49 resultados para latex product waste


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In this study, the effect of incorporation of recycled glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of shredding and milling processes, on mechanical behaviour of polyester polymer mortars (PM) was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates, between 4% up to 12% in weight, were incorporated into polyester PM materials as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of the addition of a silane coupling agent to resin binder was also evaluated. Applied waste material was proceeding from the shredding of the leftovers resultant from the cutting and assembly processes of GFRP pultrusion profiles. Currently, these leftovers as well as non-conform products and scrap resulting from pultrusion manufacturing process are landfilled, with additional costs to producers and suppliers. Hence, besides the evident environmental benefits, a viable and feasible solution for these wastes would also conduct to significant economic advantages. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of full factorial design approach and analysis of variance ANOVA. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as partial replacement of aggregates and reinforcement for PM materials, with significant improvements on mechanical properties of resultant mortars with regards to waste-free formulations.


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In this paper the adequacy and the benefit of incorporating glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste materials into polyester based mortars, as sand aggregates and filler replacements, are assessed. Different weight contents of mechanically recycled GFRP wastes with two particle size grades are included in the formulation of new materials. In all formulations, a polyester resin matrix was modified with a silane coupling agent in order to improve binder-aggregates interfaces. The added value of the recycling solution was assessed by means of both flexural and compressive strengths of GFRP admixed mortars with regard to those of the unmodified polymer mortars. Planning of experiments and data treatment were performed by means of full factorial design and through appropriate statistical tools based on analyses of variance (ANOVA). Results show that the partial replacement of sand aggregates by either type of GFRP recyclates improves the mechanical performance of resultant polymer mortars. In the case of trial formulations modified with the coarser waste mix, the best results are achieved with 8% waste weight content, while for fine waste based polymer mortars, 4% in weight of waste content leads to the higher increases on mechanical strengths. This study clearly identifies a promising waste management solution for GFRP waste materials by developing a cost-effective end-use application for the recyclates, thus contributing to a more sustainable fibre-reinforced polymer composites industry.


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Waste oil recycling companies play a very important role in our society. Competition among companies is tough and process optimization is essential for survival. By equipping oil containers with a level monitoring system that periodically reports the level and alerts when it reaches the preset threshold, the oil recycling companies are able to streamline the oil collection process and, thus, reduce the operation costs while maintaining the quality of service. This paper describes the development of this level monitoring system by a team of four students from different engineering backgrounds and nationalities. The team conducted a study of the state of the art, draw marketing and sustainable development plans and, finally, designed and implemented a prototype that continuously measures the container content level and sends an alert message as soon as it reaches the preset capacity.


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Os biocombustíveis são combustíveis com origem em matérias-primas naturais e renováveis, como óleos vegetais, gorduras animais, óleos e gorduras residuais entre outros, utilizados como substitutos de combustíveis minerais, como o gasóleo ou gasolina. Esta alternativa aos combustíveis de origem fóssil, tem-se vindo a revelar cada vez mais atrativa, sobretudo devido aos seus benefícios ambientais, destacando-se entre ele s o facto de serem biodegradáveis, não tóxicos e emitirem menos gases aquando da sua combustão, não contribuindo deste modo para o aumento do efeito de estufa na atmosfera. Na execução do presente trabalho, assume-se como finalidade o desenvolvimento de procedimentos laboratoriais sistemático de modo, com o intuito de elaborar um controlo de qualidade para a produção do biodiesel que permita a implementação de novas medidas processuais melhorando a produção de biodiesel. Este trabalho é resultado do estágio no Ecoparque Braval Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos, S.A. Com a avaliação sistemática e contínua, tanto da matéria-prima usada na produção do biodiesel, como do produto final em si, através de procedimentos laboratoriais específicos para o efeito, visa-se que em distintas fases do processo de produção do biodiesel seja compreendido o que ocorre de forma efetiva, e assim se assumam medidas preventivas e corretivas com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade do produto final. Na elaboração deste trabalho foram também reunidos esforços no sentido de controlar as especificações do óleo à entrada das instalações e iniciar o controlo de qualidade do produto final através de análises comparativas elaboradas no laboratório da Unidade de Produção de Biodiesel do Ecoparque Brava! - Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos, S.A. Outra abordagem do trabalho em questão, incide no estudo do efeito da variação das condições operatórias, nomeadamente a razão molar metanol/óleo , quantidade de catalizador na produção de biodiesel, nomeadamente, na quantidade de glicerina obtida como subproduto da reação e na facilidade de separação de fases. Neste sentido, o trabalho proposto pretende controlar a qualidade da matéria-prima usada, a qualidade do produto final e apresentar os aspetos-chave que deve m ser considerados para urna melhor gestão do s recursos de produção do biocombustível.


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Num mercado cada vez mais competitivo, torna-se fundamental para as empresas produzirem mais com menos recursos, aumentando a eficiência interna, através da otimização dos seus processos. Neste contexto aparece o Lean Manufacturing, metodologia que tem como objetivo criar valor para os stakeholders, através da eliminação de desperdício na cadeia de valor. Este projeto descreve a análise e a formulação de soluções do processo de produção de um Módulo de Serviço, produto que faz parte do sistema elétrico de um elevador. Para análise do problema utilizamos técnicas e ferramentas lean, tais como, o value stream mapping (VSM), o diagrama de processo e o diagrama de spaghetti. Para formulação do problema usamos o value stream design (VSD), a metodologia 5S, o sistema Kanban e a criação de fluxo contínuo, através do conceito takt time, do sistema Pull, da definição do processo pacemaker, da programação nivelada (Heijunka), do conceito pitch time e da caixa de nivelamento (Heijunka Box). Com este projeto pretendemos demonstrar que a implementação de um fluxo unitário de peças através da filosofia Lean Manufacturing, acrescenta qualidade ao produto, cria flexibilidade, aumenta a produtividade, liberta áreas de produção, aumenta a segurança, reduz o custo com o stock e aumenta a motivação organizacional.


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A utilização de energia renovável é hoje tema abordado em todo o mundo, devido à preocupação com a preservação do meio ambiente. Entre as energias renováveis, a biomassa destaca-se pela excelente disponibilidade que possui. Os dejetos bovinos são uma das mais abundantes, o qual tem grande potencial energético, se fermentado corretamente em biodigestores, obtendo como um dos produtos finais, o biogás. Esse gás é constituído na sua maior parte por gás metano (CH4) que é altamente inflamável. Neste trabalho pretende-se fazer a avaliação do potencial energético das propriedades de produção de leite na região do concelho de BRAGA aplicando uma tecnologia de queima de biogás e de produção de eletricidade utilizando um sistema de cogeração convencional e uma tecnologia mais recente, o Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) e explicitando a respetiva análise económica. As opções por um sistema ORC na central em análise foram justificadas ponderando as vantagens e desvantagens deste ciclo em relação ao ciclo de vapor de água. O objetivo é a obtenção de energia elétrica e térmica e o aumento do rendimento global da instalação com o aproveitamento de todas as energias disponíveis, assim como a eliminação da toxidade dos dejetos para aproveitamento como biomassa. Partindo do levantamento bibliográfico e caraterização das diversas propriedades existentes no concelho, utilizando a tecnologia mais indicada e atual para este tipo de instalação. A biomassa utilizada foi uma mistura de dejetos bovinos com água. O biogás produzido foi convertido em energia elétrica e térmica, através da sua queima. Tem-se assim uma central que além de dar destino adequado aos dejetos animais, diminui a contaminação ambiental, evita a emissão de gás metano para a atmosfera e produz biogás. Efetua-se os cálculos económicos para dois cenários distintos, implementação de uma central de valorização de biogás em cada um dos oito maiores produtores de leite do núcleo de Penso e o aproveitamento dos dejetos produzidos pelos mesmos para implementação de uma central global de recolha dos mesmos, onde é feito o tratamento dos mesmos e a consequente produção de biogás. Na análise económica foram utilizados os seguintes critérios: o VAL (valor atual líquido), a TIR (taxa interna de rendibilidade) e o Período de Retorno Financeiro do Projeto.


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In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency performance of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WCSD) and the directives of ISO 14301 standard were followed and applied. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent eco-efficiency ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and eco-efficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, at both upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: i) Adoption of a new heating system for pultrusion die-tool in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; ii) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.


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Com as crescentes exigências do mercado e fortes restrições a nível ambiental, as indústrias modernas tendem a progredir no sentido da eficiência, sustentabilidade e rentabilidade dos seus processos produtivos. Sendo a indústria dos curtumes uma forte geradora de resíduos sólidos, é indispensável criar alternativas à valorização desses mesmos resíduos de forma a cumprir todos os requisitos ambientais. Este trabalho remete à reutilização dos resíduos, provenientes da divisão da pele em tripa após operação de descarna, com o intuito de se desenvolver um novo bio-produto apto para ser utilizado noutros sectores industriais. Os resíduos em causa consistem maioritariamente em colagéneo, que apresenta um enorme potencial para se produzir cola animal. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objectivo principal avaliar a utilização deste tipo de resíduo na produção de um novo bio-produto, cola animal, e testar a sua aplicabilidade técnica e funcional. Com a realização deste trabalho, mostrou-se ser possível produzir um produto, a partir de retalhos da indústria de curtumes, com um perfil de carácter positivo no que diz respeito à viabilidade técnica e funcional da utilização da cola animal como eventual alternativa a um ligante, para formulações de colas de base aquosa para a indústria gráfica e do papel.


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In this study the effect of incorporation of recycled glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of milling processes, on mechanical behaviour of polyester polymer mortars was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of recycled GFRP waste powder and fibres, with distinct size gradings, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as sand aggregates and filler replacements. Flexural and compressive loading capacities were evaluated and found better than unmodified polymer mortars. GFRP modified polyester based mortars also show a less brittle behaviour, with retention of some loading capacity after peak load. Obtained results highlight the high potential of recycled GFRP waste materials as efficient and sustainable reinforcement and admixture for polymer concrete and mortars composites, constituting an emergent waste management solution.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. There are several methods to recycle GFR thermostable materials: (a) incineration, with partial energy recovery due to the heat generated during organic part combustion; (b) thermal and/or chemical recycling, such as solvolysis, pyrolisis and similar thermal decomposition processes, with glass fibre recovering; and (c) mechanical recycling or size reduction, in which the material is subjected to a milling process in order to obtain a specific grain size that makes the material suitable as reinforcement in new formulations. This last method has important advantages over the previous ones: there is no atmospheric pollution by gas emission, a much simpler equipment is required as compared with ovens necessary for thermal recycling processes, and does not require the use of chemical solvents with subsequent environmental impacts. In this study the effect of incorporation of recycled GFRP waste materials, obtained by means of milling processes, on mechanical behavior of polyester polymer mortars was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of recycled GFRP waste materials, with distinct size gradings, were incorporated into polyester polymer mortars as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of GFRP waste treatment with silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. The use of factorial experiment design, instead of the one factor at-a-time method is efficient at allowing the evaluation of the effects and possible interactions of the different material factors involved. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as polymer mortar aggregates, without significant loss of mechanical properties with regard to non-modified polymer mortars.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the waste reuse in polymer mortars and concrete. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.


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In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency performance of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WCSD) and the directives of ISO 14301 standard were followed and applied. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent ecoefficiency’s ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and eco-efficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, both in upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: a) Adoption of new heating system for pultrusion die in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; c) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.


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In this study the potential eco-efficiency performance of a pultrusion manufacturing company was assessed. Indicators values and eco-efficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures in the production process of glass fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) pultrusion profiles. Two different approaches were foreseen: 1)Adoption of a new heating system for pultrusion die in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; and 2) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.


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The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) defines Eco-Efficiency as follows: ‘Eco- Efficiency is achieved by the delivery of competitively priced-goods and services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity throughout the life-cycle to a level at least in line with the earth’s estimated carrying capacity’. Eco-Efficiency is under this point of view a key concept for sustainable development, bringing together economic and ecological progress. Measuring the Eco-Efficiency of a company, factory or business, is a complex process that involves the measurement and control of several and relevant parameters or indicators, globally applied to all companies in general, or specific according to the nature and specificities of the business itself. In this study, an attempt was made in order to measure and evaluate the eco-efficiency of a pultruded composite processing company. For this purpose the recommendations of WBCSD [1] and the directives of ISO 14301 standard [2] were followed and applied. The analysis was restricted to the main business branch of the company: the production and sale of standard GFRP pultrusion profiles. The main general indicators of eco-efficiency, as well as the specific indicators, were defined and determined according to ISO 14031 recommendations. With basis on indicators’ figures, the value profile, the environmental profile, and the pertinent eco-efficiency’s ratios were established and analyzed. In order to evaluate potential improvements on company eco-performance, new indicators values and ecoefficiency ratios were estimated taking into account the implementation of new proceedings and procedures, both in upstream and downstream of the production process, namely: a) Adoption of new heating system for pultrusion die in the manufacturing process, more effective and with minor heat losses; b) Implementation of new software for stock management (raw materials and final products) that minimize production failures and delivery delays to final consumer; c) Recycling approach, with partial waste reuse of scrap material derived from manufacturing, cutting and assembly processes of GFRP profiles. In particular, the last approach seems to significantly improve the eco-efficient performance of the company. Currently, by-products and wastes generated in the manufacturing process of GFRP profiles are landfilled, with supplementary added costs to this company traduced by transport of scrap, landfill taxes and required test analysis to waste materials. However, mechanical recycling of GFRP waste materials, with reduction to powdered and fibrous particulates, constitutes a recycling process that can be easily attained on heavy-duty cutting mills. The posterior reuse of obtained recyclates, either into a close-looping process, as filler replacement of resin matrix of GFRP profiles, or as reinforcement of other composite materials produced by the company, will drive to both costs reduction in raw materials and landfill process, and minimization of waste landfill. These features lead to significant improvements on the sequent assessed eco-efficiency ratios of the present case study, yielding to a more sustainable product and manufacturing process of pultruded GFRP profiles.


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In this study, the added value resultant from the incorporation of pultrusion production waste into polymer based concretes was assessed. For this purpose, different types of thermoset composite scrap material, proceeding from GFRP pultrusion manufacturing process, were mechanical shredded and milled into a fibrous-powdered material. Resultant GFRP recyclates, with two different size gradings, were added to polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements, at various load contents between 4% up to 12% in weight of total mass. Flexural and compressive loading capacities were evaluated and found better than those of unmodified polymer mortars. Obtained results highlight the high potential of recycled GFRP pultrusion waste materials as efficient and sustainable admixtures for concrete and mortar-polymer composites, constituting an emergent waste management solution.