50 resultados para Biomechanical foot model


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The paper proposes a Flexibility Requirements Model and a Factory Templates Framework to support the dynamic Virtual Organization decision-makers in order to reach effective response to the emergent business opportunities ensuring profitability. Through the construction and analysis of the flexibility requirements model, the network managers can achieve and conceive better strategies to model and breed new dynamic VOs. This paper also presents the leagility concept as a new paradigm fit to equip the network management with a hybrid approach that better tackle the performance challenges imposed by the new and competitive business environments.


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We consider a Bertrand duopoly model with unknown costs. The firms' aim is to choose the price of its product according to the well-known concept of Bayesian Nash equilibrium. The chooses are made simultaneously by both firms. In this paper, we suppose that each firm has two different technologies, and uses one of them according to a certain probability distribution. The use of either one or the other technology affects the unitary production cost. We show that this game has exactly one Bayesian Nash equilibrium. We analyse the advantages, for firms and for consumers, of using the technology with highest production cost versus the one with cheapest production cost. We prove that the expected profit of each firm increases with the variance of its production costs. We also show that the expected price of each good increases with both expected production costs, being the effect of the expected production costs of the rival dominated by the effect of the own expected production costs.


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We consider a trade policy model, where the costs of the home firm are private information but can be signaled through the output levels of the firm to a foreign competitor and a home policymaker. We study the influences of the non-homogeneity of the goods and of the uncertainty on the production costs of the home firm in the signalling strategies by the home firm. We show that some results obtained for homogeneous goods are not robust under non-homogeneity.


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Purpose: Because walking is highly recommended for prevention and treatment of obesity and some of its biomechanical aspects are not clearly understood for overweight people, we compared the absolute and normalized ground reaction forces (GRF), plantar pressures, and temporal parameters of normal-weight and overweight participants during overground walking. Method: A force plate and an in-shoe pressure system were used to record GRF, plantar pressures (foot divided in 10 regions), and temporal parameters of 17 overweight adults and 17 gender-matched normal-weight adults while walking. Results: With high effect sizes, the overweight participants showed higher absolute medial-lateral and vertical GRF and pressure peaks in the central rearfoot, lateral midfoot, and lateral and central forefoot. However, analyzing normalized (scaled to body weight) data, the overweight participants showed lower vertical and anterior-posterior GRF and lower pressure peaks in the medial rearfoot and hallux, but the lateral forefoot peaks continued to be greater compared with normal-weight participants. Time of occurrence of medial-lateral GRF and pressure peaks in the midfoot occurred later in overweight individuals. Conclusions: The overweight participants adapted their gait pattern to minimize the consequences of the higher vertical and propulsive GRF in their musculoskeletal system. However, they were not able to improve their balance as indicated by medial-lateral GRF. The overweight participants showed higher absolute pressure peaks in 4 out of 10 foot regions. Furthermore, the normalized data suggest that the lateral forefoot in overweight adults was loaded more than the proportion of their extra weight, while the hallux and medial rearfoot were seemingly protected.


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In this paper, we study an international market model in which the home government imposes a tariff on the imported goods. The model has two stages. In the first stage, the home government chooses an import tariff to maximize a function that cares about the home firm’s profit and the total revenue. Then, the firms engage in a Cournot or in a Stackelberg competition. We compare the results obtained in the three different ways of moving on the decision make of the firms.


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This paper analyses the effects of tariffs on an international economy with a monopolistic sector with two firms, located in two countries, each one producing a homogeneous good for both home consumption and export to the other identical country. We consider a game among governments and firms. First, the government imposes a tariff on imports and then we consider the two types of moving: simultaneous (Cournot-type model) and sequential (Stackelberg-type model) decisions by the firms. We also compare the results obtained in each model.


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This paper studies the dynamics of foot–ground interaction in hexapod locomotion systems. For that objective the robot motion is characterized in terms of several locomotion variables and the ground is modelled through a non-linear spring-dashpot system, with parameters based on the studies of soil mechanics. Moreover, it is adopted an algorithm with foot-force feedback to control the robot locomotion. A set of model-based experiments reveals the influence of the locomotion velocity on the foot–ground transfer function, which presents complex-order dynamics.


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This paper presents the creation and development of technological schools directly linked to the business community and to higher public education. Establishing themselves as the key interface between the two sectors they make a signigicant contribution by having a greater competitive edge when faced with increasing competition in the tradional markets. The development of new business strategies supported by references of excellence, quality and competitiveness also provides a good link between the estalishment of partnerships aiming at the qualification of education boards at a medium level between the technological school and higher education with a technological foundation. We present a case study as an example depicting the success of Escola Tecnológica de Vale de Cambra.


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This work deals with the numerical simulation of air stripping process for the pre-treatment of groundwater used in human consumption. The model established in steady state presents an exponential solution that is used, together with the Tau Method, to get a spectral approach of the solution of the system of partial differential equations associated to the model in transient state.


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In this paper we study a delay mathematical model for the dynamics of HIV in HIV-specific CD4 + T helper cells. We modify the model presented by Roy and Wodarz in 2012, where the HIV dynamics is studied, considering a single CD4 + T cell population. Non-specific helper cells are included as alternative target cell population, to account for macrophages and dendritic cells. In this paper, we include two types of delay: (1) a latent period between the time target cells are contacted by the virus particles and the time the virions enter the cells and; (2) virus production period for new virions to be produced within and released from the infected cells. We compute the reproduction number of the model, R0, and the local stability of the disease free equilibrium and of the endemic equilibrium. We find that for values of R0<1, the model approaches asymptotically the disease free equilibrium. For values of R0>1, the model approximates asymptotically the endemic equilibrium. We observe numerically the phenomenon of backward bifurcation for values of R0⪅1. This statement will be proved in future work. We also vary the values of the latent period and the production period of infected cells and free virus. We conclude that increasing these values translates in a decrease of the reproduction number. Thus, a good strategy to control the HIV virus should focus on drugs to prolong the latent period and/or slow down the virus production. These results suggest that the model is mathematically and epidemiologically well-posed.


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We study a mathematical model for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatites C virus (HCV) coinfection. The model predicts four distinct equilibria: the disease free, the HIV endemic, the HCV endemic, and the full endemic equilibria. The local and global stability of the disease free equilibrium was calculated for the full model and the HIV and HCV submodels. We present numerical simulations of the full model where the distinct equilibria can be observed. We show simulations of the qualitative changes of the dynamical behavior of the full model for variation of relevant parameters. From the results of the model, we infer possible measures that could be implemented in order to reduce the number of infected individuals.


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Introdução: A dificuldade na organização dos ajustes posturais antecipatórios (APAs) é frequentemente associada ao défice de controlo postural (CP) em crianças/jovens com um quadro motor de hemiplegia espástica, resultante de paralisia cerebral. As alterações biomecânicas da tibiotársica e do pé são características comummente observadas nestas crianças/jovens e influenciam o CP na sua globalidade. Objectivo(s): descrever o comportamento dos APAs associados ao início da marcha, face à modificação do alinhamento do pé em crianças/jovens com hemiplegia espástica, após 12 semanas de intervenção, segundo o Conceito Bobath-TND e aplicação de uma Ligadura Funcional (LF). Métodos: Foram avaliadas quatro crianças/jovens num momento inicial (M0) e após 12 semanas de intervenção e de aplicação de uma LF (M1). Recorrendo à eletromiografia de superfície, registaram-se os timings de activação dos músculos tibial anterior, solear, recto abdominal e erector da espinha (bilateralmente). O início do movimento foi calculado a partir da alteração do sinal obtido através da plataforma de pressões. Recorreu-se à aplicação da TMFM-88 para avaliar a função motora global e à aplicação da CIF-CJ para classificar a funcionalidade mediante as actividades e a participação. Procedeu-se ao registo de imagem para facilitar a observação/avaliação das componentes de movimento das crianças/jovens em estudo. Resultados: Após o período de intervenção, verificou-se uma modificação nos valores dos timings de ativação dos músculos em análise, que se aproximaram da janela temporal definida como APAs, bem como na distribuição de carga na base de suporte, nos scores da TMFM-88 e nos qualificadores das “Actividades e Participação”, sugestivos de uma melhor organização dos mecanismos de controlo postural. Conclusão: As crianças/jovens em estudo evidenciaram, após uma intervenção de fisioterapia baseada no Conceito Bobath- TND e aplicação de uma LF, uma evolução favorável tanto ao nível do CP da tibiotársica e do pé, apresentando timings de ativação muscular temporalmente mais ajustados à tarefa, com repercussões positivas nas actividades e participação.


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The minimum interval graph completion problem consists of, given a graph G = ( V, E ), finding a supergraph H = ( V, E ∪ F ) that is an interval graph, while adding the least number of edges |F| . We present an integer programming formulation for solving the minimum interval graph completion problem recurring to a characteri- zation of interval graphs that produces a linear ordering of the maximal cliques of the solution graph.


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Order picking consists in retrieving products from storage locations to satisfy independent orders from multiple customers. It is generally recognized as one of the most significant activities in a warehouse (Koster et al, 2007). In fact, order picking accounts up to 50% (Frazelle, 2001) or even 80% (Van den Berg, 1999) of the total warehouse operating costs. The critical issue in today’s business environment is to simultaneously reduce the cost and increase the speed of order picking. In this paper, we address the order picking process in one of the Portuguese largest companies in the grocery business. This problem was proposed at the 92nd European Study Group with Industry (ESGI92). In this setting, each operator steers a trolley on the shop floor in order to select items for multiple customers. The objective is to improve their grocery e-commerce and bring it up to the level of the best international practices. In particular, the company wants to improve the routing tasks in order to decrease distances. For this purpose, a mathematical model for a faster open shop picking was developed. In this paper, we describe the problem, our proposed solution as well as some preliminary results and conclusions.


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In this talk, we discuss a scheduling problem that originated at TAP - Maintenance & Engineering - the maintenance, repair and overhaul organization of Portugal’s leading airline. In the repair process of aircrafts’ engines, the operations to be scheduled may be executed on a certain workstation by any processor of a given set, and the objective is to minimize the total weighted tardiness. A mixed integer linear programming formulation, based on the flexible job shop scheduling, is presented here, along with computational experiment on a real instance, provided by TAP-ME, from a regular working week. The model was also tested using benchmarking instances available in literature.