18 resultados para LIMIT CYCLE WALKING


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Introduction: Lesions at ipsilateral systems related to postural control at ipsilesional side, may justify the lower performance of stroke subjects during walking. Purpose: To analyse bilateral ankle antagonist coactivation during double-support in stroke subjects. Methods: Sixteen (8 females; 8 males) subjects with a first isquemic stroke, and twenty two controls (12 females; 10 males) participated in this study. The double support phase was assessed through ground reaction forces and electromyography of ankle muscles was assessed in both limbs. Results: Ipsilesional limb presented statistical significant differences from control when assuming specific roles during double support, being the tibialis anterior and soleus pair the one in which this atypical behavior was more pronounced. Conclusion: The ipsilesional limb presents a dysfunctional behavior when a higher postural control activity was demanded.


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These are the proceedings for the eighth national conference on XML, its Associated Technologies and its Applications (XATA'2010). The paper selection resulted in 33% of papers accepted as full papers, and 33% of papers accepted as short papers. While these two types of papers were distinguish during the conference, and they had different talk duration, they all had the same limit of 12 pages. We are happy that the selected papers focus both aspects of the conference: XML technologies, and XML applications. In the first group we can include the articles on parsing and transformation technologies, like “Processing XML: a rewriting system approach", “Visual Programming of XSLT from examples", “A Refactoring Model for XML Documents", “A Performance based Approach for Processing Large XML Files in Multicore Machines", “XML to paper publishing with manual intervention" and “Parsing XML Documents in Java using Annotations". XML-core related papers are also available, focusing XML tools testing on “Test::XML::Generator: Generating XML for Unit Testing" and “XML Archive for Testing: a benchmark for GuessXQ". XML as the base for application development is also present, being discussed on different areas, like “Web Service for Interactive Products and Orders Configuration", “XML Description for Automata Manipulations", “Integration of repositories in Moodle", “XML, Annotations and Database: a Comparative Study of Metadata Definition Strategies for Frameworks", “CardioML: Integrating Personal Cardiac Information for Ubiquous Diagnosis and Analysis", “A Semantic Representation of Users Emotions when Watching Videos" and “Integrating SVG and SMIL in DAISY DTB production to enhance the contents accessibility in the Open Library for Higher Education". The wide spread of subjects makes us believe that for the time being XML is here to stay what enhances the importance of gathering this community to discuss related science and technology. Small conferences are traversing a bad period. Authors look for impact and numbers and only submit their works to big conferences sponsored by the right institutions. However the group of people behind this conference still believes that spaces like this should be preserved and maintained. This 8th gathering marks the beginning of a new cycle. We know who we are, what is our identity and we will keep working to preserve that. We hope the publication containing the works of this year's edition will catch the same attention and interest of the previous editions and above all that this publication helps in some other's work. Finally, we would like to thank all authors for their work and interest in the conference, and to the scientific committee members for their review work.


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A manutenção é uma área extremamente importante, principalmente na indústria. Devidamente organizada, permitirá um fluxo produtivo devidamente planeado e executado, que permitirá a qualquer empresa manter o nível de facturação desejado e o prazo de entrega acordado com os clientes. De outra forma, poderá originar o caos. No entanto, os desafios de gestão da produção mais correntes, nomeadamente através do Lean Manufacturing, passam a exigir um pouco mais do que uma simples manutenção. Torna-se obrigatório fazer análises económicas que permitam averiguar quando cada equipamento passa a exigir custos de manutenção excessivos, os quais poderão obrigar a um recondicionamento mais acentuado do equipamento, o qual pode passar inclusivamente por uma melhoria da sua performance. Nestes casos, terá que existir uma “cumplicidade” entre a Direcção de Produção e a Manutenção, no sentido de averiguar o melhor momento para proceder a uma melhoria do equipamento, numa perspectiva de funcionamento global em linha de produção, adaptando-o à performance que será exigida ao conjunto. Neste domínio, o Projecto passa a prestar um serviço valiosíssimo à empresa, integrando-se no conjunto Produção + Manutenção, criando valor na intervenção, através do desenvolvimento de um trabalho que permite não só repor o estado natural da produção, mas sim promover uma melhoria sustentada da mesma. Este trabalho pretende reflectir e avaliar a relevância do Projecto neste tipo de operações, contribuindo de uma forma sistemática e sustentada para a melhoria contínua dos processos de fabrico. É apresentado um caso de estudo que pretende validar todo o desenvolvimento anteriormente realizado na matéria.