19 resultados para Xanthophyll cycle Mehler-peroxidase reaction


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This article investigates the limit cycle (LC) prediction of systems with backlash by means of the describing function (DF) when using discrete fractional-order (FO) algorithms. The DF is an approximate method that gives good estimates of LCs. The implementation of FO controllers requires the use of rational approximations, but such realizations produce distinct dynamic types of behavior. This study analyzes the accuracy in the prediction of LCs, namely their amplitude and frequency, when using several different algorithms. To illustrate this problem we use FO-PID algorithms in the control of systems with backlash.


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Die Luftverschmutzung, die globale Erwrmung sowie die Verknappung der endlichen Ressourcen sind die grten Bedenken der vergangenen Jahrzehnte. Die Nachfrage nach jeglicher Mobilitt steigt rapide. Dementsprechend bemht ist die Automobilindustrie Lsungen fr Mobilitt unter dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit und dem Umweltschutz anzubieten. Die Elektrifizierung hat sich hierbei als der beste Weg herausgestellt, um die Umweltprobleme sowie die Abhngigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen zu lsen. Diese Arbeit soll einen Einblick ber die Umweltauswirkungen des Hybridfahrzeuges Toyota Prius geben. Hierbei findet eine Gliederung in vier verschiedene Lebensphasen statt. Im Anschluss bietet die Sachbilanz die Mglichkeit die Umweltauswirkungen mit verschiedenen Antriebsmglichkeiten und Brennstoffen zu vergleichen. Das Modell hat gezeigt, dass der Toyota Prius whrend der Nutzung einen hohen Einfluss auf das Treibhauspotenzial aufweist. Durch die Nutzung anderer Brennstoffe, wie beispielsweise Ethanol oder Methanol lassen sich die Auswirkungen am Treibhauspotenzial sowie der Verbrauch an abiotischen Ressourcen reduzieren. Vergleicht man die Elektromobilitt mit der konventionellen, so ist festzustellen, dass diese Art der Mobilitt die derzeit beste Mglichkeit zur Reduzierung der Umweltbelastungen bietet. Die Auswirkungen der Elektromobilitt sind im hohen Mae abhngig von der Art des verwendeten Strommixes.


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Biomechanical gait parametersground reaction forces (GRFs) and plantar pressuresduring load carriage of young adults were compared at a low gait cadence and a high gait cadence. Differences between load carriage and normal walking during both gait cadences were also assessed. A force plate and an in-shoe plantar pressure system were used to assess 60 adults while they were walking either normally (unloaded condition) or wearing a backpack (loaded condition) at low (70 steps per minute) and high gait cadences (120 steps per minute). GRF and plantar pressure peaks were scaled to body weight (or body weight plus backpack weight). With medium to high effect sizes we found greater anterior-posterior and vertical GRFs and greater plantar pressure peaks in the rearfoot, forefoot and hallux when the participants walked carrying a backpack at high gait cadences compared to walking at low gait cadences. Differences between loaded and unloaded conditions in both gait cadences were also observed.


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A manuteno uma rea extremamente importante, principalmente na indstria. Devidamente organizada, permitir um fluxo produtivo devidamente planeado e executado, que permitir a qualquer empresa manter o nvel de facturao desejado e o prazo de entrega acordado com os clientes. De outra forma, poder originar o caos. No entanto, os desafios de gesto da produo mais correntes, nomeadamente atravs do Lean Manufacturing, passam a exigir um pouco mais do que uma simples manuteno. Torna-se obrigatrio fazer anlises econmicas que permitam averiguar quando cada equipamento passa a exigir custos de manuteno excessivos, os quais podero obrigar a um recondicionamento mais acentuado do equipamento, o qual pode passar inclusivamente por uma melhoria da sua performance. Nestes casos, ter que existir uma cumplicidade entre a Direco de Produo e a Manuteno, no sentido de averiguar o melhor momento para proceder a uma melhoria do equipamento, numa perspectiva de funcionamento global em linha de produo, adaptando-o performance que ser exigida ao conjunto. Neste domnio, o Projecto passa a prestar um servio valiosssimo empresa, integrando-se no conjunto Produo + Manuteno, criando valor na interveno, atravs do desenvolvimento de um trabalho que permite no s repor o estado natural da produo, mas sim promover uma melhoria sustentada da mesma. Este trabalho pretende reflectir e avaliar a relevncia do Projecto neste tipo de operaes, contribuindo de uma forma sistemtica e sustentada para a melhoria contnua dos processos de fabrico. apresentado um caso de estudo que pretende validar todo o desenvolvimento anteriormente realizado na matria.