45 resultados para Mathematics Teaching


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In the past few years we have witnessed astonishing developments on distance learning tools, in particular on Open Educational Resources (OER) such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). In this paper we present the “Mathematics without STRESS”, a MOOC Project, which has been a collaborative volunteer effort that brought together professors, from four schools of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (IPP), in Portugal. Some concepts directly associated with MOOC and their quickly growing popularity are complemented with a discussion of some particular MOOC characterizations. The design process of this project is revealed by focusing on the MOOC structure we used, as well as on the several types of course materials that were produced. At last, we undertake a short discussion about some of the problems, achievements and challenges met throughout this project development, giving a special attention to the motivational aim of this work - hoping to contribute to a change in the way of teaching and learning Mathematics is seen and practiced nowadays.


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The year 2012 was the “boom year” in MOOC and all its outstanding growth until now, made us move forward in designing the first MOOC in our Institution (and the third in our country, Portugal). Most MOOC are video lectured based and the learning analytic process to these ones is just taking its first steps. Designing a video-lecture seems, at a first glance, very easy: one can just record a live lesson or lecture and turn it, directly, into a video-lecture (even here one may experience some “sound” and “camera” problems); but developing some engaging, appealing video-lecture, that motivates students to embrace knowledge and that really contributes to the teaching/learning process, it is not an easy task. Therefore questions like: “What kind of information can induce knowledge construction, in a video-lecture?”, “How can a professor interact in a video-lecture when he is not really there?”, “What are the video-lectures attributes that contribute the most to viewer’s engagement?”, “What seems to be the maximum “time-resistance” of a viewer?”, and many others, raised in our minds when designing video-lectures to a Mathematics MOOC from the scratch. We believe this technological resource can be a powerful tool to enhance students' learning process. Students that were born in digital/image era, respond and react slightly different to outside stimulus, than their teachers/professors ever did or do. In this article we will describe just how we have tried to overcome some of the difficulties and challenges we tackled when producing our own video-math-lectures and in what way, we feel, videos can contribute to the teaching and learning process at higher education level.


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Este artigo procura realçar que, através da conexão entre a literatura e a matemática, se podem criar situações em que as crianças abordem conceitos matemáticos de uma forma significativa permitindo que as habilidades matemáticas e as de linguagem se desenvolvam em conjunto. Uma das formas mais significativas de se construir conhecimento matemático é resolver problemas e desafios, tão comuns nos contos infantis. Apresentamos duas situações, que se enquadram nesta perspetiva pedagógica. Em ambas as situações foi usado um conto como ponto de partida para a construção de atividades matemáticas e tendo presente uma visão construtivista do ensino da matemática.


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Neste estudo, focado na aprendizagem do manuseio do dinheiro, pretendeu-se que os alunos adquirissem competências que os habilitasse a um maior grau de independência e participação na vida em sociedade, desempenhando tarefas de cariz financeiro de forma mais independente, por exemplo, compra de produtos, pagamento de serviços e gestão do dinheiro. Para alcançar o pretendido, utilizou-se a metodologia do ensino direto, com tarefas estruturadas. Numa fase inicial o investigador prestava apoio constante aos alunos, que foi diminuindo gradualmente à medida que atingiam as competências relacionadas com o dinheiro. Na fase final, os alunos realizaram as tarefas propostas de forma autónoma. Construído como um estudo de caso, os dados foram recolhidos através de observação direta e de provas de monitorização. Os alunos começaram por realizar uma avaliação inicial para delinear a linha de base da intervenção. Posteriormente, foi realizada a intervenção baseada no ensino direto, com recurso ao computador, à calculadora, a provas de monitorização e ao manuseio de dinheiro. O computador foi utilizado na intervenção como tecnologia de apoio à aprendizagem, permitindo a realização de jogos interativos e consulta de materiais. No final da intervenção os alunos revelaram autonomia na resolução das tarefas, pois já tinham automatizado os processos matemáticas para saber manusear corretamente a moeda euro. O ensino direto auxiliou os alunos a reterem as competências matemáticas essenciais de manuseamento do dinheiro, compondo quantias, efetuando pagamentos e conferindo trocos, que muito podem contribuir para terem uma participação independente na vida em sociedade


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Currently, due to the widespread use of computers and the internet, students are trading libraries for the World Wide Web and laboratories with simulation programs. In most courses, simulators are made available to students and can be used to proof theoretical results or to test a developing hardware/product. Although this is an interesting solution: low cost, easy and fast way to perform some courses work, it has indeed major disadvantages. As everything is currently being done with/in a computer, the students are loosing the “feel” of the real values of the magnitudes. For instance in engineering studies, and mainly in the first years, students need to learn electronics, algorithmic, mathematics and physics. All of these areas can use numerical analysis software, simulation software or spreadsheets and in the majority of the cases data used is either simulated or random numbers, but real data could be used instead. For example, if a course uses numerical analysis software and needs a dataset, the students can learn to manipulate arrays. Also, when using the spreadsheets to build graphics, instead of using a random table, students could use a real dataset based, for instance, in the room temperature and its variation across the day. In this work we present a framework which uses a simple interface allowing it to be used by different courses where the computers are the teaching/learning process in order to give a more realistic feeling to students by using real data. A framework is proposed based on a set of low cost sensors for different physical magnitudes, e.g. temperature, light, wind speed, which are connected to a central server, that the students have access with an Ethernet protocol or are connected directly to the student computer/laptop. These sensors use the communication ports available such as: serial ports, parallel ports, Ethernet or Universal Serial Bus (USB). Since a central server is used, the students are encouraged to use sensor values results in their different courses and consequently in different types of software such as: numerical analysis tools, spreadsheets or simply inside any programming language when a dataset is needed. In order to do this, small pieces of hardware were developed containing at least one sensor using different types of computer communication. As long as the sensors are attached in a server connected to the internet, these tools can also be shared between different schools. This allows sensors that aren't available in a determined school to be used by getting the values from other places that are sharing them. Another remark is that students in the more advanced years and (theoretically) more know how, can use the courses that have some affinities with electronic development to build new sensor pieces and expand the framework further. The final solution provided is very interesting, low cost, simple to develop, allowing flexibility of resources by using the same materials in several courses bringing real world data into the students computer works.


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With the implementation of the Bologna Process several challenges have been posed to higher education institution, particularly in Portugal. One of the main implications is related to the change of the paradigm of a teacher centered education, to a paradigm that is student centered. This change implies the change of the way to assess courses in higher education institutions. Continuous and formative assessments emerged as the focus, catalyzed by electronic assessment, or e-assessment. This paper presents a case of the implementation of an e-assessment strategy, implemented in order to allow continuous, formative assessment in numerous mathematics classes using multiple-choice questions tests implement in Moodle open-source learning management system. The implementation can be considered a success.


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With the implementation of the Bologna Process several challenges have been posed to higher education institution, particularly in Portugal. One of the main implications is related to the change of the paradigm of a teacher centered education, to a paradigm that is student centered. This change implies the change of the way to assess courses in higher education institutions. Continuous and formative assessments emerged as the focus, catalyzed by electronic assessment, or e-assessment. This paper presents a case of the implementation of an e-assessment strategy, implemented in order to allow continuous, formative assessment in numerous mathematics classes using multiple-choice questions tests implement in Moodle open-source learning management system. The implementation can be considered a success.


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Teaching robotics to students at the beginning of their studies has become a huge challenge. Simulation environments can be an effective solution to that challenge where students can interact with simulated robots and have the first contact with robotic constraints. From our previous experience with simulation environments it was possible to observe that students with lower background knowledge in robotics where able to deal with a limited number of constraints, implement a simulated robotic platform and study several sensors. The question is: after this first phase what should be the best approach? Should the student start developing their own hardware? Hardware development is a very important part of an engineer's education but it can also be a difficult phase that could lead to discouragement and loss of motivation in some students. Considering the previous constraints and first year engineering students’ high abandonment rate it is important to develop teaching strategies to deal with this problem in a feasible way. The solution that we propose is the integration of a low-cost standard robotic platform WowWee Rovio as an intermediate solution between the simulation phase and the stage where the students can develop their own robots. This approach will allow the students to keep working in robotic areas such as: cooperative behaviour, perception, navigation and data fusion. The propose approach proved to be a motivation step not only for the students but also for the teachers. Students and teachers were able to reach an agreement between the level of demand imposed by the teachers and satisfaction/motivation of the students.


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Currently the world around us "reboots" every minute and “staying at the forefront” seems to be a very arduous task. The continuous and “speeded” progress of society requires, from all the actors, a dynamic and efficient attitude both in terms progress monitoring and moving adaptation. With regard to education, no matter how updated we are in relation to the contents, the didactic strategies and technological resources, we are inevitably compelled to adapt to new paradigms and rethink the traditional teaching methods. It is in this context that the contribution of e-learning platforms arises. Here teachers and students have at their disposal new ways to enhance the teaching and learning process, and these platforms are seen, at the present time, as significant virtual teaching and learning supporting environments. This paper presents a Project and attempts to illustrate the potential that new technologies present as a “backing” tool in different stages of teaching and learning at different levels and areas of knowledge, particularly in Mathematics. We intend to promote a constructive discussion moment, exposing our actual perception - that the use of the Learning Management System Moodle, by Higher Education teachers, as supplementary teaching-learning environment for virtual classroom sessions can contribute for greater efficiency and effectiveness of teaching practice and to improve student achievement. Regarding the Learning analytics experience we will present a few results obtained with some assessment Learning Analytics tools, where we profoundly felt that the assessment of students’ performance in online learning environments is a challenging and demanding task.


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Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation


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O presente estudo partiu do problema “Como promover aprendizagens da Matemática e do Estudo do Meio numa perspetiva interdisciplinar, explorando o mundo real?”. Neste sentido, tem como objetivos: selecionar recursos e atividades que se revelem motivadoras para os alunos; demonstrar a relevância da inter-relação de diferentes conceitos e a importância da sua ligação com as vivências dos alunos; ativar o envolvimento dos alunos para a aprendizagem da Matemática através do Estudo do meio e de situações do mundo real; estimular a perceção do aluno da presença da Matemática nos conteúdos de Estudo do Meio; fomentar a compreensão da relação dos conteúdos de Matemática e estudo do Meio. Com este propósito formularam-se as seguintes questões: (1) Que tipo de atividades se poderão proporcionar de forma a motivar os alunos para os conteúdos do Estudo do Meio e da Matemática? (2) De que forma a exploração das situações/conceções do quotidiano poderá promover o envolvimento dos alunos na aprendizagem da Matemática e do Estudo do Meio? (3) De que forma o Ensino Experimental das Ciências numa perspetiva interdisciplinar pode contribuir para desenvolver tanto as competências conceptuais (fatores do ambiente: temperatura e humidade/OTD/números racionais), como capacidades de pensamento crítico e tomada de decisão inerente? Tendo em vista os objetivos do estudo, desenvolveram-se, com uma turma do 2º ano de escolaridade, quatro situações formativas, que envolveram as disciplinas de Matemática e Estudo do Meio. O domínio de conteúdos preponderante na área de Estudo do Meio foi À descoberta do Ambiente Natural, enquanto na Matemática os domínios predominantes foram Organização e tratamento de dados e Números e operações. Foram realizadas diversas atividades experimentais, onde os alunos tiveram um papel ativo na construção dos seus conhecimentos. A investigação segue uma metodologia qualitativa, centrando-se num estudo de caso, onde se caracteriza uma experiência interdisciplinar que envolveu as disciplinas de Matemática e Estudo do Meio. Os dados foram recolhidos pela professora investigadora através de gravações de vídeo e áudio, fotografias, trabalhos dos alunos e de registos da professora investigadora. Os resultados demonstraram como os alunos mobilizaram e apropriaram os conteúdos de Matemática e Estudo do Meio. Os dados, através da análise de conteúdo, parecem iv sugerir que houve uma evolução no desempenho dos alunos a vários níveis, nomeadamente: no trabalho cooperativo, no envolvimento da tarefa, nas interações estabelecidas e na motivação para a aprendizagem da Matemática e Estudo do Meio.


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O estudo que apresentamos tem como objetivos de investigação contribuir para o desenvolvimento global das crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, nomeadamente, portadoras de Dislexia, designadamente em aulas onde são lecionados conteúdos de Ciências da Natureza e de Matemática, e conceber um recurso didático apoiado nas TIC que seja adequado à utilização em sala de aula por alunos com dislexia. Neste sentido, o estudo foi orientado pelas seguintes questões de investigação: A utilização do Scratch é adequada e exequível no trabalho quotidiano de alunos portadores de Dislexia? e Em que medida o Scratch pode contribuir para um melhor envolvimento dos alunos portadores de Dislexia na realização das tarefas propostas? O presente trabalho segue uma metodologia de carácter qualitativo, centrando-se no estudo de caso. Tentou-se dar uma resposta à reduzida utilização do software Scratch no ensino das Ciências da Natureza e Matemática como instrumentos viáveis para uma aprendizagem de sucesso em alunos portadores de Dislexia. Este estudo foi aplicado a três alunos do 4º ano, com este diagnóstico, de um agrupamento de escolas do concelho de Viseu. Para dar resposta às questões de investigação supracitadas foram implementadas e projetadas duas atividades no software Scratch para serem desenvolvidas em duas situações formativas contextualizadas. O subdomínio que se pretendeu trabalhar foi “A importância da água para os seres vivos” articulando com o conteúdo dos volumes. Os dados foram recolhidos através da análise dos Programas Educativos Individuais de cada um dos alunos participantes, das entrevistas às docentes de Educação Especial, de gravações áudio, fotografias, trabalhos dos alunos e os registos da professora investigadora. Os resultados obtidos permitiram caracterizar o modo como os alunos, portadores de dislexia, se envolveram com o Scratch na aquisição de conhecimento. Permitiram ainda demonstrar aos professores que é possível construir atividades nesta ferramenta envolvendo conteúdos curriculares interdisciplinares.


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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado de Didática da Matemática e Ciências da Natureza, no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos, no domínio da Geometria. Tem como principal objetivo compreender e analisar, através da implementação de uma sequência de tarefas de investigação e exploração, de que forma o processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos alunos, na área dos quadriláteros, com os recursos GeoGebra e o Geoplano, contribui para o desenvolvimento do raciocínio geométrico. Neste sentido, definiram-se as seguintes questões de investigação: (1) Qual a imagem concetual que os alunos possuem de cada um dos quadriláteros? (2) Que conhecimentos têm os alunos sobre as propriedades dos quadriláteros: quadrados, retângulos e losangos? (3) Quais os contributos do Geoplano e do GeoGebra na compreensão e identificação das propriedades dos quadriláteros? A metodologia adotada foi de natureza qualitativa, do tipo interpretativo, baseada em dois estudos de caso. Na recolha de dados, foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: observação, questionário, documentos produzidos pelos alunos, entrevistas informais, registos áudio e fotografias aos trabalhos realizados. Na análise dos dados, procurou-se descrever e interpretar os dados recolhidos, no âmbito do objeto do estudo. Os resultados mostraram que a sequência de tarefas e o modo como foram desenvolvidas foram fundamentais na compreensão dos conteúdos trabalhados. Regista-se também que os recursos utilizados motivaram os alunos e contribuíram para a interação, como também para a compreensão dos conceitos geométricos. Por outro lado, a utilização do GeoGebra e do Geoplano contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do raciocínio espacial e geométrico.


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An overwhelming problem in Math Curriculums in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), we are daily facing in the last decade, is the substantial differences in Math background of our students. When you try to transmit, engage and teach subjects/contents that your “audience” is unable to respond to and/or even understand what we are trying to convey, it is somehow frustrating. In this sense, the Math projects and other didactic strategies, developed through Learning Management System Moodle, which include an array of activities that combine higher order thinking skills with math subjects and technology, for students of HE, appear as remedial but important, proactive and innovative measures in order to face and try to overcome these considerable problems. In this paper we will present some of these strategies, developed in some organic units of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). But, how “fruitful” are the endless number of hours teachers spent in developing and implementing these platforms? Do students react to them as we would expect? Do they embrace this opportunity to overcome their difficulties? How do they use/interact individually with LMS platforms? Can this environment that provides the teacher with many interesting tools to improve the teaching – learning process, encourages students to reinforce their abilities and knowledge? In what way do they use each available material – videos, interactive tasks, texts, among others? What is the best way to assess student’s performance in these online learning environments? Learning Analytics tools provides us a huge amount of data, but how can we extract “good” and helpful information from them? These and many other questions still remain unanswered but we look forward to get some help in, at least, “get some drafts” for them because we feel that this “learning analysis”, that tackles the path from the objectives to the actual results, is perhaps the only way we have to move forward in the “best” learning and teaching direction.