atuais, verifica-se que, a conceção de geometrias complexas com aglomerados puros de cortiça, só é possível com recurso à maquinação. Este processo gera desperdício e tem uma série de processos que o antecedem, destacando-se a aglomeração prévia numa forma mais simples (bloco paralelepípedo ou cilindro) e o corte numa pré forma. A ideia de se executar uma peça complexa sem recurso à maquinação é o objetivo primordial deste trabalho. Para isso foi construído um molde, com todos os mecanismos auxiliares necessários, à semelhança do que já se faz noutro tipo de indústrias, nomeadamente, do vidro e do plástico. Esse mesmo molde foi submetido a uma série de ensaios para determinação dos parâmetros de enchimento e moldação, tendo-se chegado a uma formulação que garante características atrativas na peça final. A aglutinação do granulado de cortiça revelou-se bastante dependente de três parâmetros: a temperatura aplicada, a humidade do granulado e o grau de compactação aplicado. A industrialização do processo revelou-se também plausível de execução, sendo apenas necessários alguns melhoramentos. A utilização deste tipo de processo revela-se, portanto, atrativa para grandes séries de peças, conseguindo-se elevada reprodutibilidade das mesmas com apenas um processo, sem necessidade de procedimentos adicionais de acabamento.


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This document presents particular description of work done during student’s internship in PR Metal company realized as ERASMUS PROJECT at ISEP. All information including company’s description and its structure, overview of the problems and analyzed cases, all stages of projects from concept to conclusion can be found here. Description of work done during the internship is divided here into two pieces. First part concerns one activities of the company which is robotic chefs (kitchen robot) production line. Work, that was done for development of this line involved several tasks, among them: creating a single-worker montage station for screwing robots housing’s parts, improve security system for laser welding chamber, what particularly consists in designing automatically closing door system with special surface, that protects against destructive action of laser beam, test station for examination of durability of heating connectors, solving problem with rotors vibrations. Second part tells about main task, realized in second half of internship and stands a complete description of machine development and design. The machine is a part of car handle latch cable production line and its tasks are: cutting cable to required length and hot-forming plastic cover for further assembly needs.