35 resultados para Business mathematics
Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation
Near real time media content personalisation is nowadays a major challenge involving media content sources, distributors and viewers. This paper describes an approach to seamless recommendation, negotiation and transaction of personalised media content. It adopts an integrated view of the problem by proposing, on the business-to-business (B2B) side, a brokerage platform to negotiate the media items on behalf of the media content distributors and sources, providing viewers, on the business-to-consumer (B2C) side, with a personalised electronic programme guide (EPG) containing the set of recommended items after negotiation. In this setup, when a viewer connects, the distributor looks up and invites sources to negotiate the contents of the viewer personal EPG. The proposed multi-agent brokerage platform is structured in four layers, modelling the registration, service agreement, partner lookup, invitation as well as item recommendation, negotiation and transaction stages of the B2B processes. The recommendation service is a rule-based switch hybrid filter, including six collaborative and two content-based filters. The rule-based system selects, at runtime, the filter(s) to apply as well as the final set of recommendations to present. The filter selection is based on the data available, ranging from the history of items watched to the ratings and/or tags assigned to the items by the viewer. Additionally, this module implements (i) a novel item stereotype to represent newly arrived items, (ii) a standard user stereotype for new users, (iii) a novel passive user tag cloud stereotype for socially passive users, and (iv) a new content-based filter named the collinearity and proximity similarity (CPS). At the end of the paper, we present off-line results and a case study describing how the recommendation service works. The proposed system provides, to our knowledge, an excellent holistic solution to the problem of recommending multimedia contents.
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Distance learning - where students take courses (attend classes, get activities and other sort of learning materials) while being physically separated from their instructors, for larger part of the course duration - is far from being a “new event”. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, this has been done through Radio, Mail and TV, taking advantage of the full educational potential that these media resources had to offer at the time. However, in recent times we have, at our complete disposal, the “magic wonder” of communication and globalization - the Internet. Taking advantage of a whole new set of educational opportunities, with a more or less unselfish “look” to economic interests, focusing its concern on a larger and collective “welfare”, contributing to the development of a more “equitable” world, with regard to educational opportunities, the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were born and have become an important feature of the higher education in recent years. Many people have been talking about MOOCs as a potential educational revolution, which has arrived from North America, still growing and spreading, referring to its benefits and/or disadvantages. The Polytechnic Institute of Porto, also known as IPP, is a Higher Education Portuguese institution providing undergraduate and graduate studies, which has a solid history of online education and innovation through the use of technology, and it has been particularly interested and focused on MOOC developments, based on an open educational policy in order to try to implement some differentiated learning strategies to its actual students and as a way to attract future ones. Therefore, in July 2014, IPP launched the first Math MOOC on its own platform. This paper describes the requirements, the resulting design and implementation of a mathematics MOOC, which was essentially addressed to three target populations: - pre-college students or individuals wishing to update their Math skills or that need to prepare for the National Exam of Mathematics; - Higher Education students who have not attended in High School, this subject, and who feel the need to acquire basic knowledge about some of the topics covered; - High School Teachers who may use these resources with their students allowing them to develop teaching methodologies like "Flipped Classroom” (available at http://www.opened.ipp.pt/). The MOOC was developed in partnership with several professors from several schools from IPP, gathering different math competences and backgrounds to create and put to work different activities such video lectures and quizzes. We will also try to briefly discuss the advertising strategy being developed to promote this MOOC, since it is not offered through a main MOOC portal, such as Coursera or Udacity.
O crescente interesse pela área de Business Intelligence (BI) tem origem no reconhecimento da sua importância pelas organizações, como poderoso aliado dos processos de tomada de decisão. O BI é um conceito dinâmico, que se amplia à medida que são integradas novas ferramentas, em resposta a necessidades emergentes dos mercados. O BI não constitui, ainda, uma realidade nas pequenas e médias empresas, sendo, até, desconhecido para muitas. São, essencialmente, as empresas de maior dimensão, com presença em diferentes mercados e/ou áreas de negócio mais abrangentes, que recorrem a estas soluções. A implementação de ferramentas BI nas organizações depende, pois, das especificidades destas, sendo fundamental que a informação sobre as plataformas disponíveis e suas funcionalidades seja objetiva e inequívoca. Só uma escolha correta, que responda às necessidades da área de negócio desenvolvida, permitirá obter dados que resultem em ganhos, potenciando a vantagem competitiva empresarial. Com este propósito, efectua-se, na presente dissertação, uma análise comparativa das funcionalidades existentes em diversas ferramentas BI, que se pretende que venha auxiliar os processos de seleção da plataforma BI mais adaptada a cada organização e/ou negócio. As plataformas BI enquadram-se em duas grandes vertentes, as que implicam custos de aquisição, de índole comercial, e as disponibilizadas de forma livre, ou em código aberto, designadas open source. Neste sentido, equaciona-se se estas últimas podem constituir uma opção válida para as empresas com recursos mais escassos. Num primeiro momento, procede-se à implementação de tecnologias BI numa organização concreta, a operar na indústria de componentes automóveis, a Yazaki Saltano de Ovar Produtos Eléctricos, Ltd., implantada em Portugal há mais de 25 anos. Para esta empresa, o desenvolvimento de soluções com recurso a ferramentas BI afigura-se como um meio adequado de melhorar o acompanhamento aos seus indicadores de performance. Este processo concretizou-se a partir da stack tecnológica pré-existente na organização, a plataforma BI comercial da Microsoft. Com o objetivo de, por um lado, reunir contributos que possibilitem elucidar as organizações na escolha da plataforma BI mais adequada e, por outro, compreender se as plataformas open source podem constituir uma alternativa credível às plataformas comerciais, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa comparativa das funcionalidades das várias plataformas BI open source. Em resultado desta análise, foram selecionadas duas plataformas, a SpagoBI e a PentahoBI, utilizadas na verificação do potencial alternativo das open source face às plataformas comerciais. Com base nessas plataformas, reproduziu-se os processos e procedimentos desenvolvidos no âmbito do projeto de implementação BI realizado na empresa Yazaki Saltano.