56 resultados para Global features
Volatile organic compounds are a common source of groundwater contamination that can be easily removed by air stripping in columns with random packing and using a counter-current flow between the phases. This work proposes a new methodology for column design for any type of packing and contaminant which avoids the necessity of an arbitrary chosen diameter. It also avoids the employment of the usual graphical Eckert correlations for pressure drop. The hydraulic features are previously chosen as a project criterion. The design procedure was translated into a convenient algorithm in C++ language. A column was built in order to test the design, the theoretical steady-state and dynamic behaviour. The experiments were conducted using a solution of chloroform in distilled water. The results allowed for a correction in the theoretical global mass transfer coefficient previously estimated by the Onda correlations, which depend on several parameters that are not easy to control in experiments. For best describe the column behaviour in stationary and dynamic conditions, an original mathematical model was developed. It consists in a system of two partial non linear differential equations (distributed parameters). Nevertheless, when flows are steady, the system became linear, although there is not an evident solution in analytical terms. In steady state the resulting ODE can be solved by analytical methods, and in dynamic state the discretization of the PDE by finite differences allows for the overcoming of this difficulty. To estimate the contaminant concentrations in both phases in the column, a numerical algorithm was used. The high number of resulting algebraic equations and the impossibility of generating a recursive procedure did not allow the construction of a generalized programme. But an iterative procedure developed in an electronic worksheet allowed for the simulation. The solution is stable only for similar discretizations values. If different values for time/space discretization parameters are used, the solution easily becomes unstable. The system dynamic behaviour was simulated for the common liquid phase perturbations: step, impulse, rectangular pulse and sinusoidal. The final results do not configure strange or non-predictable behaviours.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Doutor José Campos Amorim
Although the Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS) is, de facto, the standard positioning system used in outdoor navigation, it does not provide, per se, all the features required to perform many outdoor navigational tasks. The accuracy of the GPS measurements is the most critical issue. The quest for higher position readings accuracy led to the development, in the late nineties, of the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS). The differential GPS method detects the range errors of the GPS satellites received and broadcasts them. The DGPS/GPS receivers correlate the DGPS data with the GPS satellite data they are receiving, granting users increased accuracy. DGPS data is broadcasted using terrestrial radio beacons, satellites and, more recently, the Internet. Our goal is to have access, within the ISEP campus, to DGPS correction data. To achieve this objective we designed and implemented a distributed system composed of two main modules which are interconnected: a distributed application responsible for the establishment of the data link over the Internet between the remote DGPS stations and the campus, and the campus-wide DGPS data server application. The DGPS data Internet link is provided by a two-tier client/server distributed application where the server-side is connected to the DGPS station and the client-side is located at the campus. The second unit, the campus DGPS data server application, diffuses DGPS data received at the campus via the Intranet and via a wireless data link. The wireless broadcast is intended for DGPS/GPS portable receivers equipped with an air interface and the Intranet link is provided for DGPS/GPS receivers with just a RS232 DGPS data interface. While the DGPS data Internet link servers receive the DGPS data from the DGPS base stations and forward it to the DGPS data Internet link client, the DGPS data Internet link client outputs the received DGPS data to the campus DGPS data server application. The distributed system is expected to provide adequate support for accurate (sub-metric) outdoor campus navigation tasks. This paper describes in detail the overall distributed application.
The environmental management domain is vast and encompasses many identifiable activities: impact assessment, planning, project evaluation, etc. In particular, this paper focusses on the modelling of the project evaluation activity. The environmental decision support system under development aims to provide assistance to project developers in the selection of adequate locations, guaranteeing the compliance with the applicable regulations and the existing development plans as well as satisfying the specified project requirements. The inherent multidisciplinarity features of this activity lead to the adoption of the Multi-Agent paradigm, and, in particular, to the modelling of the involved agencies as a community of cooperative autonomous agents, where each agency contributes with its share of problem solving to the final system’s recommendation. To achieve this behaviour the many conclusions of the individual agencies have to be justifiably accommodated: not only they may differ, but can be interdependent, complementary, irreconcilable, or simply, independent. We propose different solutions (involving both local and global consistency) to support the adequate merge of the distinct perspectives that inevitably arise during this type of decision making.
Current engineering education challenges require approaches that promote scientific, technical, design and complementary skills while fostering autonomy, innovation and responsibility. The European Project Semester (EPS) at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) (EPS@ISEP) is a one semester project-based learning programme (30 European Credit Transfer Units (ECTU)) for engineering students from diverse scientific backgrounds and nationalities that intends to address these goals. The students, organised in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams, are challenged to solve real multidisciplinary problems during one semester. The EPS package, although on project development (20 ECTU), includes a series of complementary seminars aimed at fostering soft, project-related and engineering transversal skills (10 ECTU). Hence, the students enrolled in this programme improve their transversal skills and learn, together and with the team of supervisors, subjects distinct from their core training. This paper presents the structure, implementation and results of the EPS@ISEP that was created in 2011 to apply the best engineering practices and promote internationalisation and engineering education innovation at ISEP.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Mestre Paulino Silva
O Geocaching é um jogo, criado pela Groundspeak, que consiste em esconder e encontrar objetos geolocalizados conhecidos como geocaches. A busca das geocaches é na realidade uma aventura que promove a vivência de novas experiências, o convívio entre utilizadores, a descoberta de novos espaços na natureza, a realização de jogos em tempo e cenário real, entre outros. Existem geocaches espalhadas por todo o mundo e milhares de utilizadores estão já registados no jogo. Além de passatempo, o Geocaching consegue ser uma ferramenta de marketing digital, quer para a própria Groundspeak, mas também para diferentes empresas/instituições por todo o mundo normalmente associadas à localização das geocaches. A Groundspeak é, naturalmente, a mais beneficiada uma vez que, praticamente sem investir em publicidade, conseguiu que o jogo tenha cada vez mais adeptos. A sua divulgação é essencialmente feita pelos próprios utilizadores, quer através da comunicação direta com um não utilizador, quer através de redes sociais, de eventos organizados, mas também através de outras empresas que desenvolveram aplicações com funcionalidades extra que permitem ao utilizador uma melhor experiência. O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de demonstrar como é que o Geocaching pode ser usado como uma ferramenta de Marketing Digital. Inicialmente, foi analisada a questão do Marketing Digital e das suas ferramentas, focando o Geocaching e a sua dimensão no mundo, explicando os diferentes tipos de caches e de que forma as mesmas podem ser utilizadas como ferramentas de marketing. Como elemento de validação, foi concebida, desenvolvida e validada uma wherigo (um tipo de geocache), que consiste num jogo virtual onde o progresso do jogador depende das tarefas realizadas e da sua movimentação geolocalizada. A wherigo criada no âmbito do projeto é um meio de marketing digital, de divulgação do Castelo de Santa Maria da Feira, realizada de uma forma interativa e divertida, através de questionários, desafios e fantasia. O jogo incita a percorrer os jardins que rodeiam o Castelo bem como o interior do mesmo e permite ainda o acesso dos jogadores ao Castelo com desconto de geocacher na aquisição do ingresso. Os objetivos propostos inicialmente foram completamente cumpridos, sendo que o jogo já se encontra disponível para ser jogado por geocachers e foi por eles avaliado muito positivamente.
This paper addresses the issue of restructuring the information professional in the global economy. This restructuring is justified by a tripartite explanation: the redesign understood as innovation and disciplinary change, the reorganization of institutions conditioned by the development of information technology and economic deflation interpreted as eliminating jobs. To understand this restructuring scenario multigenerational work contexts information services are also addressed. These work contexts represent a search for understanding and to overcome common referential differences, by baby boomer practitioners and digital natives. The issue of tension and challenge between the specific technical skills and flexibility to adapt to ever-changing organizations is another topic for reflection and serves to point out new paths for the restructuring of the information professional.
Whereas child care quality has been extensively studied in the U.S., there is much less information about the quality of child care in other countries.With one of the highest maternal employment rates in Europe, it is important to examine child care in Portugal. Thirty toddler classrooms in child care centers were observed. The purpose of this studywas to determine whether structural features account for overall toddler child care quality. Results showed younger and better-paid teachers provided better toddler child care quality. Space available per childwas not a statistically significant predictor of toddler child care quality.Overall quality results suggest some issues to be addressed by early education policy makers and indicate the need to promote quality in Portuguese toddler child care programs.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Doutor José de Campos Amorim
This article introduces schedulability analysis for global fixed priority scheduling with deferred preemption (gFPDS) for homogeneous multiprocessor systems. gFPDS is a superset of global fixed priority pre-emptive scheduling (gFPPS) and global fixed priority non-pre-emptive scheduling (gFPNS). We show how schedulability can be improved using gFPDS via appropriate choice of priority assignment and final non-pre-emptive region lengths, and provide algorithms which optimize schedulability in this way. Via an experimental evaluation we compare the performance of multiprocessor scheduling using global approaches: gFPDS, gFPPS, and gFPNS, and also partitioned approaches employing FPDS, FPPS, and FPNS on each processor.
Objetivo: A compreensão da Educação Especial no paradigma da inclusão envolve vontade política e social e mobiliza necessariamente os profissionais de educação, sendo fundamental conhecer a sua opinião. Em Portugal, o Decreto-Lei n.º 3/2008 trouxe mudanças significativas no papel dos docentes do ensino regular, pelo que este estudo tem como objetivo, passados 6 anos da implementação, descrever a opinião de educadores e professores do 1º ciclo acerca da inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais e conhecer os fatores que justificam as suas opiniões. Método: Foram inquiridos 244 docentes, 122 educadores de infância e 122 professores do 1º ciclo de escolas públicas e privadas, da Área Metropolitana do Porto, os instrumentos usados foram uma folha de caracterização individual e um questionário de vinhetas com descrições do funcionamento de crianças, onde os respondentes se posicionavam, para cada uma, quanto à sua aceitação nas salas. Resultados /Discussão: Os resultados apontam que as vinhetas que descreviam funcionamentos de crianças compatíveis com Perturbação de Espetro de Autismo e Paralisia Cerebral, foram as menos, sendo as justificações a falta de formação e a impossibilidade de despender o tempo necessário devido à exigência de bons resultados académicos. Aferimos que a formação em Educação Especial apenas estava associada à aceitação de alunos com Paralisia Cerebral. Aferimos que a função do docente-educador vs professor do 1ºciclo- apenas é influenciadora de aceitação no caso de alunos com Perturbação de Espetro de Autismo, Paralisia Cerebral e Atraso Global de Desenvolvimento/Dificuldades de Aprendizagem. O facto de se tratar de uma escola pública ou privada influencia a aceitação dos alunos, com os docentes do ensino privado a evidenciarem maior aceitação dos alunos do que os do ensino público.
This paper analyzes several natural and man-made complex phenomena in the perspective of dynamical systems. Such phenomena are often characterized by the absence of a characteristic length-scale, long range correlations and persistent memory, which are features also associated to fractional order systems. For each system, the output, interpreted as a manifestation of the system dynamics, is analyzed by means of the Fourier transform. The amplitude spectrum is approximated by a power law function and the parameters are interpreted as an underlying signature of the system dynamics. The complex systems under analysis are then compared in a global perspective in order to unveil and visualize hidden relationships among them.
This paper applies Pseudo Phase Plane (PPP) and Fractional Calculus (FC) mathematical tools for modeling world economies. A challenging global rivalry among the largest international economies began in the early 1970s, when the post-war prosperity declined. It went on, up to now. If some worrying threatens may exist actually in terms of possible ambitious military aggression, invasion, or hegemony, countries’ PPP relative positions can tell something on the current global peaceful equilibrium. A global political downturn of the USA on global hegemony in favor of Asian partners is possible, but can still be not accomplished in the next decades. If the 1973 oil chock has represented the beginning of a long-run recession, the PPP analysis of the last four decades (1972–2012) does not conclude for other partners’ global dominance (Russian, Brazil, Japan, and Germany) in reaching high degrees of similarity with the most developed world countries. The synergies of the proposed mathematical tools lead to a better understanding of the dynamics underlying world economies and point towards the estimation of future states based on the memory of each time series.
Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Fractional Systems and Signals, at Ghent, Belgium