203 resultados para Plano real


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O empreendedorismo tem-se assumido cada vez mais como uma área impulsionadora do desenvolvimento económico dos vários países. O empreendedor tem-se mostrado como um indivíduo capaz de forçar este desenvolvimento através da implementação das suas ideias e projetos criativos e/ou através da sustentabilidade em áreas menos desenvolvidas. De notar que o empreendedorismo atua nas mais diversas áreas, desde a tecnologia, passando pelo turismo, agricultura, atividades industriais ou até mesmo ao nível da responsabilidade e atuação social. Não é portanto, um veículo de desenvolvimento de países ricos ou pobres, desenvolvidos ou em vias de desenvolvimento, é sim, um meio de alcançar mais e melhores resultados, funcionando como força motriz igualmente importante, em grandes metrópoles ou em meios locais rurais. Para que os projetos de empreendedorismo avancem (ou não), é essencial saber reter do plano de negócio a sua real utilidade. Esta ferramenta ao serviço do empreendedor visa ajudar na tomada de decisão, tornando todos os elementos direta ou indiretamente ligados ao projeto, efetivamente visíveis, para que seja viável analisar o seu impacto. Deste modo, pretende-se com esta dissertação dar resposta a questões relacionadas com a viabilidade económico-financeira do projeto em estudo, procurando impulsionar a economia local e nacional através da recuperação e valorização de biscoitos nacionais. É também intuito incluir a perspetiva da Responsabilidade Social neste projeto, para que haja um real intercâmbio de saberes com a comunidade.


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Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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The introduction of wind power generation in several countries around the world, including in European countries, where energy policy directives have encouraged the use of renewables, led to several changes in market and power systems operation. The intensive integration of these sources has led to situations in which the demand is lower than the available renewable resources. In these situations a part of the available generation is wasted if not used for storage or to supply additional demand. This paper proposes a real time demand response methodology based on changing the electricity price for the consumers expecting an increase in the demand in the periods in which that demand is lower than the available renewable generation. The consumers response to the changes in electricity price is characterized by their price elasticity of demand considered distinct for each consumer type. The proposed methodology is applied to the Portuguese power system, in the context of the Iberian electricity market (MIBEL). The renewable-based producers are considered as special producers, with special tariffs, and so it is important to use the energy available as it will be paid anyway. In this context, consumers are entities actively participating in the operation of the market.


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The use of distributed energy resources, based on natural intermittent power sources, like wind generation, in power systems imposes the development of new adequate operation management and control methodologies. A short-term Energy Resource Management (ERM) methodology performed in two phases is proposed in this paper. The first one addresses the day-ahead ERM scheduling and the second one deals with the five-minute ahead ERM scheduling. The ERM scheduling is a complex optimization problem due to the high quantity of variables and constraints. In this paper the main goal is to minimize the operation costs from the point of view of a virtual power player that manages the network and the existing resources. The optimization problem is solved by a deterministic mixedinteger non-linear programming approach. A case study considering a distribution network with 33 bus, 66 distributed generation, 32 loads with demand response contracts and 7 storage units and 1000 electric vehicles has been implemented in a simulator developed in the field of the presented work, in order to validate the proposed short-term ERM methodology considering the dynamic power system behavior.


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Smart Grids (SGs) appeared as the new paradigm for power system management and operation, being designed to integrate large amounts of distributed energy resources. This new paradigm requires a more efficient Energy Resource Management (ERM) and, simultaneously, makes this a more complex problem, due to the intensive use of distributed energy resources (DER), such as distributed generation, active consumers with demand response contracts, and storage units. This paper presents a methodology to address the energy resource scheduling, considering an intensive use of distributed generation and demand response contracts. A case study of a 30 kV real distribution network, including a substation with 6 feeders and 937 buses, is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. This network is managed by six virtual power players (VPP) with capability to manage the DER and the distribution network.


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The study of electricity markets operation has been gaining an increasing importance in last years, as result of the new challenges that the electricity markets restructuring produced. This restructuring increased the competitiveness of the market, but with it its complexity. The growing complexity and unpredictability of the market’s evolution consequently increases the decision making difficulty. Therefore, the intervenient entities are forced to rethink their behaviour and market strategies. Currently, lots of information concerning electricity markets is available. These data, concerning innumerous regards of electricity markets operation, is accessible free of charge, and it is essential for understanding and suitably modelling electricity markets. This paper proposes a tool which is able to handle, store and dynamically update data. The development of the proposed tool is expected to be of great importance to improve the comprehension of electricity markets and the interactions among the involved entities.


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This paper proposes an energy resources management methodology based on three distinct time horizons: day-ahead scheduling, hour-ahead scheduling, and real-time scheduling. In each scheduling process it is necessary the update of generation and consumption operation and of the storage and electric vehicles storage status. Besides the new operation condition, it is important more accurate forecast values of wind generation and of consumption using results of in short-term and very short-term methods. A case study considering a distribution network with intensive use of distributed generation and electric vehicles is presented.


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The increasing importance given by environmental policies to the dissemination and use of wind power has led to its fast and large integration in power systems. In most cases, this integration has been done in an intensive way, causing several impacts and challenges in current and future power systems operation and planning. One of these challenges is dealing with the system conditions in which the available wind power is higher than the system demand. This is one of the possible applications of demand response, which is a very promising resource in the context of competitive environments that integrates even more amounts of distributed energy resources, as well as new players. The methodology proposed aims the maximization of the social welfare in a smart grid operated by a virtual power player that manages the available energy resources. When facing excessive wind power generation availability, real time pricing is applied in order to induce the increase of consumption so that wind curtailment is minimized. The proposed method is especially useful when actual and day-ahead wind forecast differ significantly. The proposed method has been computationally implemented in GAMS optimization tool and its application is illustrated in this paper using a real 937-bus distribution network with 20310 consumers and 548 distributed generators, some of them with must take contracts.


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This paper presents the development of a solar photovoltaic (PV) model based on PSCAD/EMTDC - Power System Computer Aided Design – including a mathematical model study. An additional algorithm has been implemented in MATLAB software in order to calculate several parameters required by the PSCAD developed model. All the simulation study has been performed in PSCAD/MATLAB software simulation tool. A real data base concerning irradiance, cell temperature and PV power generation was used in order to support the evaluation of the implemented PV model.


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Recent changes in power systems mainly due to the substantial increase of distributed generation and to the operation in competitive environments has created new challenges to operation and planning. In this context, Virtual Power Players (VPP) can aggregate a diversity of players, namely generators and consumers, and a diversity of energy resources, including electricity generation based on several technologies, storage and demand response. Demand response market implementation has been done in recent years. Several implementation models have been considered. An important characteristic of a demand response program is the trigger criterion. A program for which the event trigger depends on the Locational Marginal Price (LMP) used by the New England Independent System operator (ISO-NE) inspired the present paper. This paper proposes a methodology to support VPP demand response programs management. The proposed method has been computationally implemented and its application is illustrated using a 32 bus network with intensive use of distributed generation. Results concerning the evaluation of the impact of using demand response events are also presented.


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In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns for the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. As demand response levels have decreased after the introduction of competition in the power industry, new approaches are required to take full advantage of demand response opportunities. This paper presents DemSi, a demand response simulator that allows studying demand response actions and schemes in distribution networks. It undertakes the technical validation of the solution using realistic network simulation based on PSCAD. The use of DemSi by a retailer in a situation of energy shortage, is presented. Load reduction is obtained using a consumer based price elasticity approach supported by real time pricing. Non-linear programming is used to maximize the retailer’s profit, determining the optimal solution for each envisaged load reduction. The solution determines the price variations considering two different approaches, price variations determined for each individual consumer or for each consumer type, allowing to prove that the approach used does not significantly influence the retailer’s profit. The paper presents a case study in a 33 bus distribution network with 5 distinct consumer types. The obtained results and conclusions show the adequacy of the used methodology and its importance for supporting retailers’ decision making.


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The idea behind creating this special issue on real world applications of intelligent tutoring systems was to bring together in a single publication some of the most important examples of success in the use of ITS technology. This will serve as a reference to all researchers working in the area. It will also be an important resource for the industry, showing the maturity of ITS technology and creating an atmosphere for funding new ITS projects. Simultaneously, it will be valuable to academic groups, motivating students for new ideas of ITS and promoting new academic research work in the area.


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O Plano Nacional de Saúde (PNS) é um instrumento estratégico, adoptado por cada vez mais países, que permite o alinhamento das políticas de saúde, de forma coerente e fundamentada, com o objectivo da maximização dos ganhos em saúde para a população desse país… …Para tal, o processo de planeamento, de estratégia e de gestão das políticas de saúde deve ser cíclico, interactivo e amplamente participado. Deve ser explícito, fundamentado, monitorizável e avaliado, permitindo a (re)construção de novos planos que criem novas opções estratégicas para a melhoria cumulativa do sistema de saúde e da saúde das populações In Site do Plano Nacional de Saúde. Alto Comissariado para a Saúde. 2011-2016 A Fisioterapia é a terceira maior profissão prestadora de cuidados não só na Europa como também em Portugal. Existem no momento cerca de 6000 Fisioterapeutas no nosso País, grande parte com as suas licenciaturas realizadas em Escola Públicas e é esperável que sejam cerca de 10000 em 2015. Além do número de fisioterapeutas ter vindo a crescer substancialmente tanto nível nacional como internacional, outros factores têm contribuído para a visibilidade da profissão: a World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA) – organização internacional que representava organismos mundiais de quatro profissões de saúde, - enfermeiros, médicos, dentistas e farmacêuticos - integrou recentemente a fisioterapia através da sua representante mundial, a World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT). A WHPA é, neste momento, a maior e mais poderosa organização mundial para os profissionais de saúde. Através das suas cinco organizações representa mais de 600 organizações nacionais filiadas, falando para 26 milhões de profissionais de saúde em mais de 130 países. Esta aliança permite o trabalho em colaboração, de profissionais de saúde de todo o mundo, estando a Fisioterapia ao nível das outras quatro grandes profissões de Saúde. Porém, verificamos não existir ainda em Portugal, compreensão das potencialidades do contributo do fisioterapeuta junto das populações, nem o seu efectivo aproveitamento, tendo os fisioterapeutas portugueses um forte sentimento de que as reais mais-valias da profissão não são reconhecidas. A fisioterapia é parte essencial dos sistemas de saúde. Os fisioterapeutas podem praticar independentemente de outros profissionais de saúde e também no contexto de programas e projectos interdisciplinares de habilitação/reabilitação, com o objectivo de restaurar a função e a qualidade de vida, em indivíduos com perdas ou alterações de movimento. Os fisioterapeutas guiam-se pelos seus próprios códigos e princípios de éticos. Pensamos ser tempo de ver reflectido no PNS o contributo específico destes profissionais e deixarmos de encontrar em todos os documentos da saúde a menção exclusiva a médicos e enfermeiros, inclusivamente em áreas típicas da prestação daqueles profissionais. Nesse sentido deverão ser utilizados os indicadores próprios dos recursos e da prestação em fisioterapia criados pelos próprios profissionais Existem já normas de boas práticas para os fisioterapeutas e para unidades de fisioterapia baseadas em normas internacionais emanadas pela World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) e adaptadas à realidade Portuguesa, que deverão servir de base ao exercício da fisioterapia.