145 resultados para Robot architectures


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As of today, AUTOSAR is the de facto standard in the automotive industry, providing a common software architec- ture and development process for automotive applications. While this standard is originally written for singlecore operated Elec- tronic Control Units (ECU), new guidelines and recommendations have been added recently to provide support for multicore archi- tectures. This update came as a response to the steady increase of the number and complexity of the software functions embedded in modern vehicles, which call for the computing power of multicore execution environments. In this paper, we enumerate and analyze the design options and the challenges of porting AUTOSAR-based automotive applications onto multicore platforms. In particular, we investigate those options when considering the emerging many- core architectures that provide a more scalable environment than the traditional multicore systems. Such platforms are suitable to enable massive parallel execution, and their design is more suitable for partitioning and isolating the software components.


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Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2015), Funchal, Portugal.


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Distributed real-time systems such as automotive applications are becoming larger and more complex, thus, requiring the use of more powerful hardware and software architectures. Furthermore, those distributed applications commonly have stringent real-time constraints. This implies that such applications would gain in flexibility if they were parallelized and distributed over the system. In this paper, we consider the problem of allocating fixed-priority fork-join Parallel/Distributed real-time tasks onto distributed multi-core nodes connected through a Flexible Time Triggered Switched Ethernet network. We analyze the system requirements and present a set of formulations based on a constraint programming approach. Constraint programming allows us to express the relations between variables in the form of constraints. Our approach is guaranteed to find a feasible solution, if one exists, in contrast to other approaches based on heuristics. Furthermore, approaches based on constraint programming have shown to obtain solutions for these type of formulations in reasonable time.


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3rd Workshop on High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems (HIRES 2015). 21, Jan, 2015. Amsterdam, Netherlands.


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Dragonflies demonstrate unique and superior flight performances than most of the other insect species and birds. They are equipped with two pairs of independently controlled wings granting an unmatchable flying performance and robustness. In this paper it is studied the dynamics of a dragonfly-inspired robot. The system performance is analyzed in terms of time response and robustness. The development of computational simulation based on the dynamics of the robotic dragonfly allows the test of different control algorithms. We study different movement, the dynamics and the level of dexterity in wing motion of the dragonfly. The results are positive for the construction of flying platforms that effectively mimic the kinematics and dynamics of dragonflies and potentially exhibit superior flight performance than existing flying platforms.


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6th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, Catania, Italy, 17-19 September


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Target tracking with bearing-only sensors is a challenging problem when the target moves dynamically in complex scenarios. Besides the partial observability of such sensors, they have limited field of views, occlusions can occur, etc. In those cases, cooperative approaches with multiple tracking robots are interesting, but the different sources of uncertain information need to be considered appropriately in order to achieve better estimates. Even though there exist probabilistic filters that can estimate the position of a target dealing with incertainties, bearing-only measurements bring usually additional problems with initialization and data association. In this paper, we propose a multi-robot triangulation method with a dynamic baseline that can triangulate bearing-only measurements in a probabilistic manner to produce 3D observations. This method is combined with a decentralized stochastic filter and used to tackle those initialization and data association issues. The approach is validated with simulations and field experiments where a team of aerial and ground robots with cameras track a dynamic target.


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013


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This article aims to apply the concepts associated with artificial neural networks (ANN) in the control of an autonomous robot system that is intended to be used in competitions of robots. The robot was tested in several arbitrary paths in order to verify its effectiveness. The results show that the robot performed the tasks with success. Moreover, in the case of arbitrary paths the ANN control outperforms other methodologies, such as fuzzy logic control (FLC).


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4th International Conference, SIMPAR 2014, Bergamo, Italy, October 20-23, 2014


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The paper presents a multi-robot cooperative framework to estimate the 3D position of dynamic targets, based on bearing-only vision measurements. The uncertainty of the observation provided by each robot equipped with a bearing-only vision system is effectively addressed for cooperative triangulation purposes by weighing the contribution of each monocular bearing ray in a probabilistic manner. The envisioned framework is evaluated in an outdoor scenario with a team of heterogeneous robots composed of an Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicle.


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Presented at INForum - Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Portugal.


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O trabalho aqui apresentado é a Dissertação da minha Tese do curso de Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores do ISEP, realizada em parceria com o INESC TEC. O trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema avançado de interação entre homem-robô, usando ferramentas de software livres e de domínio público e hardware pouco dispendioso e facilmente acessível. Pretende-se que o sistema desenvolvido possa ser adotado por pequenas ou micro empresas, daí a restrição monetária. Este tipo de empresas tem, por norma, uma capacidade de investimento pequena, e ficam impossibilitadas de aceder a este tipo de sistemas automatizados se estes forem caros. No entanto, o robô continua a ser um componente fundamental, sendo dispendioso. Os trabalhos realizados pelos sistemas robóticos podem por um lado, ser repetitivos sem necessidade de grandes ajustes; por outro lado, o trabalho a realizar pode ser bastante diverso, sendo necessários bastantes ajustes com (possivelmente) programação do robô. As empresas podem não ter disponível mão-de-obra qualificada para realização da programação do robô. Pretende-se então um sistema de “ensino” que seja simples e rápido. Este trabalho pretende satisfazer as necessidades de um sistema de interação homem-robô intuitivo mesmo para operadores que não estejam familiarizados com a robótica. Para simplificar a transferência de informação da tarefa a desempenhar pelo sistema robótico é usado um sistema de infravermelhos para delinear a operação a desempenhar, neste caso concreto uma operação de soldadura. O operador usa um apontador com marcadores, a posição destes marcadores é detetada usando duas câmaras para permitir o posicionamento tridimensional no espaço. As câmaras possuem filtros infravermelhos para separar o espectro de luz. Para o controlo do sistema e interface com o robô é usado um computador de baixos recursos computacionais e energéticos, e também de baixo custo. O sistema desenvolvido é portanto computacionalmente leve para poder ser executado neste computador.


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Manipulator systems are rather complex and highly nonlinear which makes difficult their analysis and control. Classic system theory is veil known, however it is inadequate in the presence of strong nonlinear dynamics. Nonlinear controllers produce good results [1] and work has been done e. g. relating the manipulator nonlinear dynamics with frequency response [2–5]. Nevertheless, given the complexity of the problem, systematic methods which permit to draw conclusions about stability, imperfect modelling effects, compensation requirements, etc. are still lacking. In section 2 we start by analysing the variation of the poles and zeros of the descriptive transfer functions of a robot manipulator in order to motivate the development of more robust (and computationally efficient) control algorithms. Based on this analysis a new multirate controller which is an improvement of the well known “computed torque controller” [6] is announced in section 3. Some research in this area was done by Neuman [7,8] showing tbat better robustness is possible if the basic controller structure is modified. The present study stems from those ideas, and attempts to give a systematic treatment, which results in easy to use standard engineering tools. Finally, in section 4 conclusions are presented.