33 resultados para ALEPH training sessions


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The activity of Control Center operators is important to guarantee the effective performance of Power Systems. Operators’ actions are crucial to deal with incidents, especially severe faults, like blackouts. In this paper we present an Intelligent Tutoring approach for training Portuguese Control Centre operators in tasks like incident analysis and diagnosis, and service restoration of Power Systems. Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) approach is used in the training of the operators, taking into account context awareness and the unobtrusive integration in the working environment.


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This article describes a new approach in the Intelligent Training of Operators in Power Systems Control Centres, considering the new reality of Renewable Sources, Distributed Generation, and Electricity Markets, under the emerging paradigms of Cyber-Physical Systems and Ambient Intelligence. We propose Intelligent Tutoring Systems as the approach to deal with the intelligent training of operators in these new circumstances.


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Control Centre operators are essential to assure a good performance of Power Systems. Operators’ actions are critical in dealing with incidents, especially severe faults, like blackouts. In this paper we present an Intelligent Tutoring approach for training Portuguese Control Centre operators in incident analysis and diagnosis, and service restoration of Power Systems, offering context awareness and an easy integration in the working environment.


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This paper aims to highlight the role of translation quality assessment in translation training so as to develop students’ translation competence and skills to face translation problems. An analysis to assess literary translation quality is proposed before proceeding to discuss its pedagogical implementation.


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O objectivo da Realidade Virtual é simples de entender mas muito difícil de implementar: criar ambientes completamente indiferenciáveis do mundo real com os quais se possa interagir de um modo natural. Desde a criação do Sensorama por Morton Heiling em 1962, passando pela difusão do conceito pelo público geral na década de 90 até os dias de hoje, a evolução da Realidade Virtual tem sido constante. Este conjunto de tecnologias tem estado envolvido por uma certa descrença por parte da sociedade, motivada pelas grandes expectativas que lhe foram atribuídas e pelo estado de desenvolvimento do hardware aquando do seu auge. No entanto, actualmente assiste-se a um ressurgimento do seu interesse no público geral com a introdução de imagem estereoscópica no cinema ou o sucesso dos controladores da consola Nintendo Wii. Hoje em dia as suas aplicações são muito variadas: desde o treino de pilotos de avião ao tratamento de fobias, passando pela industria do entretenimento e a visita virtual de locais com interesse histórico ou turístico. O objectivo desta tese de mestrado é explorar uma área que ainda não tem sido muito abrangida pela Realidade Virtual e que cobre também aspectos educacionais e lúdicos de modo a ser um factor de atracção para os estudantes do ensino secundário: a simulação de instrumentos musicais. Para tal foi implementado um sistema capaz de simular instrumentos musicais de percussão (uma bateria) utilizando imagem estereoscópica, som posicional e interfaces com o utilizador realistas. Os resultados obtidos nas sessões de avaliação efectuadas por alunos recentemente ingressados no ensino superior demonstram que o sistema desenvolvido, bem como a inovação em interfaces do utilizador com os dispositivos electrónicos de uma forma geral, constituem um meio efectivo na sua motivação para a escolha de um curso na área da engenharia.


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International guidelines recommend a first line therapy in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI), the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training. This case report assesses the effects of the PFM training program in treating women with severe SUI. The urodynamic parameters allow diagnosed intrinsic sphincter deficiency and urethral hypermobility. The subjective and objective parameters were assessed at the beginning and after six-month of PFM training program. This case report confirms the efficiency of the intensive training program in severe SUI. The medical implications of the PFM training as first treatment option reflect favourable individual results and additionally contribute to the selection of the non-invasive treatment, the reduction of the incidence collateral effects, low costs and that does not prevent future treatment options.


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Background: In Portugal, the routine clinical practice of speech and language therapists (SLTs) in treating children with all types of speech sound disorder (SSD) continues to be articulation therapy (AT). There is limited use of phonological therapy (PT) or phonological awareness training in Portugal. Additionally, at an international level there is a focus on collecting information on and differentiating between the effectiveness of PT and AT for children with different types of phonologically based SSD, as well as on the role of phonological awareness in remediating SSD. It is important to collect more evidence for the most effective and efficient type of intervention approach for different SSDs and for these data to be collected from diverse linguistic and cultural perspectives. Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of a PT and AT approach for treatment of 14 Portuguese children, aged 4.0–6.7 years, with a phonologically based SSD. Methods & Procedures: The children were randomly assigned to one of the two treatment approaches (seven children in each group). All children were treated by the same SLT, blind to the aims of the study, over three blocks of a total of 25 weekly sessions of intervention. Outcome measures of phonological ability (percentage of consonants correct (PCC), percentage occurrence of different phonological processes and phonetic inventory) were taken before and after intervention. A qualitative assessment of intervention effectiveness from the perspective of the parents of participants was included. Outcomes & Results: Both treatments were effective in improving the participants’ speech, with the children receiving PT showing a more significant improvement in PCC score than those receiving the AT. Children in the PT group also showed greater generalization to untreated words than those receiving AT. Parents reported both intervention approaches to be as effective in improving their children’s speech. Conclusions & Implications: The PT (combination of expressive phonological tasks, phonological awareness, listening and discrimination activities) proved to be an effective integrated method of improving phonological SSD in children. These findings provide some evidence for Portuguese SLTs to employ PT with children with phonologically based SSD


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Worldwide competitiveness poses enormous challenges on managers, demanding a continuous quest to increase rationality in the use of resources. As a management philosophy, Lean Manufacturing focuses on the elimination of activities that do not create any type of value and therefore are considered waste. For companies to successfully implement the Lean Manufacturing philosophy it is crucial that the human resources of the organization have the necessary training, for which proper tools are required. At the same time, higher education institutions need innovative tools to increase the attractiveness of engineering curricula and develop a higher level of knowledge among students, improving their employability. This paper describes how Lean Learning Academy, an international collaboration project between five EU universities and five companies, from SME to Multinational/Global companies, developed and applied an innovative training programme for Engineers on Lean Manufacturing, a successful alternative to the traditional teaching methods in engineering courses.


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In an increasingly competitive and globalized world, companies need effective training methodologies and tools for their employees. However, selecting the most suitable ones is not an easy task. It depends on the requirements of the target group (namely time restrictions), on the specificities of the contents, etc. This is typically the case for training in Lean, the waste elimination manufacturing philosophy. This paper presents and compares two different approaches to lean training methodologies and tools: a simulation game based on a single realistic manufacturing platform, involving production and assembly operations that allows learning by playing; and a digital game that helps understand lean tools. This paper shows that both tools have advantages in terms of trainee motivation and knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, they can be used in a complementary way, reinforcing the acquired knowledge.


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INTED2010, the 4th International Technology, Education and Development Conference was held in Valencia (Spain), on March 8, 9 and 10, 2010.


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This chapter examines the cross-cultural influence of training on the adjustment of international assignees. We focus on the pre-departure training (PDT) before an international assignment. It is an important topic because in the globalized world of today more and more expatriations are needed. The absence of PDT may generate the failure of the expatriation experience. Companies may neglect PDT due to cost reduction practices and ignorance of the need for it. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews to 42 Portuguese international assignees and 18 organizational representatives from nine Portuguese companies. The results suggest that companies should develop PDT programs, particularly when the cultural distance to the host country is bigger and when there is no previous experience of expatriation to that country in the company. The study is original because it details in depth the methods of PDT, its problems, and consequences. Some limitations linked to the research design and detailed in the conclusion should be overcome in future studies.


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The non-technical loss is not a problem with trivial solution or regional character and its minimization represents the guarantee of investments in product quality and maintenance of power systems, introduced by a competitive environment after the period of privatization in the national scene. In this paper, we show how to improve the training phase of a neural network-based classifier using a recently proposed meta-heuristic technique called Charged System Search, which is based on the interactions between electrically charged particles. The experiments were carried out in the context of non-technical loss in power distribution systems in a dataset obtained from a Brazilian electrical power company, and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed technique against with several others natureinspired optimization techniques for training neural networks. Thus, it is possible to improve some applications on Smart Grids.


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Neste estudo procuramos determinar a satisfação e a percepção de mudanças específicas resultantes da participação num programa de treino metacognitivo e da cognição social (TMSC) para pessoas com Esquizofrenia. Participaram 21 participantes com diagnóstico de Esquizofrenia responderam a um inquérito por questionário de administração direta com questões abertas, realizado a meio e no final do TMCS. A partir das categorias (1) Satisfação com o programa, (2) Reestruturação sócio-cognitiva e (3) Mudanças na relação eu-outro, verificamos que o programa é relevante, tem potencial para introduzir mudanças na relação com os outros e parece otimizar a cognição social. Os aspectos negativos apontados estão relacionados com a duração do programa e das sessões, e com a linguagem utilizada.


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Evidence indicates that exposure to high levels of noise adversely affects human health, and these effects are dependent upon various factors. In hospitals, there are many sources of noise, and high levels exert an impact on patients and staff, increasing both recovery time and stress, respectively. The goal of this pilot study was to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a training program (TP) on noise reduction in a Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) by comparing the noise levels before and after the implementation of the program. A total of 79 health professionals participated in the study. The measurements of sound pressure levels took into account the layout of the unit and location of the main sources of noise. General results indicated that LAeq levels before implementation of the training program were often excessive, ranging from 48.7 ± 2.94 dBA to 71.7 ± 4.74 dBA, exceeding international guidelines. Similarly following implementation of the training program noise levels remained unchanged (54.5 ± 0.49 dBA to 63.9 ± 4.37 dBA), despite a decrease in some locations. There was no significant difference before and after the implementation of TP. However a significant difference was found for Lp, Cpeak, before and after training staff, suggesting greater care by healthcare professionals performing their tasks. Even recognizing that a TP is quite important to change behaviors, this needs to be considered in a broader context to effectively control noise in the NICU.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of cognitive-motor dual-task training compared with single-task training on balance and executive functions in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Fifteen subjects, aged between 39 and 75 years old, were randomly assigned to the dual-task training group (n = 8) and single-task training group (n = 7). The training was run twice a week for 6 weeks. The single-task group received balance training and the dual-task group performed cognitive tasks simultaneously with the balance training. There were no significant differences between the two groups at baseline. After the intervention, the results for mediolateral sway with eyes closed were significantly better for the dual-task group and anteroposterior sway with eyes closed was significantly better for the single-task group. The results suggest superior outcomes for the dual-task training compared to the single-task training for static postural control, except in anteroposterior sway with eyes closed.