42 resultados para Sparse matrices


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In this paper we present VERITAS, a tool that focus time maintenance, that is one of the most important processes in the engineering of the time during the development of KBS. The verification and validation (V&V) process is part of a wider process denominated knowledge maintenance, in which an enterprise systematically gathers, organizes, shares, and analyzes knowledge to accomplish its goals and mission. The V&V process states if the software requirements specifications have been correctly and completely fulfilled. The methodologies proposed in software engineering have showed to be inadequate for Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) validation and verification, since KBS present some particular characteristics. VERITAS is an automatic tool developed for KBS verification which is able to detect a large number of knowledge anomalies. It addresses many relevant aspects considered in real applications, like the usage of rule triggering selection mechanisms and temporal reasoning.


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Recently, operational matrices were adapted for solving several kinds of fractional differential equations (FDEs). The use of numerical techniques in conjunction with operational matrices of some orthogonal polynomials, for the solution of FDEs on finite and infinite intervals, produced highly accurate solutions for such equations. This article discusses spectral techniques based on operational matrices of fractional derivatives and integrals for solving several kinds of linear and nonlinear FDEs. More precisely, we present the operational matrices of fractional derivatives and integrals, for several polynomials on bounded domains, such as the Legendre, Chebyshev, Jacobi and Bernstein polynomials, and we use them with different spectral techniques for solving the aforementioned equations on bounded domains. The operational matrices of fractional derivatives and integrals are also presented for orthogonal Laguerre and modified generalized Laguerre polynomials, and their use with numerical techniques for solving FDEs on a semi-infinite interval is discussed. Several examples are presented to illustrate the numerical and theoretical properties of various spectral techniques for solving FDEs on finite and semi-infinite intervals.


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13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems (Robotica), 2013, Lisboa


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Many of the most common human functions such as temporal and non-monotonic reasoning have not yet been fully mapped in developed systems, even though some theoretical breakthroughs have already been accomplished. This is mainly due to the inherent computational complexity of the theoretical approaches. In the particular area of fault diagnosis in power systems however, some systems which tried to solve the problem, have been deployed using methodologies such as production rule based expert systems, neural networks, recognition of chronicles, fuzzy expert systems, etc. SPARSE (from the Portuguese acronym, which means expert system for incident analysis and restoration support) was one of the developed systems and, in the sequence of its development, came the need to cope with incomplete and/or incorrect information as well as the traditional problems for power systems fault diagnosis based on SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) information retrieval, namely real-time operation, huge amounts of information, etc. This paper presents an architecture for a decision support system, which can solve the presented problems, using a symbiosis of the event calculus and the default reasoning rule based system paradigms, insuring soft real-time operation with incomplete, incorrect or domain incoherent information handling ability. A prototype implementation of this system is already at work in the control centre of the Portuguese Transmission Network.


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This paper describes an architecture conceived to integrate Power Sys-tems tools in a Power System Control Centre, based on an Ambient Intelligent (AmI) paradigm. This architecture is an instantiation of the generic architecture proposed in [1] for developing systems that interact with AmI environments. This architecture has been proposed as a consequence of a methodology for the inclu-sion of Artificial Intelligence in AmI environments (ISyRAmI - Intelligent Sys-tems Research for Ambient Intelligence). The architecture presented in the paper will be able to integrate two applications in the control room of a power system transmission network. The first is SPARSE expert system, used to get diagnosis of incidents and to support power restoration. The second application is an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) incorporating two training tools. The first tutoring tool is used to train operators to get the diagnosis of incidents. The second one is another tutoring tool used to train operators to perform restoration procedures.


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A multiresidue gas chromatographic method for the determination of six fungicides (captan, chlorthalonil, folpet, iprodione, procymidone and vinclozolin) and one acaricide (dicofol) in still and fortified wines was developed. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was chosen for the extraction of the compounds from the studied matrices and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) detection was used. The extraction consists in a solvent free and automated procedure and the detection is highly sensitive and selective. Good linearity was obtained with correlation coefficients of regression (R2) > 0.99 for all the compounds. Satisfactory results of repeatability and intermediate precision were obtained for most of the analytes (RSD < 20%). Recoveries from spiked wine ranged from 80.1% to 112.0%. Limits of quantification (LOQs) were considerably below the proposedmaximumresidue limits (MRLs) for these compounds in grapes and below the suggested limits for wine (MRLs/10), with the exception of captan.


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We have developed a new method for single-drop microextraction (SDME) for the preconcentration of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) from complex matrices. It is based on the use of a silicone ring at the tip of the syringe. A 5 μL drop of n-hexane is applied to an aqueous extract containing the OCP and found to be adequate to preconcentrate the OCPs prior to analysis by GC in combination with tandem mass spectrometry. Fourteen OCP were determined using this technique in combination with programmable temperature vaporization. It is shown to have many advantages over traditional split/splitless injection. The effects of kind of organic solvent, exposure time, agitation and organic drop volume were optimized. Relative recoveries range from 59 to 117 %, with repeatabilities of <15 % (coefficient of variation) were achieved. The limits of detection range from 0.002 to 0.150 μg kg−1. The method was applied to the preconcentration of OCPs in fresh strawberry, strawberry jam, and soil.


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Ibuprofen is one of the most used active pharmaceutical ingredients worldwide. A new method for the analysis of ibuprofen and its metabolites, hydroxyibuprofen and carboxyibuprofen, in soils is presented. The extraction of these compounds from the soil matrices was performed by using a modified quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe (QuEChERS) method. The method involves a single extraction of the investigated compounds with purified water (acidified at pH 2.5 with hydrochloric acid), and a slow and continuous addition of the QuEChERS content, followed by the addition of acidified acetonitrile (1% acetic acid), prior to the determination by liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection (LC–FLD). Validation studies were carried out using soil samples with a range of organic carbon contents. Recoveries of the fortified samples ranged from 79.5% to 101%. Relative standard deviations for all matrix–compound combinations did not exceed 3%. The method quantification limits were ≤22.4 μg kg−1 in all cases. The developed method was applied to the analysis of sixteen real samples.


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Environmental pollution continues to be an emerging study field, as there are thousands of anthropogenic compounds mixed in the environment whose possible mechanisms of toxicity and physiological outcomes are of great concern. Developing methods to access and prioritize the screening of these compounds at trace levels in order to support regulatory efforts is, therefore, very important. A methodology based on solid phase extraction followed by derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was developed for the assessment of four endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in water matrices: bisphenol A, estrone, 17b-estradiol and 17a-ethinylestradiol. The study was performed, simultaneously, by two different laboratories in order to evaluate the robustness of the method and to increase the quality control over its application in routine analysis. Validation was done according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations and other international guidelines with specifications for the GC-MS methodology. Matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement was avoided by using matrix-standard calibration solutions and heteroscedasticity has been overtaken by a weighted least squares linear regression model application. Consistent evaluation of key analytical parameters such as extraction efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness was done in accordance with standards established for acceptance. Finally, the application of the optimized method in the assessment of the selected analytes in environmental samples suggested that it is an expedite methodology for routine analysis of EDC residues in water matrices.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química.Ramo optimização energética na indústria química


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Nos dias de hoje é necessário criar hábitos de vida mais saudáveis que contribuam para o bem-estar da população. Adoptar medidas e práticas de modo regular e disciplinado, pode diminuir o risco do aparecimento de determinadas doenças, como a obesidade, as doenças cardiovasculares, a hipertensão, a diabetes, alguns tipos de cancro e tantas outras. É também importante salientar que, uma alimentação cuidada dá saúde e aumenta a esperança média de vida. Em Portugal, nos últimos anos, os costumes alimentares da população têm vindo a alterar-se significativamente. As refeições caseiras confeccionadas com produtos frescos dão lugar à designada “cultura do fast food”. Em contrapartida, os consumidores são cada vez mais exigentes, estando em permanente alerta no que se refere ao estado dos alimentos. A rotulagem de um produto, para além da função publicitária, tem vindo a ser objecto de legislação específica de forma a fornecer informação simples e clara, correspondente à composição, qualidade, quantidade, validade ou outras características do produto. Estas informações devem ser acessíveis a qualquer tipo de público, com mais ou menos formação e de qualquer estrato social. A qualidade e segurança dos produtos deve basear-se na garantia de que todos os ingredientes, materiais de embalagem e processos produtivos são adequados à produção de produtos seguros, saudáveis e saborosos. A Silliker Portugal, S.A. é uma empresa independente de prestação de serviços para o sector agro-alimentar, líder mundial na prestação de serviços para a melhoria da qualidade e segurança alimentar. A Silliker dedica-se a ajudar as empresas a encontrar soluções para os desafios actuais do sector, oferecendo uma ampla gama de serviços, onde se inclui o serviço de análises microbiológicas, químicas e sensorial; consultadoria em segurança alimentar e desenvolvimento; auditorias; rotulagem e legislação. A actualização permanente de procedimentos na procura de uma melhoria contínua é um dos objectivos da empresa. Para responder a um dos desafios colocados à Silliker, surgiu este trabalho, que consistiu no desenvolvimento de um novo método para determinação de ácidos gordos e da gordura total em diferentes tipos de alimentos e comparação dos resultados, com os obtidos com o método analítico até então adoptado. Se a gordura é um elemento de grande importância na alimentação, devido às suas propriedades nutricionais e organoléticas, recentemente, os investigadores têm focado a sua atenção nos mais diversos ácidos gordos (saturados, monoinsaturados e polinsaturados), em particular nos ácidos gordos essenciais e nos isómeros do ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA), uma mistura de isómeros posicionais e geométricos do ácido linoleico com actividade biológica importante. A técnica usada nas determinações foi a cromatografia gasosa com ionização de chama, GC-FID, tendo as amostras sido previamente tratadas e extraídas de acordo com o tipo de matriz. A metodologia analítica desenvolvida permitiu a correcta avaliação do perfil em ácidos gordos, tendo-se para isso usado uma mistura de 37 ésteres metílicos, em que o ácido gordo C13:0 foi usado como padrão interno. A identificação baseou-se nos tempos de retenção de cada ácido gordo da mistura e para a quantificação usaram-se os factores de resposta. A validação do método implementado foi baseada nos resultados obtidos no estudo de três matrizes relativas a materiais certificados pela BIPEA (Bureau Interprofessionnel des Etudes Analytiques), para o que foram efectuadas doze réplicas de cada matriz. Para cada réplica efectuada foi calculado o teor de matéria gorda, sendo posteriormente o resultado comparado com o emitido pela entidade certificada. Após análise de cada constituinte foi também possível calcular o teor em ácidos gordos saturados, monoinsaturados e polinsaturados. A determinação do perfil em ácidos gordos dos materiais certificados foi aceitável atendendo aos valores obtidos, os quais se encontravam no intervalo de valores admissíveis indicados nos relatórios. A quantificação da matéria gorda no que se refere à matriz de “Paté à Tartinier” apresentou um z-score de 4,3, o que de acordo com as exigências internas da Silliker, não é válido. Para as outras duas matrizes (“Mélange Nutritif” e “Plat cuisiné à base de viande”) os valores de z-score foram, respectivamente, 0,7 e -1,0, o que permite concluir a validade do método. Para que o método possa vir a ser adoptado como método alternativo é necessário um estudo mais alargado relativamente a amostras com diferentes composições. O método foi aplicado na análise de amostras de fiambre, leite gordo, queijo, ovo com ómega 3, amendoim e óleo de girassol, e os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos pelo método até então adoptado.


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O biodiesel é uma fonte de energia renovável, que se pode obter pela transformação dos resíduos domésticos, e é ambientalmente inócuo, e fácil de transportar, pois tem um ponto de fulgor elevado. Atualmente tem-se focado a atenção nos efeitos da oxidação do biodiesel causados pelo contato com o ar ambiente durante o seu armazenamento. Os produtores, fornecedores e consumidores, pretendem garantir que a qualidade do biodiesel e das suas misturas com combustíveis destilados do petróleo, mantém-se durante longos períodos de armazenamento. A maioria dos óleos vegetais e das gorduras animais, usados como matéria – prima, são triacilgliceróis com grupos ácido gordos de cadeia longa (C16 – C18) ligados por ligações éster a uma estrutura de glicerol. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do ácido gálhico e seus derivados alquilo ésteres aumentando a resistência relativa à oxidação do ácido linoléico, inibindo a peroxidação ácido gordos de cadeia longa insaturados. Outro objetivo foi estudar a taxa de inibição da auto-oxidação do ácido linoleico. Foi, ainda estudado o efeito que a concentração do antioxidante, tinha na estabilidade do ácido linoleico. No caso do ácido gálhico verificou-se que o aumento para o dobro da concentração do antioxidante utilizada, obtinha-se quase o dobro da taxa de inibição da oxidação do ácido linoleico. A auto-oxidação de ácido linoleico é acompanhada pela formação do seu dieno conjugado, o qual foi medido sua absorvância, durante 7 dias, por espetrofotometria de absorção UV a 234 nm. Uma diminuição da taxa de formação de dieno conjugado, indica o aumento da atividade antioxidante do composto adicionado à micela de ácido linoleico. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que de todos os antioxidantes testados o galhato de butilo é o que possibilita uma maior inibição da oxidação do ácido linoleico para as duas concentrações de antioxidantes testadas (0,1 mM e 1mM), obteve-se uma percentagem de inibição do ácido linoleico de 54,0% e 63,6%, respetivamente. O estudo comparativo da estabilização do ácido linoleico com o antioxidante de referência, o butil -hidroxitolueno, mostrou que este composto tem um poder de estabilização inferior a qualquer dos antioxidantes estudados. Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que a utilização de compostos fenólicos, em especial o galhato de butilo, constitui uma boa alternativa para a estabilização de matrizes lipídicas, nomeadamente de combustíveis como o biodiesel.


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The analysis of opiates is of vital interest in drug abuse monitoring and research. This review presents a general overview of the electrochemical methods used for detection and quantification of opiates in a variety of matrices. Emphasis has been placed on the voltammetric methods used for study and determination of morphine, codeine, and heroin. Specific issues that need to be solved and better explained as well as future trends in the use of electrochemical methods in the examination of opiates are also discussed.


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Formaldehyde is a toxic component that is present in foundry resins. Its quantification is important to the characterisation of the resin (kind and degradation) as well as for the evaluation of free contaminants present in wastes generated by the foundry industry. The complexity of the matrices considered suggests the need for separative techniques. The method developed for the identification and quantification of formaldehyde in foundry resins is based on the determination of free carbonyl compounds by derivatization with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH), being adapted to the considered matrices using liquid chromatography (LC) with UV detection. Formaldehyde determinations in several foundry resins gave precise results. Mean recovery and R.S.D. were, respectively, >95 and 5%. Analyses by the hydroxylamine reference method gave comparable results. Results showed that hydroxylamine reference method is applicable just for a specific kind of resin, while the developed method has good performance for all studied resins.


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In order to combat a variety of pests, pesticides are widely used in fruits. Several extraction procedures (liquid extraction, single drop microextraction, microwave-assisted extraction, pressurized liquid extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, solid-phase extraction, solid-phase microextraction, matrix solid-phase dispersion, and stir bar sorptive extraction) have been reported to determine pesticide residues in fruits and fruit juices. The significant change in recent years is the introduction of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe (QuEChERS) methods in these matrices analysis. A combination of techniques reported the use of new extraction methods and chromatography to provide better quantitative recoveries at low levels. The use of mass spectrometric detectors in combination with liquid and gas chromatography has played a vital role to solve many problems related to food safety. The main attention in this review is on the achievements that have been possible because of the progress in extraction methods and the latest advances and novelties in mass spectrometry, and how these progresses have influenced the best control of food, allowing for an increase in the food safety and quality standards.