35 resultados para Direito e rock


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Exponho nas páginas seguintes o resultado da minha pesquisa, elaborada tendo em conta as necessidades de um tradutor na realização do seu trabalho. Estas páginas providenciam não só glossários, mas também diversos textos jurídicos (deveras importantes na contextualização de um termo) e links. Cinjo-me ao Direito na sua generalidade, fazendo ainda referência a dois ramos do Direito, mais concretamente o Direito Fiscal e o Direito do Trabalho, que, por serem temas recorrentes e extremamente relevantes na vida prática, se revestem de importância incontestável.


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The presented work was conducted within the Dissertation / Internship, branch of Environmental Protection Technology, associated to the Master thesis in Chemical Engineering by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto and it was developed in the Aquatest a.s, headquartered in Prague, in Czech Republic. The ore mining exploitation in the Czech Republic began in the thirteenth century, and has been extended until the twentieth century, being now evident the consequences of the intensive extraction which includes contamination of soil and sub-soil by high concentrations of heavy metals. The mountain region of Zlaté Hory was chosen for the implementation of the remediation project, which consisted in the construction of three cells (tanks), the first to raise the pH, the second for the sedimentation of the formed precipitates and a third to increase the process efficiency in order to reduce high concentrations of metals, with special emphasis on iron, manganese and sulfates. This project was initiated in 2005, being pioneer in this country and is still ongoing due to the complex chemical and biological phenomenon’s inherent to the system. At the site where the project was implemented, there is a natural lagoon, thereby enabling a comparative study of the two systems (natural and artificial) regarding the efficiency of both in the reduction/ removal of the referred pollutants. The study aimed to assist and cooperate in the ongoing investigation at the company Aquatest, in terms of field work conducted in Zlaté Hory and in terms of research methodologies used in it. Thereby, it was carried out a survey and analysis of available data from 2005 to 2008, being complemented by the treatment of new data from 2009 to 2010. Moreover, a theoretical study of the chemical and biological processes that occurs in both systems was performed. Regarding the field work, an active participation in the collection and in situ sample analyzing of water and soil from the natural pond has been attained, with the supervision of Engineer, Irena Šupiková. Laboratory analysis of water and soil were carried out by laboratory technicians. It was found that the natural lagoon is more efficient in reducing iron and manganese, being obtained removal percentages of 100%. The artificial lagoon had a removal percentage of 90% and 33% for iron and manganese respectively. Despite the minor efficiency of the constructed wetland, it must be pointed out that this system was designed for the treatment and consequent reduction of iron. In this context, it can conclude that the main goal has been achieved. In the case of sulphates, the removal optimization is yet a goal to be achieved not only in the Czech Republic but also in other places where this type of contamination persists. In fact, in the natural lagoon and in the constructed wetland, removal efficiencies of 45% and 7% were obtained respectively. It has been speculated that the water at the entrance of both systems has different sources. The analysis of the collected data shows at the entrance of the natural pond, a concentration of 4.6 mg/L of total iron, 14.6 mg/L of manganese and 951 mg/L of sulphates. In the artificial pond, the concentrations are 27.7 mg/L, 8.1 mg/L and 382 mg/L respectively for iron, manganese and sulphates. During 2010 the investigation has been expanded. The study of soil samples has started in order to observe and evaluate the contribution of bacteria in the removal of heavy metals being in its early phase. Summarizing, this technology has revealed to be an interesting solution, since in addition to substantially reduce the mentioned contaminants, mostly iron, it combines the low cost of implementation with an reduced maintenance, and it can also be installed in recreation parks, providing habitats for plants and birds.


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Apresenta-se uma abordagem ao poder sancionatório aplicável nos pro­cedimentos conduzidos pela Comissão Europeia na aplicai;:ao das regras subs­tantivas e adjectivas de Direito da União Europeia em direito da concorrência.


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O artigo foca-se na figura do perito intérprete-tradutor nos tribunais franceses e no papel determinante do juiz na relação entre a língua e o direito, numa altura em que a linguística forense evidencia cada vez mais as implicações múltiplas e complexas existentes entre a tradução jurídica e o direito comparado.


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A prática e o ensino da tradução jurídica andaram sempre de mãos dadas com a História, sobretudo à medida que foi crescendo a necessidade de regular a sociedade, e em especial desde o desenvolvimento e multiplicação das organizações internacionais depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial e até à globalização actual. Muitos autores reflectiram sobre as competências necessárias para a prática da tradução jurídica que são, simultaneamente, competências jurídicas e competências textuais. Tomando estes dois pontos de partida, o artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a formação de base para o tradutor jurídico, que privilegia a utilização de documentos autêntico, hoje de acesso muito mais fácil através da internet. Propõem-se além disso exemplos, naturalmente concentrados no mundo jurídico, como demonstração, quer da importância da tradução jurídica e da particular qualificação que exige, quer por outro lado, mais em concreto, das diferentes estratégias de tradução jurídica e das opções a que pode obrigar. Finalmente, acentua-se como instrumentos jurídicos recentes obrigam o Estado português a adequar o seu próprio sistema processual penal a um standard europeu. É o caso da Directiva 2010/64/UE, que manifestamente configura e integra a tradução jurídico como “ferramenta” que em muitos casos pode ser decisiva para a garantia de certos direitos fundamentais.


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