125 resultados para user support
This paper presents a Multi-Agent Market simulator designed for analyzing agent market strategies based on a complete understanding of buyer and seller behaviors, preference models and pricing algorithms, considering user risk preferences and game theory for scenario analysis. The system includes agents that are capable of improving their performance with their own experience, by adapting to the market conditions, and capable of considering other agents reactions.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
With the current complexity of communication protocols, implementing its layers totally in the kernel of the operating system is too cumbersome, and it does not allow use of the capabilities only available in user space processes. However, building protocols as user space processes must not impair the responsiveness of the communication. Therefore, in this paper we present a layer of a communication protocol, which, due to its complexity, was implemented in a user space process. Lower layers of the protocol are, for responsiveness issues, implemented in the kernel. This protocol was developed to support large-scale power-line communication (PLC) with timing requirements.
This paper presents the system developed to promote the rational use of electric energy among consumers and, thus, increase the energy efficiency. The goal is to provide energy consumers with an application that displays the energy consumption/production profiles, sets up consuming ceilings, defines automatic alerts and alarms, compares anonymously consumers with identical energy usage profiles by region and predicts, in the case of non-residential installations, the expected consumption/production values. The resulting distributed system is organized in two main blocks: front-end and back-end. The front-end includes user interface applications for Android mobile devices and Web browsers. The back-end provides data storage and processing functionalities and is installed in a cloud computing platform - the Google App Engine - which provides a standard Web service interface. This option ensures interoperability, scalability and robustness to the system.
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática - Área de Especialização em Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia
Presented at INForum - Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2015). 7 to 8, Sep, 2015. Covilhã, Portugal.
March 19 - 22, 2006, São Paulo, BRAZIL World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education
An increasing amount of research is being developed in the area where technology and humans meet. The success or failure of technologies and the question whether technology helps humans to fulfill their goals or whether it hinders them is in most cases not a technical one. User Perception and Influencing Factors of Technology in Everyday Life addresses issues of human and technology interaction. The research in this work is interdisciplinary, ranging from more technical subjects such as computer science, engineering, and information systems, to non-technical descriptions of technology and human interaction from the point of view of sociology or philosophy. This book is perfect for academics, researchers, and professionals alike as it presents a set of theories that allow us to understand the interaction of technology and humans and to put it to practical use.
Na presente dissertação pretendemos averiguar da pertinência prática do actual modelo de protecção de dados clínicos, ou seja, se nele está devidamente consagrada a autonomia e a individualidade do utente; pretendemos ainda perceber a tendência evolutiva do sistema português de protecção de dados clínicos, nomeadamente a sua capacidade de inovação e adaptação aos sistemas internacionais, respeitando o nosso ordenamento jurídico. Concretamente, pretendemos perceber de que forma esta informação estará protegida, bem como até onde os utentes estarão consciencializados dos perigos que enfrentam. Embora este seja um problema mundial, o facto é que a Gestão do Sistema de Protecção de Dados Pessoais e Clínicos suscita polémica e interpretações diferentes, dada a sensibilidade ética do tema, a integridade humana. Além deste facto, estamos perante uma problemática que irá sempre envolver vários interesses e consequentemente um confronto de posições. Este trabalho procura ilustrar de que forma se lida com a gestão de dados pessoais no nosso país, de que modo se harmonizam os diferentes interesses e perspectivas, que prioridades se encontram na orientação governamental nesta matéria, quais as penalizações para os eventuais incumpridores e qual o futuro possível dos dados pessoais em saúde, tendo como objectivo comum uma eficácia e sustentabilidade dos mecanismos utilizados. Vamos encontrar interesses divergentes, compromissos permissivos ou restritivos de tratamento de dados, tendências que suportam interesses privados e públicos que se vão concretizar em escolhas eficientes de gestão de dados. Esta diversidade de comportamentos vai ser objecto de estudo e análise neste trabalho, procurando aferir das vantagens e desvantagens de um sistema de informação em saúde: universal com a população coberta, e integrado a fim de compartilhar informações de todos os pacientes, de todas as unidades de prestação de cuidados de saúde.
O documento em anexo encontra-se na versão post-print (versão corrigida pelo editor).
PURPOSE: To analyze and compare the Ground Reaction Forces (GRF), during the stance phase of walking in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and non pregnant women. METHODS: 20 women, 10 pregnant and 10 non pregnant, voluntarily took part in this study. GRF were measured (1000 Hz) using a force platform (BERTEC 4060-15), an amplifier (BERTEC AM 6300) and an analogical-digital converter of 16 Bits (Biopac). RESULTS: The study showed that there were significant differences among the two groups concerning absolute values of time of the stance phase. In what concerns to the normalized values the most significant differences were verified in the maximums values of vertical force (Fz3, Fz1) and in the impulse of the antero-posterior force (Fy2), taxes of growth of the vertical force, and in the period of time for the antero-posterior force (Fy) be null. CONCLUSIONS: It is easier for the pregnant to continue forward movement (push-off phase). O smaller growth rates in what concerns to the maximum of the vertical force (Fz1) for the pregnant, can be associated with a slower speed of gait, as an adaptation strategy to maintain the balance, to compensate the alterations in the position of her center of gravity due to the load increase. The data related to the antero-posterior component of the force (Fy), shows that there is a significant difference between the pregnant woman’s left foot and right foot, which accuses a different functional behavior in each one of the feet, during the propulsion phase (TS).
The introduction of Electric Vehicles (EVs) together with the implementation of smart grids will raise new challenges to power system operators. This paper proposes a demand response program for electric vehicle users which provides the network operator with another useful resource that consists in reducing vehicles charging necessities. This demand response program enables vehicle users to get some profit by agreeing to reduce their travel necessities and minimum battery level requirements on a given period. To support network operator actions, the amount of demand response usage can be estimated using data mining techniques applied to a database containing a large set of operation scenarios. The paper includes a case study based on simulated operation scenarios that consider different operation conditions, e.g. available renewable generation, and considering a diversity of distributed resources and electric vehicles with vehicle-to-grid capacity and demand response capacity in a 33 bus distribution network.
The end consumers in a smart grid context are seen as active players. The distributed generation resources applied in smart home system as a micro and small-scale systems can be wind generation, photovoltaic and combine heat and power facility. The paper addresses the management of domestic consumer resources, i.e. wind generation, solar photovoltaic, combined heat and power, electric vehicle with gridable capability and loads, in a SCADA system with intelligent methodology to support the user decision in real time. The main goal is to obtain the better management of excess wind generation that may arise in consumer’s distributed generation resources. The optimization methodology is performed in a SCADA House Intelligent Management context and the results are analyzed to validate the SCADA system.
In this paper, we present PSiS (Personalized Sightseeing Tours Recommendation System) Mobile. PSiS Mobile is our proposal to a mobile recommendation and planning support system, which is designed to provide effective support during the tourist visit with context-aware information and recommendations about places of interest (POI), exploiting tourist preferences and context.
In this paper we present a user-centered interface for a scheduling system. The purpose of this interface is to provide graphical and interactive ways of defining a scheduling problem. To create such user interface an evaluation-centered user interaction development method was adopted: the star life cycle. The created prototype comprises the Task Module and the Scheduling Problem Module. The first one allows users to define a sequence of operations, i.e., a task. The second one enables a scheduling problem definition, which consists in a set of tasks. Both modules are equipped with a set of real time validations to assure the correct definition of the necessary data input for the scheduling module of the system. The usability evaluation allowed us to measure the ease of interaction and observe the different forms of interaction provided by each participant, namely the reactions to the real time validation mechanism.