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We use the term Cyber-Physical Systems to refer to large-scale distributed sensor systems. Locating the geographic coordinates of objects of interest is an important problemin such systems. We present a new distributed approach to localize objects and events of interest in time complexity independent of number of nodes.


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Commonly, when a weblab is developed to support remote experiments in sciences and engineering courses, a particular hardware/software architecture is implemented. However, the existence of several technological solutions to implement those architectures difficults the emergence of a standard, both at hardware and software levels. While particular solutions are adopted assuming that only qualified people may implement a weblab, the control of the physical space and the power consumption are often forgotten. Since controlling these two previous aspects may increase the quality of the weblab hosting the remote experiments, this paper proposes the useof a new layer implemented by a domotic system bus with several devices (e.g. lights, power sockets, temperature sensors, and others) able to be controlled through the Internet. We also provide a brief proof-of-concept in the form of a weblab equipped with a simple domotic system usually implemented in smart houses. The added value to the remote experiment hosted at the weblab is also identified in terms of power savings and environment conditions.


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This paper describes how to extend the access to remote experiments from mobile devices, aiming to better engage digital native students who expect a more interactive and ubiquitous access mode. The extension is based on features of HTML5 and the jQuery Mobile framework, which allow accessing the experiments from different operating systems via the browser or native applications. As a result, users have a richer interaction mode with the experiments, which includes access from simple hand-held devices such as smartphones and PDAs. Extending the access to remote experiments, from simple devices, enables its use in other educational stages, such as high schools, where teachers struggle to engage students in STEM learning. By enabling students to use their everyday "technological companions", e.g. cellular phones, to access remote experiments, we seek to increase the educational value of this technology-enhanced learning resource.


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In this article the authors describe the application development RExMobile and the importance of remote experimentation via mobile devices, especially smartphones simple, beyond the space provided for this application in education. The article deals the creation, software and hardware that provide an interactive and dynamic way to attract more students to use these experiments remote, serving as support to teachers to science teaching from its initial series. The ease and availability of smartphones, even these students of basic education, permits the reach of new users and in different places. Thus, the practice of remote experimentation in mobile devices enables new spaces for access and interaction. Are used for developing software free or low cost, HTML5 and jQuery Mobile framework, that enable the creation of pages compatible with different mobile operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, some Symbian, among others. Also are demonstrated patterns layouts that allow greater accessibility.


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In recent years, significant research in the field of electrochemistry was developed. The performance of electrical devices, depending on the processes of the electrolytes, was described and the physical origin of each parameter was established. However, the influence of the irregularity of the electrodes was not a subject of study and only recently this problem became relevant in the viewpoint of fractional calculus. This paper describes an electrolytic process in the perspective of fractional order capacitors. In this line of thought, are developed several experiments for measuring the electrical impedance of the devices. The results are analyzed through the frequency response, revealing capacitances of fractional order that can constitute an alternative to the classical integer order elements. Fractional order electric circuits are used to model and study the performance of the electrolyte processes.


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Concepts like E-learning and M-learning are changing the traditional learning place. No longer restricted to well-defined physical places, education on Automation and other Engineering areas is entering the so-called ubiquitous learning place, where even the more practical knowledge (acquired at lab classes) is now moving into, due to emergent concepts such as Remote Experimentation or Mobile Experimentation. While Remote Experimentation is traditionally regarded as the remote access to real-world experiments through a simple web browser running on a PC connected to the Internet, Mobile Experimentation may be seen as the access to those same (or others) experiments, through mobile devices, used in M-learning contexts. These two distinct client types (PCs versus mobile devices) pose specific requirements for the remote lab infrastructure, namely the ability to tune the experiment interface according to the characteristics (e.g. display size) of the accessing device. This paper addresses those requirements, namely by proposing a new architecture for the remote lab infrastructure able to accommodate both Remote and Mobile Experimentation scenarios.


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This paper presents the preliminary work of an approach where Fuzzy Boolean Nets (FBN) are being used to extract qualitative knowledge regarding the effect of prescribed fire burning on soil chemical physical properties. FBN were chosen due to the scarcity on available quantitative data.


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Portuguese northern forests are often and severely affected by wildfires during the summer season. Some preventive actions, such as prescribed (or controlled) burnings and clear-cut logging, are often used as a measure to reduce the occurrences of wildfires. In the particular case of Serra da Cabreira forest, due to extremely difficulties in operational field work, the prescribed (or controlled) burning technique is the the most common preventive action used to reduce the existing fuel load amount. This paper focuses on a Fuzzy Boolean Nets analysis of the changes in some forest soil properties, namely pH, moisture and organic matter content, after a controlled fire, and on the difficulties found during the sampling process and how they were overcome. The monitoring process was conducted during a three-month period in Anjos, Vieira do Minho, Portugal, an area located in a contact zone between a two-mica coarse-grained porphyritic granite and a biotite with plagioclase granite. The sampling sites were located in a spot dominated by quartzphyllite with quartz veins whose bedrock is partially altered and covered by slightly thick humus, which maintains low undergrowth vegetation.


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With the emergence of low-power wireless hardware new ways of communication were needed. In order to standardize the communication between these low powered devices the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) released the 6LoWPAN stand- ard that acts as an additional layer for making the IPv6 link layer suitable for the lower-power and lossy networks. In the same way, IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low- Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) has been proposed by the IETF Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks (ROLL) Working Group as a standard routing protocol for IPv6 routing in low-power wireless sensor networks. The research performed in this thesis uses these technologies to implement a mobility process. Mobility management is a fundamental yet challenging area in low-power wireless networks. There are applications that require mobile nodes to exchange data with a xed infrastructure with quality-of-service guarantees. A prime example of these applications is the monitoring of patients in real-time. In these scenarios, broadcast- ing data to all access points (APs) within range may not be a valid option due to the energy consumption, data storage and complexity requirements. An alternative and e cient option is to allow mobile nodes to perform hand-o s. Hand-o mechanisms have been well studied in cellular and ad-hoc networks. However, low-power wireless networks pose a new set of challenges. On one hand, simpler radios and constrained resources ask for simpler hand-o schemes. On the other hand, the shorter coverage and higher variability of low-power links require a careful tuning of the hand-o parameters. In this work, we tackle the problem of integrating smart-HOP within a standard protocol, speci cally RPL. The simulation results in Cooja indicate that the pro- posed scheme minimizes the hand-o delay and the total network overhead. The standard RPL protocol is simply unable to provide a reliable mobility support sim- ilar to other COTS technologies. Instead, they support joining and leaving of nodes, with very low responsiveness in the existence of physical mobility.


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The container loading problem (CLP) is a combinatorial optimization problem for the spatial arrangement of cargo inside containers so as to maximize the usage of space. The algorithms for this problem are of limited practical applicability if real-world constraints are not considered, one of the most important of which is deemed to be stability. This paper addresses static stability, as opposed to dynamic stability, looking at the stability of the cargo during container loading. This paper proposes two algorithms. The first is a static stability algorithm based on static mechanical equilibrium conditions that can be used as a stability evaluation function embedded in CLP algorithms (e.g. constructive heuristics, metaheuristics). The second proposed algorithm is a physical packing sequence algorithm that, given a container loading arrangement, generates the actual sequence by which each box is placed inside the container, considering static stability and loading operation efficiency constraints.


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Mobile devices are embedded systems with very limited capacities that need to be considered when developing a client-server application, mainly due to technical, ergonomic and economic implications to the mobile user. With the increasing popularity of mobile computing, many developers have faced problems due to low performance of devices. In this paper, we discuss how to optimize and create client-server applications for in wireless/mobile environments, presenting techniques to improve overall performance.


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A prática de exercício físico é considerado condição essencial para a manutenção de uma boa saúde. A faixa etária de frequentadores de ginásios inclui utentes desde os 8 aos 80 anos, incluindo assim os grupos mais sensíveis à poluição do ar interior. Embora exista legislação específica para ginásios, nomeadamente para as condições de implementação, a mesma é reduzida e não contempla a qualidade do ar interior (QAI). O objetivo geral deste estudo consistiu na avaliação da QAI de quatro ginásios existentes na área metropolitana do Porto. O período de amostragem realizou-se entre 2 de Maio e 20 de Junho 2014 e, após a caracterização dos ginásios, foram monitorizados os seguintes parâmetros: partículas ultrafinas (< 100 nm), matéria particulada suspensa no ar de frações PM1, PM2,5, PM4 e PM10, dióxido de carbono, monóxido de carbono, ozono, compostos orgânicos voláteis, formaldeído, temperatura ambiente e humidade relativa durante 24 h/dia em salas com diferentes actividades (sala de musculação e cardiofitness e sala de aulas de grupo). Os resultados da avaliação dos parâmetros físicos e químicos foram comparados com os limiares de proteção e margem de tolerância do Decreto-Lei nº 118/2013 de 20 de Agosto, a Portaria nº 353-A/2013 de 4 de Dezembro e o Diploma que regula a construção, instalação e funcionamento dos ginásios. Os poluentes com maiores níveis de excedência são o dióxido de carbono, compostos orgânicos voláteis e as partículas PM2,5. As excedências devem-se essencialmente à sobrelotação das salas, excesso de atividade física e ventilação insuficiente. A localização da instalação dos ginásios é também um fator de extrema importância, sendo recomendado que este se situe em local pouco influenciado pelo tráfego automóvel, assim como, afastado de locais de possível interferência devido às atividades presentes, como é o caso da restauração existente em centros comerciais.


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Os dispositivos móveis são pessoais, intransmissíveis e cada vez mais utilizados, tornando-se assim numa boa ferramenta para a realização de um conjunto de serviços na indústria hoteleira. Entre esses serviços que necessitam da identificação pessoal, encontram-se a possibilidade do cliente reservar um quarto ou utilizar o serviço de quartos. Atualmente é muito utilizado, nos locais de alojamento, um smart card que possibilite ao cliente ter acesso a alguns dos serviços disponíveis. O objetivo deste documento é apresentar uma alternativa ao sistema de cartões, utilizando para o efeito, dispositivos móveis. De modo a garantir a segurança e uma utilização semelhante ao sistema de cartões existentes foi utilizada a tecnologia NFC (Near Field Communication) que, ao permitir o modo de emulação de cartão, facilita a transação do sistema de smart card existente, para o da utilização de dispositivos móveis na realização das mesmas funções. Mais concretamente, será abordada a utilização de smartphones para o processo de abertura de portas. Para que exista uma melhor compreensão e para que haja um conhecimento das suas capacidades e limites foram estudados casos de uso da tecnologia NFC. Este documento apresenta ainda os processos de desenvolvimento de uma aplicação nativa para o sistema operativo Android, cujo objetivo é proporcionar ao cliente de um local de alojamento um novo modo de acesso ao quarto, utilizando a tecnologia NFC. Para além desta funcionalidade a aplicação permite ainda ao utilizador fazer reservas, fazer o check-in, fazer o check-out entre outras. Posteriormente serão apresentadas as conclusões e possíveis trabalhos futuros.


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A Internet, conforme a conhecemos, foi projetada com base na pilha de protocolos TCP/IP, que foi desenvolvida nos anos 60 e 70 utilizando um paradigma centrado nos endereços individuais de cada máquina (denominado host-centric). Este paradigma foi extremamente bem-sucedido em interligar máquinas através de encaminhamento baseado no endereço IP. Estudos recentes demonstram que, parte significativa do tráfego atual da Internet centra-se na transferência de conteúdos, em vez das tradicionais aplicações de rede, conforme foi originalmente concebido. Surgiram então novos modelos de comunicação, entre eles, protocolos de rede ponto-a-ponto, onde cada máquina da rede pode efetuar distribuição de conteúdo (denominadas de redes peer-to-peer), para melhorar a distribuição e a troca de conteúdos na Internet. Por conseguinte, nos últimos anos o paradigma host-centric começou a ser posto em causa e apareceu uma nova abordagem de Redes Centradas na Informação (ICN - information-centric networking). Tendo em conta que a Internet, hoje em dia, basicamente é uma rede de transferência de conteúdos e informações, porque não centrar a sua evolução neste sentido, ao invés de comunicações host-to-host? O paradigma de Rede Centrada no Conteúdo (CCN - Content Centric Networking) simplifica a solução de determinados problemas de segurança relacionados com a arquitetura TCP/IP e é uma das principais propostas da nova abordagem de Redes Centradas na Informação. Um dos principais problemas do modelo TCP/IP é a proteção do conteúdo. Atualmente, para garantirmos a autenticidade e a integridade dos dados partilhados na rede, é necessário garantir a segurança do repositório e do caminho que os dados devem percorrer até ao seu destino final. No entanto, a contínua ineficácia perante os ataques de negação de serviço praticados na Internet, sugere a necessidade de que seja a própria infraestrutura da rede a fornecer mecanismos para os mitigar. Um dos principais pilares do paradigma de comunicação da CCN é focalizar-se no próprio conteúdo e não na sua localização física. Desde o seu aparecimento em 2009 e como consequência da evolução e adaptação a sua designação mudou atualmente para Redes de Conteúdos com Nome (NNC – Named Network Content). Nesta dissertação, efetuaremos um estudo de uma visão geral da arquitetura CCN, apresentando as suas principais características, quais os componentes que a compõem e como os seus mecanismos mitigam os tradicionais problemas de comunicação e de segurança. Serão efetuadas experiências com o CCNx, que é um protótipo composto por um conjunto de funcionalidades e ferramentas, que possibilitam a implementação deste paradigma. O objetivo é analisar criticamente algumas das propostas existentes, determinar oportunidades, desafios e perspectivas para investigação futura.


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Demand Response has been taking over the years an extreme importance. There’s a lot of demand response programs, one of them proposed in this paper, using air conditioners that could increase the power quality and decrease the spent money in many ways like: infrastructures and customers energy bill reduction. This paper proposes a method and a study on how air conditioners could integrate demand response programs. The proposed method has been modelled as an energy resources management optimization problem. This paper presents two case studies, the first one with all costumers participating and second one with some of costumers. The results obtained for both case studies have been analyzed.