125 resultados para Web-Assisted Error Detection


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Recent studies of mobile Web trends show the continued explosion of mobile-friend content. However, the wide number and heterogeneity of mobile devices poses several challenges for Web programmers, who want automatic delivery of context and adaptation of the content to mobile devices. Hence, the device detection phase assumes an important role in this process. In this chapter, the authors compare the most used approaches for mobile device detection. Based on this study, they present an architecture for detecting and delivering uniform m-Learning content to students in a Higher School. The authors focus mainly on the XML device capabilities repository and on the REST API Web Service for dealing with device data. In the former, the authors detail the respective capabilities schema and present a new caching approach. In the latter, they present an extension of the current API for dealing with it. Finally, the authors validate their approach by presenting the overall data and statistics collected through the Google Analytics service, in order to better understand the adherence to the mobile Web interface, its evolution over time, and the main weaknesses.


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In recent years, vehicular cloud computing (VCC) has emerged as a new technology which is being used in wide range of applications in the area of multimedia-based healthcare applications. In VCC, vehicles act as the intelligent machines which can be used to collect and transfer the healthcare data to the local, or global sites for storage, and computation purposes, as vehicles are having comparatively limited storage and computation power for handling the multimedia files. However, due to the dynamic changes in topology, and lack of centralized monitoring points, this information can be altered, or misused. These security breaches can result in disastrous consequences such as-loss of life or financial frauds. Therefore, to address these issues, a learning automata-assisted distributive intrusion detection system is designed based on clustering. Although there exist a number of applications where the proposed scheme can be applied but, we have taken multimedia-based healthcare application for illustration of the proposed scheme. In the proposed scheme, learning automata (LA) are assumed to be stationed on the vehicles which take clustering decisions intelligently and select one of the members of the group as a cluster-head. The cluster-heads then assist in efficient storage and dissemination of information through a cloud-based infrastructure. To secure the proposed scheme from malicious activities, standard cryptographic technique is used in which the auotmaton learns from the environment and takes adaptive decisions for identification of any malicious activity in the network. A reward and penalty is given by the stochastic environment where an automaton performs its actions so that it updates its action probability vector after getting the reinforcement signal from the environment. The proposed scheme was evaluated using extensive simulations on ns-2 with SUMO. The results obtained indicate that the proposed scheme yields an improvement of 10 % in detection rate of malicious nodes when compared with the existing schemes.


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Chemical sensors and biosensors are widely used to detect various kinds of protein target biomolecules. Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) have raised great interest in this area, because these act as antibody-like recognition materials, with high affinity to the template molecule. Compared to natural antibodies, these are also of lower cost and higher stability. There are different types of supports used to carry MIP materials, mostly of these made of gold, favourably assembled on a Screen Printed Electrode (SPE) strategy. For this work a new kind of support for the sensing layer was developed: conductive paper. This support was made by modifying first cellulose paper with paraffin wax (to make it waterproof), and casting a carbon-ink on it afterwards, to turn it conductive. The SPAM approach previously reported in1 was employed herein to assemble to MIP sensing material on the conductive paper. The selected charged monomers were (vinylbenzyl) trimethlammonium chloride (positive charge) or vinylbenzoic acid (negative charge), used to generate binding positions with single-type charge (positive or negative). The non-specific binding area of the MIP layer was assembled by chronoamperometry-assisted polymerization (at 1 V, for 60, 120 or 180 seconds) of vinylbenzoate, cross-linked with ethylene glycol vinyl ether. The BSA biomolecules lying within the polymeric matrix were removed by Proteinase K action. All preparation stages of the MIP assembly were followed by FTIR, Raman spectroscopy and, electrochemical analysis. In general, the best results were obtained for longer polymerization times and positively charged binding sites (which was consistent with a negatively-charged protein under physiological pH, as BSA). Linear responses against BSA concentration ranged from 0.005 to 100 mg/mL, in PBS buffer standard solutions. The sensor was further calibrated in standard solutions that were prepared in synthetic or real urine, and the analytical response became more sensitive and stable. Compared to the literature, the detection capability of the developed device is better than most of the reported electrodes. Overall, the simplicity, low cost and good analytical performance of the BSA SPE device, prepared with positively charged binding positions, seems a suitable approach for practical application in clinical context. Further studies with real samples are required, as well as gathering with electronic-supporting devices to allow on-site readings.


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A novel reusable molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) assembled on a polymeric layer of carboxylated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVCsingle bondCOOH) for myoglobin (Myo) detection was developed. This polymer was casted on the gold working area of a screen printed electrode (Au-SPE), creating a novel disposable device relying on plastic antibodies. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), cyclic voltammetry (CV) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) studies confirmed the surface modification. The MIP/Au-SPE devices displayed a linear behaviour in EIS from 0.852 to 4.26 μg mL−1, of positive slope 6.50 ± 1.48 (kΩ mL μg−1). The limit of detection was 2.25 μg mL−1. Square wave voltammetric (SWV) assays were made in parallel and showed linear responses between 1.1 and 2.98 μg mL−1. A current decrease was observed against Myo concentration, producing average slopes of −0.28 ± 0.038 μA mL μg−1. MIP/Au-SPE also showed good results in terms of selectivity. The error% found for each interfering species were 7% for troponin T (TnT), 11% for bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 2% for creatine kinase MB (CKMB), respectively. Overall, the technical modification over the Au-SPE was found a suitable approach for screening Myo in biological fluids.


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The complexity of systems is considered an obstacle to the progress of the IT industry. Autonomic computing is presented as the alternative to cope with the growing complexity. It is a holistic approach, in which the systems are able to configure, heal, optimize, and protect by themselves. Web-based applications are an example of systems where the complexity is high. The number of components, their interoperability, and workload variations are factors that may lead to performance failures or unavailability scenarios. The occurrence of these scenarios affects the revenue and reputation of businesses that rely on these types of applications. In this article, we present a self-healing framework for Web-based applications (SHõWA). SHõWA is composed by several modules, which monitor the application, analyze the data to detect and pinpoint anomalies, and execute recovery actions autonomously. The monitoring is done by a small aspect-oriented programming agent. This agent does not require changes to the application source code and includes adaptive and selective algorithms to regulate the level of monitoring. The anomalies are detected and pinpointed by means of statistical correlation. The data analysis detects changes in the server response time and analyzes if those changes are correlated with the workload or are due to a performance anomaly. In the presence of per- formance anomalies, the data analysis pinpoints the anomaly. Upon the pinpointing of anomalies, SHõWA executes a recovery procedure. We also present a study about the detection and localization of anomalies, the accuracy of the data analysis, and the performance impact induced by SHõWA. Two benchmarking applications, exercised through dynamic workloads, and different types of anomaly were considered in the study. The results reveal that (1) the capacity of SHõWA to detect and pinpoint anomalies while the number of end users affected is low; (2) SHõWA was able to detect anomalies without raising any false alarm; and (3) SHõWA does not induce a significant performance overhead (throughput was affected in less than 1%, and the response time delay was no more than 2 milliseconds).


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This study investigates Portuguese companies’ use of the Internet to communicate social responsibility information, and the factors that affect this use. It examines the characteristics of companies that influence the prominence of social responsibility information on the Internet. Firm-specific factors that explain SRD by companies operating in a European country in which capital market fund raising is not regarded to be an important source of financing are analysed. The results are interpreted through the lens of a “political economy” framework which combines stakeholder and legitimacy theories perspectives, according to which companies disclose social responsibility information to present a socially responsible image so that they can legitimise their behaviours to their stakeholder groups and influence the external perception of reputation. Results suggest that a theoretical framework combining stakeholder and legitimacy theories may provide an explanatory basis for SRD by Portuguese companies. However, this study does not provide us with enough evidence to determine that the prominence given to CSR activities by Portuguese companies in their websites is linked to relationships with their stakeholders


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March 19 - 22, 2006, São Paulo, BRAZIL World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education


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O avanço e difusão da tecnologia, em particular da Internet, obrigaram à disponibilização de informação com qualidade e facilmente acessível. Tais exigências vêm confirmar a relevância do papel da interface como elemento principal na interacção do utilizador com os sistemas de informação. É, por isso, fundamental que a interface seja fácil de usar e que vá ao encontro das expectativas e necessidades de todos os utilizadores. O desenvolvimento de interfaces que satisfaçam utilizadores com necessidades distintas, independentemente das suas capacidades motoras e perceptivas, culturais e sociais não é uma tarefa que possa se considerada simples [1]. De acordo com vários especialistas em Interacção Homem-Computador, [1], [2] e [3] as interfaces devem ser construídas respeitando os princípios de desenho centrado no utilizador, visando um elevado grau de usabilidade e em conformidade com directrizes de acessibilidade básicas. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para avaliação da acessibilidade de um sítio Web, baseado num documento disponibilizado pela Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI, [4], a ser aplicada à secretaria on-line de uma escola do ensino superior.


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This paper presents a project consisting on the development of an Intelligent Tutoring System, for training and support concerning the development of electrical installation projects to be used by electrical engineers, technicians and students. One of the major goals of this project is to devise a teaching model based on Intelligent Tutoring techniques, considering not only academic knowledge but also other types of more empirical knowledge, able to achieve successfully the training of electrical installation design.


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Electricity markets are complex environments, involving a large number of different entities, playing in a dynamic scene to obtain the best advantages and profits. MASCEM is a multi-agent electricity market simu-lator to model market players and simulate their operation in the market. Market players are entities with specific characteristics and objectives, making their decisions and interacting with other players. MASCEM pro-vides several dynamic strategies for agents’ behaviour. This paper presents a method that aims to provide market players strategic bidding capabilities, allowing them to obtain the higher possible gains out of the market. This method uses an auxiliary forecasting tool, e.g. an Artificial Neural Net-work, to predict the electricity market prices, and analyses its forecasting error patterns. Through the recognition of such patterns occurrence, the method predicts the expected error for the next forecast, and uses it to adapt the actual forecast. The goal is to approximate the forecast to the real value, reducing the forecasting error.


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Electrical activity is extremely broad and distinct, requiring by one hand, a deep knowledge on rules, regulations, materials, equipments, technical solutions and technologies and assistance in several areas, as electrical equipment, telecommunications, security and efficiency and rational use of energy, on the other hand, also requires other skills, depending on the specific projects to be implemented, being this knowledge a characteristic that belongs to the professionals with relevant experience, in terms of complexity and specific projects that were made.


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The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide new strategies for disseminating information and new communication models in order to change attitudes and human behaviour concerning to education. Nowadays the internet is crucial as a means of communication and information sharing. To education or tutorship will be required to use ICT, supported on the internet, to establish the communication of teacher-student and student-student, disseminating the content of the subjects, and as a way of teaching and learning process. This paper presents an intelligent tutor that aims to be a tool to support teaching and learning in the field of the electrical engineering project.


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Neste artigo procuramos refletir sobre a forma como as instituições de ensino superior policial e militar comunicam com os seus públicos através dos respetivos sítios web. Para esse efeito, recorrer-se-á sobretudo ao enfoque epistemológico do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo, no âmbito da Linguística do Texto e do Discurso.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores