139 resultados para Sistemas de protecção contra descargas atmosféricas (SPDA)
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Arquitecturas, Sistemas e Redes
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo optimização energética na indústria química
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Área de Especialização em Sistemas Autónomos
Mestrado em Engenharia Química.Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental
Este trabalho descreve as actividades desenvolvidas no âmbito de uma task-force para revitalizar a função Sistemas de Informação de uma grande empresa nacional. Apresenta, em particular, o sistema de indicadores de gestão definido nesse contexto
The presented work was conducted within the Dissertation / Internship, branch of Environmental Protection Technology, associated to the Master thesis in Chemical Engineering by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto and it was developed in the Aquatest a.s, headquartered in Prague, in Czech Republic. The ore mining exploitation in the Czech Republic began in the thirteenth century, and has been extended until the twentieth century, being now evident the consequences of the intensive extraction which includes contamination of soil and sub-soil by high concentrations of heavy metals. The mountain region of Zlaté Hory was chosen for the implementation of the remediation project, which consisted in the construction of three cells (tanks), the first to raise the pH, the second for the sedimentation of the formed precipitates and a third to increase the process efficiency in order to reduce high concentrations of metals, with special emphasis on iron, manganese and sulfates. This project was initiated in 2005, being pioneer in this country and is still ongoing due to the complex chemical and biological phenomenon’s inherent to the system. At the site where the project was implemented, there is a natural lagoon, thereby enabling a comparative study of the two systems (natural and artificial) regarding the efficiency of both in the reduction/ removal of the referred pollutants. The study aimed to assist and cooperate in the ongoing investigation at the company Aquatest, in terms of field work conducted in Zlaté Hory and in terms of research methodologies used in it. Thereby, it was carried out a survey and analysis of available data from 2005 to 2008, being complemented by the treatment of new data from 2009 to 2010. Moreover, a theoretical study of the chemical and biological processes that occurs in both systems was performed. Regarding the field work, an active participation in the collection and in situ sample analyzing of water and soil from the natural pond has been attained, with the supervision of Engineer, Irena Šupiková. Laboratory analysis of water and soil were carried out by laboratory technicians. It was found that the natural lagoon is more efficient in reducing iron and manganese, being obtained removal percentages of 100%. The artificial lagoon had a removal percentage of 90% and 33% for iron and manganese respectively. Despite the minor efficiency of the constructed wetland, it must be pointed out that this system was designed for the treatment and consequent reduction of iron. In this context, it can conclude that the main goal has been achieved. In the case of sulphates, the removal optimization is yet a goal to be achieved not only in the Czech Republic but also in other places where this type of contamination persists. In fact, in the natural lagoon and in the constructed wetland, removal efficiencies of 45% and 7% were obtained respectively. It has been speculated that the water at the entrance of both systems has different sources. The analysis of the collected data shows at the entrance of the natural pond, a concentration of 4.6 mg/L of total iron, 14.6 mg/L of manganese and 951 mg/L of sulphates. In the artificial pond, the concentrations are 27.7 mg/L, 8.1 mg/L and 382 mg/L respectively for iron, manganese and sulphates. During 2010 the investigation has been expanded. The study of soil samples has started in order to observe and evaluate the contribution of bacteria in the removal of heavy metals being in its early phase. Summarizing, this technology has revealed to be an interesting solution, since in addition to substantially reduce the mentioned contaminants, mostly iron, it combines the low cost of implementation with an reduced maintenance, and it can also be installed in recreation parks, providing habitats for plants and birds.
O aumento da população Mundial, particularmente em Países emergentes como é o caso da China e da Índia, tem-se relevado um problema adicional no que confere às dificuldades associadas ao consumo mundial de energia, pois esta situação limita inequivocamente o acesso destes milhões de pessoas à energia eléctrica para os bens básicos de sobrevivência. Uma das muitas formas de se extinguir esta necessidade, começa a ser desenvolvida recorrendo ao uso de recursos renováveis como fontes de energia. Independentemente do local do mundo onde nos encontremos, essas fontes de energia são abundantes, inesgotáveis e gratuitas. O problema reside na forma como esses recursos renováveis são geridos em função das solicitações de carga que as instalações necessitam. Sistemas híbridos podem ser usados para produzir energia em qualquer parte do mundo. Historicamente este tipo de sistemas eram aplicados em locais isolados, mas nos dias que correm podem ser usados directamente conectados à rede, permitindo que se realize a venda de energia. Foi neste contexto que esta tese foi desenvolvida, com o objectivo de disponibilizar uma ferramenta informática capaz de calcular a rentabilidade de um sistema híbrido ligado à rede ou isolado. Contudo, a complexidade deste problema é muito elevada, pois existe uma extensa panóplia de características e distintos equipamentos que se pode adoptar. Assim, a aplicação informática desenvolvida teve de ser limitada e restringida aos dados disponíveis de forma a poder tornar-se genérica, mas ao mesmo tempo permitir ter uma aplicabilidade prática. O objectivo da ferramenta informática desenvolvida é apresentar de forma imediata os custos da implementação que um sistema híbrido pode acarretar, dependendo apenas de três variáveis distintas. A primeira variável terá de ter em consideração o local de instalação do sistema. Em segundo lugar é o tipo de ligação (isolado ou ligado à rede) e, por fim, o custo dos equipamentos (eólico, solar e restantes componentes) que serão introduzidos. Após a inserção destes dados a aplicação informática apresenta valores estimados de Payback e VAL.
The introduction of electricity markets and integration of Distributed Generation (DG) have been influencing the power system’s structure change. Recently, the smart grid concept has been introduced, to guarantee a more efficient operation of the power system using the advantages of this new paradigm. Basically, a smart grid is a structure that integrates different players, considering constant communication between them to improve power system operation and management. One of the players revealing a big importance in this context is the Virtual Power Player (VPP). In the transportation sector the Electric Vehicle (EV) is arising as an alternative to conventional vehicles propel by fossil fuels. The power system can benefit from this massive introduction of EVs, taking advantage on EVs’ ability to connect to the electric network to charge, and on the future expectation of EVs ability to discharge to the network using the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) capacity. This thesis proposes alternative strategies to control these two EV modes with the objective of enhancing the management of the power system. Moreover, power system must ensure the trips of EVs that will be connected to the electric network. The EV user specifies a certain amount of energy that will be necessary to charge, in order to ensure the distance to travel. The introduction of EVs in the power system turns the Energy Resource Management (ERM) under a smart grid environment, into a complex problem that can take several minutes or hours to reach the optimal solution. Adequate optimization techniques are required to accommodate this kind of complexity while solving the ERM problem in a reasonable execution time. This thesis presents a tool that solves the ERM considering the intensive use of EVs in the smart grid context. The objective is to obtain the minimum cost of ERM considering: the operation cost of DG, the cost of the energy acquired to external suppliers, the EV users payments and remuneration and penalty costs. This tool is directed to VPPs that manage specific network areas, where a high penetration level of EVs is expected to be connected in these areas. The ERM is solved using two methodologies: the adaptation of a deterministic technique proposed in a previous work, and the adaptation of the Simulated Annealing (SA) technique. With the purpose of improving the SA performance for this case, three heuristics are additionally proposed, taking advantage on the particularities and specificities of an ERM with these characteristics. A set of case studies are presented in this thesis, considering a 32 bus distribution network and up to 3000 EVs. The first case study solves the scheduling without considering EVs, to be used as a reference case for comparisons with the proposed approaches. The second case study evaluates the complexity of the ERM with the integration of EVs. The third case study evaluates the performance of scheduling with different control modes for EVs. These control modes, combined with the proposed SA approach and with the developed heuristics, aim at improving the quality of the ERM, while reducing drastically its execution time. The proposed control modes are: uncoordinated charging, smart charging and V2G capability. The fourth and final case study presents the ERM approach applied to consecutive days.
É considerado um dos problemas na educação o facto de a aprendizagem poder ser muito baseada no uso da teoria. Sendo as experiências do ser humano uma grande parte da forma como vemos e vivemos o mundo, torna-se imprescindível o hábito da prática na formação do nosso conhecimento. Embora a teoria seja sempre necessária na construção de conceitos, deve ser complementada com a experiência de forma a consolidar a aprendizagem para melhor noção da realidade. Esta dissertação descreve uma didáctica para a integração de dispositivos hápticos aplicados à educação, concebendo assim um novo e inovador método de ensino aliado à prática. Dependendo da aceitação por parte dos alunos, este método de uso de tecnologia na educação para fins práticos pode revelar-se revolucionário. Experiências que seriam difíceis de realizar tornam-se possíveis de simular de uma forma real com a ajuda dos sistemas hápticos, em que a variedade de matérias que as aplicações podem simular é vasta. Especificamente, este trabalho fundamenta-se no estudo da aerodinâmica no voo com recurso a uma aplicação desenvolvida para o efeito e à potencialidade do aparelho háptico Novint Falcon, um interface sensorial táctil entre uma pessoa e um computador, de custo relativamente baixo em relação à generalidade dos preços deste tipo de dispositivos. Os testes que estudantes realizaram à aplicação revelaram grande interesse e curiosidade pela novidade da tecnologia háptica e apreciação no conceito do seu uso prático na educação. De forma geral, todos os alunos que participaram no ensaio do programa transmitiram feedback positivo, expressando maior ganho de motivação e desejo em ver este sistema aplicado a outras disciplinas.